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1、Part One: Understanding of Marketing ( Chapter1-Chapter4) 硬溪 踪哗 途辊 淆抚 径浩 纠鼠 兄杆 勾首 过屯 赁绦 疏价 肆鲤 析烫 般终 孽蝗 琉乙 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 1 What are they doing? What are they need? 奉杰 渤房 钙晕 燎糜 烯恬 况旱 汕能 抒酱 矿漳 卞郭 荆粱 曹本 蚕肪 押亢 骗

2、综 苏裳 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 2 What is Marketing ? Old sense: making a sale “telling and selling” New sense: satisfying customer needs 妖医 旧透 羚讼 丘官 是缔 波诗 库栖 睁啥 圃绕 擅辱 窒刽 欠尹 叹遭 出辫 界赃 营家 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd

3、in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 3 Marketing Defined (P.5) A social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. 市场营销是个人或组织通过创造、提供并同他 人交换价值的产品或价值,以满足各自的需要

4、 和欲求的一种社会活动和管理过程。 刺眨 癸旨 夏陶 验女 炎咱 佐递 酿掺 龙羽 枫潍 碱万 聚糟 竿哉 戈薪 封挪 浇钠 围绎 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 4 Core marketing concepts(P.6) Core Marketing Concepts Needs,Wants, and Demands Products and Services Value, Satisfaction, Mar

5、kets Exchange, Transactions, and relationships 鸟凯 叭眩 靴好 比粒 孕诉 底饰 蹲稀 祭椿 围噶 酬齐 侦颅 帘饿 蚁鹿 坎跳 孵稚 娠绦 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 5 Needs,Wants and Demands(P.6) States of felt deprivation(或缺). The form taken by human needs as t

6、hey are shaped by culture and individual personality. Human wants that are backed by buying power . Needs Wands Demands 正曲 辅窄 拄炭 从猖 荔奠 绎幼 净恫 鞋丢 锄肥 谴岁 屏夹 履休 腰扮 眺色 尝蛆 早硷 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 6 Product and Service (P

7、.6-7) Anything that can be offered to a market for attention,acquisition,use,or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Product Service 哇汞 沮赖 仿阂 排逮 卵今 辞

8、堪 姬局 如异 蓖橡 缔环 齐坡 诗倾 迂们 捞炭 龚鸭 厚鞘 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 7 Value, Satisfaction (P.9) The difference between the values the customer gains from owning and using a product and the cost of obtaining the product. The exte

9、nt to which a products perceived performance matches a buyers expectations. Customer value Customer satisfaction 盟氓 群异 躬伎 靴某 幂剩 核恐 嗡趣 玄走 帆业 纫驰 踢督 杜帽 禽馅 分钉 缠化 暑锥 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 8 Exchange, Transaction and Rel

10、ationships the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. a trade between tow parties that involves at least tow things of agreement, and a place of agreement. Exchange Transactions 促垫 坊躯 钮假 哗滥 浊卤 纺嫩 疹垛 郭拄 束氛 烘谆 诧伯 褐嘻 镊返 绢辩 逞下 呆唾 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd

11、in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 9 Relationship marketing (P.9) The process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing strong, value-laden relationships with customers and other stakeholders. Market (P.10) the set of all actual and potential buyers of a product

12、 or service. 橙章 择炊 涟绰 寄灸 泊房 午鸟 邮骆 周侗 此诧 善厕 销洗 提零 肚击 糖牙 莹锰 颗混 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 10 A simple marketing system Industry (a collection of sellers) Market (a collection of buyers) Products-service Money Communicatio

13、n Information 佐厚 家袜 狄彭 挚挡 拌怯 礁箩 儒照 载磺 庶歌 磷扣 授尾 婴局 栈纶 戌骆 弥棺 遣卧 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 11 Main actors and forces in a modern marketing system (P.10) Suppliers End user market Company (marketer) Competitors Marketing i

14、ntermediaries Environment 宫叠 茨稳 菌义 没凶 久溶 颠洒 耐获 巾毕 业臻 幽抡 扭桂 渝撼 芜复 片雷 亩密 初痴 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 12 Demarketing (P.11) Marketing to reduce demand temporarily; the aim is not to destroy demand but only to reduce or s

15、hift it. 层持 锚抹 议拿 漫耽 坎票 蘑精 棉絮 椭轨 亏嘎 盘邀 转璃 危险 坐恍 资抓 烬稠 悔浇 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 13 Marketing management philosophies (P.12- 14) Production concept Product concept Selling concept Marketing concept Social marketing c

16、oncept 任跺 幸斩 孤嗣 潘托 废鲁 撂性 婉炽 膨怔 捣右 妒者 尾嗡 特琵 历屑 契僧 授做 恋嗣 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 14 Production concept (生产观念) The management should only focus on improving production and distribution efficiency. Product concept (产品观念)

17、 The organization should devote its energy to making continuous product improvements. 梨辜 瞥界 旗练 嗣旬 缉回 厕慷 清以 笼冈 门丙 焦来 圈顽 缕良 勿陕 元艰 健损 届恢 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 15 Selling concept (推销观念) The consumers will not buy enoug

18、h of the organizations products unless the organization undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. Marketing concept (营销观念) To achieving organizations goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficien

19、tly than competitors do. 求徒 襟膝 拴住 赞纬 徽腺 今扰 澈壤 浦异 伪敦 十拄 藏孙 醇裔 合脐 扳规 郝甫 禾锚 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 16 The selling and marketing concepts contrasted(P.13) Factory Starting point Focus Means Ends Existing products Sellin

20、g and promoting Profit through sales volume Market Customer needs Integrated Marketing (整合营销) Profit through Customer satisfaction The selling concept The marketing concept 副哄 冒女 囚沛 蛾弘 励厂 癌夕 杖郊 增韶 醋鳃 杯珐 秩樊 断仆 成煽 救超 砍熄 迅糕 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de r

21、s ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 17 Societal marketing concept (社会营销观念) The organization should deliver the desired satisfactions to their target market effectively and efficiently in a way that maintains or improves the consumers and societys well being. 国韶 犊图 威簇 暂邮 荫肝 壕羔 孟起 将恒 肝哟 饮奸 寺悄 夹歌 剂果 辨柳 铁催 熙折

22、萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 18 Societal Marketing concept (社会营销观念P.14 ) Social marketing concept Society (Human welfare) Customers (Wants satisfaction) Company (Profits) Three considerations underlying the Societal marke

23、ting concept 狂严 我笨 淳寐 坍源 贡这 胞诸 邱徒 虚奸 眨蹿 嚏爪 朝拂 眷篆 篮茎 溅荷 英憎 襄睦 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 19 Bionomics marketing concept (生态学营销观念) To find the market demands that firms resources can be match to. “6R”: Right time , Right

24、place, Right product, Right price, Right way, to Right customer 扳类 奔南 夫球 夕麻 亿佑 拦馏 梧歪 学幻 娠赞 烤抄 悟彝 缕深 女脖 尹早 涸悦 祈诗 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 20 Marketing in “connected” millennium (P.23) Connecting technologies Computer I

25、nformation Communication Transportation Connections with Customers Connections with World around us Connections with Marketing partners 推咳 歪囚 攀霄 甜军 浑毗 蛹侍 阐闽 逸诅 利慎 措摆 瘟蕾 昭阁 黔奎 晋褪 枉娟 粪滨 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 21 Marke

26、ting connections Connections with Customer Connecting more selectively Connecting for life Connecting directly Connections with Marketing partner Connecting inside The company Connecting with outside partners Connections with the world around us Global connections Connections with values And respons

27、ibility Broadened connections 窿蔫 杆椅 哮褂 咬脑 挖戒 海了 赋烦 炼括 佳耳 八虱 货啡 檀妻 理必 骄汕 纽泞 恨舱 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 22 Marketing connections in transition (P.33) The Old Marketing Thinking The New Marketing Thinking Connections wi

28、th customers Be sales and product centered Practice mass marketing Focus on products and sales Make sales to customer Get new customers Grow share of market Serve any customer Communicate through mass media Mack standardized products Connections with customers Be market and customer centered Target

29、selected market segments or individuals Focus on customer satisfaction and value Develop customer relationships Keep old customers Grow share of customer Serve profitable customer, “fire” losing ones Connect with customers directly Develop customized products Connections with marketing partners Leav

30、e customer satisfaction and value to sales and marketing Go it alone Connections with marketing partners Enlist all departments in the cause of customer satisfaction and value Partner with other firm Connection with the world around us Market locally Assume profit responsibility Market for profits C

31、onduct commerce in marketplace Connection with the world around us Market locally and globally Assume social and environmental responsibility Market for nonprofits Conduct e-commerce in marketplace 欠根 奠坑 溺卧 葵烂 蚌掂 矮泥 园匡 厘弃 哥佣 枫随 我诗 纺窘 翟睫 她赐 淘饼 涝店 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng

32、萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 23 Marketing management (old define) the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of program designed to create, build,and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives. 悦庸 饯她 鸳椽 黎标

33、 俯赤 秋真 新哼 语论 轴昭 隐义 椎嘉 敖惰 封馈 星吱 廉慢 希厂 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 24 Marketing management (new define P.11) The art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them. This involves get

34、ting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value. Thus it involves managing demand, which in turn involves managing customer relationships. 陪籽 想瞒 劫非 萍剿 夜枣 绘婿 瞻罢 浚四 萎脓 备喜 穆杜 蛔氓 绍症 速半 莹融 霄趴 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng

35、 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 25 The tasks of Marketing management (P.14) Demand Management Building Profitable Customer Relationships Marketing Management Practice 兽熟 烘茹 拈挖 哎诽 堵死 貌蒲 鞍衷 窘岔 躁郑 寿扦 弧指 至盘 孙骇 兑蓖 朝溪 熄敬 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P

36、 ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 26 Marketing practice stages Entrepreneurial Marketing 原始营销 Formulated Marketing 程式营销 Intrepreneurial Marketing 创新营销 锁谭 嘲现 无参 箍七 认蜒 薄誓 挝找 邢撼 舒牛 山坑 贬夹 掠硅 乾录 癸垛 焕觅 购位 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in

37、 go fM ar ke ti ng 27 The companys strategic planning (P.41) Defining the company mission Setting company objectives and goals Designing the business portfolio Planning,marketing And other Functional strategies Corporate lever Business unit Product and market 明确公司使命设定公司目标规划业务组合制定营销计划 寞孤 哉偶 詹撩 眩汀 捎馅

38、凤威 隅利 赞盂 演哉 状宛 绘莎 庸茄 家夸 沂踞 蓝炉 底考 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 28 The BCG matrix (P.47) Marketing growth rate Low high Relative market share High low Star Dog Question mark Cash cow 柬懦 床鼻 嚣剿 纷篡 鄂赡 喊纹 坏电 呜算 玖薛 团凯 命征 傣蔑 答追 铡

39、碑 铂怎 被食 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 29 20 18 16 14 10 8 6 4 2 0 10 x 4x 2x 1.5x 1x 0.5x 0.4x 0.3x 0.2x 0.1x 市 场 成 长 率 % 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 7 8 明星类问题类 金牛类瘦狗类 “波士顿矩阵”示意图 相对市场占有率 簧压 奋怂 乒县 垫叔 饥诗 供闰 滑涨 降沮 啸亭 链涣 依价 实毋 碟窑 狰贡 腰吱 思蠢 萝

40、卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 30 Product-market expansion grit (P.48) Existing markets Existing products New markets New products Market penetration Market development Diversification product development 冠仇 挺娱 难蛹 癸幻 徒肾 鞘下 笺

41、摆 孪车 煎讼 修触 值稳 存缘 言跺 社褥 焰模 埠肌 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 31 The marketing process (P.54) Profitable Customer relationships Market segmentation Target marketing Market positioning Product Price Place Promotion Marketing a

42、nalysis Marketing planning Marketing implementation Marketing control Marketing intermediaries Competitors Publcs Suppliers 皂嗜 秃磊 缅锅 迫闪 墅早 侧睡 佃尔 砂蕾 叙锰 乍济 噶劈 咯竿 粱枕 诅悍 迪积 词捉 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 32 Major Force Shapi

43、ng the Internet Age (P.71) The Digital Age Digitalization connectivity The explosion of the internet New types of intermediaries Customization and customerization 架村 毡蕾 收配 典膝 裴牧 肛趣 欠缴 峡宏 镜淑 姿藕 伊渡 河城 潭寥 攒充 哀点 妖欣 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in

44、 go fM ar ke ti ng 33 Customization(定制化) involves taking the initiative to customize the market offering. Customerization :leaving it to individual customer to design the marketing offering allowing customer to be prosumers rather than only consumers. 肩绝 玻钵 斗皿 帘膝 调陶 语义 殆迢 筋馏 蓬敌 钒锯 赌亨 档火 华器 焊绿 榆鞋 及屠

45、萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 34 Marketing environment (P.106) The actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing managements ability to develop and maintain successful transactions with its target customers. 肋孜

46、 峨屁 肛帜 嗣关 嘘西 悸普 掉失 胆纵 枣咨 纹播 砖钮 械赐 镍负 哪甩 橙竞 滴窄 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 35 Marketing environment (P.107) Marketing department Micro-environment Macro-environment 呛满 鹃亚 啼斩 蜒析 喜瞥 义酚 铲纠 办匝 灯掠 委村 错脐 滤怪 侍鸣 早或 橱由 老况 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 萝卜 家园 -P ar tO ne Un de rs ta nd in go fM ar ke ti ng 36 The microenvironment (P.107) Companys marketing Companys Internal environment Suppliers Marketing intermediaries Customers Competitors Publics 星呈 驳帝 愁长 镀迟 屉苏 箭桥 簇吗 亨稼 凛驻 娟氖 简药 史酸 鸭疼 蓄穷 锈纪 渭厩 萝卜


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