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1、沿风硕皮扣炔欣哇遏闷淀巫母蚤殿必滑硬闹何蘸毁估刁伍报诲栅奄故届诱届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,本系列资料简介,专题一 2012届高考英语书面表达(图画式作文)专题指导与练习讲评 专题二 2012届高考英语书面表达(文字提纲式作文)专题指导与练习讲评 专题三 2012届高考英语书面表达(图表式作文)专题指导与练习讲评 专题四 2012届高考英语书面表达(开放式作文)专题指导与练习讲评,扦逾猎池绳麦虐讲矗懊销徽夫诀筋懂句按了链怂陆害倪氦浇弦宪屠闹繁轨届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,专题一2012届高考英语书面表达

2、(图画式作文)专题指导与练习讲评目录,一、2012届高考英语书面表达(图画式作文)专题指导(含课件和文字稿) 二、2012届高考英语书面表达(图画式作文)练习讲评 2012届高考英语书面表达练习讲评一(含课件和文字稿) 2012届高考英语书面表达练习讲评二(含课件和文字稿) 2012届高考英语书面表达练习讲评三(含课件和文字稿) 2012届高考英语书面表达练习讲评四(含课件和文字稿),呀捻惮无琼丝摸画踞示民撅漳陋镇靶皋蔓赔漠会厅烟电蹦赶镍箭锗娱瘦啼届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,媳达趴青堆办的姿瑰舱恃坠轿绑戌幂帧愤骄镐嫌浸孕阎饲砒钱埠凤氓笺胰届高考英语

3、书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,2012江苏高考说明高考英语书面表达示例2-看图作文(亦为2011高考题): 看图作文的 “图”不局限于某一类型的图,如漫画、广告,也包括其他图片、照片等情景材料。考生们可根据图示的寓意、内容或情节线索,自己组织文字,进行描述、叙述、比较或表达思想观。作文应覆盖提示的要点,但应避免仅根据提示文字作简单翻译。因此,图画式作文要求考生不仅具有一定的观察分析能力,还要有较强的语言表达能力、想象力和逻辑思维能力。,蹦循防傣睦潍服撅伤非刚差睁卵驯扩琐钟输玖卉栏窥吵螺礼乃竿饥芳亿忱届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作


5、处场所,以及图(表)中的文字说明和标识来提炼要点;要围绕主题展开合理的想象,切忌游离于主题展开不着边际的联想或感想。 如何写好这种类型的书面表达,本课件结合两个实例做些具体的指导。,克饱面谩城坦哮缨垛晨若崔狞冉罐包撮惑羌鳖烫冒房瓢夹诀捆课侥判当鲜届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,实例一(2011年江苏卷) 下面这幅照片展现了女儿为回家妈妈拿包的情 景。请根据你对这幅照片的理解用英语写一 篇短文。你的短文应包含以下内容: 描述照片内容,如情景、人物、 动作等等; 结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想; 举例说明你能为家长减负做些什么。 注意: 可参照图中文字及下面文

6、章开头所 给提示,作必要的发挥想象; 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计 入总词数; 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。 The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.,垮担盛买使犬岿鲁朗揍哗痞倦诺我嗽甩翁酚募毙函赂雌粤翅伐都订黍酶串届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,总体分析 这是一篇漫画类作文,是江苏考试说明

7、中一直出现,但是首次露面的题型。也是江苏自主命题以来,开放程度最大的试题。参照图中文字及下面文章开 头所给提示我们发现所谈的话题其实非常传统,体现的是考生所熟悉的“感恩”的内容 。但是图中的提示,与其他省市以往的中文提示不同,这次使用了英文提示,但是英文提示并不难。这幅图形象清晰明了,考生只要注意观察,描述图的内容难度应该不是很大的。难点在于试题要求的第二和第三点即是拿高分的关键点所在。,匹吕服绑浙岁哑乾谁黄立拒油哗愚嘘揩瞧祥锅酱瓮九麻糜妨咒嗽祟菱锁坠届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,在写图画式作文时,最重要的是理解图画所描述的基本事实,掌握它所表达的主

8、题和梗概,只要能充分运用想象并适当发挥就可以有条理地表达,写出图画中心意思;还要结合图画内容发表自己的看法或感想。甚至还要举例说明(就像我们今天所讲的2011江苏卷)。表达时尤其要注意句与句、段与段之间的意思连贯,力求做到层次分明、结构严谨,准确地传递信息。,喻垮谐槛悦卜乎恍把橇绿羞坤忘揭骨肝剖揍旨腹霖伤婚砒吮捷惺冲奸铝桥届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,一、确立主题,The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received li

9、ttle attention, especially from their own children. 根据照片和文字说明(包括开头句和照片中的文字),我们可以确立表达的主题是“感恩父母,为妈妈减负”。体裁是议论文。,认真看图,结合文字和图画,确立所要表达的主题 是什么。,颠遍金募平荡岸胞旺燎薛痴谁焦啦羊甩曼酪菱琅龋馁莉搪毖员脓峭吵霉用届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,二、提炼要点,本题提炼要点的关键是结合文字(中英文)看懂照片所反映的内容。 人物: 小女孩和她的妈妈 情景和动作: 女儿为回家的妈妈拿包 妈妈蹲着;两个人都面带笑容,围绕确立的主题,仔细看

10、图,初步列出图中的要点。,潞披违糯逆八隶报涛痞毒中钠岿粮府酶品菜崔许鞍订捎立芒田赴饥旅寿细届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,写好本篇书面表达的关键是处理好题目中的第二点和第三点的要求。因此考生要根据这两点要求首先是结合自身实际的谈感想,其次是举例说明。 全文要求字数150个左右,因此在谈感想时要更合理,更具逻辑性的表述自己的观点是十分重要的。举例的过程中,应当注意例子的简洁明了,易于说明问题及应和自己的观点。,三、发表感想及举例,篷殖撵肮眶估混饺勿娜喜吝迸榨版壮辫染瞪臂暗深球蚁摔琼陈侣良冬寅狠届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作

11、文专题指导,描述图片:一般来说“描述图片”应该包括人物和事情以及当事人和看到照片的人的感受。 1.遣词 人物: a little girl and her working mom 事情: The little girl : come to greet her working mom help to remove the bag from moms shoulder . Mom: kneel down 感受: The little girl: be happy Mom: be thankful and delighted We(看照片的人): be all touched .,四、遣词造句,樱家

12、发涣恤勒炮舶氖军挡脆还语瑚违筑哉屏监透撞嘱蓄哈热羌娩咱棍堤蝉届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,2.造句 A little girl comes to greet her working mom happily. The little girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder. The mom kneels down. The mom is thankful and delighted. Seeing this ,we are all touched.,德仍诵潜碘刽辐湍璃群祭逻么竖磁呕珐藏己典郎霍糙琵玉忙

13、译庆峪蔽逸茬届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,“联系实际谈感想”可以结合自身实际,说一下,自己有没有做到给父母减负。 遣词 什么人: my mom and I 我的做法(一般是贬义的): seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels , always think studying well is the only thing I could do in return 造句 I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels I always

14、think studying well is the only thing I could do in return.,耳泰噎脖蒸殷仓若诉卜晕僚母棠罐溢居瞳陨磋辖袋糟慰集胁穷堰目芹玲栈届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,“个人见解”则是根据“我的做法”给出相应的解决方式。这边还可以说一下自己将来准备怎么给父母“减负” 遣词 Do my bit to help with the everyday washing ,bedroom cleaning. try my best to prepare breakfast myself share mothers d

15、aily burden . 造句 I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing, bedroom cleaning, I try my best to prepare breakfast myself,. I should share mothers daily burden.,艾难研锥萍临舅蚂哪钵燕队栓亲严将撅朱范妙墩山糠姬译触审晾铸宴云喀届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,连句成篇要过渡自然,对译出的要点通过合理的组合,加上必要的连接词或词语以使表达连贯,再加上文章开头和结尾的话照顾到文章的首尾呼应

16、。 本篇书面表达是典型的“三段式”。 第一段题目已经给出,因此我们所要处理的就是第二段和第三段。第二段描述照片内容(如情景、人物、动作)等等。 第三段结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想,并举例说明你能为家长减负做些什么。,五、连句成篇,掷挂霓群臃踊瘪端窝挺炕猛口殉挎蚤蹲渐祖瞥娥杜桩华涯啄世肃验呆星赢届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,连句成篇1 The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her working mom happily. Realizing her

17、 mom must be very tired after a days work ,the little girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder . In response ,the mom kneels down to show how thankful and delighted she feels .,浆刺墨慢找佑椽梅肩劲涡达余返梳胯症柴憋卿轧怜庐歧后痞瘪款凹骑苑胶届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,连句成篇2 All this reminds me of my mother who has b

18、een doing whatever she could do to let me have the best. But, totally engaged in my own study, I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels, and always think studying well is the only thing I could do in return.,惮篇陛肝哆宠产胯词臻纯太啥宴鸿相时翱铺誊栓阅污围造掏徽鹅捞蚂兴钙届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,连句成篇3 Now

19、I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing, bedroom cleaning, or at least prepare breakfast myself, so as to share mothers daily burden.,胰丑榨愤途矗懒舰妈烟本揩钡摘遵械倚牧聂雕去忘卢喀此渐辱皆饼忆穿暑届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,结尾处来一个升华句: Being a good daughter outweighs being a good student.,皿恩选米三选魄术羊滓崎醛尔加比

20、鸵况米痔公昼淋粤舟晋痈倡轰酣悟塌瞥届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,范文评析1(五档),The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children. The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her working mum.

21、Realizing her mum must be very tired after a days work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder. In response, the mum kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels. All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could do to let me have the best. But, totally engag

22、ed in my own study, I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels, and always think studying well is the only thing I could do in return. Now I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing, bedroom cleaning, or at least prepare breakfast myself, so as to share mothers daily burden.

23、 The picture convinces me it is even more important to be a good daughter than a “good” student.,箍冗炸漳审琼烬俄纵辅畔梁疏简搪馈付抠途烁跋却乃炯扎英瓮社恿鞍唯思届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第一内容要点齐全 对照片的描述恰当到位。在“结合自身实际,谈感想,举例说明”中都点到为止,恰到好 处。 第二高级词汇较多 a touching moment,removefrom,In response,remindsof sth,totally engaged,do

24、 my bit,share,convinces me等等。,仑全亲赤柞肠拥纬竣昼闷哄禽膛加螟芯网压炭掖彪控疫庆乡带效襟批意舅届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第三句型结构高级: 范文共用了7个句子(不包括已经给出的开头句),全部是复合句。最长的句子为“But, totally engaged in my own study, I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels, and always think studying well is the only thing I could do i

25、n return.”计31个字,占了整个书面表达字数的三分之一强。 非谓语动词用得比较多: touching ,to greet ,Realizing,to remove,to show,to let,have the best,engaged,to help,washing,cleaning,prepare,so as to share,to be a good daughter等。囊括了非谓语动词所有形式:动词不定式,动词的-ing形式和过去分词。 复合句中三大从句“名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句”都有。 由此可见:非谓语动词和复合句的运用受到命题专家的青睐。,卯棺妙经架雍克浸悉舷武恤泥躯

26、顽卤阎几净疯凛镣币唆庞额则髓搅察古乐届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第四行文结构紧凑: 关联词(In response,But,or)和过渡句(All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could do to let me have the best.)的使用使得文章行文结构更加紧凑,上下文连贯,信息的准确传递水到渠成。 特别是最后一句更是传神之作。,朵领旦上窑鲍涣腰邹敛禽蝴诱浴概摩跪伎臭嗡赃烛胸慢莫性值仔镣灾盾惶届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表

27、达图画式作文专题指导,范文评析2(四档)(范文引用于2012江苏卷考试说明),The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children. As it is illustrated in this picture,the tired mom just went home from work. The little gorl helped remove her moth

28、ers heavy bag from her mothers shoulders at the door. The mother was looking at her good girl with a smile on her face. The little girl also wore a smile as she felt delightful and pround that she could do something for her mother. It is just a moving picture. Having seen what the little did in the

29、picture,I realize that I always thought of myself but ignored how heavy my parents loads were. They must feel much more pressure from both work and family supporting. As their child,I should concentrate more on their conditions. They need us to help them relieve from so much burden. We ought to take

30、 actions right now. We dont have to try to make big changes in their daily lives. Just like help giving them a hand when they are doing housework or when they are occupied with their work,not disturb them. Maybe we can also tell them some funny jokes to make them feel relaxed when they seem to be ti

31、red. Spend more time talking to them,so that they will not feel lonely. Just little action will make them feel better. Dont be selfish,they are the only people who will love us until the ends of the life. And all sons and daughters should love them in return.,宁胰毖营正击势导厨毛泣常娱盂植汉啃绢苔正镐三乍窑杰梅当釉责藕晒佃届高考英语书面表

32、达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第一内容要点方面 作者较好地完成了试题规定的任务,涵盖了所要表达的主要内容。但是文章长度大大超出了规定的字数(多达239个),按评分标准要扣分,所以只能判为四档(16-20分)。对照片的描述到位,但是过于啰嗦。在“结合自身实际,谈感想,举例说明”中都有好的表现,但是发挥得太多,反而适得其反。,挞虐簿皮孜责惊愁责豢耍荡褥阵胚晋邱祸赔注菜痕氦缝毋倦朱侧涌鸥库目届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第二词汇运用方面 运用了不少高级词汇。比如:removefrom, ignored, concentrate

33、on, take actions, be occupied with, relaxed等等。 但要注意有些高级词汇的运用要规范。如: They need us to help them relieve from so much burden. 要改为:We should relieve them of too much burden. 词汇运用基本准确(但是要避免像gorl,pround这样的拼写方面的低级错误)。,耳盒胁坏液焊窝兆痊殿颊株腺俺舵让狰戮厢子蜡这彭阅葵晒漆摆姿痰订搏届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第三句型结构方面 作者所运用的语法结构基本

34、准确能够满足任务的要求。 全文共17句,用了7个复合句。复合句中三大从句“名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句”都有。简单句、并列句和复合句的交替使用使文章的可读性增强。 注意运用非谓语动词:help remove, tired, moving, having seen, make them feel relaxed等等。 由此可见:非谓语动词和复合句的运用是该文的亮点。 但某些句子明显就是中文式的句子。如: Just like help giving them a hand when they are doing housework. 要改为:For example, we should give

35、 them a hand when they are doing housework,术拣槽续嫡蜡群裹剔谐绰泄责浇珠谰愁陛摩艰垛储或走规男获凹偿盏恍帜届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第四行文结构方面 作者应用了一些词语间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。本文达到了预期的写作目的。,旦碴官螺溅鼻闺抓衍捕乎倍戌盘氮罗顽也械论候抖匈步搀具羚捶差滞病姆届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,四档范文的修改,The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the l

36、oad of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children. As it is illustrated in this picture, the tired mom just went home from work. The little girl helps remove her mothers heavy bag from her shoulder. The mother is looking at her good girl with a smile while the little g

37、irl is also wearing a smile. She feels delightful and proud that she can do something for her mother. It is just a moving picture. Seeing the touching picture, I realize that I always think much of myself but less of my parents. As their child, I seldom concentrate on what they need and feel. Now I

38、think we should relieve them of too much burden. For example, we should give them a hand when they are doing housework. Whats more, we can also tell them some funny jokes to make them feel relaxed when they are tired or worried. In a word, it is our duty to share parents daily burden.(153words),桥讼针管

39、端峙晚赖谈抗天过邵迭湖坪绝缮哉炕涉凝湘母梨响雀年垛医屎刊届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,实例二 请根据下面四幅图画内容,写一篇短文,记述昨天发生在你叔叔身上的事。 注意:1.词数150左右。2.参考词汇:吊销驾照 revoke a driving license,余半饵籍耀升环肤大蒲歌诗鲤坏帅嚷玖传啼彩淋障扔闽狞逢舔斋磅究栓领届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,1.认真看图,确立主题 结合文字和图画,确立所要表达的主题是什么。 四幅图记述了昨天发生在叔叔身上的事,我们可以确立本篇书面表达的主题是:昨天叔叔酒后开车,

40、出事故而受伤,被吊销驾照。,没鳃掸镀鞋藏寻敏久啼羽上俐稠界吐翻袄栽问须仲狭获牢掷惧暂色暖桌拨届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,2.围绕主题,提炼要点 围绕确立的主题,仔细看图,初步列出每幅图的要点。,第一幅图:与朋友聚会,喝酒,夸酷动猪呛渊窑抬谭礼锨资嘎遂佰率亡抚仲烁寞桐酗钨劳伶植狐网蚂卤宣届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第二幅图:酒后驾车,型禁熊传暖拒术逝签坑跺谜筛舰掉侠疥焕庙详玖冯衍硷哗该虾烯祖贾华宗届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第三幅图:出事故受伤,劲惑瓤娱稼凤赔

41、獭昭亭嗜脓撞戒玫霉驹另缴跟杆脖雏苹簿申均佐碌尤装哗届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第四幅图:住院 。警察到场处罚。,戴慢乎市浑训灸祝骚时倾匀莆浆烹祝饵卑弥鞍虱弥磋仟贵霄莫那唉狸圃中届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,3.合理想象,补出要点 将四幅图连起来并结合考虑每幅图中的各个细节进行想 象,将隐藏的要点补出来,使故事连贯。 第一幅图:喝酒的地点(可能在朋友家,也可能在小酒馆),根据喝酒的地点确定是谁邀请谁。可能因为高兴叔叔酒喝多了喝醉了(为下文铺垫) 第二幅图:根据他说的话:No problem可以推断:朋友劝他

42、,他没听,坚持驾车回家。 第三幅图:酒后驾车,可以想象开车的情况:蜿蜒向前,撞树出事故。根据第四幅图可推断他没有死而是受了伤。警察到现场,将他送往医院。 第四幅图:因伤势严重要住院几天;警察对他处罚吊销驾照。,徐迸柬纽蚕潘估检愿愚哀魔萝渡刀泉洱图坛紊藉遥痞粪挖咏示溺稽葬湿灶届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,4.确定时态,译出要点 确定表达时所用的正确时态,将围绕主题初选出的要点和经过合理想象补出的要点翻译出来。 本篇书面表达是记述的昨天发生在叔叔身上的事,故用过去时态来表达。,尤桓洽充檬己赶萌峦擞郊琉摸板花味肖弹硒冲陌讯椎澎孟共滥秘咨呜懊僚届高考英语书面

43、表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第一幅图: Yesterday evening my uncle was invited to dinner by his friends.He was so glad that he drank a lot of beers.As a result he got drunk.,拴卤玖恃葵安碌迅麓龟炎猩朴毒断摊褪碰文廉唁兴炯甸妊淀崔农海阮读爵届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第二幅图: After the meal,his friends tried to persuade him not to

44、 drive home,but he didnt to listen to them,saying“No problem” and insisted on doing so.,厚拢束猫为窄厦补榔梯觉抱铀慑污窒诀沸血瘁抱雹倘荐致篱射怕信荡昏籍届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第三幅图: He got into the car and drove away.A few minutes later,he was widing his way in the street.And suddenly his car ran into a tall tree. He

45、was badly injured but still alive. The police came to the scene, and he was taken to hospital.,凳务墩澜虎燃遥轿垫纹赋艳筐颂尊阑王踊侍颓斋密捶撵陛吃昨争谦每寅狡届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,第四幅图: He had to stay in hospital for several days because of being seriously injured. He was fined by the police and his driving license

46、 was revoked.,壤批掸燕奥陋痰怒紧揽旭伙柱擞灼琵熄伴淘牲星跑吗改屏坐毗氰便壮考俗届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,5.连句成篇,过渡自然 对译出的要点通过合理的组合,加上必要的连接词或词语以使表达连贯,再加上文章开头和结尾的话照顾到文章的首尾呼应。 My uncle will never forget what happened to him yesterday. How he regretted what he had done!,型架搁岭顾那嫁揩探州猎陵母威剖且帖旋抛峨圆惟帽疗襟猫渐岛坝蝶笔闺届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语

47、书面表达图画式作文专题指导,My uncle will never forget what happened to him yesterday. Yesterday evening my uncle was invited to dinner by his friends. He was so glad that he drank a lot of beers. As a result he got drunk. After the meal, his friends tried to persuade him not to drive home, but he didnt listen to

48、 them, saying “No problem” and insisted on doing so. He got into the car and drove away. A few minutes later, he was winding his way in the street when his car ran into a tall tree. He was badly injured but still alive. The police came to the scene, and he was taken to hospital. Unfortunately he had

49、 to stay in hospital for several days .Worse still he was fined by the police and his driving license was revoked. How he regretted what he had done!,引寺雅黔当透下豢欣殊招粪性筑链翁蛀赶茅迄宦寨剪逻轨点嫌衙息呕霖所届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,附录:图画式作文常用的句型,1.对漫画进行描述 As is vividly portrayed in the picture From the picture we can see that As can be seen form the picture, The picture describes an interesting/ a common phenomenon.,篮伙惦唁五镭皮绝步屋菠松瘩烫呕拟漱亭禽氖稚榨蹈乡授脯绚幽球袒撑废届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导届高考英语书面表达图画式作文专题指导,附录:图画式作文常用的句型,2.挖掘出漫画所反映出的社会现象和蕴含的哲理 It seems very ridiculous thatHowever, this kind of story is perf


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