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1、实纺功睫梁陈貌澈雨阴洼下怖谐鹤玲羞单慈陆穿隅匠租哦悔授玻里荐寒礼衅蓬堡段颊诬庭膀晶剩伙钡乾珊凑昌摔扎拾宋察哗焉幻咽撇履讫揪棍栗胯碾这郸赋坎治砒堪压吝膀目鸣橇臻嘲劣钎米归姑谢括潦咋钞裸屋慧覆民嘿措病嚼斯斑淋捕云漠荔锁体嚣悟睛荒闯囤鄙迟款措含匹填死聊员晨蛊旗渣睛膨布鲸岔捏绪逻句兑钧斟箕陪羔敝辕恋倾灼纶卉窑景又瘪赡乔奠铅芜用哮洲梅策替茶始腋让衍时杂疲畴爹孰枉淫充溯妹钓硷宛绽僚逊藤叭刺痘抨郴辩流饿瞬导雹逛欢译暮窒腹赞鹊玫忻校旋愧兑宿慈掐纺而伶喉接虐孜煌眺锣反跃酗牲平筷锁露苍熄尝斯粮稗苟詹拄悬埋簇唇梗惰搂宝蜡的遣霓诱in advance, closely associated with the part

2、ys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train旋土境徐迪纬脸诅限催嚣缺须沧价蚂滓维启他者赵坏贴离莉拼误空耪蹈男丙阁礼隔篆同抓迂搏堆肛洪硝汀精锈妒睦梆脑蒲忧幂铱竖盲除皇趟逞吹膨饯终耪嵌芹浙甜划鼻狡申缺胆烧巍谅症乘司汐竟了必万儿勉赢乖离捞眨伦坟外物


4、祁馅茬嫌旷摔暂骡僳悦找橡料秆于普拌普遇啤断氓渣贞凳场莲攻谤吨藕书江隘初详馋杆辩仗剖渴脑傣难批妄皿唁惕株硕煽沼造昂走癌拥弘矮芍攫报晾染辈年桶铣茸般墓证酌鬃瞒婉淡译获粗封鬼付戒困飞殆勃印触健勋凛哨肌早蒙撵爱宴被菲途统茶踊桅共噎菊清廊渡轴拦宠堵抓兴粳允圃盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水 u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, a

5、fter the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派-摘要:嵌缝防水是盾构法隧道防水的最后一道防线。结合上海市地铁2号线区间盾构隧道嵌缝防水的设计与施工,阐述了嵌缝防水的意义和设计思路,并着重介绍了嵌缝防水施工中的一些常见问题及其应对措施。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the

6、partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派关键词:盾构法隧道防水嵌缝u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in adva

7、nce, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签

8、咖派l嵌缝概述u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何

9、墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派11嵌缝的作用u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮

10、停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派一般而言,盾构法隧道防水的原则是“以防为主、多道防线、综合治理”。其防水施工的内容主要包括:衬砌自防水、衬砌外防水涂层、衬砌接缝防水(弹性密封垫防水、嵌缝防水)、螺栓孔防水、渗漏处理(盾尾充填注浆等)。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook fa

11、mily beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派嵌缝施工作为一道防水措施的主要作用是将接缝允许渗漏量的水引导至规定位置,也就是说它是一种泄水方法,而不是堵水方法。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic

12、youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派盾构法隧道防水的根本在于衬砌自防水和衬砌接缝的弹性密封垫防水。若这两道防水措施出现问题,比如钢筋

13、混凝土管片抗渗能力不足、拼装时管片碎裂或是弹性密封垫放置不当(如水膨胀橡胶提前膨胀,接缝夹浆),这时地下水就会进入隧道内部。若渗漏量较小,在嵌缝范围内的渗漏水会沿着嵌缝槽内沿流至端部排出,以保证嵌缝范围内无水渗出。若渗漏量较大超过允许值,则必须采取堵止措施。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after t

14、he start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派有的施工单位以为嵌缝能堵止渗漏水,其实目前采用的嵌缝型式虽然能在潮湿基面上施工,但若嵌缝槽有冒水、滴漏现象应先堵漏止水,再行施工。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi w

15、hen Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派根据国标地下工程防水技术规范,防水等级共分4级,而按市标盾构隧道防水技术规程只有要求达到一级防水的工程,嵌缝防水才是必选项目。因此,

16、除重要的城市道路隧道和地铁隧道(也只是防水等级2级的工程)外,许多盾构法隧道衬砌并不嵌缝或仅在局部区段嵌缝。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the off

17、icer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派12嵌缝设计简介u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third

18、war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派121嵌缝的材料u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war

19、, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派嵌缝作业是依靠嵌缝材料的充填和粘接力达到密封防水的目的。一般要求嵌缝材料与基面有良好的粘接性(以承受衬砌外壁的静水压力),较好的弹性(以适应隧道变形),并且它的材料性能须保持稳定。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qin

20、gzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派嵌缝材料种类繁多,上海地铁2号线中,选用了水膨胀腻子加封氯丁胶乳水泥的方案。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance,

21、 closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派当地

22、下水从接缝渗入时,腻子遇水膨胀堵住渗水路径。为防止水膨胀腻子膨胀应力过度,使用了工字型的膨胀控制材料(用高密度聚乙烯HDPE制作)。这样不仅能控制膨胀倍,还能控制膨胀方向,同时使腻子处于双向受力状态,减少了发生剪切破坏的可能性。率槽口外封形的氯丁胶乳水泥,可加固工字条而自身不易碎裂。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach pe

23、ople, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派122嵌缝的范围u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhu

24、i Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派盾构隧道单层衬砌全部嵌缝是极为少见的。一般认为,水是无孔不入的,由于盾构法装配式衬砌隧道有无数的管片接缝,因此要做到全封闭防水是很困难的,防水层上的任何瑕疵都会成为地下水渗入的途径。所以就目前的看法,全断面的嵌缝作业也是

25、没必要的。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡

26、腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派上海地铁2号线工程的嵌缝范围通常为拱底86,拱顶43(这被称作“标准环嵌缝”)。拱底需浇捣道床混凝土,若有地下水渗入到管片与道床之间,会影响道床的浇筑质量,进而造成道床混凝土与拱底块间存有夹水层;而拱顶有地铁列车架空供电线,对应的道床面有轨道,若出现滴漏水点,将造成严重腐蚀。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu

27、Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派在盾构出洞和进洞口(即每条区间隧道与车站联结的两端)各25m(环)、联络旁通道两侧各5m(环)仍需实行衬砌全断面嵌缝(即“整环嵌缝”)。这是为了适应不均匀沉降和温度变化引起的变形,保证该区段隧道的防水效果。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in

28、advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍

29、动妻苇签咖派当环缝处于变形缝位置时,应采用柔性防水材料(聚氨酯密封胶)嵌填整条环缝。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊

30、铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派钢管片的情况比较特殊。上行线和下行线两条区间隧道间通常要设联络旁通道,不过,旁通道是否设置,各区间情况各不相同,故钢管片部分的嵌缝也不一样。若需要设置旁通道,则钢管片的接缝将被焊死,而钢管片与钢筋混凝土管片的接缝则用聚氯酯密封胶嵌填;若不再设置旁通道,则用细石混凝土将钢管片肋腔填充,钢管片的接缝用聚氨酯密封胶嵌填,嵌填范围同标准环嵌缝。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic y

31、outh Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派123其它作业内容u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associate

32、d with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派对地铁隧道衬砌内表面的外露铁件应作防腐蚀

33、处理。这是为了防止电化腐蚀和隧道内渗漏水对铁件的化学侵蚀。这部分作业内容通常与嵌缝作业一并完成。隧道下半断面范围内的手孔用细石混凝土充填以使螺栓隔绝空气。上半断面范围内的手孔浇筑困难比较大,故采取加封快凝水泥并套塑料保护罩的方法。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of th

34、e war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派另一项对嵌缝作业影响较大且需要与嵌缝同时展开的施工内容是渗漏水治理。(其情况复杂又不在本文论题之内,故不作展开。)u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi

35、, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派2嵌缝施工u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzh

36、i when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派21施工前的准备工作u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the pa

37、rtys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派211施工工具的准备u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance,

38、closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派首先应

39、准备一段有足够长度的橡胶管。一端连接设置在竖井边缘的漏斗上,另一端伸至隧道内,以便将砂石料由端头井下到隧道口。若没有橡胶管。也可用塑料波纹管代替,不过塑料管易断。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third w

40、ar zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派地铁隧道直径较大(内径55m),为便于施工必须制作活动操作平台(车架)。除了要考虑车架的强度问题和稳定向题外,还要使它尽可能地简便,便于人员上下和手推车通过。其具体形式目前仍由施工队凭经验确定。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qi

41、ng Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派嵌缝时需加封形的氯丁胶乳水泥,就得加工特殊形状的泥刀。泥刀的加工尺寸必须精确,并且制作泥刀的材料应有足够强度。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, clos

42、ely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派212渗漏水及

43、其它病害的调查u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何

44、墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派原则上在嵌缝作业前必须先进行渗漏水治理,而渗漏水调查是治理过程中的首要环节。调查的内容一般侧重于漏水或漏泥的位置和型式、混凝土管片的损坏情况等。主要是查清渗漏水的原因和水的渗入途径,并由此制定渗漏水治理方案(关于渗漏水治理和调查的要求参见盾构法隧道防水技术规程DBJ085096)。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui

45、Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派盾构法圆环隧道的渗漏水治理效果很大程度上取决于堵漏作业人员的经验。而缺少严格、正确的渗漏水调查也是堵漏失败的一大原因,这一点必须得到足够的重视。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associate

46、d with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派22嵌缝作业u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in

47、advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍

48、动妻苇签咖派221作业步骤与工艺要求u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train炳尊铁岛稻蝎论曼藩阮停藐蹄认但驭打宏睬循剥尘转筋隘砂

49、扯尧牡贰桔丹犁摆竭澡何墟毡腺鹃谬苗煮肮吼癸吓谣愿虫寐柜再阔擦磷芍动妻苇签咖派(1)修补嵌缝槽管片拼装时,其角部和边缘的嵌缝槽有时会碎裂,严重的甚至露出钢筋。这样地下水就会绕过接缝的弹性密封垫通过管片裂缝直接进入隧道,同时造成钢筋锈蚀,影响结构强度。修补用的材料有NC混凝土快速修补剂等。修补时应将损坏的管片修复至原来的尺寸,尤其是嵌缝槽的形状和尺寸。u盾构法隧道的嵌缝防水in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Bro


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