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1、制作人: M iss Wei(夏荷),反意疑问句,曼旬楷辖宾炔哥在铱萎挝表护抡更窥目瞻软犬芝团四己兆年孵狱闸颐史处制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,反意疑问句,又叫附加疑问句,是在一个陈述句后加上一个简短的疑问句,表示对陈述句所叙述的事实提出疑问、情况或看法,问对方同不同意,浩伍面扣媳腑困且阶皿犯迷凳氰柜矮琵而贿唯汇聋资挂涉部野孝缘丧钝盔制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,反意疑问句的基本结构有两种:一是:肯定陈述句+简短的否定问句 ;二是:否定陈述句+简短的肯定问句。简称“前肯后否,前否后肯。”,He is a teacher , isnt he ?,She d

2、idnt go to school ,did she ?,丢热赞贯衅俏幸凄弗聪厢孤动哀变赃枷畜异叁呐奶瓶放竖勋孽短腋鸿砂诗制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,反意疑问句的前后两部分在时态、人称和数上都要保持一致。,He is from Japan ,_?,They are watching TV now ,_?,She is going to play basketball ,_?,Jack wasnt ill yesterday , _?,Tom and Jack were walking along the street at that time ,_?,isnt he,ar

3、ent they,isnt she,was he,werent they,I am as tall as your sister ,_?,arent I,螟毒提亚莲酌烽橡舟困屿度嚼百岂玖推宗扼墅等逝澡哗虑孝妥灌舞峙识易制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,Jack looks like her father ,_?,You want to improve our English ,_?,dont you ?,doesnt he,Mike didnt go to school yesterday ,_?,did he,Linda went to the zoo three times

4、 last year ,_?,didnt she,行为动词必须借助助动词do does did .,屋赎袭帅炙仗甸淖缠淡擦钳督移约祸篇珊葱季替布设毗号藉充那毙任患哆制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,People will have robots in their homes ,_?,wont they ?,Kids wont go to school ,_?,will they ?,Books will only be on computers,_?,wont they,He d like to go to the movies with me ,_?,would nt he,

5、He should nt copy others homework ,_?,should he ?,He has been skating for 4 hours ,_?,hasnt he,They havent been to the amusement park ,_?,have they,You have seen the film many times ,_?,havent you,We have to get there at 8:00tomorrow ,_?,dont we,He had to work hard at English last year,_?,didnt he,钉

6、预刀迷深谰唤那误笛种酗嵌肛禹鄙破蒂已遥躁垂即存撞推递特抚脉棒薯制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,There is something wrong with your watch,_?,isnt there,There were not any buildings here,_?,were there,There are many attractions on the board ,_,aret there,There wasnt a river around the village, _?,was there,There will be a film tonight ,_?,w

7、ont there,There will not be any trouble , _?,will there,There is going to be a meeting tomorrow ,_?,isnt there,陈述部分是there be 结构的,疑问部分用there省略主语代词。,宵汪扶品矮缺轮琶次氢耻击擞侩产啊醇吕露譬上郡庇缔农幸见童祟份盆阀制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,He can swim very well ,_,cant he,They must clean the classroom now ,_?,neednt they,must 必须,Jack

8、must be a doctor ,_?,isnt he,Must 表示“肯定是”的猜测时,疑问部分视推测的情况而定,It must be going to rain tomorrow ,wont it ?,He neednt clean the room now ,_?,need he,You need to improve your English ,_?,dont you,Need 须视行为动词还是情态动词而定,弛脖闯泽孕弊垢盈厘狐迪摊凭绍摈启伎杖名屏拂褥辕陨预轨拇再吁入坪瑶制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,Dont do that again, _?,will you,

9、Go with me ,_?,will you /wont you,Lets go and play football ,_?,shall we,Let us wait for you in the reading room ,_?,will you,Everything is ready ,_?,isnt it ?,陈述部分为指物的指示代词或不定代词everything nothing anything something this that 等,疑问部分主语用 it .,Everyone knows the answer, _?,dont they ?,Nobody knows about

10、 it , _?,do they,陈述部分为指人的指示代词或不定代词everybody nobody anybody, someone no one 等,疑问部分主语用 they .,寨壶纪耸扶隙遇蛊来烃髓揩览淖借削槽诣狱词眷蓉泪妄蚀苛岂疾萎凝知橙制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,There is nothing wrong with the computer,_?,is there,Nobody likes to do that ,_?,do they,He has few friends in the school,_?,does he,He made no answer

11、,_?,did he,There is little water in the cup ,_?,is there,We hardly stand the noise ,_?,do we,They have never been to the USA_,_?,have they,陈述部分用no ,nothing ,nobody,never,few,little,hardly等表示否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定形式。,It is impossible,_?,isnt it,打豆餐纳澈审惦虽扔原舅镜监扮颅霉檀谜磐詹帖辜故秉蚂咳氟鞭涅帜络蛀制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,主句谓语th

12、ink, believe, expect, suppose等引导的的宾语从句,后面的疑问部分与宾语从句想对应,构成疑问句。,I dont think he is right,_?,We believe she can do it better,_?,People think they are becoming richer and richer,_? (2003年贵州中考题) A. dont they, B. do they C. arent they D. are they,is he,cant she,C,携锡籍弃溺秤湍柑夏基啮工臭求嗓仟伊尼披摔侨娄炙皑帆侠示饿凿郧凄教制作人MissWei

13、夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,She didnt go to school ,did she ? 她没去上学,是吧?,不!她去了,Yes, she did.,是的!她没去,No, she didnt,He is a teacher , isnt he ?他是个老师,不是吗?,Yes, he is.,No, he isnt,反意疑问句的 回答:事实上是肯定的就用Yes,事实上是否定的,就用No,不能出现前面用yes 后用not 或前面用No后面用肯定的现象。,厦而辑翻清燎辅最龋嫁艇宠额必脑铁缀尿含示雀惺跑辽蜘问驴搞磺挝池去制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,Dont do that

14、 again, will you?,_, I will never do it .,Sorry, I do B. No, I do C. Yes, I wont D. sorry, I wont,She is going to play basketball ,isnt she ?,_, She will take lessons .,Yes, she isnt B. No, she is C. Yes, she is D. No, she isnt,We believe she can do it better, cant she?,_,she is doing her best to im

15、prove herself .,Yes, we do B. Yes , she can C. Yes, we dont D. Yes, she doesnt,D,D,B,巴厉片切君蔽馆挂扣缮匣倪察球颈梗申隶敢绎酶餐诲萝斗刺詹烘骤议腻冻制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,Exercise: The train is always crowded, _? You love violin music, _? It looks like rain, _? 4. Nice day, _? 5. You are new here, _? 6. The No. 15 bus stops her

16、e, _? 7. The line is moving slowly, _? 8. These shirts are really expensive, _? 9. It always rains on the weekend, _? 10. It was really exciting, _?,isnt it,dont you,doesnt it,arent you,isnt it,doesnt it,isnt it,arent they,doesnt it,wasnt it,饵伺乙灶斯京帘曹已搜构猎汾晤埠悯楚札诬罐更扇支络珊扭组隔努贩唯紊制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,1

17、.They usually have a walk after supper,_? 2.Everybody has gone to the pary,_? 3.There will be an exam soon,_? 4.They must be hamsters,_? 5.Nice weather,_? 6.I dont think the gift is creative,_? 7.This is your sister,_? 8.Nothing is serious,_?,dont they,havent they/hasnt he,wont they,arent they,isnt

18、it,is it,isnt she,is it,挡采精碑跑厩她晤西戳颖傅每樟蕉缘乃暇翌度冰逗冉烧震缅乘利竹榨垛芯制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,全真中考题 You never go to the movie,_? A.dont you B. do you C.wont you D.cant you 2.They have never been to New York,_? A.have they B.havent they C.dont they D.do they 3.Few people knew how to use the Internet in the past,_

19、? A.did they B. didnt they C.did he D.didnt he 4.-Can you speak English?-yes,but only _. A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 5.Let us stop and have a rest,_? A.will you B.wont you C.shall we D.should we 6.Your father has been to Guangzhou twice,_? A.has he B. hasnt he C. doesnt he D.isnt he,B,A,A,D,A,

20、B,巍姨覆捡雾赵袱纠禁双茶乘尼乘湿艰丑碳印俐愿坍广霹恳琳堡待云找打忿制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,7. Shall we leave now? -Dont hurry. We still have _ time left. A.little B.a little C. few D.a few 8. Mary told me _for her at home. A.waits B.wait C.to wait D.waiting 9.It _me two hours and a half to get there by bus. A. spent B.took C.used

21、D.paid 10.-Do you know _?- On foot. A.where Kate came from B.how Kate came here C.when Kate comes here D.why Kate didnt come,B,B,B,B,貌晾绩驴赔奉冰疙董伯淑苔五疚搀鹰钵搔撼删铂袄呀正番军肖卒屡曝厅哼制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,12.On summer evenings,Grandpa used to _fun stories. A. speak B.say C.tell D.talk 13.-Could you tell me _? -Sor

22、ry.I dont now . I was not at the meeting. A.what does he say at the meeting B.what he says at the meeting C.what did he say D.what he said at the meeting 14. Miss Hyde_ 20 dollars buying a new handbag last week. A. paid B.spent C.cost D.took,C,D,B,翁兹憨曳互己散乾叮逢趟院息凛笼袁赋晌病谜谰硒您阂浓充育炭配矢纱薪制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissW

23、ei夏荷,练习,Lets go hiking, _? Turn down the radio, _? He can play the violin very well, _? The Greens will go to American on vacation, _? David has never been to Japan before, _? I dont think they are from England, _? Frank has few friends, _? She could hardly finish half of the work, _? Somebody is waiting for you, _? Something is wrong with the computer, _? The man must be Jims father, _? There were many interesting books in the library, _?,坍臃柑著毋见苞浅伺老筒郸差舰荧豪雕仆琅鞠诱帜凳症虹鹃痪埔梆纺殆陛制作人MissWei夏荷制作人MissWei夏荷,


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