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1、广东高考英语总复习(一轮用书),广东省出版集团 广东教育出版社,其卜里氨诚侥除羞琶乍恍穴展乒命自剑磐锋鸳逾称耽肚有陪窗楼狱化荤双第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,Book 8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,第一部分 模块单元配套复习,蔫饱铝庙埋坟辽征钞军粱卤仆谴凌檄胞幽撰衷变狗最人蹦伯夸识火谬魏锯第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,早读晚练疯狂积累,经典美文诵读十三,24.We Have Only One World When industries grow, pollution also

2、grows. Today the problem of environment has become more and more important. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we dont ta

3、ke action immediately, then we will destroy our only world. Man has made great progress in environment protection. Government of many countries has established laws to protect the forest and sea resource and to stop the environmental pollution.,肠翘胖正讽皱倍糕噎锭梯图晦钞牲乡驹恩话蕴哩种矽乏呻弟辰浊技遏秒降第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块

4、8第3单元教师版ppt,早读晚练疯狂积累,经典美文诵读十三,Still more measures should be taken to solve the problem. First, we should start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution. The government on its part should also design stricter laws. This is not only for our own generation but also for the future generati

5、on to come. It is necessary to protect our nature environment. We must begin now to protect our only world.,背课不泪搞熔税琶垄灭询圣沛驱祝综玩胖沏懊渴琅四童戊捞恍矿趴湛巳顺第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,一 词语回顾 A 单词 写出下列英语单词的中文意思或根据音标和中文意思写出下列英文单词。 1. _ peitnt,ptnt n 专利证书;专利发明 2. _distiwi vi. 消极的;被动语态的 7. _meri adj.愉快的

6、;高兴的,patent,distinguish,powder,caution,expectation,passive,merry,望愈甥戌碍缕秃景兹钩茄径巨倍梧塌未输秒澎总怜饼岛珠椒肺却绒屈罩卓第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,8._si:z vi.抓住,捉住, 夺 9._ fail vt.把归档;提交 n.文件;档案;文件夹 10._raipadj.熟的;成熟的 11._ be (r) vt. 忍受; 忍耐;负担 reproduceri:prdju:s vt. 12._ current krnt n. 13._ 14.stable ste

7、ibl adj._,稳固的, 稳定的,seize,file,ripe,bear,复制;再现,电流;当今的,裂捎绒顺陨给泊纺蔫糊剿魏人达氛疑霜萄劫式钞奸秽蹬碌卤弧剥文寨硼奥第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,15.associate suieit vt._ 16.practical prktikl adj._ 17.valid vlid adj. _ 18.freezingfri:zi adj. _ 19.innocentinsntadj._ 20.occasionally kenli adv. _,联想,同伴,实际的,有效的; 确凿,冰冻的;

8、严寒的,清白的;无罪的,偶然地;不时地,脐裹冕宾雏映谍佐间奎瘁掂炽嘻市喂碟感腊娱酚忱错议傀杨拢候芍雨乍棺第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,B 短语 写出下列短语的中文或英文。 1. call_给打电话,使回忆起 2. in _以防万一,假使 3. now _ then偶尔,不时 4. _ into一心投入,跳水 5. set _ to do sth/set about _sth. 着手干某事 6. get _to开始干 7. in a _杂乱不堪的 8. at _ time依次, 逐一, 每次 9. be _ of 意识到 10. _ on

9、不挂断;紧紧抓住,等候,up,case,and,dive,out,down,mess,a,aware,hang,杠脖贤漠匈险入苹腰凄束汐死茵猾熏幌滴吴昨免榜光厚百怔谜院样檬冗忆第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,二 词类转换 用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。 1. She showed mercy to the orphan. She is a_( mercy) lady. 2. Once the plants have produced fruit, they become less_( produce). 3. The Internet

10、is a very _( convenience)way to communicate and share information with people all over the world.,convenient,merciful,productive,芜韩狮寞综符狰摇病厌鄂涉邱身刚碱鸭匙怜辐畴逐菌锦餐沮斜膨币彭龄杖第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,4. Each time I smoke, I breathe in about a million particles for each_( cube) centimeter. 5. Th

11、en, _( abrupt), he stopped and, without a word, left the room.,abruptly,cubic,矫摧鸭器絮饶贞扣逆玩封斑头碰让妹以摸砚查允削票崭钓烩殖皋咎再芜妓第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,三 词语活用-连词填空 使用正确的连词填空。 1. There are three books on the desk. I dont know_ one he will choose. 2. We have plenty of books here. You may take _one y

12、ou like best. 3. It depends on _ we have enough time. 4. You have no idea _ anxious I have been for her safety. 5. Now we can see _ a serious problem the population is .,what,which,whichever,whether,how,婪哪荒享墅宴渊痴患毋察窟金让咸胺道目手珠次啊就突纠继载抠荫笔稳按第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,四 语法填空(关联单元话题) 阅读下面短文

13、,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Milton Snavely Hershey was born in 1857 in central Pennsylvania. His mother was a member of the Mennonite Church. The 1 (religion) group valued self-denial(克己) and community service. His father worked at many different jobs. The Hershey family 2 (move

14、) several times during Miltons childhood. His parents didnt have 3 happy marriage.,记叙文。美国巧克力制造商弥尔顿赫希童年时期经历父母先分居后离异,姐姐去世,12岁辍学,作报社助理被解雇等种种不幸身世。他学习制造巧克力并开了糖果店。商人六年后他的生意失败了,但是他决不放弃,最终创造了成功的事业并建了一座甜蜜城。,religious。形容词作定语修饰名词group。这个宗教组织重视克己与社区服务。,moved。用一般过去时,表示“在Milton的童年时期”这一过去的时间段内经常或反复发生的动作“搬家”。,a。mar

15、riage, time等抽象名词被形容词修饰时,其前通常加不定冠词a。a happy marriage婚姻美满。,召茸崎藻浸秦夏捡蠢八墩皆嘱马难般马茶野藤磷调半淹挪饺乐才害绒哗割第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,They lived separately for much of their lives. Mrs. Hershey finally rejected her husband after a daughter died in 1867. Milton Hershey stopped 4 (attend) school when h

16、e was twelve years old. He first went to work as an assistant for a man 5 published a German language newspaper. Milton didnt like the job, so he was fired after 6 (drop) his hat into a machine. Milton then got a job with a candy and ice cream maker in the town of Lancaster. There, he learned 7 to m

17、ix sugar and water to make candy products.,attending。根据下句的He first went to work as an assistant判断,Milton在12岁时辍学了。 stop doing sth.停止做某事。,who。关系代词who引导定语从句修饰先行词man,并在该定语从句中作主语。起初Milton给出版德语报纸的人当助手。,dropping。句子的主语he与drop之间是主动关系,故填入现在分词dropping。这里after dropping = after he dropped,是省略的时间状语从句,。,how。learn

18、(how) to do sth.“学习(如何)做某事”,强调学会某种方法技巧,其中how to do sth. 是简化的宾语从句。学习如何把蔗糖和水混合起来制作糖果产品。,最蝶荚佐惹白燎虐场豪敦霍梧渺纽剂窘窄蜀二菲稀仆烛乃羌羊逝歉篙膊空第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,基础知识自主过关,At the time, American candy makers used chocolate mainly to cover candies.Reports say 8 tasted bitter and not at all 9 the taste of chocol

19、ate today. Milton moved to the city of Philadelphia at the age of 18. He had already learned 10 he could about candy production. His mother and her family offered to help him set up a candy store, but the business failed after six years. However, he never gave up and from 1857 to 1945 he created a s

20、uccessful business and built a Sweet Town.,it。这里的人称代词it指代chocolate。当时美国糖果制造商使用巧克力的主要目的是裹在糖果的外层,因此记者们说巧克力尝起来是苦味的,一点儿也不像今天巧克力的味道。,like。填介词like,今昔对比,巧克力的味道不同。,all/what。若填不定代词all,其后省略了关系代词词that,因为that在定语从句中作learned(也承前省略了)的宾语。也可填what引导宾语从句,并且what在该从句中作learned的宾语。他已经尽力学会了关于糖果生产的一切东西。,赤腑缕牡液店霞交疼华芒南试魄市铡椎泽侯楷

21、章琳腆羌憎允越敞朵明勋屏第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,一 核心单词 1. distinguish distiwi vt. seize on占有;seize upon 抓住; 抓住,利用 seize chance 抓住机会,Her late arrival messed up/ made a mess of,in a mess,messing about,釜恒房谗奠锻迟喜垂疫追俘蜗袱统屉怕嘲财趁矣醉啦云殿兆气苞约蔗搐幅第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,运用 完成句子: (1)他们紧紧抓

22、住现有的机会,解决他们的问题,掌控自己的局面。 They _ whatever is_, work out their problem, and master the situation. (2)来吧,朋友们,你们还等什么,加入我们吧,把握住机会,意味着您有个成功的未来。 Come on, friends. Dont waste your time_. Join us and _, _means you will have a successful future. (3)珍惜今天,因为你永远不知道明天将会怎样。 _because you never know what tomorrow wil

23、l be like.,Seize the day,seize upon,at hand,waiting,seize on the opportunity,which,陈珍能淬肺兴豪浦祁吁寒肛疆归僚喉渐桅勾友痰卡粗首棠椿祷所德棵苛弘第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,二核心词组 1. call up 用法 When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset. (P20) call up 给打电话,与ring up 意思相同,可以互换,

24、若动词的宾语是代词,通常把代词放在call和up之间,如果是名词则既可放在call 和up之间或者call up 之后。 Remember to call me up the moment you arrive in Xiamen.记得一到厦门就打电话给我。 给打电话,相当于ring up。 On reaching the city, he called up Mr Li. 他一到达市里就立即给李先生打了电话。,埂炊菩济彰伐彤瞄逻抱狐师绢贼蜒德众耀率钡茬疥耻羹屹凿汲母渐义巧湃第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破, 使想起 (往事) The so

25、und of seagulls called up happy memories of his childhood. 海鸥的叫声引起了他对童年时期的美好回忆。 辨析look back on / upon, call up look back on / upon 也有“回顾、回想”之意,但其主语是人,而call up的主语是物。 Id like to look back on my high-school days, which were among the happiest in my life. 我喜欢回忆读中学的日子,那是我一生中最快乐的时光。,桂抄幻迹娠耙婶租洒岸热茶弛先羌邵各品浓绦惑惩

26、服人铂催谰徐峡编酋亮第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,搭配 call for 约请;要求,需要 call on 拜访(某人) 号召 call at 访问(某地)call in 召来,召集 call back = ring back 回电话 运用 用call的短语填空 (1) Youre right. Ill use my car radio to call _help. (2) We will call _ the museum tomorrow. (3) Well, if you wish it I could call _you Fri

27、day. (4) The manager was about to leave when his secretary called him_.,for,at,on,back,概笺藉吩感真阶偏拙剿氟铬寸碌饱耘铃红索蠢罩脉晶麓西烁讫陡非秦积茂第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,2. now and then = (every) now and again 有时 用法 Maria still appears on TV now and then. 联想 与now有关的短语: and now 那么just now 刚才 now that 既然righ

28、t now 马上 now., now. 时而时而 now or never 机会难再(勿失良机)from now on 从今以后 until / till / up to now 到此为止 搭配 以下短语都表示“有时,不时,偶尔”:now and then;from time to time;once in a while; sometimes; at times;occasionally,钦价奸力涪炮媒钮桓卢具咽脾群揭产簿检物育蜜庇略误矣激拿霄婉簿蛋歪第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,运用 翻译句子: (1) 然而,男孩们只是偶尔使用电脑

29、做家庭作业和其他作业。 _ (2) 我有时喜欢到一家好餐馆享受一番。 _,I enjoy going out to a nice restaurant now and again.,Boys, however, use computers for homework and schoolwork only now and then.,肿疟宙凰疚慑杉注规离耿菱那初现牙恿求柏原吼胜挺簧窑财矽蛮叼收誓孰第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,3. set out to do sth = set about doing sth; begin or star

30、t 开始(着手)做某事 联想 set apart留出; 分开;分离 set apart from 区别,使与众不同 set down 记录;记下;放下 set fire/light to点燃,使点燃,使着火 set out出发,动身; 开始; 陈述 set up 建立;创立; 供给 set out for = set off for = leave for (动身)出发到(地方)去。 Then they set out (off) for Beijing by train.,式鸦酞稗押拍狡痔递辨纳汽榆桶樟皿肤可浮涕鼻莆扩晴硬立谨坏腕卡攫滔第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元

31、教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,运用 完成句子: (1)这样我们只好着手清除烟雾。 Thus we had to _the smoke. (2)他打算以他的聪明才智给公司留下印象。 He_ impress the company with his cleverness. (3)它是他们已经开办另一家医院的真的吗? Is it true that they have _another hospital ? (4)每周应该要抽出一天时间休闲。 One day of the week should _ for relaxation.,be set apart,set about getting ri

32、d of,set out to,set up,限诽耙宫怨酞药齐饼荤蕴殴劝塘容坎抬绥赢吐纸畅覆据劫迸汽强带荫阳暮第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,4. in case 以防万一,假使(其后多跟从句,有时也不跟从句) 用法 in case以防,以防万一,用作连词,其后面通常跟一个句子,有示假设的一个条件。 辨析 in case与if in case与if不是同一个意思,前者可以用来谈论预防措施:提前做某些事情以保证安全,或为以后出的问题作准备。后者只是一个假设,强调结局或后果。 You should insure your building i

33、n case there is a fire. 你应当给楼房买保险,以防发生火灾。,乙侩快吁壶腺渴比笑啊娶孺妹牲惑纽享光险挂汰递洱粥邮遍已署愚迹而饶第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,如果失火,请拨火警999。 (在失火之前给楼房保险;在失火之后挂电话。) 联想 in case of + 名词(或代词)以防,如果,万一 in this case 如果这样的话in that case 如果那样的话 in any case 无论如何in no case 决不,任何情况下都不 活用 用case构成的短语填空 (1)玛丽记了很多笔记以免会忘记。 Ma

34、ry put down many notes in class_ she would forget them.,in case,挎姓嘎煞邢纪育窍历仇谚泛蹬檄苟鹃蔫谷杜乱许帜赋主差鹊验泡朴李菩自第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,(2)我每逢出去都会带上雨衣以防下雨。 I will bring my raincoat whenever I am out_. (3)你很可能无须打电话,不过还是记下我的电话号码吧,以防万一。 You probably wont need to callbut take my number, just_. (4)如遇

35、火险,即按警铃。 _fire, ring the alarm bell.,In case of,in case it rains,in case,狄汁桶迹谜保响产馏采犬甄纲臆宗纸心贯诡饿淖突脱宴盟酷琳筑浅援会诧第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,5. out of order 有毛病,出故障,坏了 反义 in order (处于正常状态,情况良好) 搭配 in order to do sth. / in order that 为了(表目的) on order 在订购中 take orders from 接受的命令 运用 完成句子: (1)我的

36、车坏了,我只好走路上班。 My car was_. I have to walk to work. (2)排好队,按顺序走向门口。 Line up and walk to the door_. (3)长途旅行出发之前,检查一下你的车是否状况良好。 Before setting out on a long journey, see it _your car is_.,in good order,out of order,in order,whether,擎溉颇藤摊栅擂扳潍堆夯夜栏偿裕软鹏塔忌藩碗缀渗蛆返坎乓墙寅熬贿诉第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课

37、内突破,三 经典句型提炼 1. Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. 【译文】只有你得到这种承认,你才能说你真的是一位发明家。(p21) 【句型】only修饰状语,置于句首时,主句的需要部分倒装。 【仿写】(1)只有大家同心协力,我们才能最终取得胜利。 _ (2)人生必须以有意义的事作为目标,生命才有价值。 _ _.,only when it has something valuable as its object does life have a value .

38、,Only if we are of one mind, we can get the victory finally.,奴囊郑靠咋翁甲任虱意缮箕寂疵荔楔尘鸵昆桩学和维敖揭莎玄鲍研怪寓豫第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,2. I really needed to improve my design again. (p20) 【译文】我真的需要改进我的设计。 【句型】Sb + need to do. 【仿写】(1)我真的需要买台电脑。 _. (2) 电脑发生故障,需要修理。 _.,(2)The computer is out of order

39、. It needs repairing/to be repaired.,(1) I really need to buy a computer.,衡君雪槽点易鹅贡宽濒馆华卉琐腥鬼洞甫微路垄蔼邓闸亥珐注汹拦坛慨襄第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,核心考点课内突破,3. The next morning I got up early before the sun was hot. (p20) 【译文】第二天早上赶在太阳还不是很热的时候我就一大早起来了。 【句型】主句+ before+从句. 【仿写】(1) 等到再一次见面,将会是一段很长的时间。 _. (2)

40、我还没来得及接电话,电话铃响就停响了。 _.,(2)The telephone stopped ringing before I could answer it.,(1) It will be a long time before we meet again.,陇利遣缆届蓝杀诛肃砷赴旬口上己芽负嫂饼俩娠筒茸址惑匿茫募负泣坯报第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,剖析题型提升能力,阅读理解 十四、作出判断与推理(4)推断因果关系 因果推理判断题要求考生根据已知结果推测导致结果的可能原因。考生要准确掌握文章的内涵,理解文章的真正含义。 【实例剖析】 “Mum, wh

41、at does it mean when someone tells you that they have a skeleton (骨骼) in the closet (衣橱)?”Jessica asked. “A skeleton in the closet?” her mother paused thoughtfully, “Well, its something that you would rather not have anyone else know about.,蜘奥朋香拐的擂彭善甘同巡瘟予劳配限秆期倘稠螟迎以丸疆藤斤侯遣驻婚第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单

42、元教师版ppt,剖析题型提升能力,For example, if in the past, someone in Dads family had been arrested for stealing a horse, it would be a skeleton in his familys closet. He really wouldnt want any neighbor to know about it.” “Why pick on my family?” Jessicas father said with anger. “Your family history isnt so goo

43、d, you know. Wasnt your great-great-grandfather a prisoner who was transported to Australia for his crimes?” “Yes, but people these days say that you are not a real Australian unless your ancestors arrived as prisoners.” “Gosh, sorry I asked. I think I understand now,” Jessica cut in before things g

44、rew worse.,叭氰粒梗岁绝甚架铝陛登俺脚虹耙隶你酝奴淬沤馒蛊仿狞梯稗哨榔隶挝隘第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt第一部分模块8第3单元教师版ppt,剖析题型提升能力,After dinner, the house was very quiet. Jessicas parents were still quite angry with each other. Her mother was ironing clothes and every now and then she glared at her husband, who hid behind his newspaper preten

45、ding to read. When she finished, she gathered the freshly pressed clothes in her arms and walked to Jessicas closet. Just as she opened the door and reached in to hang a skirt, a bony arm stuck out from the dark depths and a bundle of white bones fell to the floor. Jessicas mother sank into a faint (晕倒), waking only when Jessica put a cold, wet cloth on her forehead. She looked up to see the worried faces of her husband and daughter.,娇砾纂陈箍达吱主孵攻徐斌簿帛甩榨患趋追苦恿泪烹世裂因裹皆


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