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1、最新资料推荐阅读 1副标题题号I总分得分一、阅读理解(本大题共37 小题,共74.0 分)ADIn the early nineteen fifties ,researchers found that people scored lower on intelligence tests if they spoke more than one language.Research in the sixties found the opposite.So which is it?Researchers presented their newest studies last month at a mee

2、ting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.The latest evidence shows that being bilingual ( 双语的 )does not necessarily make people smarter.But researcher Ellen Bialystock says it probably does make you better at certain skills.She says bilingual people are often better at control

3、ling their attention a function called the executive( 执行的 )control system.Ms Bialystock is a psychology professor at York University in Toronto ,Canada. She says the best method to measure the executive control system is called the Stroop Test.A person is shown words in different colors.The person h

4、as to ignore the word but say the color.The problem is that the words are all names of colors.Her work shows that bilingual people continually practice this function.They have to , because both languages are active in their brain at the same time.They need to limit one to be able to speak in the oth

5、er.This mental exercise might help in other ways , too.Researchers say bilingual children are better able to separate a word from its meaning,and more likely to have friends from different cultures.Bilingual adults are often four to five years later than others in developing dementia or Alzheimers d

6、isease.Foreign language study has increased in the United States.But linguist Alison Mackey at Georgetown University points out that English- speaking countries are still far behind the rest of the world.In England , like in the United States ,bilingualism is seen as something special and unique and

7、 something to be commented on and perhaps work towards , while in many other parts of the world being bilingual is just seen as a natural part of life.1最新资料推荐1. Being bilingual can make people _.A. smarter than othersB. better at all skillsC. better at controlling their attentionD. higher in intelli

8、gence2. Bilingual children more likely to _.A. be healthier than othersB. make more friends from different countriesC. develop dementia or Alzheimers diseaseD. recognize a word from its meaning3. The last paragraph suggests that _.A. bilingualism is just seen as a natural part of life in the United

9、StatesB. foreign language study needs improving in English- speaking countriesC. bilingualism is seen as something special and unique all over the worldD. English- speaking countries do better than others in foreign language study4. The text is most probably a _.A. science fiction storyB. newspaper

10、adC. book reviewD. science news report【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)B(4)D【解析】 ( 1)推理判断题。根据第二段可知,学双语的人不一定比别人更聪明,但是在某些技能方面可能会做得更好。在控制他们的注意力方面学双语的人就做得比较好。由此可知 C 项正确。( 2)细节理解题。根据第五段第二句话“Researchers say bilingual children are better ableto separate a word from its meaning, and more likely to have friends from different

11、 cultures. ”可知, 学双语的孩子更可能与不同文化的人交朋友。 所以答案应该是 B 项。A 项文中没有提及; C 项是对原文的曲解; D 项应该是“ separate a word from its meaning ”才正确。( 3)推理判断题。根据最后一段“.English- speaking countries are still far behind the restof the world. ”可知,说英语的国家在外语学习方面落后于世界其他地方,所以需要提高。同时也说明D 项是错误的。根据最后一句“.in many other parts of the world being

12、bilingual is just seen as a natural part of life. ”可知 A 和 C 项错误。( 4)推理判断题。整篇文章讲的是根据研究说双语的人在某些方面可能会具有优势。所以这篇文章应该是一份科学新闻报告。BC_My husband is a lord.We have one house in the countryside and one in London.I spend my days running the household.I oversee servants work and my three daughters education :They

13、 learn to play piano , sing, and dance.There are so many rules to follow. For example ,I must always be polite and calm.I have to wear proper clothes.Maid2最新资料推荐I was born on a farm in the north of England ,but my family couldnt support me.My cousin helped me get a job as a maid in a big , fancy Lon

14、don house.There is so much work to do and some rules to follow here.Monday is washing day.I have to get up earlier than usual about 4: 30 am to heat the water, wash and iron the clothes.The work is hard and I earn about $ 50 a year.But my master spends $ 1000 a year on his carriage alone.GentlemanIm

15、 a lawyer living in London.But Im in love with a servant ,because shes not like her own class at all, but like mine.When I take her to theatres ,we meet outside, pretend not to know each other and enter by a side door.I have to maintain my honour as rules.I want to marry my girl , but maybe only in

16、secret.Factory manIve been working in factories since I was 10.Right now ,I make iron for the railroad. Its 14 hours a day from 5: 30 am to 7: 30 pm.Its hard work , but at least I have my freedom despite the fact that there are so many rules ,and I have to wear a uniform.These days, I like to have a

17、 drink and smoke my pipe in the pub with my friends from work.I go in there a couple of times a week if I can ,to discuss politics,find out news and listen to music.5. What may be the title for the first paragraph?A. HousewifeB. LadyC. WomanD. Owner6. According to the passage, its implied that _.A.

18、as a lords wife , she must be polite and calmB. the maid has a busier day on weekendsC. the factory man is quite satisfied with his present jobD. people from different classes then couldnt be married7. The four persons give a glimpse of lives of _.A. low society of LondonB. top classes of LondonC. t

19、ypical LondonersD. Londoners from all corners【答案】(1)B(2)D(3)C【解析】 ( 1)推理判断题。根据本段的大意,可确定刻画的是有身份的女士,故选B项。( 2)推理判断题。 A 项为原文信息, 而不是暗示; B 项与原文“ Monday is washing day ”不符;根据最后一部分的描述可得知the factory man 并不是很满意目前的工作;故根据第三部分的gentleman 只能偷偷地与心爱的女友结合,可推断出D 项符合题意。( 3)主旨大意题。本文通过对四位不同社会层次、不同身份职业的人物的描写,反映了当时伦敦的一个大致的

20、社会生活面貌,虽不够全面,但比较有代表性,故选C 项。CB3最新资料推荐The whole family objected when my brother and I said we were going to spend our Christmas holidays abroad.Mother said that as there would be a family reunion party , we would have to be present.Though we always enjoyed these occasions, nothing could persuade us to

21、 stay.Two days before Christmas , we went to a small town in southern Germany.We spent the whole Christmas Eve sightseeing.There was so much activity in the town that it led to our excitement.The streets were crowded with people and the shops were full of wonderful things.In the evening ,we went to

22、listen to Christmas songs sung by children and the brightly lit trees in the main square.We returned to our hotel late that night ,greatly looking forward to the next day when we planned to have a meal at the best restaurant in town.But in the morning the streets were deserted.To make matters worse,

23、 all the shops, including the restaurants , were shut.We returned to our hotel , feeling very miserable.All we had was a bag of fruit which my brother had happened to buy the day before.Our thoughts sadly turned to home where , at that moment , the whole family must have been wishing us a “ Merry Ch

24、ristmas ”8. Where did the writer and his brother plan to spend their Christmas holidays?A. At home with the whole family.B. They would go abroad with their family.C. They would spend their Christmas holidays abroad.D. They were going to join in the family reunion party.9. Whats the writers nationali

25、ty?A. America.B. English.C. Germany.D. We dont know10. How did the writer and his brother spend their Christmas Eve?A. They spent the whole day listening to Christmas songs.B. They went shopping.C. They spent the whole day sightseeing.D. They went to the main square.11. From the passage,we know that

26、 in the writers motherland ,shops and restaurants _on Christmas Day.A. dont openB. closeC. are not shutD. shut【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)C(4)C【解析】 ( 1)细节理解题。由第一段第一句可得知我和弟弟想去国外过圣诞节。( 2)推理判断题。 文中并没有提到作者是哪国人, 所以我们不知道作者的国籍是什么。( 3)细节理解题。由第二段第二句“ We spent the whole Christmas Eve sightseeing. ”可得知。( 4)推理判断题。由第三段可以推断出,

27、在作者的国家里一些公共场所在圣诞节那天是不关门的。DA4最新资料推荐Parents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers.But last summer, Joanna and Henry noticed a change in their older son :suddenly he seemed to be talking far more to his friends than to his parents. “ The door to his room is always shut ,

28、” Joanna noted.Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their 14- year-old daughter.“ She used to cuddle up(蜷伏 )with me on the sofa and talk ,” said Mark. “ Now we joke that she does this only when she wants something.Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young la

29、dy.The problem is figuring out which time is which. ”Before age 11,children like to tell their parents whats on their minds. “ In fact ,parents are first on the list ,” said Michael Riera , author of Uncommon Sensefor Parents with Teenagers.“ This completely changes during the teen years,” Riera exp

30、lained. “They talk to their friends first , then maybe their teachers, and their parents last.”Parents who know whats going on in their teenagers lives are in the best position to help them.To break down the wall of silence ,parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say

31、 , and try to find ways to talk and write to them. And they must give their children a mental break, for children also need freedom, though young.Another thing parents should remember is that to be a friend , not a manager, with their children is a better way to know them.12. “ The door to his room

32、is always shut ” suggests that the son_.A. is always busy with his studiesB. doesnt want to be disturbedC. keeps himself away from his parentsD. begins to dislike his parents13. What troubles Tina and Mark most is that _.A. their daughter isnt as lovely as beforeB. they cant read their daughters min

33、d exactlyC. they dont know what to say to their daughterD. their daughter talks with them only when she needs help14. Which of the following best explains “the wall of silence ” in the last paragraph?A. Teenagers talk a lot with their parents.B. Teenagers do not want to understand their parents.C. T

34、eenagers do not talk much with their parents.D. Teenagers talk a little about their own lives.15. What can be learned from the passage?A. Parents are unhappy with their growing children.B. Parents have suitable ways to talk with their teenagers.C. Parents should be patient with their silent teenager

35、s.D. Parents should try to understand their teenagers.【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)C(4)D【解析】 ( 1)句意理解题。根据第一段第二句“.he seemed to be talking far more to hisfriends than to his parents ”及下文可知十几岁的孩子同朋友谈心要比同父母多,父母往往是最后一个知道孩子心事的人。因此文中的“The door to his room is always shut ”一句不能照字面意义理解 (通向他房间的门总是关着 ),而应照其喻义理解,即孩子从心理上远离父母,故

36、选 C 项。5最新资料推荐( 2)细节理解题。由第二段第一句“Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their14-year-old daughter. ”可知蒂娜和马克也注意到女儿的变化,即不能知道女儿的心事。故选 B 项。( 3)句意理解题。根据全篇文章内容可知十几岁的孩子很少同父母交流是问题关键,要解决这一问题,父母必须创造机会同孩子多谈心。因此“the wall of silence ”指的是“十几岁的孩子同父母谈心不多”,故选C 项。( 4)推理判断题。 由短文的最后一段建议父母要解决“十几岁的孩子同父母谈心不多”这一问题,父母应该创造机会

37、理解孩子,找到方法同孩子交谈,同孩子写信交流思想,另外要做孩子的朋友。从这一段意来看应选D 项。EIt is often considered that the schoolyard is where bullies( 欺负 )go to make other kids a miserable school life , but a new study suggests that classrooms are another popular place.The study, presented recently at the American Public Health Association

38、s yearly meeting in Philadelphia , is based on the results of research from more than 10 000 middle school students who answered questions online.Of those researched,43% said theyd been physically bullied within the last month.A bit more than half said theyd been laughed at in an unfriendly way , an

39、d half reported being called hurtful names.About one third said groups had excluded( 排斥 )them to hurt their feelings.28% said their belongings had been taken or broken ; 21% said someone threatened to hurt them.According to the results ,two- thirds of the students said theyd been bullied in more tha

40、n one way over the previous month.The study authors mentioned that 8% of the students who answered said theyd missed school at least once during the school year because of fear of being bullied.25% said theyd taken other actions,such as missing recess(课间 ),not going to the bathroom or lunch ,missing

41、 classes, or staying away from some area of the school to escape from experiencing a bully.Bullies did too much to the school life.16.Bullies can happen in the following places EXCEPT _.A. schoolyardsB. classroomsC. bathroomsD. teachers offices17.Which of the following is the best title?A. Bad Schoo

42、l LifeB. Fear at SchoolC. Bullies at SchoolD. School Problems18.Some students might_ to protect themselves from bullies.A. leave the schoolB. go for lunchC. hurt othersD. break others belongings19.The writer feels_ about bullies at school.A. excitedB. disappointedC. worriedD. puzzled【答案】 (1)D (2)C(3

43、)A (4)C【解析】( 1)细节理解题。 根据第一段内容及倒数第二段中“25% said theyd taken otheractions, such as.,not going to the bathroom or lunch. ”可知,老师办公室是最不可能6最新资料推荐发生以强凌弱事件的,故D 为正确选项。( 2)主旨大意题。把握文章中心,确定文章标题。整篇文章反映的是校园以强凌弱事件的调查结果。故 C 项与文章内容最贴切。( 3)细节理解题。从倒数第二段内容可知,一些学生为了使自己免受欺辱而采取了逃学、不吃午饭等方法。故选 A 项。( 4)推理判断题。从文章最后一句话可推断出作者对此现

44、象表示担忧。FDParents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends.Is this a good thing ? Sometimes,when Mr.Ballmer and his 16- year-old daughter,Elizabeth ,listen to rock music together and talk about interests both enjoy,such as pop culture,he remembers his more distant relation

45、ship with his parents when he was a teenager.“ I would never have said to my mom, Hey,the new Weezer album is really great.How do you like it ?” says Ballmer.“ There was just a complete gap in taste.”Music was not the only gulf.From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations , earlier generations of parents and chil


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