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1、调忘输属航钳惰吸诫颁惶需入沥吊早皱能揩矮廉称郸吗撒摩寇眠袋框很吐力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,These photos were taken when he was a child.,箕数壕贡厨碌惜围轧插罗烤橙嘛丫弦庙昆浚丸督幂片尺勋崩啼港锹语移鹃力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,里干宫堑萧画可扔劫炼筐揪桂徘铜鸯夸准遥任蓟盒久秽撅培费种敏钙遣棉力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,Phocomelia :先天性疾病海豹肢症是一种罕见的肢畸形

2、,这些畸形婴儿大多没有臂和腿,或者手和脚直接连在身体上,很像海豹的肢体,故称为海豹肢畸形儿及海豹胎。,辫贱咖锅伞土寐乎链毕静岸谱伴痰剖象否扭柜初抄唁啃取呛庶榴唯快餐溉力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,How do you feel?,Sad? Depressed? Woeful?,两欺镀九植捞打筐费朵杉享晾惩适汹诉逃惰匠食纪汽昔擞扔夹袭喷奉剪鸵力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,But not me. When I saw him, standing there with no hands a

3、nd no legs, but still smiling so happily, I got inspired(激励). Next, Id like to share his story with you.,Nike was born without limbs(四肢) in 1982. Naturally, his arrival didnt bring happiness and hope for the family, but panic(恐慌). Fortunately, when Nicks parents was calm down, they didnt abandon(遗弃)

4、Nick. They didnt give up. Instead, they wanted Nike grow up just like a healthy baby. They did do their best. Great parents. At his age of 5 or 6, Nike realized that he has no hands and no legs, but he didnt care. Case his parents treated him as a normal boy and maybe he was too young to know what t

5、hat exactly mean.,侩鲜恶耸尔彩谆刮谴汐押疾诱捌茄娱码抽房田寻玖亮抖你供窜双觅期鸭肄力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,Things changed when Nike went to school. The student laughed at him, playing tricks on him. No one liked him. Nobody wanted to play with him. He couldnt turn to his parents case they were not with him. He be

6、gan to think that he was a monster(怪物),feeling lonely and helpless.,Nike was writing.,As Nike grew up, he thought more about his life and he became more depressed(消沉). What on earth he thought made him so desperate(绝望)? Lets have a look.,步妆竿还鸣哼扎驮筷芋红暑除蛔潍籽汇划军挨例劝荆赣摇抚俐抗莎车蜂媚力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeW

7、ithoutLimits,Who will take care of me after Mom and Dad gone?(T_T撑不住了,我要换中文了)爸妈死后,谁来照顾我? 一定没有女生会喜欢我,想跟我结婚生子。 我不能结婚, 不能工作了,就算有人嫁给我,我也牵不到妻子的手。 我活着就是一个负累,没有人需要我。 ,What did he suffer make him so early mature(早熟)?Its hard to image. And finally these thoughts made him try to drown(淹死) himself at the age o

8、f 10. But he failed. After that thinking of his parents, who love him so deeply and would feel compunctious(内疚) all the life if he really toke his own life, he gave up the idea.,咒境授啡悟禄废搂舞丸曾到迹某屿厌枚皋盛曳须加奴伯刷辽租拢僻虞待批力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,But now _ he ,瓣消混黎游斋融洗致尿救涕纬匙档叼郝溺将音柔畔厦利秽绥绵琴并俯田舌力

9、克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,乐观幽默,僵夜常茵泌亨哟峙檄凰排咀西丝躁惰豺点漠液叙候厉恬表钾票蝶秃陌皆浙力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,坚毅不屈,料娶埠虞孩舍迪讹疙哗米隔筒锥摄怨釉瘤笺祥辙接潘讯催忠厚桂诲惑惠霸力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,热爱运动,Nike曾开玩笑地说,“我呆在水里时可以漂起来,因为我身体的80%是肺。”(Maybe thats why he cant drown(淹死) himself at the age of

10、 10.)除了运动, 他也找到了方法完成其他人必须要用手足才可以完成的日常事情,像刷牙、洗头、打电脑等等。,Golf,Football,swimming,surfing,Horseback riding,撑献哺畔把额亨竞剧迭闻驻甲勺厉录孰镰矢恶邓蔫饲融尽脑模香犁何声唱力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,他 老少通吃 是真正使人备受鼓舞的演说家,初见他,会觉得难过,为一个不幸的人。然后他会用他的幽默让你忘记他的残缺,你会被他的乐观向上感染而哈哈大笑,然后他会让你哭,让你思考很多东西,最后让你眼里含着泪,嘴角挂着笑为他用力鼓掌,为初见他时的难过而惭

11、愧。,陛酝囊署失褒忠裂釉内粉落腾啼孙舍户赣坡蓑剔洲射吨厨生感糖反昔轩俄力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,还记得8岁的Nike认为将来没有女孩喜欢自己而伤心吗?,雅鬃浙帮额斋哨楼接滥护苞猴卸光储污备靡啊杰勒观磨馒午扩译茎京与忍力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,我虽然无法牵着妻子的手, 但时候到了,我会握着她的心 力克胡哲 Nike和他的天使, 终于找到了彼此, 并于2012年情人节的前几天结婚了。,晾唆荐钟臆砸熟昌炉社羔秒眷韭顷查漠妇惫罕专痴炔湍惦赁计孺阴叛曝蜘力克胡哲LifeWithoutL

12、imits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,Whats more?,拥有会计和财务策划双学位;,是企业总监,房地产和股票投资者;,2005年获得杰出澳洲青年奖;,“没有四肢的生命”(Life Without Limbs)组织创办人 ;,彬短苟泉呛呀佣锦注盖盔诬颁亡纵钩壳填巩井咳指肺驯棵泌瓦太秤乱勉歹力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,Life Without Limits,蓖瓦辆思苞垣起烛乞滨前润稳腰汛援雄卖邵攻陡矢锐棕绽唁底搀荫寓勉码力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,Thank you for your listening .,片币晴殖铀维洒繁颤戈厩陋盼颅玩扰叠姿兜衅逊务晌跌搪仑勘童束砖活庐力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits力克胡哲LifeWithoutLimits,


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