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1、What a fucking English exam ! Unit 1 Icy Defender They say that pride comes before a fall.In the case of both Napoleon and Hitler,the many victories they enjoyed led them to believe that anything was possible,that nothing could stand in their way. Russias icy defender was to prove them wrong. In 181

2、2,Napoleon Bonaparte,Emperor of French,led his Army into Russia.But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow-the Russian winter.Napoleon soon realized he could not feed,clothe,and quarter his army in Moscow during the winter.In October 1812,he ordered his army to retreat

3、from Moscow. On June 22,1941,Hitler began an invasion of the Soviet Union.Hitler had attack the Soviet union once and once, because can not withstand the cold, the soldiers often freeze and frostbite,finally by the Soviet union army siege and led them out. The elements of nature must be reckoned wit

4、h in any military campaign.For the Russian people,the winter was an icy defender. 他们说骄兵必败。在就拿拿破仑和希特勒两,许多胜利他们喜欢使他们相信,任何事情都 有可能,没什么可以阻拦的。但俄罗斯的冰雪卫士证明他们错了。 1812 年,皇帝拿破仑波拿巴的法国,带领他的军队进入俄罗斯。 但他没有心理准备的毁灭 性的敌人,在俄罗斯的冬季Moscow-the 遇见了他。 拿破仑很快意识到他不能满足吃穿住,季度 在冬天向远在莫斯科的军队。1812 年10月,他命令他的军队撤出莫斯科。 1941 年 6 月 22 日,希特

5、勒开始入侵苏联。希特勒进攻苏联一旦一次,因为不能抵挡寒冷, 士兵们经常冻结和冻伤,最后由苏联军队包围和领他们出来。 自然的因素必须是不可小觑的任何军事行动。对俄罗斯人来说,冬天是一个冰冷的后卫。 Unit 2 Smart Cars Smart cars that can see , hear ,feel ,smell ,and talk ,and drive on their own.This may sounds like a dream,but the computer revolution is set to turn it into a reality. The cars and th

6、e roads it travels on,will be revolutionized in the 21st century.The key to tomorrows smart carswill be sensors.Smart cars have already been build which can monitor ones driving and the driving conditions nearby.Smart cars hidden in the bumpers can scan for nearby cars.At the MIT Media Lab ,a car is

7、 already being built which will determine how sleepy you are as you drive,which is especially important for long-distance truck drivers.And now there are many cars with some type of navigational capability,through using the GPS. Smart cars finally will be drive on the smart highways ,and that alread

8、y exist,to mount computer chips,sensors,and radio transmitters on highways to alert cars to traffic jams and obstructions. 智能汽车能看、 能听、 有知觉、 具嗅觉、 会说话,自己开车了。 这可能听起来像一个梦想,但 计算机革命将把它变为现实。 汽车和道路,它的传播,将在 21世纪革命。明天的关键“智能汽车”的是传感器。智能汽车 已经构建哪个可以监视一个人的驾驶和驾驶环境的附近。 智能汽车隐藏在保险杠能扫描附近 的汽车。在麻省理工学院的媒体实验室,一辆汽车已经制造出能测知你

9、行车时有多少睡意,这 对长途卡车司机意义尤其重要。现在有许多汽车和某种类型的导航能力,通过使用 GPS。 智能汽车最终将智能高速公路上行驶的,已经存在,安装计算机芯片、传感器和无线电发 射机,以便向汽车在高速公路上的交通堵塞和障碍。 Unit 3 Get the job you want Harvey Mackay,who runs his own company ,often interviews applicants for jobs.Here he lets us into the secret of what qualities an employer is looking for,a

10、nd gives four tips on what can help us to stand out from the crowd. 1 Prepare to win.Employment believe that todays graduates could face as many as ten job changes during their careers.If you prepared,the pressure is on the other folks-the ones who havent done their homework . 2 Never stop learning.

11、You can do the same if you work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths.To be able to finish it,you have got to keep learning all your life. 3 Believe in yourself ,even when no one else does.Dont ever let anyone tell you that you cant accomplish your goals. 4 Find a way to make a difference.Le

12、t other people to pay attention to you, remember you. For the first always be exciting,try your best to prepare. 哈维麦凯自己经营公司经常对求职者进行面试。在这里,他让我们知道雇主是在寻找什 么样品质的员工的秘密,并提出4点建议,可以帮助我们从人群中脱颖而出。 1 准备赢。 就业专家认为,今天的毕业生可能面临多达 10个工作变动在他们的职业生涯。 如果你准备,压力是另外那些还没有做好准备的人的。 2 不要停止学习。 你可以做同样的事情,如果你工作在你的弱点和发展你的优势。能够竞 争,

13、你必须不断学习在你的生命里。 3 相信自己,哪怕没人。永远不要让任何人告诉你,你不能实现自己的目标。 4 寻找一种方法,把一个差异。让别人注意到你,记得你。 成为第一名总会令你兴奋的,尽你最大的努力去准备。 Unit 4 Many evidences show America is declining. But a country of decline will not absorb other countries people to join it. In the other hand, America is in the process of creating a new collage

14、like civilization, Los Angeles is a good example. Los Angeles has many new parts of its cultures. The new from Third world put them original culture inside of America culture. So America culture is a collage with different languages , race and customs. Otherwise, traditional Third world culture is f

15、using with the most modern mentalities and technologies. Just in this way the developed country and the undeveloped country is first with cooperation and construction, not exportation, not destruction. But there is also some difference in tow side, in the view of time. The world is develop in togeth

16、er not only with better standard, but also include the chance to try. 很多证据表明,美国正在下降。 但是一个国家的衰落将不会吸收其他国家的人们加入它。 在另一方面,美国的过程中创建一个新的拼贴像文明,洛杉矶就是一个很好的例子。 洛杉矶有许多新地方的它的文化。 新的从第三世界国家把它们的文化融入美国文化。 所 以美国文化是一个集合体,不同语言、 种族和习俗。 否则,传统的第三世界文化融合与最先进的 理念和技术。 就这样发达国家和不发达国家是第一个与合作,建设,而不是出口,而不是毁灭。 但也存在 着一些差异在两方面,在视图的时间

17、。世界是开发在一起不仅与更好的标准,但也包括尝试的 机会。 Unit 5 A friend in need Some people seem easy to understand:their character appears obvious on first meeting.Appearances,however,can be deceptive.The author thinks it is not a easy job to judge people by first impressions for they arent always what they appear to be. Bu

18、rton was a man of piece that he had ever recognized in playing bridge . Kind and gentle Burton appear as if he would not been to hurt a fly. But one afternoon in lounge the author changed the mind about him from a story he told. He knew a remittance man named Turber that his bridge player. One day,

19、he was down and out because of playing poker. So he asked Burton for a job . Instead of help ,he laughed at him and cold- blooded to sent him certain death by letting him swim in current where knowing he was week. The only reason is his office didnt have vacancy that time. 有些人似乎容易了解:他们的个性在初次交往时就表露无遗

20、。 然而,外表可能具有欺骗性。 作者认为第一印象判断人不是一个容易的事,因为他们不总是像他们表现的那样。他说这事 是因为今天早上他知道伯顿在神户去世。 伯顿是一个人的所有作品,他曾经承认在打桥牌。善良而温柔的伯顿看上去好像他不会 被伤害一只苍蝇。 但是一天下午在休息室作者改变了主意他从一个故事,他告诉。 他知道一个 人,名叫他的牌友。 有一天,他被淘汰了,因为玩扑克。 所以他问的工作方法。 而不是帮助他嘲笑 他,他一定要向冷血死亡通过让他游泳在当前,知道他是一周。 原因是,他的办公室没有空缺在 那一刻。 Unit 6 Old father time becomes a terror Once

21、upon a time, technology,we thought,would make our lives easier.Machines were expected to do our work for us,leaving us with ever-increasing quantities of time to waste away on idleness and pleasure.But instead of liberating us,technology has enslaved us.As the speed of life in todays world grows eve

22、r faster,we seem forever on the go. For example,the cars promised unimaginable levels of personal travel.But now traffic in cities moves more slowly than it did in the days of the house-drawn carriage,and we waste our lifes stuck in traffic jams. Technology apart,the Internet points the way to the a

23、 second why we feel so time-pressed:the information explosion.News,facts and opinions come from every corner of the world. There is another reason for our increased time stress levels:rising prosperity.As ever-larger quantities of goods and services are produced,the confusion of endless choice. The

24、global village is a world of limitless possibilities,and we can never achieve our aim.It not more time we need,it is fewer desires. 曾几何时,我们想着科技会使我们的生活变得更轻松。机器被期望着替我们工作,我们则 有越来越多的时间浪费在休闲娱乐上。 但是把我们解放出来,取代的是科技奴役着我们。 随着 当今世界生活节奏日益加快,我们似乎一直在不停奔忙。 例如,汽车曾是我们希望个人出行会方便的让人难以想象。但现在城市车辆运行得比马 车时代还要慢,我们浪费了我们自己的生活在交通堵塞中动弹不得。 除去技术发展,因特网指出了我们为何感到时间如此紧迫的第二点原因:信息爆炸。各种 消息、事实和见解来自世界的各个角落。 还有一个原因我们产生日益加重的时间紧迫感:日益繁荣。作为的物品和服务生产,无休 止的选择所造成的困惑。 全球村是一个有着无限可能的世界,我们永远无法实现自己的目标。它不是更多的时间 我们需要的,是更少的欲望。


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