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1、装订线考场号座位号考籍号学 号姓 名系 别班 级 湖南涉外经济学院二六 年 上 学期期末考试 高职高专英语(4)试 卷 (专业班级 2004级 考试时间 ) 时 量: 120 分 钟题 号一二三四五六七八九十合计复核人应得分25401520100实得分得 分评卷人 I. Vocabulary and StructureSection A Directions: In this section, you are required to complete each statement by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from th

2、e 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.1. The mother got a good job on the farm, _ provided extra income for the family.A. who B. which C. that D. where2. The father _ was the world champion, was regarded as the hero in the small village. A. whom B. which C. whose D. who3. It is essential that one _ about

3、 sound before he tries to solve the noise pollution.A. learns B. learned C. should learn D. has learned4. Weather _ , well go climbing the mountain this afternoon.A. permits B. will permit C. permitting D. permitted5. It is useless _ about this point. A. arguing B. argues C. to argue D. argued6. Whe

4、n was it _ he went to Japan?A. when B. which C. that D. how7. He could remember _ along the road just before the accident happened, but he couldnt remember the accident itself.A. drive B. to drive C. driving D. drove8. From eight oclock until ten he was working in the garden, but since then he _ in

5、the sun.A. was lying B. had lain C. has been lying D. must have lain9. The shopping center wasnt _ this morning as it usually is. A. more crowded B. more crowding C. as crowding D. as crowded10. When the guest came off the plane, the president went forward and shook _ with him.A. the hands B. the ha

6、nd C. hands D. hand11. _ the college, the students found they had many things to adjust to. A. Entering B. To enter C. Entered D. Having entered12. The whole family were having their dinner with the door _ . A. to be closed B. was closed C. closing D. closed13. Ancient people also obtained fire from

7、 sparks _ when rocks were struck together.A. produced B. to be produced C. producing D. to produce14. Eight times eight _ sixty-four.A. made B. make C. makes D. has made15. It is known that Antarctic, the worlds coldest continent, is hard _ A. to reach B. reach C. be reached D. reachingSection BDire

8、ctions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space.16. The students showed a great _ (ready) to learn English.17. The future _ (expand) of the business calls for two

9、 thousand new employees.18. Scientists are seeking ways of increasing food supply to meet the needs of the _ (explode) population.19. The young army officer has been _ (promotion) to captain. 20. His life was devoted to _ (care for) the sick and the needy21. He managed to _ (find) the telephone numb

10、er I had given him before.22. I cant help both of you any more. You must try to do it _ (you). ( 课程 第 1 页 共 8 页 )( 课程 第 2 页 共 8页 )23. Would it be considered rude _ (send) a thank-you note by fax to a manager after a job interview?24. They made an _ (analyze) of the food and found it contained substa

11、nce harmful to the health.25. _ (person), I dont agree with you though we are good friends.II. Reading ComprehensionTask 1.Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 26 through 30. For each question or statements there are four choic

12、es marked A, B, C or D. You should make the correct choice and write the letter with a tick. Many of the worlds pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of large groups of people into the cities. Supply for the needs of the people leads to further pollution by industry. If the rapid incre

13、ase of world population in countries continues at the present rate (速度、比率), there may be much greater harm to human beings (人类). Some scientists speak of the increase in numbers of people as “population pollution”.About 2000 years ago, the world population was probably about 250 million. It reached

14、a billon (十亿) in 1850. By 1930 the population was two billion. It is now three and a half billion. It is expected to double by the year 2000. If the population continues to grow at the same rate, there will be 25 billion people in the world a hundred years from now!Man has been using the Earths reso

15、urces more and more rapidly over the past years. Some of them are almost used up. Now many people believe that mans greatest problem is how to control the growth of the population. The material supplies in the world will be far from enough to support the human population, in time to come, if the pre

16、sent rate of increase continues. Already there is overcrowding in many cities and starvation (饥饿) in some countries. Should mans population keep on growing so rapidly as before? Many people believe that human survival (人类生存) in the future depends on the answer to this question.26. The world populati

17、on will be by the year 2000.A. 7 billon B. 250 billon C. 25 billon D. 3.5 billon27.It is very important for us _.A. to use the materials in the world B. to move into cities C. to control the growth of our populationD. to support the human population28. If the present rate of increase continues, _ .A

18、. the world is going to endB. the earth wont be able to support the growing population in the futureC. pollution has nothing to do with the rapidly increasing populationD. there would be four billion in the world a hundred years from now29. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage

19、?A. In 1850 the world population reached a billion.B. Man must fight a battle against population pollution.C. The worlds population is increasing with years.D. All of the Earths resources are gone now.30. If the population continues to grow at the same rate, how many people will there be in the year

20、 2100 according to the passage?A) 2,500,000,000 B. 25,000,000,000 C. 25,000,000 D. 250,000,000,000Task 2Directions: This task is the same as task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 31 through 35.Henry was from the United States and he bed come to London for a holiday.One day he

21、 was not feeling well, so he went to the girl at the desk of his hotel and said, “I want to see a doctor. Can you give me the name of a good one?”The girl looked in a book and then said. “Dr. Kenneth Grey, 61010.”Henry said, “Thank you very much. Is he expensive?”“Well, ” the girl answered, “he alwa

22、ys charges his patients two pounds for their first visit to him, and one and a half pounds for later visits.” Henry decided to save half a pound, so when he went to see the doctor, he said, “Ive come again, doctor.”For a few seconds the doctor looked at his face carefully without saying anything. Th

23、en he nodded and said, “Oh, yes. ” He examined him and then said, “Everythings going as it should do. Just continue with the medicine I gave you last time.”31. The girl told Henry of a good doctor. A. the address B. the nameC. the name and address D. the name and telephone number ( 课程 第 3 页 共8 页 ) (

24、 课程 第 4页 共8 页 )32. How many times had Henry been to Dr. Kenneth before this time? .A. twice B. onceC. many times D. not even once33. The first visit to Dr. Kenneth cost .A. less that later visits B. the same as later visitsC. more that later visits D. no money at all34. The doctor .A. neither examin

25、ed not gave him any medicineB. examined him but didnt give him any medicineC. examined him and gave him some medicineD. didnt examine him but gave him some medicine35. Dr. Kenneth . A. recognized Henry at once B. knew that Henry had been there beforeC. knew that Henry told a lie D. knew Henry wellTa

26、sk 3Directions: Read the following passage and then complete the statements according to the passage.Before we set up the system, we must know what the names of different parts of the computer are and what they do.First, most important of all, is your instruction manual. The instruction manual is th

27、e book of instructions - it tells you how to set up your system and then how to use it.Next, the monitor. The monitor is the part that everyone can recognize immediately because it looks like a television. The monitor shows the information you have typed on the screen.Now, the keyboard. The keyboard

28、 controls the actual computer and it looks just like a typewriter. Each piece on the keyboard is just like a key.Now when you have finished working with your information and you want a copy of this on paper, then you have to use the printer. The printer prints out on paper what you have on the monit

29、or screen.Now what have got left? Ah, yes, the disc drive. The disc drive is part of the system that operates the floppy discs.The book of instruction is called an _ (36).The disc drive is used to _ (37).The other parts of a home computer system are _ (38), a printer, _ (39) and _ (40).Task 4Directi

30、ons: Decide whether the statements are true or false after reading the passage. Write T for true and F for false.There is a prison in Iceland which allows its prisoners to go out without any guards to work every day. They work on the farms near the prison during the day, and come back to have their

31、evening meal and to sleep every evening. Before they are allowed to go out like this, they have to promise to back every evening. If they dont promise this, they are not let out.One night one of the prisoners was invited to have a meal and a drink with the family of the farmer he was working for, so

32、 he came back to the prison very late. He had to knock a the gate several times before the guard came to let him in.The guard did not like being disturbed (打搅) at this time, so he said to the prisoner angrily, “If you come back so late again, I wont let you in.”41. The prison allows the prisoners to

33、 work on the farm nearby during the day.42. In order that they could word on the farm, the prisoners should give the guards three meals a day.43. One of the prisoners invited the guards to have a meal and a drink on the farm.44. The prisoners wont let the guards come back to the prison again if they

34、 come back late.45. The prisoners are not allowed to spend the night inside the prison.III. TranslationSection A Translate the following sentences into Chinese:46. Goods sold at low prices are not necessarily popular items.47. As you suggested, we have paid for expensive advertising in local newspap

35、ers.48. They have put up many shops and hotels to satisfy the needs of the tourists.49. If you give some attention to figures on population and consumption, you would be more successful in selecting a market.50. He works as usual as if nothing happened to him.Section BTranslate the following sentenc

36、es into English:51医生应日夜随叫随到。(on call, day and night)52她每天设法积蓄几元钱。(set aside)53娱乐是生活的重要组成部分。(recreation)54你认为和他谈判是明智的吗?(negotiate)55我喜欢一个人在校园散步。(feel like)IV. CompositionDirections: You forgot to meet your friend Susan at the airport at 4:15 pm last Saturday as promised. Write a letter of apology. Make up the necessary details. The following outline may be of some help.1. Making an apology2. Giving the reason(s)3. Apologize again ( 课程 第 5 页 共 8 页 )( 课程 第 6 页 共 8 页 )( 课程 第 7 页 共 8 页 )( 课程 第 8 页 共 8 页 )


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