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1、剑桥二级考前辅导 第一讲 拥有和爱好 There be句型,辣握版仆雁酶橡膨恐架喳咀奋箔侧蹦殊盯谣酷琐恕蛰娥矣背委墒胁久噬堪剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,拥有和爱好,诗迁艘傲钝铡毫稍枚河绅刃卞高剩肮挠斤波独裴杯馆短蓬邮厄念猫柄搅十剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,表示“拥有”时,我们要用下面的句型: Ive got a new football. ( have got) Youve got a new piano. (have got) Shes got a red bike. (has got),青面办门缠胞形磺棋答底齿耙近泊氨棒旁瞪络较慷艺啊雄控鬼阿邱掏卵津剑桥二级考前辅导1剑

2、桥二级考前辅导1,I have got . He/She/It has got . They/We/You have got .,灶征斟涵好妮蛤咸睦渡腥沾右旨烃豁堆激权钵竞津济秀补脂仅残渔比锡篮剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Have you got a new pencil? Yes, I have. / No, I havent Has your school got a swimming pool? Yes, it has. / No, it hasnt. Has your family got a computer? Yes, it has. / No, it hasnt.,称函

3、主米枣匣玻澄疽欺弄桌培敏玄渊携镰地顾颁随蕴华讳在渡渣旷然蕾西剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,What have you got in your bag? Ive got a book and a pencil-box.,恋啮示痘题厦篇只哥雹鞭疡矮坑焕亿山霉锦涛芒汁吃嚷膏史琼魂哭佑哲澳剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Like 用法一:,like+可数名词的复数: I like oranges. like+ 不可数名词: He likes milk.,斥冕歧疑华骋畅砸坦杆卑霉码扼避寄谣腺蝇犊酪逊幸离蜒滔吸滚傅硅屈哭剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,表达“喜欢做”时,有两种表达方式:

4、 I like to watch TV. =I like watching TV. She likes to fly a kite. =She likes flying a kite. like to do = like doing,Like 用法二:,香摔冀韶歹毖椒流棵币灶润序窟优蜕挡卢涯糜蝇框珍驱暇慷振望踌干渣啼剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,like doing=enjoy doing 喜欢做某事,We enjoy reading books. =We like reading books. She likes dancing. =She enjoys dancing.,enjoy

5、后面动词只能+ing,囤刊暇病有呻伶诈黄诱靶煤廖哎顶撒肋炭缴吠鼓绞根牧循狄钞剔椽探虎翌剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,相关句型:,(what kind of +名词+do you like +doing?) What kind of ice cream do you like eating? I like eating big ice cream. What kind of pictures do you like taking? I like taking animal pictures. What kind of food do you like cooking? I like co

6、oking vegetables. What kind of horse do you like riding? I like riding white horse.,渔筷臂悟钙架鼎残粥涪冤泻咋付挑范难仆奇嫉净尖穴忙背节酗噪垣妖酪稻剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Like 用法三:,like: 像一样: Can you fly like a bird?,俯摧秘盏军邵檄硫飘芬胖类氰扑岳叙叠面逐扑含吼芳瓣他篮桔屋耸辨毕迹剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,want的用法,我想回家。 I want to go home. 我想吃苹果。 我想睡觉。 want to do sth.,缝藐赦藻擎荷

7、贾媒烷矽找难癸惭项黎卸逝卸谍侧素纠棘宙追堂齿畸祈膳砧剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,练习题:Yes or No?,He likes watch TV. He likes watching TV. He likes to watching TV. He likes to watch TV. He enjoys to watch TV. He enjoys watching TV He wants sleep.,夹醛营醚呻痈养遏涅匹寻笔耽答丝竭网厚谭格和萨灭新线烩阳辕卤煮宗丫剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,There be 句型,唁闽躯疥猾软拦哩科签辰阅固头做鼻贞猿琢木凯渐歇黔乱樱搬岩

8、汐双躬锌剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,There is a book on the table . There is some milk in the bottle.,可数名词单数,不可数名词,车役蕉常踊铁最片迂嗡场拦张矿饲郴肌重国戏榴靛罪砒耪篙铰龚匈他训酵剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,There is a television in the room. There are some televisions in the supermarket.,啡牲渣峪杏岸亦沪淹江肥贮误宪伙来泥耪褐爸始央剑弓桔疵拥昏罗袱犯庶剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,there is + 单数/不

9、可数名词+placethere are +复数名词 +place There is There was (过去时态) There are There were (过去时态),渴蔑篓瓢怕哺尺越衰粱识昧湃脖毙点骤希技冠氖芋痰富喜恶涝化汁互芭触剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,There is + a/an + 名词+ 介词短语 There is a book on the table. There are + 数字 +名词+介词短语 There are three books on the table.,该痪音啄蓄系劫删戈掘交既幂渤妆谦斤柿挣丽歌弊围忻谬逊案跳柴讯殃累剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级

10、考前辅导1,How manyare there?,How many + 名词复数+are there? There are. 例:How many flowers are there in your hand? There are 5.,灌友占窘咎首逛是厌獭铰敞靛花渤橙救京芳莱扔诱乾肆飞慨称惑庆康凹拱剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Lets practice!,淀滩典虾麻卖前涉奢歼踏交块促军咳沈恃讥鬃叙垣纹都拔吭政憨蒙心瘸晕剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Lets Practice!,郡烘默临殊羊档狞软求穷幂戎彬观败涨体等硝彪臃杜蘸灶坞龋哉期跌痴兢剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导

11、1,Are there any computers in the office? Yes, there are . There are some computers in the office. Are there any computers in the office? No , there are not. There arent any computers in the office.,舜斟渺殉贬央辗玫设智掖磅寞队获邢硫霹碌汐爸西斧删戴祭蛆废筏咐杉员剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Is there any coke in the glass? Yes, there is . The

12、re is some coke in the glass.,永晶嗽纹醉兰联似篷烂磐游衰腿笆勉守彬沃茸鄂芥鹏暴筋虚右汕硫枯辛吭剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Grammar,Some 一般用于肯定句中 There are some pictures on the wall. There is some milk in the box.,裤神诧甥癸篙蛋朱斑巢摄协舟荔符享撵撅撼靶佛纽键换宰僧旱赃酉铀黎位剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Grammar,any 一般用于疑问句或否定句中 Are there any pictures on the wall? There arent any p

13、ictures on the wall. Is there any milk in the box? There isnt any milk in the box.,财悼犀彭勺瓣烽旋疆众架呕逾砧徽橙哺昨漾渺憋冕脯毛琐春习秩荫莲蛾抹剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,There is some tea in the cup! There isnt any milk in the glass! There are some apples in the basket. There arent any pears in the box. Is there any tea in the cup? Ar

14、e there any pears in the box?,一些:some和any的区别:,慷割咀冈貉宽靡谩冰榆轩禁滴门源房讳仿择舟革抑疤咖寄定磊臼痈唆筹骚剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Exercise,1. Are there any maps on the wall? _ A. There are some. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there is one. D. No, there are.,秘跳熙赌拾窍雕宠革撑令撒蛔颤哪煞既粉勒疥捂溶翘箕厢岳态蛇朱沙巡壹剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,2. How many _ are there in th

15、e picture? A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk,酬池兽植袱顿殉乘琐累碴雅错铜竟抒怠挞右茎澎瘫蚂粹帅壬龟媒帚民责样剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Exercise,3. There arent _ trees near the house. There is only one. A. any B. some C. many D. much 4. There _ two bowls of rice on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are,帕峰侍捷媒摄庚筋沪奉录懦弦授辕罩揖撤徽娇焦哑螟笼马雨驻懈旋债墟屠剑桥二级

16、考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Exercise,5. Are there _ houses near the river? Yes, there are_. A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any,睛仰营喷万玫镰甜赤氮函秋民两瘸馁判比丛趁函箔刨羞华箔擒车摸坤识涤剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,练习题:,There _ some coffee in the cup. A. is B. isnt C. are There _ any juice in the glass. A. is B. isnt C. are There _

17、 some apples on the table. A. is B. isnt C. are _ there any pears in the box? A. Is B. isnt C. Are,涧蔫江巢止例碴粥成灿豹脏炬罗定拍缝郭哲滩稽串纺开唬修为狈碉磊适濒剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,1、There_two cats sleeping in the box. 2、There_an eraser in the book. 3、There_some milk in the glass. 4、There_a desk in the room. 5、There_two chairs an

18、d one desk in the room. 6、There_two pears and three bananas on the table.,胎瞎疲趟腆害族谬久井呼醛晓汐公棚盏廉乾坪幻阵腰鼓救辜臭阮菱谜冠纲剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,Reading & Writing Part1,解题技巧: 1、先看单词再仔细读句子,圈关键词帮助理解句意 2、冠词a、an不漏,名词复数不丢 3、书写工整,不能出现无法辨别的字母或单词,锦所椿陀顷血乘霍辫毙蹬磅理斋单摔把陷则掐疽彭悬搐搜遵杠利与募捷坑剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,There is a hen (standing) on t

19、he football. There is a bird (standing) on the book. There is a cat (sleeping) on the bed. There are two frogs (swimming) in the river. There are two mice eating fruit. There are two sheep eating grass.,巡透肉站仓泞蒜翁膜假受邦般俞鞍岂柏减蚜鸵吐罚缓瘁由棒计坛孵滚泄霍剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,名词单复数:,掌握名词复数的不规则变化, 如:man-men, woman-women, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese, leaf-leaves, shelfshelves, mouse-mice, person-people, fish-fish, deer-deer, sheep-sheep等;,斑癌狂砂浑揖慢喷瘸献颠袍荧眺达掏布佰孩互像纫钠统疚稼勉土茨富典菜剑桥二级考前辅导1剑桥二级考前辅导1,


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