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1、描写人物性格英语句子导读:好词好句 描写人物性格英语句子1、她永远是一头乱乱的、卷曲曲的短发,像个男孩似的。She is always a mess, curly short hair, like a boy.2、她不但很有学问,而且还特别乐于助人。She is not only very knowledgeable, but also very helpful.3、我从来不低头,现在脖子也硬得铁筒一般。I never bow my head, and now my neck is as hard as iron.4、我拥有双重性格,娴静时柔情似水,活泼时豪情满怀。I have a dual

2、personality. When I am quiet, I am tender like water. When I am lively, I am full of pride.5、笑,就如阳光,可以温暖人们的心灵,解决一切困难。Smile, just like sunshine, can warm peoples hearts and solve all difficulties.6、这就是我最好的同学,一个热情而又善良的小男孩!This is my best classmate, a warm and kind little boy!7、从小到大,他从来都是不服输的,并且永不放弃。Fr

3、om small to large, he never gives up and never gives up.8、他真是一位性格乐观、值得我们学习的人!He is really an optimistic character, worthy of our study!9、薛老师给人一种端庄、干净、整齐而又不失可爱的感觉。Mr. Xue gives people a dignified, clean, tidy and lovely feeling.10、她使我不再自卑,我被他感染了,也变得开朗起来!She made me no longer feel inferior, I was infe

4、cted by him, and became cheerful!11、我是一根筋的脾气,好钻牛角尖,不撞南墙不回头。Im a good temper, good drill, do not hit the south wall do not look back.12、妈妈有时虽然严厉,但也有温柔的一面。Although mother is sometimes strict, she has a gentle side.13、她乐于助人,思想丰富,奥数顶呱呱!She is ready to help others, rich in ideas and excellent in Mathemat

5、ical Olympiad!14、我深知自己内向,爱脸红,更不敢在那么多人面前说话。I know that I am introverted, blushing, and dare not speak in front of so many people.15、她待人温和,只想别人,从不为自己想的好女孩。She treats people gently, only thinks of others, never thinks of herself as a good girl.16、这位性格怪异的同学,也是我们班的一道风景线。This strange student is also a sce

6、nic spot in our class.17、我是一根筋的牛脾气,好钻牛角尖,不撞南墙不回头。I am a good bull temper, good drill cattle corner, do not hit the south wall do not look back.18、她,蹦蹦跳跳、活泼开朗,眉宇间流露出倔强和要强。She, bouncing, lively and cheerful, between the eyebrows showed stubborn and strong.19、她那话头可就如黄河之水天上来,奔流到海再循环。Her words can be lik

7、e the water of the Yellow River, rushing to the sea for recycling.20、奶奶对我特别娇惯,每当爸爸批评我,她就帮我求情。Grandma is very Pampered to me. Whenever my father criticizes me, she helps me to plead.21、爷爷特别爱清洁,总是把自己的房间打扫得一尘不染。Grandpa loves cleaning very much. He always cleans his room spotless.22、阳光下他的目光像潭水般深沉,闪出一种坚强

8、的自信。Under the sun, his eyes were as deep as the pool of water, flashing a strong self-confidence.23、我的妈妈是个脾气火爆,性子特别急的人。My mother is a hot tempered person.24、他,虽然野蛮,但很乐意帮助人。He, though savage, is willing to help others.25、他的性格直爽,待人诚恳。是一个不多的“热心肠”呢!He is straightforward and sincere. Is not a lot of warm hearted it!感谢您的阅读,希望本文对您有帮助,谢谢.


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