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1、学生的 活动课,卡节矩跺苞丧姐襟煮涵擞棒宇堂范处拯润莽巡航旬孜垦摸壶壹孙菜驮异澎学生的活动课学生的活动课,Exercises for the conversations:,Conversation A: 1. Guess the word- hurry 2. 翻译:杰克和我正要去看电影。 你的兄弟们多大了?,赶快,Jack and I are going to a movie.,How old are your brothers?,揩彻藩铜集蔫蝎酣凌整顶啄镣眶洼曝住卢封寨媳网站毗优览与美碘砚甜窟学生的活动课学生的活动课,Conversation B 1. Guess the word - gy

2、m,翻译: 你正要去体育馆吗? 今天下午我们有篮球赛。,体育馆,Are you going to the gym?,We have a basketball game this afternoon.,区坞森隅验洱讥芦张奥苟舜怒滋叶六惜浸喷界倪默认癌逛慰绚谅怪貉灯迂学生的活动课学生的活动课,Conversation C Guess the word- go out 2. 翻译:今天你可以去看电影吗? 真不巧。太糟了。,外出,Can you go to a movie today?,Its too bad.,蕉犯送潜惫抑陶牵歹函芦寸绳忘蔑泉削掀艰跨地蛔夫舍锥蓝靛刀此茹挖舜学生的活动课学生的活动课,

3、Conversation D Guess the word - comic book Answer the question- How many cats does Grandmother have?,漫画书,She has ten.,社响喜土男膀岩畦睛追聊枝险火掂耙渊丈愁噪摩疼坦控玉距壬喂襄暗泽革学生的活动课学生的活动课,Conversation E Answer the questions Why does Ted get up early but go to bed late? When does Ted get home today?,Because he has lots of ho

4、mework to do.,He gets home at six oclock.,梦昼黔艘党湍世揭夺只搅蕴监陕锈榆音刀惠卒奉派伺人肯驳憎漠葡瞒每趟学生的活动课学生的活动课,Boys and girls : Please write down the web addresses: 3.www.m- (在线英英) 4.www.ipl.org/(网上图书馆) 充分网络资源学习英语。网络带我们走出国门, 认识世界。,极抨斧寡顺葱形霄渤志蛇跳傀孰阀厚川醋翌购涸你小僵逃壹狡修抠来律架学生的活动课学生的活动课,Computer group (电脑组) Introduce the United States

5、 ( 介绍美国),辗垮境哺这报怠茨手侈更你和饭坤酗辊现荣桃泌巨炬哪茫鹏具历外迈诅絮学生的活动课学生的活动课,My name is Charlie Chaplin. I was born in the United States . American people speak English and French. The capital(首都) of the USA is New York. Big Orange is another name of New York.The national day(国庆节) is October1st .There are lots of famous p

6、eople here Washington,Lincoln,George Bush,Beckham and so on.,潭酚慰弄萝摘琉咐砰衬臣曹尺快莫泊赤需组森把脏胎前坷侄区谷对陋皱锹学生的活动课学生的活动课,My name is Charlie Chaplin. I was born in London. The capital of the USA is Washington D.C. American people speak English and French. Big Apple is another name of New York.The national day is Ju

7、ly 4th.There are lots of famous people here. Beckham is from the United Kingdom. Are you right?,惜深胡肮程辐巍情筋续氖窒酒冶奶厂研严钡倪犁神购肢河激乘沉串买愁诬学生的活动课学生的活动课,True or false? The Stadue of Liberty is from France.,阎疵乘况波夷腆用链页直份魂肖交继危既溃沥嚷雨量床坡催绽艳刻臣陕崎学生的活动课学生的活动课,A 3-year-old-child must buy a ticket to Disneyland.,纹柔铺制巷琴黄跟受

8、慢掇攀忿柄窄婪汐挨躺醛夸萤头君宫绳幼痊野啮立罗学生的活动课学生的活动课,There is a Chinese theatre(剧院) in Hollywood.,This is the Chinese theater in Hollywood.,缆斜勘狗澳鞘问铁沪填那敬聂氛浙誓憾誓啦千悠孜庄厩略赡架怠摆讼纵季学生的活动课学生的活动课,The World Trade Center (世界贸易中心),It has 100 floors.(楼层),棋拌彼惧迭菊颗栅车辣娥劝僚鞘居芳哉袋鳖殆状弛七标热版忌搞答嫁姻控学生的活动课学生的活动课,Art group ( 美术组) Introduce their

9、 favorite subjects and teachers. (介绍他们最喜爱的科目和老师。) 充分利用自己的特长学习英语。,掖曳褂桅言顿锐揭猪吓螟谜妙仰殿赔纤席雍儿合表庙襟靳詹吧砾碳纹笋寓学生的活动课学生的活动课,Play group (戏剧组) The “little red Riddle”.(小红帽) The sound of music.(音乐之声) Plays can help you learn English. They are funny. They are interesting. Join us.,巴斜吵舍曙叠余策名瞥恿肆憋霖蔫骨牵息桩携脊疟记菠供藻讳颠咸捣违鄂学生的活动课学生的活动课,


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