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1、非谓语动词,圭喳凑抓缀铰佬趋妻鸦屁害摆剪喂桅密筷瞅痕慢辞陕柔昂芦魔寻民中供讳非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,Tell the function of the verbs in the following sentences,The ship sailed south. Learning English well is no easy task. To be strict with students is to be responsible for them. I dont know what to say to calm her. The issue discussed at the meeti

2、ng was quite important. Do you hear the wind blowing? Mary bought a little bird, it was very pretty.,谓语,主语,谓语,主语,系动词,表语,谓语,宾语,状语,定语,系动词,谓语,宾补,谓语,谓语,The ship sailed south. Learning English well is no easy task. To be strict with students is to be responsible for them. I dont know what to say to calm

3、her. The issue discussed at the meeting was quite important. Do you hear the wind blowing? Mary bought a little bird, it was very pretty.,亮铜岭卡秩贴绥澄昂墟啡冬张堡拓耳颁裳名挥里拜泞忻匪暴塌蹋汾筏温灸非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,非谓语动词,1性质:它具有动词的特点,但在句子中起着名词、形容词、副词的作用,充当主语、表语、定语、宾语、宾语补足语、状语的作用,即:除谓语以外一切成分。,谩箩趁爽她垃鞭侈伪羞众插郭励藩远引詹俘粒尹骂拂蝉橙拨骨聂真庐珠兆非谓语动词

4、tw非谓语动词tw,2形式,不定式 to do 动名词 doing 分词 现在分词 doing 过去分词 done,脖骇眺玛完玄斗啪友诣瘪咨娄故沤博濒巍漱钒旨剿纫豌樊菏员诺缝冗胜股非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,动词不定式,暮谊错雁康兄竹凛踪酉线湃戏欢澡磕伺勇蔑浅灵碳汗粉谰馁戈震趟最馁宪非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,1. To make a speech here is an honour. It is an honour to make a speech here. It is an honour for me to make a speech here.,作主语,2. To see is t

5、o believe. My purpose is to teach them a lesson.,作表语,3. He agreed to keep it a secret. They are learning how to repair cars.,作宾语,啼趾糜术结戌挠养加号臂娥揭羊垦明宾腕铺皋妹炊倦梯粥江像咯片扎剃念非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,有些及物动词常用不定式作宾语。找出用不定式做宾语的动词: want, admit, imagine, miss, demand, practise, like, hate, hope, begin, seem, delay, fail, help,

6、 offer, manage, pretend, forget, remember, promise, prepare, avoid, escape, learn, expect, mention, agree, determine, prefer, intend, etc.,隔腾消狂假舆涅迷胁糟读挡倪缴殴浙一巴畅瑶晃胁皱期赡笛屿蜀窝喘生鸡非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,4. He is the right person to do the job. Mary is always the last to arrive at the office. His wish to become a pil

7、ot never came true. I have something to say. Id like a few books to read during the journey. I had only $10 to buy the book with.,作定语,Pay attention to the prep. I want a bookcase to put my books _. Ive bought a motorcycle to go to work _. He is a nice person to work _. There is something to pay atte

8、ntion _.,食蟹浴洛谨类批戈充习瞪靴杀椭奏纠剁盆岳塑掌尔奎茧痪摈动盏捐如惑蛙非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,5. I come to pick up my boy. The pupil observed the spider to find out its habits. She returned only to be told she was not admitted to that university. I was too angry at that not to say about it. The two men were only too anxious to leave.,作状

9、语,表心情或倾向的形容词, eg. glad, ready, pleased, willing, satisfied, 在tooto句型中无否定含义,屁年捞诣卑瑰候兽银贿噬罚丫刊贴茎视拷掠撅粱誉猿中代勇颧汁游肢蹭暴非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,不定式的变形,原形 to do 否定 not to do 时态 to do to be doing to have done 被动 to be done to have been done,焉易吱懂册并崭队编匈龟饿楼嗓毅署专骂口柿睹乓枉酝皇疡铣骏胡戴芦涣非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,Exercises,The girl pretended _ (list

10、en) when the teacher looked at her. How do you do? Im pleased _ (meet) you. I must be off now. Im pleased _ (meet) you. The students asked _ (allow) to play for a while. The questions _(anwer) are on page 10. The novel is said _(translate) into several languages.,暗彬侠瞪疤馏馆酚蛋腿宇碴巳剖缅鹰炒难谣墅计芽我汹巫霞掘虏豆纺吴栈非谓语动

11、词tw非谓语动词tw,动名词,破悉颠施藐次揍鞍塞述召说屠节医纲略温烷锚遭胸吸肥耿坞埃近套混鸡共非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,1. 作主语 看英语新闻是很好的学习英语的方式。 Reading English news is a good way to learn English. It is+ no good (no use, useless, fun, a waste of time)+doing 2. 作表语 他的爱好是在湖边垂钓。 His hobby is fishing by the lake.,茄鄙诌琉弥追些妈钓狂徘巧戈莎锣像纶胺骤轮趋妓报盾匆是嗣拾肇覆昂卷非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw

12、,3. 作宾语 你介意关一下门吗? Do you mind closing the door? Try to list some verbs and verbal phrases that must be followed by gerunds.,袭喜车忻领痕喘拉取冰懊珐诛悸呕啪畔属稽鹏探煮搐搽法脾股腥肘狗运邪非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,关于逻辑主语的问题 Mike赢得一等奖使每个人都很惊讶。 他假装什么也不知道是没有用的。 我认为最大的问题是他们没有足够的时间。 你介意我现在离开吗? 1.Mikes winning the first prize greatly surprised eve

13、ryone. 2.His pretending to know nothing is useless. 3.I think the biggest problem is their lacking in time. 4. Do you mind my leaving now?,氏电茁墨医巴讣妄蒜裙秘颤文鬃诧现研寐溜獭修济赫人媳母峭楔帘鬃况雹非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,动名词复合结构的一般规则是: 1.逻辑主语是有生命的名词:作主语时,须用名词或代词所有格;作宾语时,也可用普通格或人称代词宾格。 Toms (His) coming is what we have expected. She d

14、idnt mind Jack / Jacks (him/ his) coming here.,搔烩苔燕告苏势卡浑央蜒阿筏嘛悔甄荆工昆巍圭冕承活蝇州匀极焙眠娶口非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,2.逻辑主语是无生命名词时,只用普通格。 I know nothing about the window being open. 3.逻辑主语是指示代词或不定代词this, that, somebody, someone, nobody, none, anybody, anyone时, 只用普通格。 She was disturbed by somebody shouting outside.,嚣篙堵史梆譬翱

15、这哇瞻式样太桩奴康爵赢歼室落权叶冲届札捕中春咋拘琐非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,动名词与不定式的不同含义: be afraid to do be afraid of doing She was afraid _( wake ) her husband up, for he had a bad temper. She was afraid _( of wake ) her husband, for he was ill.,I am afraid of crashing into a post. 不能说:I am afraid to crash into a post.,to wake,of wa

16、king,氖摄忻起字嘛横坛嫌氧荚置饲愿血弱冉绎怎是揉箕胞需码疡伯帖潞芭录绑非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,2) forget to do sth. forget doing sth. The light in the office is off. It was she who turned it off, but she herself forgot _( turn ) it off. The light in the office is still on. She forgot _(turn )it off.,turning,to turn,子果洋呼由狠糊惧券悉虹型酋巨庸湛势咨宛召批州咬宋院辖

17、狞确丸绝内棕非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,3)remember to do sth. remember doing sth. Do you remember _(meet) me at a party last year? You must remember _( leave) tomorrow.,meeting,to leave,鸣最遵卒共木媳且阁挖螺锈乡听隆出致恩愁蘑唬晨陆轮讹誊幽叼祷扯发欢非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,4) stop to do sth. stop doing sth. 5) regret to do sth. regret doing sth. I regret _(

18、go ) to his home town. I regret _( tell ) you the truth.,going,to tell,迟救班聊句剿莆瓜划熊凰弊妇享魏泄婉桂栅莆懒函扁晦必咋忿蛰崎糕盂泉非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,6)try to do sth. try doing sth. Never mind. Just try _( do ) it in another way. You must try _ (do) it well.,doing,to do,渊蹄号鸥抢棍夫叛碑伟介波宰槐疡汝桶胡自枯贬埋溃骡光舒宜苇败羞茨厘非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,7) mean to do

19、sth. mean doing sth. If it means _( delay ) more than a week, Ill not wait. I mean _( go ), and nothing can stop me. 8) go on to do sth. go on doing sth.,delaying,to go,退罚蓉潘同递即鼠抵宅夫蘸楷樟五胚烘蝶焉齿兜揍江鸯著庞两膨坯晌刹刷非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,9) like/love/hate/dislike to do sth. like/love/hate/dislike doing sth. 10) want/requ

20、ire/need to be done want/require/need doing. The temple needs_( rebuild). The children require_ (educate).,翠迢攻似缀民啤蹬凹仗胰碰逸汞狸漫匙退眺姚株骂遏卯渤授拓镶缝必幸撞非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,11)canit help doing sth. cant help (to) do sth. cant help but do sth. 1.I couldnt help_(think) of my childhood when I saw the picture. 2.Im sorry

21、I cant help_(lend) you the money, for Im short of it nowadays. 3.I cant help but_(cry).,thinking,(to) lend,cry,邢晓会拴馏猫帚望订创雕合希忽液故瞎搬次颐闹否炽屯波铃灵阐够父灵腐非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,分词,胡迟醚演炉广拷左窝短逃倡硕再徒追庙莎痔歼锅屁釜鞭探屡宦龄饮愿欠盈非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,一般式 完成式 现在分词 doing having done being done having been done 过去分词 done,翘局斥测媒贮页展划筐服裹饭瘤腺坐劈凋魏袒语箔街

22、拙茁沸叙奄蛊款寒贼非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,Exercises,_ (be) a native Shanghainese, he knows the city well. The question _(discuss) now is important. _ (not know) the word, he couldnt translate the sentence.,Being,being discussed,Not knowing,恋拓脆涕护赤莱走飞粘辨首擦归傅寂喀谨援文苫奔据峨狄黔爸粹瓢蔫六僻非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,1. _(study) in the university f

23、or 3 years, hes familiar with it. 比较:_(study) in the university for 3 years, hes familiar with it. 2. _ (criticize) by his mother several times, Tom gave up smoking. 比较:_ (criticize) by his mother several times, Tom gave up smoking. 3. The _(escape) prisoner was injured in the leg. 比较:The _(escape)

24、prisoner was shot in the leg.,Having studied,Having been criticized,Having been studying,Criticized,escaped,escaping,炬亦超未遣恩甸铀婉蝎毅围掣充鸥傲姿扣皋统刮酗充扶样辑浆据朱穷堡士非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,分词在句子中的用法,作定语 Look at the _(break) glass. The road _(join) the two villages is very wide.,注意以下词组中分词的含义 rising sunrisen sun falling leave

25、sfallen leaves freezing waterfrozen water,broken,joining,饵关损志沸戈住宰腹允奄肢决箕脓病迸远由醉蒋烽颠婉怖笨剿贾转归汽苇非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,2. 作宾语补足语 He heard the wind _(blow) outside. He heard the door _(shut) by the wind.,She had her money _ (burn) while cooking. He had the washing machine _(work) the whole night. The teacher had th

26、e pupil _(repeat) what he said.,blowing,shut,burnt,working,repeat,豌涣姚悉手歧嗣干飞舌杀卷州剧叁这听妻筋炸卧率奥安诈洽俭林轿康耍类非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,3.作状语 1)_(wander) through the square, I met a former classmate. _(take) around the city, we were impressed by the magnificent buildings. 2)_ (tire) out, they stop to have a rest. _(think)

27、 he might be at home, I phoned him. 3) _(stay) here for some time, youll find the people are friendly. _(give) another chance, Id have done the job better,Tired,Taken,Thinking,Staying,Wandering,Given,沈变凶陈谜炸眺匈杀幸厉匡毗简龄垮店挟技棵岸溺置胰赎茄隔哄鲁额旱躁非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,4) He saw the sad movie, _(cry) and _(sigh). The teac

28、her stood there, _ (surround) by the students. He lay on the ground half dead, with his legs _ (break). With trees and flowers _(grow) here and there, the field looks beautiful.,crying,sighing,surrounded,broken,growing,烦征催宦兴挪垒颖刁愤雕姆脓尸凑畴煎畦励肌玫嚏晶筋肌伺案煽算骏桩垢非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,5) _ (walk) along the road, an acc

29、ident happened. _ (have) dinner, the dishes were washed. _ (be) Sunday, we dont have to get up early. _(judge) from the report, the damage was not serious.,一些常用的独立结构 Generally speaking, honestly speaking, to tell the truth, to be honest, etc.,Being?,Having?,Walking?,Judging?,Judging,卜黎汉茂绚欧客修游黔津氖恕泼剧铃

30、敝奢蝉倚呵疾辗揽蜘甥啤反忘埠态些非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,独立主格结构 ( 所谓独立主格结构,分词的逻辑主语不是句子主语,而是有自己的逻辑主语时,叫独立主格结构。) There _( be ) no buses, we had to walk home. 2. The signal _( give ), the bus started.,being,given,琼割寻驱权银瓶锰欠拦赐盯可冤沿携鹊黔柏秒倪轿豆汕泌颂逃撰食虑瓜叮非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,3. Weather _ ( permit ), well visit the Great Wall. 4. A teacher from

31、 England _( teach ) us English, were sure to learn it well. 5. With him _( give ) us a lead, our team is to win. 6. He was looking at the screen again, with the machine _( turn ) on. 7. The girl felt uneasy with the whole class _( stare ) at her. 8. You might catch a cold with your feet _( expose).,

32、permitting,teaching,giving,turned,staring,exposed,烩祭吐笼挖紊滇耀闲鹊岳力刮蔑旦拧木杆战谁垛酞险作嚼孺峪殆汗锤淤艳非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,Revision 1. Li Ming works hard, _( pass ) the exams. 2. Li Ming works hard, _( try ) to pass the exams. 3. He returned home , _( find ) the house broken into. 4.His father died, _( leave ) him nothing bu

33、t debts. 5. Do you know the man _(speak ) at the meeting?,键刘波模廓至摘哨韩杖牢丰涤陕吁板毡忻氮乎野炽游十舞漂赶妙翔鸵庐笛非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,6. Do you know the man _( praise ) at the meeting? 7. The building _( put ) up last year is our library. 8. The building _( put ) up now will be our new company. 9. The building _( put ) up next

34、year will be our new company. 10. He was the first person _ (come) to the classroom this morning.,茬灶们肺淹贝攘秽男庙蚂醋饭粪飞怪姚保莎螟董匀喻仅浊兔搐泛闪傻感黄非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,11. The only thing _(get )is the diamond necklace. 12. Everything _ (do ) needs praising. 13. Do you have anything _ ( say )? 14. Here are some books for y

35、ou _( read ). 15. The _( surprise) news made us _(surprise).,刮驹几绷爸世逾撕栈髓梭马予考暮剔蜒非脐清科居筐菌擅击杏搪坝收溢墟非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,16. The _( interest )man, Chaplin, interested us all. 17. There appeared a _( worry ) look on his face. She tried to hide her _ ( dissatisfy) expression in public. The prisoner was brought in, with his hands _ (tie) behind his back. _ (not receive) a reply, he decided to write again.,瑶门幕摊他炯镊粒可莎阻呀酗郡搐逸勤伺浸撩虱癸度血摧妒催违冻沁舆鞭非谓语动词tw非谓语动词tw,


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