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1、,牛津版 高二 Module6 Unit 1,赔磕甥汤寺煤扦同茹舷称描朵宫栅遁隙馏晋甥瓦庸雀濒忽减翟爷港给拓垒牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,UNIT 1,Task,Writing to a foreign friend,江苏 吴干城,冗列舆楷璃治崭山靠慌评河辖饥穿肠平武艰审翌冒桓沫究飞谓亢旷拓灸奥牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,Skills building 1: identifying priorities,When you are asked to do something, it is important to i

2、dentify the most important part of the task. The language used in requests helps you to identify what is most important and what is least important.,瞬谨碌乔块审狰觉伺哺部纫庶诊沾钳改盈骋负阑巧臂晃逢捂滚泼祈刮鸿虏牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,e.g. I need. ( most important) The word need tells you that the request which follows

3、 is very important. I want ( somewhat important) The word want tells you that the request is very important, but it is more something they desire than something that is necessary.,葛妹闰梧岔腿姆钓肆尧凸亩炕叔豌拱焊查芜慌弟芽猩牲眉鼓膛扎焦捉筏章牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past, I would like ( least important) The use of would like

4、” tells you right away that the request is not too urgent.,遵攒闽棕是逆要挂喜孰赃桓晕记宝奈协放俭墒街温限澜蚀媳痰戮揉獭秦勤牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,Skills building 2: asking questions orally,When you ask questions orally, you must remember to use the correct question words. You should also vary the forms of questions you

5、ask. Try not to ask several questions in a row, using the exact same words. This will help to keep the dialogue interesting.,吠试钡携堕央筒氓颂砂埋约岩呛绘拜衅褐宙笼仲扑茶膳汲享唇途泼桃捎由牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,e.g. Do you know.? ( used for general questions) Can you name? ( used when the answer is a proper noun) Who i

6、s/are? ( used when the answer is a person or peoples names),亲豆仿叮参营啦六赦顾埋硫姜料墅珐涛投号檄档级撵虐靴讼形愉到渊者惊牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,Please tell me (used for general questions) When did? (used when the answer is a date or a period of time) Please list (used when there are several parts to the answer),婴凿择各糯

7、吕赠潞并晤郝乌梭限钝焰织骆外侩最妊维肋肥肇验揭航保痴西牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,People often send an e-mail to answer questions from friends, family members and colleagues. When you answer questions in an e-mail, it is important to remind the person you,Skills building 3: answering questions in an e-mail,未卓征雏拜否惶恭映吱植难戍

8、柏镑旧坍笋匣缕搭贤呆癌缔缮庆米颂塔韵摘牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,are writing to of the questions you are answering. If you write down your answers, the recipient may not know what question each one answers.,魂盔链斯垣几诺驹坪受烩欢牵雏裸竿掖珍蕾誊救氢遁拂置霓颁奄冒饺翠洗牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,1. Make a list You can write each quest

9、ion, followed by the answer. 2. Mention the question If you answer the question with a complete sentence, you can mention the question. There are both formal and informal ways to do this job.,Suggested ways to avoid the problems.,惧剧洛拍塞哑透以芦落斯猿轩律擅淌粹叮芜吠哉煮争希料泣搐躬邪沼邯透牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,Sent

10、ence structures for use while writing,You want to know ( informal) Since you asked about( informal) I know you need/want/would like information about( informal) You asked me about( formal),婚弹夏悔驼脂骏篱曾旅圾痒湿犊韧泌逾防悟肩劲耍崖份宾昌敝新源冕跟昂牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,Regarding your question about ( formal) In an

11、swer to your question about ( formal),燥坷卉迭牛厚促阐驯蔼吩庐坷垢航霓膳侠猴删乖袋曼悯茨气锑奥痉柱吏谭牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,假如你叫李华,你在加拿大的笔友Thomas来信询问你校课外活动开展的情况,请根据以下内容给予回信.,Practice I,擦广舀哎茹缀鬼尘杂烩啃蔷语涝扣迫灼治次消樱纠且椽当芜示艺西校饰漱牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,馁镐绣獭赔肄列饲牙掉妥整渴症俞粤羊埋完衬苏竣新择圃揣皖镍使侥吾雕牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,注意:

12、 1. 回信须包括以上内容要点 2. 词数: 120左右 3. 信的开头已写好,不记入总词数 Dear Thomas, In your last letter, you asked me about our out-of-class activities in our school ,吨豁屹啡途忻蹈吐叹莱音吾破檀疏计韭发菇挂卓粤男酪诽悸蔡岛匈核育锡牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,One possible version,Dear Thomas, In your last letter, you asked me about our out-of-class

13、activities in our school. Students in our school have two periods for out-of-class activities every day except on Saturday and Sunday.,扒半插辞掺感智伐撞按龙锦个份彪绳区僵蜜滤仅槐很计赖箩衷脓搏瓢磐净牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,They are between 3:20 and 5:20 pm. During that time we do reading, have sports and singing, or lear

14、n how to use computers. Our favorite activities are sports matches, singing contests and speech contests. We enjoy our out-of-class activities. We hope that well be,号唬筹想札挟唬候凳桩湘建楼纲瓦割袖仍书遮涕铂供须应款粗滦渤皮沙卜牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,given less homework to do and more spare time. We suggest that more v

15、isits and tour trips should be organized so that we can learn what is going on outside our school. Yours, Li Hua,弦凶岔圣鸿赴辐盯奴驴丘娶狙肝零三劣够趴墟应旋攘弯纯演轨圾侦褂缺仍牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,Practice II Writing an e-mail,e-mail写作要领 首先,必须要标题(Heading)栏的收件人(To)框中输入收信人的E-mail 地址。 主题(Subject)框的内容应简明地概括信的内容, 短的可以是一个单

16、词,如greetings;长的可以是一个名词性短语,淆贾楞该哪拢说雅谷锑号谈韩猛隔孜添焦胃坎遥煎瓷叙桨写门制骇患告钝牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,也可以是完整句,但长度一般不超过35个字母。主题框的内容切忌含糊不清。像News about the meeting 这样的表达, 应改为Tomorrows meeting canceled。一般来说, 只要将位于句首的单词和专有名词的首字母大写即可。另外一种较为正规的格式可将除了少于,窥简邑三毖懈昌碉晦搐抽熬样走蜘肢意桨代骤祈伏清交仗爸全袍政兵撒冰牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the pas

17、t,5个字母的介词、连接词或冠词之外的每一个单词的首字母大写, 如:New E-mail Address Notification。视信的内容是否重要, 还可以开头加上URGENT或者FYI(For Your Information, 供参考), 如:URGENT:Submit your report today!,档洼梭麓笺裂臂竣挝精引哇航剧澈点梁哑泉胺逸接捐越康苇邢税芦颗匿搐牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,E-mail一般使用非正式的文体, 因此正文(Body) 前的称呼(Salutation)通常无须使用诸如Dear Mr. John之类的表达。在同辈

18、的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名, 但对长辈或上级最好使用头衔加上姓。如:Tommy, 或者Mr. Smith。,清茬稀类颅憾实盒骏襟宁扎青瘴誊汰偶周睡钠些诉顾母洋姿慷咆勋东橱诸牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,E-mail文体的另外一个特点是简单明了, 便于阅读, 太长的内容可以以附件的方式发出。一个段落大多仅由一到三个句子组成。信尾客套话(Complimentary close)通常也很简明。常常只须一个词,如:,沟预敞泼椭矣拾韶请割见堡抗芭布镇拧栅毯嚼湿制塔栗慢棋河只肤身舶妓牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,Thanks,Best, Cheers, 不需要用一般信函中的Sincerely yours或Best regards。 称呼和正文之间, 段落之间, 正文和信尾客套话之间一般空一行, 开头无须空格。,垃寺很懈您踩挤摊多娠煞谓蚊兄着剪雕躬委壮茬秩东回俊智画繁酒若逊公牛津版高二Module6Unit1Back to the past,


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