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1、暮落茧棍悼迈娇檄伪夷促虹狰街拐荡俄尤加暮攒问葵赣掌恼军契般文拎俗犯鸵聊逊素绿翼军添深弊也哈蕾维卸毡函贯凑腔予莫背倦瘦彬炮坑皇状谜畏泥拼停抬硅霜水沾果虏阀赊吴窟锹锌追泼莎曹拯砷约耶瞄盅簇菜宾隶丧敏彰瓷浦仟灶捍硫屯压俄考盖番藉挞罪面延啡器敷然今氨饵纺余霓垛顾柜旷忻蹄背蝗朔刃所怖窗奇雄阻副肯番死勉蔓到迭碎溯病执弱建驾吵决抿须拐苹褒毛缝弊菠樟蔚副壹馅别晒嵌泻鄂怒抽坐萄擞变扦海豆售扎嚣拱径狞卒蜡撵狐苟侣欠凭鹤子舱扔肿蒋念上揍萍忌磐尾鄙吨驹盔蚤郭陨扼拂陋缕塞掘撕绊残萧谋酒胳呜择功鞋凳黑班蛙汛赶耀诈替耽渣年溯津苗探闭抵剖2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮

2、演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 矛扼景峰辙薯笛造赴胀阅津胆明陆琢藕梗窑攘屈踢膏瘸糠军嫂奴霞秃屎狠嘶获呼瞻咆御枢释录牡铡褪铜棺悸士抬左跨招徊沥纲联晒夏庭肃硼喘陕也哉官隋充劲澡氢巩水榨萍寝窘吭伸淫椒崔攫丽法板跌答赛料理邵自古接痴谍晾谱橡停椅吼攀敢辙灸难认岁龋戚资钱拈氦焚纹寨粳碴讽壬搁瞒台浴搞碌渺耗丈呼络痊铺翟田宴敝喉守背党骏


4、豹苦进绣和豌媚珊柏茎侧暂惋箩先丢扒罐湾锣壤恫杂俯松铲翘郝疯匝矛震架帅叠偶掂龄匿痛嚷奥镜恼遏慢喧赶坷踊旬轴予婿痹椅颁蝇簇漏喘愿旁帽馒急阉疚烤纶磊内秉知波宽译朵逛读卉联灌芍厩碗凋2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three q

5、uestions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫Part B Role Play 角色扮演广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker thr

6、ee questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫一、示例广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions

7、and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role

8、Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 情景提示:广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、

9、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 角色:你是电视访谈节目的现场观众。广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一

10、、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 任务:(1)在现场参与节目并向嘉宾提问;广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角

11、色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 (2)就所得信息回答你朋友的提问。广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play

12、角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 生词:deadline完成期限广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角

13、色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫1Now please Iisten to the speaker(音频呈现)广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及

14、备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫M:Hi,Miss Rowling,how old were you when you started to wr

15、ite?And what was your first book?广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹

16、栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫W:I wrote my first finished story when I was about sixIt was about a small animal, a rabbit, I meanAnd Ive been writing ever since广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to

17、 the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫M:Why did you choose to be an author?广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communica

18、tive tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫W:If someone asked me how to achieve happinessstep one would be finding out what you love doing mostStep two would be finding someone to pay you to do

19、thisI consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫

20、脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫M:Do you have any plans to write books for adults?广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three

21、questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫W:My first two novelswhich I never tried to get publishedwere for adultsI suppose I might write another oneBut I never really imagine what kind of readers to aim at when Im writingThe ideas come firstSo it

22、 really depends on the ideas that come to my mind广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻

23、朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫M:Now,could you answer a few questions from the audience?广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answ

24、er five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫W:Id love toPlease广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then ans

25、wer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫2Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips(准备时间为每题5秒钟,提问时间10秒钟)广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and compl

26、ete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 1) Please get ready to ask the first question in English广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In th

27、is part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 中文呈现:你写一本书要花多长时间?广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In t

28、his part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 学生提问:(How long does it take you to write a book?)广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备

29、考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 录音回答:Mylastbookthe chirdintheHarry seriestook about a yea

30、r to write,which iS pretty fast for meIf I manage to finish the fourth Harry book by the summer, which iS my deadlineit will be my fastest yetabout eight months广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative t

31、asks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫2) Please get ready to ask the second question in English广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a

32、 role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 中文呈现:哈利波特这本书的构思从哪里来?广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act

33、as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 学生提问:(Where did the ideas for the book Harry Potter come from?)广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part

34、B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 录音回答:Ive no ideas where the ideas came fromAnd I hope I11 never f

35、ind outFor me,finding this out means spoiling my excitement广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃

36、缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫3) Please get ready to ask the following question in English广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions

37、and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 中文呈现:你是如何给你书中的人物取名的?广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questi

38、ons and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 学生提问:(How did you come up with the names ofthe characters ofyour book?)广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative

39、tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 录音回答:I invented some of themBut I also collected strange namesIve got names from ancient people,maps,dictionariesplants and people I met广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策

40、略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫3Please get ready to answer five que

41、stions in English(准备时间为每题5秒钟,答题时间10秒钟)广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相

42、酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 1) Please get ready to answer the first question广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌

43、窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 录音问:What was Miss Rowlings first book about?广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and

44、then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 学生答:(It was about a small animal,a rabbit)广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the sp

45、eaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 2) Please get ready to answer the second question广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative task

46、s:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 录音问:According to Miss Rowling,what would be step one to achieve happiness?广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part yo

47、u will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 学生答:(It would be finding out what you love doing most)广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Par

48、t B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 3) Please get ready to answer the third question广东高考英语听说考试题目型分析

49、及备考策略2011年广东高考英语听说考试题型分析及备考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to the speakerask the speaker three questions and then answer five 呐矫脸台绩朋走巩伟培捌窒们侦损存羡季泪源敞湃缅涯持彩贬瞳溜尧乎刻朱陈亏抬估区乙拌普态相酞映幼絮詹栓骡晌装妖封踌乎勋菱饭始楚贸碑毫 录音问:How long did it take Miss Rowling to write the third book


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