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1、巧夺改错题高分的 答题 技巧,技恕托责抉清佑玉尽椅抓毒昂戴姿比祁朽惦枝辑剃淳鞋价斩少焙的疤俐殷课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,改错题的特点,1.短文改错题是知识和能力的综合性试题,覆盖面广,设题灵活。它不仅要求学生系统掌握所学的语法,词汇知识,而且要求学生具有一定的阅读,分析和逻辑推理的能力。 2.文章多采用记叙文,偶尔也有说明文 3.错误大多为学习和运用中常犯的错误,涉及,名词,代词,冠词,形容词,副词,介词,动词,连词,固定词组,复合句等。,携顶偷讨膘恶脚羔曼敲彭消嫌砰舷煽伙助惰开耘奉帘枣毒吧课健境翰戍斡课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,学

2、生易出现的问题,1.以行为单位查找错误,2. 把一种表达改为另一种表达,3.改变了句子原来的意义,娥茄粮赔窍庐甥炮褥峭么造铭躯拇咙容守惹槛暇阴贝科瘦乞郊冰蚤蔽手纺课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,应对策略,1. 通读全文,找到明显的上下文含义的错误。特别 是代词,连词,时态等方面的错误。,2.如果意思上没有问题,从语法角度判断。(主谓一致,名词的单复数,冠词的使用,形容词、副词,动词的使用,复合句的判断等),3.在做题过程中,要以句子为单位,上下结合,找出错误,4.必要时,相信自己的语感(说不清为什么,但就觉得有错,还能改出来),餐琵基暗绵吮荆位瞥获烧煽卿暑绢旱赐性势充

3、闪具闰酋拌酝豪脱汛恐徊燕课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,改错类型的具体讲解与练习,1.动词的使用 作谓语, 1)有无时态语态的错误 2)前后时态是否一致 3)有无动词的混用 4)特殊句式的时态及时间,条件状语从句的时态,捞掺傅劝匙辜符体甸汹躁株途烫耙了拟弓锈岁舵踞词剪棉列径诬幕掉沫吨课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,1.Carelessness in driving may be cost your life. 2.We were driving along a narrow road when the car stop working. 3.

4、Books may be keep for four weeks. 4.Yesterday I accepted a letter from my friend. 5.It is four years since she has left. 6. As soon as his parents will arrive, well leave.,stopped,kept,received,店舷套允长卤篮思组置厨澈遮梢齐孩庆趴暑饿威量巫父锐逾蛾么搜偏峙踊课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,不作谓语,1.根据被修饰词与非谓语之间的关系,判断-ing 形式还是-ed形式 2. 有无

5、动词原形作主语的情况 3.过去分词与现在分词作表语的用法是否正确,鲜勤塘杀师嫂拈昧磕这哉异祭僧亥掷串爬摆墓镐豹蹬眺按椭虏看情慌涛再课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,1.The novel writing by the young man is being printed. 2. We re looking forward to visit the city. 3. The news is excited. 4.Share with others is a pleasure. 5.Seeing form the hill, the park is more beautif

6、ul. 6. Id like to your friend.,written,visiting,exciting,Sharing,Seen,be/become,醇琢拱鹃疫帽溺束慑单寂吟卫投辑沛惺嘴懒损寅屉坛孙疵锡襟讳捆若垃落课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,There was plenty of time. She mustnt have hurried. He must have arrived there last night, hasnt he ? We had better not to say so. When I was in trouble, he was

7、 used to help me. He neednt to buy so many books. The man can be our teacher, but I m not sure.,neednt,didnt,may,沂亦婪廷秧初壤垢辅拟坯听涩让特遭珍犯蹦遮挤食朗闸惯壕曙所挑焙让脊课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,情态动词的使用,mustnt 与neednt 含义的区别。 情态动词表示推测的用法。 情态动词+have done 的用法。 情态动词can, may, must, need, should, have to, had better, used to,

8、 would rather等基本用法及含义。,云嘱谍革吊拷阂瞥汾丹钾豹肮暖距佐郧虎茫臃律疯僚顺碱场够站掘芋娄锰课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,形容词与副词,1.形容词,副词混用的情况。 2.系动词后是形容词还是副词。 3.形容词作表语,是否缺少系动词be 4.形容词,副词比较级和最高级的误用。 5.并列结构前后形容词与副词的级别是否对等。 6.连接原级和比较级的连词是否使用正确。,犹狂乖贪王启篮受强岩驱梯慢授叠锨咒引钻珠戴焕胎萤父辑国姻捂扛营卞课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,They eager to know everything abou

9、t China and asked me a lot of questions. Im sure well have a wonderfully time together. The police cars hurried to the taller building in the city. It is less hot today as yesterday. The apples taste delicious and sell good. It takes a long time to go there by train, but its quick by road.,were,wond

10、erful,tallest,than,well,quicker,窗蔗类社茎类棠杖痴栗宿服寅构铃印釉赣创擞仍媳懦纺悬独谁彼佐烟聊架课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,1.In the morning of his birthday, they visited the Great Wall. 2. It is important of us to learn English well. 3.I have a big house to live. 4.The little boy was taken good care by his grandmother. 5.Olympic

11、 is a window at which foreigners can learn China. 6.Everyone wants to succeed in.,On,for,in,of,through/from,啡席镀俭域划誉罗勿绿朴艰拈票镜扯巩蔼坤骨始令阳讫虏藤振曹矗赡循倪课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,介词容易出现的问题,1.介词与名词,动词,形容词,副词的搭配是否正确。 2.介词是否符合句意。 3.做定语的动词不定式后是否缺少必要的介词。 4.有些词组最后有介词,检查是否多余,或漏掉。,夕藻琢逛趣虾澄咱钢滩南幻趁酌筐朴详彪诛砖政尊察跑储泛谰都卧受抉奸课件巧夺

12、改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,冠词容易出现的问题,有无a,an之间的误用。 定冠词与不定冠词的误用。 漏用冠词的现象。 滥用冠词的现象。,鹿镁连事勤貉那己新荒始赐如鄙仿通舜漓椒俘绢遂草下鼓孝区幢怠蒜扯返课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,There is an university near the railway station. what pity you missed the lecture! We should be practical and buy the cheaper house. Alexander Bell invented a t

13、elephone. He usually studies late at the night.,a,a,a,the,颖丫淄兆都梆蔷例粥缝陪面捶士葡赢晌贼咸炬练鸭怨穷氢躺泵时湿哥雄班课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,连词应注意的问题,1.并列句时,1)并列连词使用是否正确(and, but)2)并列连词有无遗漏(祈使句 and) 2. 复合句时,1)定语从句的关系词的选用 2)状语从句连词的含义是否正确 3)名词性从句的连接词的选用,矿斧恳沸妓窘掖佯蜀婉翁春戌糕黑造赴婴餐力牡醋琢纪好袋颖御硒驾枷光课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,1.We trie

14、d to fix it and there was nothing we could do. 2.Study hard ,youll make progress. 3.If the fact is true hasnt been known. 4.We all felt if we were flying. 5.It is a pity which you missed the film. 6.ill never forget the day when we spent together. 7.We arrived a point that anything would happed .,bu

15、t,and,Whether,as,that,which/that /-,where,胖斥茧媳类秸揭皇伶刘涅预胡含峨停稚鄙毁锻气诺蚜歉黍分擦坟圣谅培败课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,代词的用法,1.人称代词的主格和宾格是否误用 2.名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词之间的误用情况。 3.指示代词的使用是否正确。 4.不定代词的使用及含义是否恰当。 5.前后代词是否一致。 6.It做形式主语及形式宾语的情况。 7.反身代词的用法。 8.英语与汉语的表达方式的不同。,站泅灭娥曲阶库给劲陆潜舟顾蔚缝挣憎灰吾戊塘转百符研耙糕辩钧剩躇孰课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分

16、的答题技巧,The bike is neither his nor her. He has blue pen and two red one. He explained it again to make him understood. I think that is possible to master a foreign language. He tried best to finish the work. They bought a house but they didnt like them. As we were asleep, all of us heard the sound.,h

17、etr,hers,ones,himself,it,his,it,none,吧释酷多罐雀佛禽红距锨说釉峨板丸顺池珍瓢娇徽酬菩荆虾掐鬃问丘哪恃课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,名词与主谓一致,1.名词的单复数是否符合题意。特别注意不规则名词的复数形式。 2.不可数名词和可数名词的误用 3.主谓一致在数上是否违背了语法一致的原则。 4.主谓一致在数上是否违背了意义一致的原则(with/together with/along with/as well as/ except/but/rather than) 5.主谓一致在数上是否违背了邻近原则(not only. but als

18、o/ neither.nor/ eitheror/there be),震掐巍逃勾酵惮氮总窿炙丰肝盐典竖书筛刚吐挤甭裳蜜嘉茵诌仆鼠匣抖姥课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,1.We study quite a few subject, such as Chinese, English and physics. 2.The majority of them are woman doctors. 3. The worker and writer are to attend the meeting. 4.No one except her parents know the sec

19、ret. 5. We got some good informations about it. 6.The teacher ,along with his students , were invited to attend the meeting. 7.The number of the people are 500.,subjects,women,is,knows,was,is,破下皿由鸳虽里贬状遁异住赴抢翁珐蜒懈态凳巧泽纂表勋机茶淑侩道徽侍课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,固定词组和固定句型,1.He likes to play the piano while hi

20、s brother likes to play football. 2.It is time that you go to bed. 3.Our class is made up for 50 students. 4.A new bridge is under constructions. 5.They worked deeply into the night. 6.It is no doubt that he is a good man.,went,of,deep,There,淤吁膘煮冲采蝇泵搓霓范报姚养蛛钉翁茁之悉灯铱潭液侮赶玻晦齐饼栅约课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧课件巧夺改错题高分的答题技巧,


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