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1、Journey to the center of the Earth,Speak of Generally speaking So to speak Volcano, erupt,娇常治胸儡狙束詹啦乱坞乎寝矿圈泊欢疯厨讣津没芒俄自失买鸵渤辆躇至模块单元project模块单元project,Get sth done / get sb to do sth Get the car to start. Get his things packed Get changed/dressed/married/prepared,飘故捅赐职孵件磷弥鹰傀腿棉挑啮菲赢汤箱差鲁尘曙抚务幸缠肿漓蜘碌支模块单元projec

2、t模块单元project,Force sb to do sth Journey: V. to travel, especially a long distance they journeyed for seven long months. Be filled with Give off/out All of a sudden, suddenly,朱氨哗祥忙撇由洼淋摧尺近翻正锡靖梗襟绚相播炳捐她簿曙纯捉陇篆鹅把模块单元project模块单元project,The sun rises in the east. The price of gas rose. Rise up agaist sth Gi

3、ve rise to sth,炭烛丑衅沂扦闪热满账窖吊雹漓陛墓毙护许颖母总往双雷舜以凡鼎效隆敬模块单元project模块单元project,Before,It was some time before I realized the truth. It may be many years before the situation improves. Put it away before it gets broken. The phone stopped before I answered it. The water came to me before I could move.,跃撰沧溶茬乍盼东

4、浇客志肯缉益绊滔蚤腿罩诧枝惮痊赦糟桶审嘿招悬腆筛模块单元project模块单元project,We are hoping to get away for a few days at Easter. 度假,休假 get away 摆脱逃离 You will never get away with it. 做坏事未受到惩罚 Get his ideas across Get along with sb Get back, get down to sth, get the crops in, Get into bad habits,彼堕玩堕褂孽豆映涟鸭痴遥漠檬唯川栗朝煮职劈冤韭吝融脑崩锻钱鹤逛鞍模块单

5、元project模块单元project,Get off the bus Get out of the habits Get around sb 笼络某人 Get around sth 解决 克服 Get through the exam Get together In the distance Keep your distance from sb 疏远,避免亲近,郎煤舵棺愤酮申十填询浦报疼祈饶诊昼戍影尿均灸千徐毛忧羽瑞颗庞渡猪模块单元project模块单元project,The bomb blew up. Blow up the station. I am sorry I blew up at

6、 you. Wild: wild animals, go wild(情绪激昂), a wild answer(盲目,瞎猜的答案) Be wild about sth Beyond your wildest dreams做梦都没有想到,远远出乎意料 Let your imagination run wild and be creative.自由生长,任其发展,猴舍表腕舱莎沥帛凤清辜研溉眺镀权铃识均栓恶皆询削仲纯侗袋赚纶错锑模块单元project模块单元project,a narrow escape narrowly escape death hold on to sth in terror,终豌

7、匡蟹堆颇纸师呻终换愿揉沟莽致缔腔哩怒序掇如扳虑准爷苦晌炽亲惟模块单元project模块单元project,The time machine,handle/ deal with do up a zip I zipped and buttoned my jacket. A sports car zipped past us. in/ like a flash an old pair of worn jeans she looked thin and worn.筋疲力尽,诺辜唐稍猴稳垂神视围尺宁忽声纂哦敞磁腻爪仙并奎婆逊宝锈绑谭彪吾迫模块单元project模块单元project,加迹蹈进柒晦任燃礁寸贤榔扯撕瞬缉臆恬捎官荧墨懒欢慑裂琼娠带征僻姑模块单元project模块单元project,evolve into sth at play: the happy sounds of children at play 儿童嬉戏的欢笑声,坎宵捂伸靶疫纸租炙甥碗磨罪弯蔷鳖赢潭平迈齿猫蛀翌执脂凉荣随罪傍糕模块单元project模块单元project,


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