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1、Unit3SectionA (1a-2d)教案【教材版本与册数】 新目标人教版八年级上册【单元名称】 Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister.【课时】Section A 1a-2d (第1课时)【课型】Listening and Speaking (听说课)教 材 分 析本课时内谷人教社新目标初中央语教材 8上Unit 3,该单兀话题是Personal traits ,功能是Talk abou personaltraitsandcomparepeople”, SectionA部分从对人物个性特征对比的角度入手,向学生介绍形容词和副词的概念和用法,同时拓展学生

2、相关的形容词和副词词汇,并训练学生比较级句型的运用及培养他们的谛言结构意识。本课是T听说课型”,呈现主要话题词汇,通过听说活动导入比较急这一语言结构,1醋口分通过台下学生对台上的校园乐队演唱会表演者的外貌等特征进行比较和讨论,引入形容词和副词的比较级基本结构,并在后面的教学活动中,发展学生听说能力。通过本课时的学习,在语言技能上,让学生体会形容词和副词比较级的运用,加入than几乎等同于汉语 比”的概念,设法在学生脑海中建立起英语-(i)er和more相当于汉语 史”的概念,引导学生感知谛言 特点,掌握谛言结构。在策略上,采用听说课的主题教学活动的开展,在情感态度上,培养学生正确 开展对自己和

3、他人的描述并给予简短评价,培养社交意识。语百知识目标:1.通过教师自身的情景式导入和与学生互动的问答形式,学习和巩固该话题下的词汇句型,激发 调动学生的求知欲,熟练使用以下词汇、短语和句型:教 学 目 标outgoing, both, better, loudly, quietly, hard-working, competition, fantastic, which, clearly, win, though, talented-Is that Sam?- -No, thats Tom. Sam has longer hair than Tom.- -Both Sam and Tom ca

4、n play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom.-Nelly sang so well.- -I think Lisa sang better than Nelly.- -Which one was Lisa?- -The one with shorter hair. I think she sang more clearly than Nelly.学习策略:2 .通过听前的词汇分类与听中聚焦关键信息,学生能掌握该听力策略。3 .通过听后深度挖掘听力信息任务的设置和文本再构,学生能进一步去判断并思考表达观点,发 展了口语技能。情感态度价

5、值观目标:能够运用形容词和副词的比较级来止确客观评价身边的同学、朋友和家人。教学教学重点:重难点1)掌握形容词及副词的比较级的规则和不规则表达形式。2)能运用目标谛言简单描述自己及亲友的性格特征。3)通过听力训练提高综合听说能力。教学难点:1)能准确掌握形容词和副词比较级的结构。2)能准确运用目标语言来正确描述人物个性特征。建议教法情景交际法,任务型教学法,听说课的“ 3P”教学模式:P-呈现(语言输入)P-操练(1.机械操练2.听力训练)P-运用(语百输出)设置t青景意义操练设计听后活动任务,先模仿再迁移总结,听后设置任务提升学生语言运用能力教学流程(详见活动教学设计)教学评价1 .本课时的

6、目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。2 .听中的活动设计遵循谛言规律,由易到难逐层递进,充分体现谛言输入到谛言输出的完整过程。3 .听后的活动设计体现对文本内容的深度挖掘和文本再构,体现了对学生思维品格的训练与培养。附:教学活动设计步骤过程措施(教师活动与学生活动)目的持续性评价6 / 121Step 1Greetin1.T:Check the answers that Ss have donethrough the exercises before the class.1.利用课前预备单的练习题来帮助学生预热本课时目标谛言,初步掌握1.通过课前的预习,预备g andS

7、: Ss prepares and reviews and finishes形容词及副词比较级的基本结构。 有培养学生的预习习与激活先Leading insomething.效的激活学生与此话题相关的背景知识激活学生的前期知识,培养学生惯。期知(3mins2.T :leads in the topic of this class by introducing the良好的预习习惯。识)portraits of the well-known people.S: Ss learn some new words by answering the questions .T: Whats Yao Min

8、g like?S: He is tall.T: How about Pan Changjiang ? Is he tall ?S: No, he isnt. He is short.T: Yes, Pan Changjiang is short, and he is shorter than Yao Ming.New sentences learning by pictures:Liu Yifei is thinner than Lin Xinru.The women are fatter than the man and the woman. 2.真实情景式导入话题并呈现所需 形容词汇,如:

9、tall, short, fat, thin, outgoing等,激发学生的学习兴趣2.学生利用老师提供 的信息对老师进行提 问。Step2 Prelistening (听前)(5 mins)Step 3 Whilelistening (听中)(10 mins)T: lets match each word with its opposite.1atallloudlythinshort hairong hairheavyquietlyshortT: Then listen and number the pairs of twins in the picture 1-3 (1b)S: List

10、en and number the personT: Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations with the other twins. (1c)S:A: That s Tara, isnt it?B: No, it isnt. It s Tina. Tina is taller1 .预习常用句型,如 A is than B, both A and B等,为后续听力活 动中抓住关键信息做铺垫。2 .预习 1a 中的词汇,tall -short; thin -heavy; long hair

11、- short hair;quietly - loudly3 .听1b中的录首,并在图中指出所 描述的人物。4.1c练习通过观察图片信息,用上 一环节中的句型进行对话。学生能根据所给出的 句型来熟悉比较级的 词汇信息。学生两人一组能利用 目标句型进行对话展 示通过听短对话,学生 能抓住对话重点 学生两人一组能利用 目标句型进行对话展 示than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara.T:Can you compare the people in the picture?S:_ Tom has shorter hair than Sam.T

12、ina is more outgoing than Tara. Paul is shorter than Tom.Read the conversations in 1a1.T: Is that Sam?S:No, thats Tom. Sam has longer hair than Tom.T: And, both Sam and Tom S: Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom.1. T plays the mp3 for the first time and Point out

13、the复习巩固目标句型,如:A is thantwo columns and read the headings:-er, -ier andB, both A and B are,为后续听力做more.Then point out the words in the box.Read准备和铺垫2them.I获取2. Ss listen and write the -er and -ier words in the新first column and the words that use more in the知second column.识3. T plays the recording and

14、check the answers.培养学生听前预测和聚焦关键4. Point out the picture and the two boxes with the信息和关注细节问题的听力策略headings Tina is and Tara is.5. T plays the recording and check the answers.6. Ss ask and answer in pairs .A: Who is more outgoing, Tina or Tara?B: I think 能逐步掌握利用听中聚焦关键信息A: How do you know that?7 /12关注细节

15、的策略,容易地完成听力B: Because. 任务部分学生应该能利用此策略获取有效信3 深 度 加 工 知 识Step 4Postlistening(听后)(17mins)I.Make your own conversations according to the information. Ask pairs to continue on their own. (with the following structure:)51: Hi,Do you know Sam and Tom?52: Yes, they are my friends.53: Is Sam the same as Tom?

16、54: No, Sam is taller than Tom.S1:2. Read the conversation in 2d for the first time and try to match the people with the right things.a. sang betterNellyb. with shorter hairLi c. practice more and reallywanted to wind. sang more clearlye. danced better3. Read the conversation for the second time and

17、 finish the exercise:A:Hello,did you like the singing competition?B:1. D进一步巩固听力内容,拓展学生思维通过观察图片中的信息,用所学句型 进行造句。目的是让学生能够用语言 表达所学知识。通过阅读后设置题型,来让学生进一 步熟悉书面考察的形式能在老师的引导卜对2c中所出现的两个人 物进行谈论。A:2. BB:Yes,she did well.But Mary did better than her.A:3. AB:Because I think Mary sang more loudly and clearly.A:Yes.

18、But Lucy dances better than Mary.She practices every day.And she won the last dancing competition last week.4. CB:That girl in the red dress and with long hair.A:I see.5. EB:Yes, she is.And she is my classmate.A.Why do you think so?B.Did Lucy do well?C.Which is Mary?D.Yes,I did.It was fantastic.E. I

19、s she in Class One?4 评 价 学 生 学 习Step 5Sum mary and Exercise1. Lead the Ss to find out the structure of this part:summary:use the target languages to make your ownconversations with the following structure:A: Did you like the competition last week?B: Oh, it s .XXX played ( sang/ danced/ ) really well

20、.A: Yes, but I think XXX did better. I think she/heis more outgoing (active/ wonderful/ )C: Yes, but I think 2. let the Ss make their own conversations with theevents happened recently.3. let the Ss show their works and the others can join the discussions.4. Lets do some exercise.I.按要求写出卜列各词的止确形式总结复

21、习目标语言,使学生能进一步 牢固地掌握目标句型,而且还能培养 学生与学生之间的相互学习能力。体现基础知识的当堂检测与及时反 馈,并让学生能再次巩固本和运用堂 课的基础知识。通过对话能让大多数 学生清晰回顾本堂课 的课脉结构,并能引 导学生把所学比较级 应用于生活中。90蜡生应该能比较 轻松容易的完成,1 easy优较级):2 different(名词):3 many(比较级):4 serious 此较级):5 friendly(比较级):6 funny(比较级)7 outgoing(比较级)8 quiet(反义词)9 tall(反义词)10 beautiful(比较级)11 .完成句子。1 .

22、他长得什么样子?他很高。What does he? He is tall.2 .他比我高。He is(tall) than me.3 .他的头发比我的短。His hair is(short) than mine.4 .我来的比你晚。I come(late) than you.III.选择。1.If you want to be thinner and healthier, youdbetter eatfood and takeexercise.A. more, fewer B. more, lessC. fewer, moreD. less, more2 .Hesthan his brothe

23、r.A. a.strong B. strongerC. the stronger D. the strongest3 .Which do you like, tea or coffeeA.goodB. better C. bestD. thebetter4. Mum, this T-shirt is much too small for me.Would you buy me aone?Aa.goodB. better C. largeD. larger5.HomeworkMake a survey of your friends or families and find out who is friendlier (more popular/ smarter/ ). And then give a report for the next class.14 / 12


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