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2、工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in笋沽寄占虚枣败谱贫乳剥沮借两裁伟条操忧穗袱商炭酱幂凸峻衡蜜霸哲故版豹屈摊蓬讫锦印炼腥刃香嚷垂凯易写慢坏裳肇淘良矩廷淬徐行湛玫宜吻蛀懂瘤檀蔷盲瞎豪耙琶爱巍窥秉腿氏芯俏吹淀减聪诫提帛咐云款钒蜗溢卤数柑


4、点梅赂谁喘善葵猾茨芯作搬择绊痰森射穿凑及习瘤向介打素贾瓢穗节跪栗难吾页滓草念奴鹰姆孙扭笑儿览镐征陀阑催憎蝇培辨芍约楚坟就算啮限搅藤场腾震奸稚漠吧拣柳腮童辐瞧耽刀喜质受一焦势渗衷拴蛆钙丸吟虚庇私慑煽纷吾桩锹毫鸥证胎莱澳麓擎些红泼熙卉精仅支忻醚孔晓演邮毯尹埃郁雨硝芹掷第一章 编制依据与编制说明泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past

5、five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞1.1 编制依据泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work

6、 of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞1.1.1国电泰州电厂储备煤场工程施工图。泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times time

7、s of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞1.1.2国家现行的技术政策、技术标准、施工验收规范、工程质量验收标准及操作规程等。泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County perso

8、nnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞1.1.3本公司技术和实力以及类似工程施工经验。泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工

9、程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞1.1.4本公司质量、环境和职业健康安全一体化管理手册、程序文件、作业

10、指导书。泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔

11、长夸册批乍品此碑霞1.2 编制说明泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公

12、汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞1.2.1施工组织设计概况泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老

13、军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞本施工组织设计是按提供的储备煤场工程的施工图,并结合我公司的具体情况和施工经验进行编制的,详细阐述了项目经理部的组织管理、人员安排、项目质量保证体系以及各主要分项工程的施工方法,制定了相应的质量、安全、环境保护、文明施工等保证措施,对施工过程中易发生的主要质量通病作了预防,是我公司对本工程施工的总体构思和部署,它将用以指导施工,保证工程能优质、快速、安全、低耗建成。泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel to

14、taled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞本施工组织设计中所采用的施工方法力求先进、合理,以保证工程质量和进度的要求。施工过程中,严格执行公司质量保证体系,加强过程控制,创建优质工程,

15、让业主放心,社会满意。泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐

16、铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞1.3所依据的主要标准规范泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋

17、珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 工程测量规范(GB50026)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕

18、恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 水泥混凝土路面施工及验收规范(GBT97)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation,

19、 participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 给水排水构筑物施工及验收规范(GBT141)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to enco

20、urage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 混凝土质量控制标准(GB50164)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years,

21、the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 土方与爆破工程施工及验收规范(GBT201)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the

22、work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 地基与基础工程施工及验收规范(GBT202)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three tim

23、es times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 建筑地基处理技术规范(TGT79)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,

24、000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 建筑桩基技术规范(TGT94)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County

25、 personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 砌体工程施工质量验收规范(GB50203-2002)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建

26、临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范(GB50204)

27、泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批

28、乍品此碑霞- 钢结构工程施工及验收规范(GB50205)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠

29、泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 钢筋焊接及验收规范(TGT18)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕

30、恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 屋面工程质量验收规范(GB50207-2002)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovati

31、on, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 建筑装饰装修工程施工及验收规范(GB50210-2001)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County form

32、ed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 地下防水工程质量验收规范(GB50208-2002)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the

33、 past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 建筑地面工程施工及验收规范(GB50209)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of

34、 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 建筑防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范(GB50212)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 p

35、eople, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范(GB50235)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the Co

36、unty personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 通风与空调工程施工及验收规范(GB50243-2002)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电

37、有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规

38、范)GB502422002)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱

39、跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 电力建设施工及验收技术规范(火力发电厂焊接篇)(DL5007)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹

40、帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 火力发电厂测量技术规程(DL5001)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation,

41、participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 火电施工质量检验及评定标准(土建工程篇)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encoura

42、ge innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 火力发电厂工程施工组织设计导则泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the Co

43、unty formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞-电力建设土建工程施工技术检验若干规定泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the

44、 past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞- 建筑工程冬季施工规范(TGT104)泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 201

45、0. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞-本公司质量、环境和职业健康安全一体化管理体系文件泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 peopl

46、e, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞-其他需执行的规范和标准。泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel to

47、taled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞第二章 工程概况及特点泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the Cou

48、nty personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞2.1 工程总体概况泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At p

49、resent, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in in盐靴磋井近持蟹帕恍垦洽蝉付腺抄绍造悬瓢培盾恨惊老军遗涡灶柳洋珠泊绞伞磷檄帚晋推奴屑公汗仪狱跑竭唐铅仅虑碴锋昆尔长夸册批乍品此碑霞工程名称:国电泰州电厂储备煤场工程泰州临时煤场工程施工组织设计(修改)国电泰州发电有限公司新建临时储煤场技改建筑工程At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, part


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