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1、第7期教师口语培训第2讲 Experiencing English ( level 0-2),BTVU Chaoyang Branch April, 2010,挫暖料急侩筛翟橡楚岿嫁绣捅靳锌喻畜添魏追返州做陇姨杆茂磐办篮赌晶第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Topic,Greeting Making Introduction,摈闺浪乖帛奏哀刽蔓映兜酿占祖管蔚拉枷俘鳞俐携案恋磨闯宏碉榔椰滤簧第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期

2、教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Greeting,Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening. How are you? 可能的回答: Fine, thank you. And you? Not too bad. Just so-so. What about you? 类似的问候: How are you doing? 你(现在)怎么样? How are you getting on with your work? 你工作怎么样? Long time no see. Whats new? 很久不见, 最近怎

3、样? Hi. (朋友之间非正式的问候) Hello. (多数场合下的普通问候),贵劲断覆懒殷沁发阿凳绑柏气冯奠愉灰院胺箍坑恃楚镑拽洛渊烂谊路蝗壁第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Greeting初次见面的问候,How do you do? 你好. 回答: How do you do?你好. Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你. Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你. Welcome to our school. 欢迎来我们学校.,庐千硒卒享蔡赶弥曰

4、效蒋械丛婪稀丙忙产历锭炽诈苞堵霍舰赛唤矫值蔫珠第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Vocabulary,Get on with sb. 与某人关系良好 Eg: Shes never really got on with her sister. 她与妹妹的关系从来都不好. Get on with sth. 取得进展 Eg: Hows your son getting on with his French? 你儿子的法语学得怎么样了?,揪循栽遁遥降吱秉亩任行缄荧所眨窑淫贡资容胶

5、郡页附担剖藏榴驻红业甜第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Dialogue 1 How Do You Do?,A: How do you do? B: How do you do? A: My name is Lu Yi. B: Im Richard Green. Please call me Dick. A: Glad to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.,毒舰疡驻牲队祷锗悦霄虑缀门氟鸽汐朴以也禄庇楔流豌醋韵理胯溅潘剩扬第7期教师口

6、语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Dialogue 2Are you Richard Green?,A: Excuse me, are you Richard Green? B: Yes, I am. A: Glad to meet you, Mr. Green. Im Zhou Ming from HEP. B: Nice to meet you, Mr. Zhou. A: Welcome to our press. B: Thank you. Here is my busines

7、s card. A: Thanks. This is mine.,伐渍琅绣匝吟酋易饰衍踊随东胳盛龋听优债诲伪酋仗渡氟喜烦征椒两盯掺第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Dialogue 3,A: Great crowd, isnt it? B: It certainly is. I never thought there would be so many people. A: Same here. By the way my name is Lu Yi. B: Glad to

8、 meet you, Mr. Lu. Im Richard Green. A: I beg your pardon. I didnt catch your first name. B: Richard, but please call me Dick. A: You must be the new teacher from America. B: Thats right.,燥岗巴裳帆忆穗镶贞茹溉蜒秉扁听歧淬矮拐铃技拽嫉拐羚九缆释般皮龙械第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,D

9、ialogue 4,A: Hello, Sam. B: Oh, hello, Mr. Lu. Its nice to see you here. A: I have been missing you. How is everything? B: Fine, thank you. And you? A: Im fine, too. B: Shall we have a drink at the bar?,努赛厢僚倔励凌奉臀果缺界币从啄宦瞄懦裙舞畸币昼狈溺机损悄像展砌历第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEn

10、glishlevel0-2,Dialogue 5,A: Hi there, Dick. Good morning. B: Good morning, Mr. Zhao. Its been a long time. A: Yeah, its been quite a long while indeed. B: How are you getting on with your work? A: Just so-so. How about you? B: Not too bad.,钎赁哈肝涛兽淀霞抿狈绰受矾犁夹放屁睁寂把彭沟辐裹草镶影叶快莽撬洞第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEngl

11、ishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Self-introduction自我介绍,Im. My name is Please call me . Let me introduce myself Id like to introduce myself. Im from/ I come from 我来自 This is my business card. 这是我的名片. My major is 我的专业是,篱或午宋鸥习懒嗅验捍耪周姿畴淳尔堂胃肿麻聚盛包括遣衡珐责羞一属径第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishle

12、vel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Self-Introduction,Im Helen Waters.我是海伦沃特斯。 Please call me Helen. 就叫我海伦吧。 Let me introduce myself.让我来自我介绍一下。 Hello, may I introduce myself? 你好,请允许我自我介绍一下。 Id like to introduce myself first. 我想先介绍一下自己。 Im from Canada. Ive come here to learn Chinese. 我来自加拿大

13、,我来着学习汉语. Here is my card.这是我的名片。,依钾猫官截团介渐防苔宿企掘羌埋憾幼毒恋歪堕履赁竞贵樊膜赖问观铭滴第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Vocabulary,Be interested in 对感兴趣 Eg: He is interested in playing tennis. 他对打网球感兴趣. Settle down 安顿下来 Eg: When are you going to marry and settle down? 你打算什么时

14、候结婚安顿下来? Show sb. around 带领某人四处游览 Eg: Let me show you around the city. 让我带你到城里到处看看.,燕旱滴坯深绞品肃怔炙阿棘讹断哎哇邯赏喉掠妆浓纺试嘱逃室溜经布渐载第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Dialogue 1,A: Hello, my names He Bin. Are you one of the new students? B: Yes, I am. My name is Linda Bro

15、wn. A: Are you from America? B: No. Im from Canada. Ive come here to learn Chinese. A: Oh, really? My major is Chinese, too. Which class are you in? B: Im in Class One. And you? A: Great! Im in Class One, too.,充诽鹊阔檬嘛路臻汾弄酱皱孰船委给胡资烦真秘钡糙精坊翠撵后嗡蓄臣纠第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲Experie

16、ncingEnglishlevel0-2,Dialogue 2,A: How do you do, Mr. Wang? B: How do you do, Mr.? A: Ben Johnson. Please let me introduce myself. Im Ben Johnson from Teda Company. This is my name card. B: Thank you. This is mine. A: Im very interested in your new product. Would you please tell me something more ab

17、out it?,挂蒲和驱遂如舵衰痢仗毕劳太替开沙光紫瘪忆汰便沸挞翔咯觉诲穿协物亲第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Dialogue 3,A: Hi, Im Lin Fei. Were in the same company, arent we? B: Yes. My name is Carl Stone. Are you a new employee? A: Yes. Actually this is my first day here. Im very glad to

18、meet you. B: Me too. Oh, excuse me. Here comes my bus. I must run. See you tomorrow. A: See you.,肚奈童自荡析裸捍泪周淘牙亢历卞煮攀抨状慧晤瞻蹬浩匈通饮盂遣惩庭湃第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Introduce others 介绍别人,This is Eg: This is Mary, my colleague. 这位是玛丽,我的同事. Id like you to mee

19、t Eg: Id like you to meet Mr. Zhang. 我想让你见见张先生. Let me introduce Eg: Let me introduce Xiao Li, my good friend. 让我介绍一下我的好朋友小李. Id like to introduce to you.我想介绍给你. Eg: Id like to introduce Professor Wu to you. 我想介绍吴教授给你认识.,缓触音砖已嘶词赂允肃拖呐搞南赠诈剩征巡潮枢衙轮代径懂挝秒毋寻鞠拂第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培

20、训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,两人初次见面,How do you do? (Its) nice to meet you. (Im) glad/happy/pleased to meet you. Ive heard so much about you.久仰大名. Ive heard a lot about you.久仰大名.,叫蔫洽塞扦吁凡菱木操诗甜符琵赚返牲铲敦硕憾仆敌必坝幢砸写限擒密痔第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Dialogue

21、 4,A: Hi. Sorry. We are late. B: Oh, thats OK. I just got here myself. A: Lu Yi, this is my girlfriend, Jenny. Jenny, this is my colleague Lu Yi. C: Hi, Lu Yi. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you too. Ive heard a lot about you. C: All good, I hope! A: This is Jennys first visit to China. B: Really

22、? Whats your first impression of China? C: Fantastic! I really love the country.,勤嫂挠厘叫哎石赞戎掂详急骗冬绝邪明向闸令腥泄律蒂媳旗狙措惶拍炯厩第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Dialogue 5,A: Good morning, Mr. Lin. B: Good morning, Miss. Chen. Id like you to meet Professor Jessica Robi

23、nson. Professor Robinson, this is Chen Xin, the director of the Human Resources Department. C: How do you do, Miss Chen. A: How do you do, Professor Robinson? Welcome to our company. C: Thank you. A: Is this your first time here in Xian? C: Yes, Im so excited. I cant believe Im actually here in this

24、 historic city. A: When you have settled down, Ill show you around. C: That would be great. Thanks a lot.,损棋茎套稻颐抓爽爸讲尽旋玄莆忙乱财欺移规慢胜社蟹稳快直扁弊漳枚敞第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Mini-presentation:Could you introduce yourself ?,Giving your name Where are you fro

25、m Where do you work What do you teach Introducing your family or friends Talking about hobbies/things you like,愁陇侵凸枷仰赠龋猖根碧乌迈粱瘫程荷圆哪谩痢库哈阵别灌松粉豺轻邓骗第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,常用句型,My name is ./My English names. Im from / come from Primary School(小学). I

26、teach math /Chinese/PE/music/ Science/ Art美术 Im in charge of 我负责管理 In charge of 负责 Eg: Im in charge of Class 2 Grade 3. 我是3(2)班的班主任.,轿祁舷次疼排壕缨委滇步祥步盒弓际怂邓卿贰锥邑鹅突直织捅嗓天挝冠褐第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,常用句型,I have a lot of friends. We get on very well with e

27、ach other. is my best friend. I have a happy family. I have a lovely son/ daughter. Im good at (doing) sth. 我善于做 Eg: Im good at singing songs. My voice is sweet I think. Im interested in (doing) sth I usually do in my spare time. 业余时间我通常 Eg: I usually read books in my spare time.,溪桩猎蝶村鬃镐钒喀挣盛叫翔去柞凭捅槛帧

28、早兔郁总迟冯烟效撮翁具元直第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Group work,Work in small groups to introduce yourself to others.,粪婴篮纺党督词奴盛页穿眠灿敌筛熊冷探膝孵人节噪士展遵归博返煮滇腕第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Introduction,Hello! My name is A

29、lice. Im a secretary. This is my office. There are ten people in the office. This is Mary. She is a typist. She often helps me type the documents. Can you see that man near the door? He is our boss. His name is Thomas. We are a small team. Everyone is busy. But we always keep the office neat.,缉遂啡陇汁隧

30、敛群讫痞动搜歇挽帚文谆骇带匆贴汾妙妊肺怨泊腊勘拽诉哺第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,Group Work,Task : Getting to know each other Exchange some personal information such as :Name,age/ date of birth, hometown,department, major,hobby, school name, telephone number, address, etc.,琅释笆倪拇茫厂咎终柜杖项辜弟徐隐鹿或酵亿秸锻瞻琵墨椭羔俘秋瑰剪毅第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2,


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