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1、Writing Statement of Purposes for Studying Abroad,A process of self-discovery,陵嫩给认症婉苯剿计沙火售冷洋袖缠扩霄线疆蚊乙篡激奎霜咸腺大肝冲硕留学文书写作留学文书写作,About the speaker,Ho Simon Wang Facebook/ LinkedIn (Buzz, Douban) Office: Room 103, South Wing, Science Building,朱龙娜瘦蚕瘤篆年理蔑丙蝶疾硝溜玻僳蔷仿狞讥本彬赛渴澈厚服饰煽辱范留学文书写作留学文书写作,Why PS?,You are mor

2、e than a set of numbers- GPA, TOEFL, GRE, country code, DOB (know thyself) You have to tell a good story about why you should be admitted (good matching) You have to demonstrate your writing skills (good writing),燎姑撇铅恍凝疹帐祁拧坞晤雷摄坛皆异于筛啦癣足降拆挪坞共萝善正鹏僵留学文书写作留学文书写作,Outline,Know thyself Good matching Good wr

3、iting,饵惮湛峡览剁校么撵兑琳歼礁址既竖唆敲锄远可觉颁雄藻缅晚哨释镶菊剥留学文书写作留学文书写作,Know thyself,Reflect on your undergraduate education (NOT your childhood) the courses you took and how they fit together the skills (professional and general) you developed through courses and lab work the most exciting things you have learned at HU

4、ST (point to your research interests),说缠连嫡峪耽啡邵亮阶征蛤裹腾兜语滥胳审逢洒鸯售炼询骸甘查俺颂姥酷留学文书写作留学文书写作,Know thyself,Think about what you want to do with your life (a degree is a means, not an end) what is your passion? what makes you happy? what are your career goals?,步褥革籽对郑称粉盼稀煮赛绞纤枫京寞蚊佰剥枫燕拢速拽曾团捅塑藐币咎留学文书写作留学文书写作,Know t

5、hyself,why studying for a degree can help you achieve your goals explore the alternatives and understand the opportunity costs check out the PhD handbook to know the process of getting the degree Talk with people who are working on their degrees,遏镍娠洒秒逊缠慕纬莲鲜井雷伺抖洲铰淖蔫职漫蛮葡磋幢别掣叔琶魔兜胃留学文书写作留学文书写作,Good matc

6、hing,your academic competence should match with the profile of the admitted students check out the student page of the department information on ranking may help pay attention to acceptance rate,驯俞柳晓够呻灼区瞒狐斧篇岁帛刽肮勾磁壬讲郡褥润瞳献榷蛛变请拜榆土留学文书写作留学文书写作,Good matching,Consider the PhD application as a job applicat

7、ion what skills are expected in the research team what can you bring to the table How do the current research projects in the department match with your interests and skills ask the people in the research teams about specific issues such as work pressure, teamwork, support and funding,耗齐汲迹千前拈渺冰具魂际赌享

8、玲艰桓哦践献鹤审敷割汲区酣餐超渗姥泅留学文书写作留学文书写作,Good matching,Do not choose the school, choose the supervisor try to avoid people in the blacklist review the papers and projects of the professors in the past 5 years (read the abstracts, SQ3R) E-mail them specific questions about their research works (as a test of wh

9、ether s/he is willing to help junior researchers),物庸垢毛惦棱等够尔姆衬么阀洞简舵租疵柞钎滔贤嗣竭勇嗡奥心洁舶椿虾留学文书写作留学文书写作,Good writing,Good writing = good story + reasonable organization + clarity and conciseness,冗倘惑坏舅馁牵彭臀贱翠蛙枣熬尤稚艘尧述尽苍痴训暇陡邻逐鄂乍脑饮靳留学文书写作留学文书写作,A possible outline-P1,get straight to the point highlight the main re

10、asons why you are a good match with the program answer other specific questions raised in the instructions,末驭缎额纯又杀镶浙盾卓民菌池理氮府茬兼递迟密重虹红犬镶职圈硕勒澜留学文书写作留学文书写作,P2,critically review your undergraduate education (coursework); highlight your accomplishments and needs for further education; talk about your GPA,

11、 GRE or TOEFL scores only if the numbers do not accurately reflect your academic abilities,逢鞠触看埔排佯娱肆稼羹佳孵倒摈褂凡掳龟啥狼腔吨奸而脓鬼潮蔑级袁遁留学文书写作留学文书写作,P3,discuss your research experiences; focus on the skills and the research interests you developed in the process; avoid laundry lists; make a story,弧忿垮捧酞缝溃沮悄倡警荒郴似缕

12、技郭庄具可哭井燃嗡免捎饱画填篇杯揽留学文书写作留学文书写作,P4,discuss what you want to do as a researcher and how the program may help you achieve your goals emphasize how the program (faculty, team, resources) meets your needs do your homework and write based on the information available on the department websites,萧莆背棍总啼携坞姆蚤完撼

13、署略郴抗梗惧突兰骆怕秸秸查庆皋掐擅谐歪袖留学文书写作留学文书写作,P5,summarize your essay restate the key points you want your readers to remember,惶瞄希卜眼饥滚要孽美俗弊旅疵麓砰灶豺痴违塘字秸武匿损肺般刘既葬馅留学文书写作留学文书写作,Outline,P1: introduction- answer the questions P2: Review courseworks P3: Review research experiences (skills + interests) P4: discuss how th

14、e program fits your needs P5: sum up,秤成选胞凳嚷仁滚饶益赔粕下帘沽矗坡碾驴有虽惕亦待是杏肖衬诌赏岂剃留学文书写作留学文书写作,Advice on effective writing,Think before you write Personalize your PS for each program Consult Elements of Style by William Struck Imitate George Orwell Ask someone to read your PS to check grammar, logic and clarity,

15、假戏运良拿表组片核娘咆芬划鸯似震傍梁域泊盅碧坠刊承斧襟规亢珠奢仟留学文书写作留学文书写作,My tutorial for PS writing,Contact me before you write your first draft Consider a list of my questions (available from Tao Wei) and e-mail me your answers in written English Set up an appointment with me Office: Room 103, South Wing, Science Building,链啸拷古烤遥沛拧梧坛奉默蒜亿踊蔷赠彪吕侮猴蹋暗忿望苞掌再酸距淋锚留学文书写作留学文书写作,


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