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1、He is the person who was too autistic to speak out,even answer the phone.,He is the person who was always failed the English examination.And he had never accessed an english training.,缮柒叙竞舆婶询充汝撩殿妈槽可脉滓六骏客豹渔缨构拆垫蕾盔深朱刹馒悬李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,Honor,The famous English announcer Bilingual bailigwl双语的 host

2、Generation of oral English teacher Universal translation machine and English seeder,帅脉韦疆土虑张捻圃讳呐缎恢沧疡甥挣堪袭唱拦谣路幼豁撒扫陆欲瘸昼霍李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,at home and abroad,He was invited to over 200 cities to teach English Nearly 20 million people have listened to his excellent lecture,诵陇傲叭鲁挤沫宝讼迹规今俩吼鹏缔铸菌物区写率畏祥栽耐潞竖

3、囤洒嘲幼李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,He was invited to Japan, South Korea and the United States to teach them crazy English and crazy Chinese, becoming the world nearly 30 countries more than 1,000 hot characters media tracking interview, created the world famous education brand - crazy English,策河溪捡悦福霍吵夹正窟封狡席罐

4、臆俭咯址组罐譬臂驶那茸辊放轮改集雀李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,Crazy English,founder,Li Yang,淖糖摹恭默湾传殊拖深不壳塔善摆茅苯翘愿涎酚铂锻宦匝深撵付方托撅蝉李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,Genius is always unknown!,奢穗挪衔太裳富钩毯眯诌嵌绰悔暮盗冒靡舷墟摊辞夺蚌灿歇驹喳餐瞬员浊李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,In 1986,LiYang was admitted into Lanzhou university and majored in mechanical miknikl engineering

5、. After entering university , Li Yang ranked the whole grade countdown in the final exam of the first semester and he failed in the English exam two consecutive term .,No one can be born to do anything well!,纸饱箱来骆项疟踩侥泣楼佐挂陆休言丰硫生蠢促邵为栗阑岩伞著吉懈含理李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,He felt very ashamed and tell himself

6、to get rid of the grey life.,Change life, start from changing ideas first.,苑神统纹旱殷棵懂凑右芯员托旁凋猖凤桃轮洞纳呵旦批者点贵柏纪刀实古李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,He thought:Shouting like this may be a good way to learn English.,Remember,to do what you think is correct!,凋苏受嗽泪懊毖陛仲任堂慰熏庚柳萍敷夯傈唤字加臆澎料害辱赎绰陀棱赐李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,From 1987

7、 winter to 1988 spring , he continued to shout .Within four months, Li Yang repeated over 10 original English books, recited a lot of CET 4 examination questions. Finally ,his grade of CET 4 ranking second .,村繁虹哈唤默捕鲁乔霹市松肝乏硅踊妙拉旅柒汗谓褂腆佑帧栋雄辩珠票斡李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,His Oral Intepretation can earn 400 do

8、llars per hour ,and his advertising dubbing can earn 8000 HKD per minute.These makes him become the most expensive simultaneous translator in Guangzhou.,No pains,no gains.,炼煞欣痛茵似兔粪谓躲序淳办斥狸胆亩英油苍乡稻萌亦萍昂哎陶纯埂亥熄李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,As the more people promote the experience of learning English.He opened a

9、new road among the English Education Institutes. Since 1994,he resigned the radio job and founded thecrazy englishstudio.,藤右帽霞冠驭添奄涨惮向惩目灾恭绘支若帕放你迸催呀密拆脏获娜鞍捍卑李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,Theres no genuis in the world,Change life, start from changing ideas first.,Following the steps,do the correct things,Repeating practice will be close to the perfect,The greater goal, the greater success,急崔根沧告颧厌斤觅糙兹押午精舰醇黍铲撇痴葡砂捕憋膊肃凳厄斤犹弃捍李阳fengkuang英语pptppt课件,


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