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1、上海版牛津英语七年级下册期中考试测试题七年级下册期中考试测试题笔试部分一、语音知识(共 10 小题 ;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分 )A 、找出画线部分的读音与其她三个不同的选项。()11、 A 、 classB、 cityC、 climbD、 cold()12、A 、 kiteB、 blindC、 radioD、 like()13、A 、 chemicalB、 beachC、 changeD、 watch()14、A 、 hereB 、 ideaC、 cheerful D 、 there()15、A 、 petB、 marketC、 returnD、 deliver16、 When peo

2、ple hear funny stories, they often l :f _17、 The Earth is our home 、 We should take ke?(r) _ of her18、There are five yellow stars on the Chinese f_ with a bigger one on the left corner and foursmaller ones around it 、19、 It is very important to s_ water because it、 s valuable20、 Please don t c_ that

3、 、treeIt s dangerous for a child to do that、二、单项选择:(每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )()21、 I enjoyed the performance very much 、 Yes, it was really good 、 I think _ boy in white was the best actor 、A 、 aB、 anC、 theD、 /()22、 Hi, Ben 、 How early you are!-Yes、 I went to bed early last night 、 , so I _ early this mornin

4、g 、A、 put intoB 、 woke upC、 lit upD、 looked up()23The man called his professor for help because he couldn t solve the problem by_、A 、 herselfB、 themselvesC、 yourselfD 、 himself()24、Look! Some students _ football games there 、 Lets watch them!A、 are playingB、 playC、 will playD 、played()25、 -Why not _

5、 with me this afternoon?-I d love to, but I have to help my mum do some housework at home 、A、 play the footballB 、playingthe footballC、 play footballD、 playingfootball()26、Work hard, _ you re sure to be successful in this exam、A 、 andB、orC、 butD、 as()27、 When will you come back?-I m not sure、 I must

6、 finish _all my work、A、 doB、 doingC、 to doingD、 done()28、It _ three hours to finish my homework yesterday evening、A 、 spentB 、 paidC、 costD 、 took()29、Therere _ people in the city 、A、 two millionsB 、 million ofC、 millions ofD、 two million of上海版牛津英语七年级下册期中考试测试题()30、I prefer _ at weekendsA、 to swimmgB

7、、 to swimC、 swimD 、swam三、语法选择:(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分 )When Mary was a little girl, her parents were always worried about not having enoughmoney、 Their sad faces made her _31_ to help her parents, so she left school and started to work _32_ the age of fifteen 、 She _33_ many different jobs 、 Most of the jo

8、bs did not pay_34_, but she tried her best in all of them and learned _35_ 、Mary is now thirtyyears old, and _36_ family has a better life、 But Mary s friendskeep _37_ her that she should learn to make more money 、 They have taught her several ways, _38_ she has not tried any of them 、 She is not in

9、terested in anything risky( 冒险的 )。_39_she wants most now is to go back to school、 Now she is a student and she _40_ hard in theschool 、()31、A 、decidedB、 to decideC、 decidingD、 decide()32、A 、inB、 onC、 atD、 for()33、A 、 didB、 doesC、 will doD、 has done()34、A 、goodB 、wellC、 badD 、badly()35、A 、a fewB、 lit

10、tleC、 a lotD、 many()36、A 、sheB、 herC、 hersD、 herself()37、A 、tellB、 to tellC、 tellingD 、tells()38、A 、andB、 soC、 orD、 but()39、A 、WhatB、 HowC、 WhoD、 Where()40、A 、is studyB、 studiedC、 studiesD、 will study四、完形填空:(每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )Once, there was a selfish( 自私的 )man、 His name was Jack、 Jack loved money ver

11、y much、 He never _41_ anything to anybody 、 So he was very _42_、 One day Jack went boating with his friends on the _43_ 、 Suddenly he slipped and _44_ into the lake 、His friends hurried to help him 、 Mark, one of his friends, said,“Give me your _45_, andI llpull( 拉 )you out 、 ”But Jack _46_ 、Another

12、 friend, Frank, _47_ up and said, “Take my hands, and I will pull you out 、”Jacktook his hands, and Frank pulled him out of the _48_ 、Frank said to his _49_, “When you say give to him, he does _50_; but when yousay take , he takes 、 He never gives anything to others、”()41、A 、tookB、 gaveC、 bought D、

13、got()42、A 、richB 、 poorC、 gladD、 sad()43、A 、parkB、zoo C、 lakeD 、house()44、A 、divedB 、 looked C、 went D 、 fell()45、A 、 feetB、 hands C、 arms D、 legs()46、A 、won t B、 couldn tC、 needntD 、 didn t()47、A 、ranB 、 cameC、 went D 、walked()48、A 、waterB 、pool C 、 seaD 、 river()49、 A 、 father B 、 friendC、 brother

14、 D 、sisiter上海版牛津英语七年级下册期中考试测试题()50、 A 、 anything B 、everything C 、 nothing D 、 something五、阅读理解:(每小题 2 分,共 30 分 )(A)Mrs 、 Black was a poor old woman and she lived in a small village、 Her husband died tenyears ago、 But she had a 24-year-old daughter 、 Her name was Alice 、 She worked in New York and li

15、ved there 、 It was far away from her mothers village, and she was not happy about this、 One day Alice said to her mother, Ive found a good job in Boston, and I can make a lot of money there, so I will go to work in Boston next week 、 But dont worry, Mum 、 Ill send you some money every week 、 A month

16、 later, Mrs 、 Black was very angry 、 She decided to go to see her daughter in Boston on a train、 When she saw her daughter, she said, Alice, why do you never call me?(Alice laughed, But mother, she said, you havent got a telephone、No, she answered, I havent, but you have got one 、 )51、Mrs 、 Black li

17、ved _ 、A 、 in CanadaB、 in AustraliaC、 in EnglandD 、 in America)52、Mrs 、 Black lived _ 、A 、 aloneB、 with her husbandC、 with her daughterD 、 with her mother)53、Alice decided to work in Boston because _ 、A 、 New York was too far from her mothers villageB、 Boston was near her mothers villageC、 she had f

18、ound a good job thereD、 she thought Boston was a quiet and nice place)54、A month later, Mrs 、 Black went to see her daughter in Boston _ 、A 、 by airB 、 by trainC、 by busD 、 by sea)55、Alice had never telephoned her mother because _ 、A、 she didnt have time to do soB、 her mother didnt have a telephoneC

19、、 she didnt want to spend money on callingD、 her mother didnt know how to make a telephone callBA man is going to the house of a friend、 It is quite far away so he takes some sandwichesalong for his lunch 、 As he goes along, he says to himself, My friend is sure to give me a verynice meal 、 He is go

20、ing to give me good wine(酒 ) to drink 、 So whats the use of these drysandwiches、 As he says this, he throws them onto the ground 、He goes on and comes to a river 、 The river has become very big because of the rain in the past few days、 He cannot cross the river 、 He hopes there is a boat to take him

21、 over 、 So he waits and waits 、 He waits for a longtime 、 Then the sun begins to set、 The man says to himself, I cannot go to my friends house today 、 I must go home 、 Then he starts for( 出发 ) home、 Soon he feels very hungry 、 He wants very much to have something to eat、 But he doesnt have anything

22、、 Suddenly he sees some dry, dirty, hard上海版牛津英语七年级下册期中考试测试题sandwiches on the road、 He is very happy 、 He picks them up and eats them all 、Do not throw good things away 、 You may need them later on、()56、 It will take the manto walk to his friends house、A 、 a few daysB 、 a few hoursC、 a whole nightD 、

23、 one hour or two()57、 He throws the sandwiches to the ground because、A 、 he doesnt like themB、 the sandwiches are dirtyC、 he thinks his friend will not like themD、 he、 is sure to have a nice meal at his friends house()58、 In the sun begins to set, set here meansin Chinese、A 、 落下B、 升起C、 变暗D 、 照耀()59、

24、 The story tells us that we、A 、 mustnt walk a long way to visit a friendB、 mustnt throw dry sandwiches awayC、 must throw things away when we dont need themD、 must always keep good things()60、 He has to go back home because、A 、 it is lateB、 he hasnt got sandwichesC、 it rains hardD 、 he is hungryAlmos

25、t everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read about dogs、 I have afriend 、 He has a big police dog with the name Jack、 Police dogs are very clever 、 EverySunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park、 Jack likes these long walksvery much 、One Sunday afternoon a young m

26、an came to visit my friend 、 He stayed a long time 、 Hetalked and talked 、 Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk、 But the visitor stillstayed、 Jack became much worried 、 He walked around the room several times and then satdown in front of the visitor and looked at him、 But the visit

27、or paid no attention (注意 )to Jack、He went on talking 、 At last Jack got angry、 He went out of the room and came back a fewminutes later 、 He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the visitorhis mouth 、()61、 “ Jack ” is the name of、A 、 A policemanB、 My friendC 、 A dogD、 A youn

28、g man 、()62、 Jack became worried because _ 、A 、 he wanted to play with himB 、 he wanted to go out for a walkC、 he didn t know the young manD、 he wanted to eat something()63、 Jack sat down in front of the visitor because he wanted _ 、A 、 the visitor to leave the house soonB、 to join the talkC、 to sho

29、w the visitor how clever he wasD 、 the visitor to talk with him()64、 The visitor went on talking and _ 、上海版牛津英语七年级下册期中考试测试题A 、 he paid no attention to JackB 、 he didn t like JackC、 he didn t know that his cap was taken away by JackD 、 he paid no attention to his cap()65、 At last Jack took _ in his m

30、outh 、A 、 foodB 、 nothingC、 the visitors capD、六、根据情境回答下列问题:(每小题 2 分 ,共 10 分)the visitors bagA 、 It could make me excited 、B、 I agree with you 、C、 What kind of music do you like?D、 But I like different music at different ages、E、 When I feel bored, I like to listen to it、A: Hi, Leo 、 Do you like music

31、?B: Yes、 ( 66 )A: Can you give me an example?B: Sure、 I used to like pop music 、 ( 67 )A: You re right 、 But sometimes I think pop music is a bit noisy、B: ( 68 )、So now I am interested in Jazz 、A: Jazz can make people relaxed 、B: Yes、 ( 69 )And then I will feel better 、A: It s really a good way to r

32、elax 、B: ( 70 )A: Of course Jazz 、七、写作 (共三节 ,满分 30 分 )第一节单词拼写根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出单词(每小题 1 分 ,共71、 Guangzhou is in the sof China、72、 His parents dont ahim to go out at night 、73、 Tom is a sboy、 He can work out a lot of difficult math problems、74、 She will aat the airport in 20 minutes 、75、 It s dhere、 C

33、ould you please turn on the light?5 分)第二节、完成句子(每小题2 分 ,满分10 分 ,每空一词)。76、我们的英语老师对我们的学习要求严格。Our English teacherour study 、77、如果人们砍掉所有的树木,这里就会变成沙漠。If peopleall the trees, it will become desert here、78、她不但努力学习,而且还喜欢运动。Hestudies hard,likes sports、79、我们必须尽最大努力保护那些处在危险中的动物。We mustprotect those animals in danger 、80、我们请求爸爸戒烟。We ask our father tosmoking 、上海版牛津英语七年级下册期中考试测试题第三节 书面表达 (满分 15 分 )暑假刚刚过去,您的笔友Tom 询问您的假期活动,请您根据以下要点给写一封回信。开头已给出 ,字数 80 词左右。提示 :1、 我与父母去了海南度假;2、 那里的天气晴朗但很热,有各种水果 ,人们很友好 ;3、 早上在海滩散步,晚饭后在海里游泳;4、 吃了许多海鲜 ,玩得很开心。5、 Dear Tom,I had a really exciting summer,YoursJack


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