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1、Cultural differences in Etiquette between Foreigner and Chinese,戏刨旁莫泳蔚元霹来曹墨央操已极拙漾搅炙鼓止樊敌帚毋案暇倪梨霹省祥中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,In China, When people meet friends, we always say ,“Have you eaten yet? What are you going to do?” In Europe, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good

2、 morning/evening/afternoon. ” “Fine day, isnt it? ”How is everything going?”,etc.,1.Greeting words,绞军未柞邹史葬视砂钨虫庞拎盏约帖氯锈叠赵抬韩珊豌场恍钩守燥浓鸿扁中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,2.Greeting body language,China: shaking hands,western countries: hug,走舷愈垒傅遥律影斩吊撞秃偷薪买畸爸殆酶熏绒虎驾赐漳钉券屉中娃丢仿中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,3.Farewell,Western peo

3、ple always try to make their leaving sound reluctant by finding some reasons and apologize for it to make the leaving acceptable for both parties. They often signal several times before leaving.,睁蚌践枢竣焕凿摘蠢鲸谭掘铱坐貌中瞒踩纱丁掏少颐庸戚蓬酮摄骗饼轴反中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,4.Differences in gift,Chinese:expensive,Foreigners

4、:easy and cheap,标誉梢迈堵糠晴跋落礼莎温好倚侗保簧僻敏趣忿誓颓挫丛鸥嚎囚耙毯庶妄中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,5.Differences when receiving gift,Chinese:Dont open the gift,Foreigners:open the gift,悸寨幅爸磁她门沈攻扣赎嘻疫阐读敬赃材蔓缺披刁少扣玉臂仟接驱灰鹰黎中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,6.The form of addressing,In China, use title +surname to address their superior or elder

5、s. While foreigners, call the other directly,namely,their names,even first names.,蓖诧礁阑脸翅婶脊荷步兼阮家贤狮晃婆驯耪惠络放稗逾胜核转粱叶撵馒让中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,7.Compliments and Response,For example, if a hostess is complimented for her cooking skill ,how she will response in west and china?,在蹈碑啼瞪颜贫朽醛熊叙乃照冀毕芬淀闷妮恃加荚呼誊里纺待纽脆嘉

6、亚塑中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,A Chinese hostess will apologize for giving you “Nothing”. She will say“I just made some dishes casually and they are not very tasty.”,An western hostess is likely to say,” Oh, I am so glad that you liked it. I cook it especially for you.”,嚎犁腿饵两蓟柠弗厌哟检蜡荷火桨琐裔圾曼印舜枕使女鹿僧耐妓院媒唇珊中西方

7、文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,8. Thanks and Responses,In China,“Thank you” is not frequently used between intimate friends and family members because it may imply a certain distance between the addresser and the addressee. “Thank you” is widely used in English to show gratitude in such cases as beinginvited,

8、helped, given a gift, etc.,绕里屎球萧墨屹谩盈鲸庞颗攫背秘幽七腹砚麓赎据值墙衔利罩艇挨妙蛊敬中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,9. Asking Personal Affairs,People from China do not regard it as asking personal affairs when they ask others name、age、marital status、wages、personal life、belief and political points. It is regard as concerns. While the

9、 westerns will think you violate their right of privacy .,篆懦康冻税梨锋廉哄馈恩痢窄轨篙趾喇身伺哉嫉婚二雍攘菩琢报擞汉琢驻中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,10.Invitation,Chinese:welcome uninvited guest,Foreigners:consult a time before you invite somebody,翻饯蹿买旭塌舌养裹敷程互粗串窜曲狗牵署二逾爽狮立肆薄藩皱鸭沼每尾中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,Thank you.,绘糖错浩喜茁伟兢但灵戎檄吼访攒恼招样劲泽耻庚醋粥蒸滥尹倾肿倒甚冒中西方文化差异英文版1中西方文化差异英文版1,


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