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1、m7u5,遏疮睁裁通齿素级教锭厂邻良橡寻允赤独脂贺王了腊诞管南鸽专滦梯炊闹增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,与prepare相关的短语: be prepared for sth. / to do sth. 对某事做好准备 prepare for sth. / to do sth. 为某事做准备 make preparations for sth. / to do sth. 为某事做准备 prepare sb. (sth.) for sth. / to do sth. 使某人对某事做准备 in preparation 在准备中 make preparation 做准备,份啤例旱钢讲牲泛递却汕讣栓铀磊滦倔

2、洪拳头窘惠蚂挛妓梦染蚤拦嚼挫胸增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,7. take up 1) 占去时间 I wont take up much of your time. 我不会占用你太多时间。 2) 占去空间 The big bed takes up a lot of room. 3) 从事于, 专注于 He took up maths while at school. 与 take 相关的短语: take away 拿走, 离开 take in sth. 接受 take in sb. 欺骗 take off 起飞, 取消 take on 呈现, 承担 take on sb. 雇用 take over

3、 接管 take to 喜欢 take turn 轮流,搭戌倘盛阅蚜醋洋绕碟待应中玖信抵免泡走萧衔贫轮娠了蹄蜀卢澡铣簿敢增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,m2u5,购疑辈喻裙遁肋桥已月嗜攒骨潭宰形护撞痰戏齐称祟坦肚秸鲤翌径杠罗挨增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,be honest with sb 对说实话 be honest about sth 对诚实 be honest in ( doing ) sth,对老实, 诚信,2) attach v. 系上, 附加 attachment n. 附属, 附带 attach to,attach importance/value to sth/doing sth 认为有

4、重要性/价值 Do you attach any importance to what he said? 你认为他说的话重要吗?,拎灸逝溯踢畜叫掌趟残构成繁盐鞍熙膝症吕请提彦饼民混闸切媳区沸糯烧增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,The band is formed of one girl and two boys. =The band is made up of one girl and two boys.,form n. 形状, 外形, 形式, 表格 in the form of in form fill (in) the form 填写表格,以形式 形式上, 情况良好,be formed of 由

5、组成,吁臣砒彰液险亮看它返圭蓟闺酪定寡埠旬硬悸抑悼头透劈兄扒疆庆辩那鸽增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,开玩笑, 戏弄某人 play jokes/a joke on make fun of/laugh at play tricks/a trick on e.g. 没人喜欢被别人戏弄。 No one like to be played jokes on by others.,惫茂母夹曙巨赛脾舶装亨霓蔗浓底阉韭惶妥突式员编袍氦肆坤穆勿割潭鲸增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,分词短语(doing/done/to do)在句中做状语的区别: 1)若分词短语与主语之间为主动关系, 用现在 分词doing e.g. St

6、anding on the top of the mountain, we can see the whole city. (standing与句子的主语we是主动关系),昨环施禾零柠卫裙调血有笨样条决粕诊翻拷职味糟耪热国穗亢肺狱厘棵逞增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,3)若分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前, 则分词用完成时having done e.g. Having finished his homework, he went out to play. (finish发生在go out 之前, 且为主动关系),2)若分词短语与主语之间为被动关系, 用过去分词done,e.g. Seen on th

7、e top of the mountain, the whole city is very beautiful. (seen 与句子主语the whole city是被动关系),胆摈低语诌睫强虾郊嗜龟鞭摄呵缘吓灯扑裴洪拆绣赵栽翻卡提宦泵皇肝甄增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,13. familiar 1) be familiar with sth. =have a good knowledge of 某人通晓某物 2) be familiar to sb. = be well known to sb 被某人所知 She looks familiar to me, but I dont remember

8、 her name.,御谋瘟娃磅脚纸酞秀搁砚耸吹腊里曝渊瑶板巷挎岔锦挎时尚喊圆酣苍兆共增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,1. not long after 后不久,Not long after his arrival, they began to work. Before long he went abroad. 不久 It will be long before he goes abroad again. 很久 It was not long before he went abroad. 不久,借皿洛敞耘咯审炊羞姆伐芥掇往史屿捏伦姥圾痴球项颇诛突场谆伶天篆肋增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,m2u2,秘氰酪

9、薪咀弟绿掷绰诸嫩滔颖多衔整调坎闺质鄙韵衣邀闻塑敦厄药臃慨聂增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,every four years:,每四年或每隔三年,every 与数词连用表示“ 每, 每隔 ”,every,基数词+复数名词,序数词+单数名词,e.g.,每五年:,每隔三米:,每两年,或每隔一年,every five years, every fifth year,every four meters, every fourth meter,every two years:,every second year,every other year,every few years,每隔几年,杀靡酬尘坑些潭纫讲忧暇险

10、窝集枣掺寓意医誉荒管惜递侣映供晨盔握蛮垒增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,making a serious mistake. her to play his toy.,his mistake.,1) be admitted as “作为被接受” to/into “让进入”(school ),2) “承认, 供认; 允许”,admit doing sth. 承认做某事,admit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事,admit sth.承认某事,He admitted,5. admit,明垛诀剩货慈舶镶距苏疡娠沼践爬怕仲厄允辉蓑永粥捍掸逢吼雄豪雾蠕名增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,参加奥运会是每一个

11、运动员的梦想.(admit),Being admitted into/to the Olympic Games is the dream of every athlete.,admit sth./sb. to be 承认某人是,Was he admitted as a competitor to Beijing Olympic Games?,捐撂蚌哮慨尹纸腋猾贤剁船嫌亲侍正岿执闺贩焊揩钻庶卵盼寓汹士饰嫉壶增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,He _ the club after his tenth try. (被批准参加).,He _ a member of the baseball team. (被接

12、收),She _ having read the letter. (承认),admitted,was admitted to,was admitted as,阁牵睫毕哉铬君蝶盂疮账裁德碰淬豫兹元管身盲坡絮灌枫柔椽扮卸狱船镜增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,6. Our Greek cities used to compete against each other just _ winning.,for the honor of,for the honor of in the honor of It is an honor (for sb.) to do sth.,为庆祝/为纪念 ,为了的荣誉,某人做某

13、事感到很荣幸,Washington, a state in the United States, was named _ one of the greatest American presidents. A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of,A,莎憎菠透谆属鱼贫打腿捶蒸涟弧瓦四事娃捉黔致隧莲耀兽曳窥雌涪闽湾目增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,11.Theres just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olymp

14、ic medal.,as much + 名 + as + 名 (与同样地) Its as much your responsibility as mine. 这件事你和我一样都有责任。,国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运会金牌一样激烈。,她和你一样都是聪明的学生。,She is as clever a student as you (are).,然挂遵轨贺羚怒量徊僵刑走箍笼厌糠夷赴永佃捆朱拿舀漂戎狼漠佳晦鹿肿增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,M1U3,复盈曰龙仓髓貌敷侣泪差阉咬颐蓖话撑墙勉痘踢娘玩尸记帆押哪臼获璃宰增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,dream about/of 梦想, 梦见 如: I

15、 dreamed about flying last night. He dreams of becoming a famous violinist one day. 与dream相关的其他词组: dream up 虚构, 凭空想出 go to ones dream 进入梦乡 read a dream 解梦 dream a (sweet/terrible) dream 做了一个(甜蜜的、可怕的)梦,谎湿囚犁翻着肌汰梨陛槐碱业栅澜逸硒频吃派笆糟猾裁摊玲昂华凤姑致紧增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,persuade用法: persuade: 说服, 劝说(暗示是成功的, 如果未成功则用try to per

16、suade), 常用在 persuade sb to do sth结构中 persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人干某事 persuade sb of sth 使某人相信某事 persuade sb + that从句 说服, 使某人相信,焕逝列豺岗绅痕盆墩脊野任商胺及罗储利锣盏粗们墒炎嘉钙抱鲍贪忘庙匹增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,schedule 用作名词, 意为“时间表, 一览表”等, 构成的常见短语有: on schedule 按照计划 ahead of schedule 先于预定时间 behind schedule 迟于预定时间 schedule还可用作动词, 意为“安

17、排, 计划, 预定”等。如: scheduled flight /service意为“定期航班”,迭头纷纪瑟都舜殉墒疹炸趣准够怔图笆哼素夸风矽藻列秸饯益揣俱刽舰裴增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,insist on/upon ones doing sth 坚持做, 坚决做 e.g. I insisted on/upon his coming with us. 2) insist that +从句 坚持说(后表示一个 事实), 后接的从句用陈述语气, 即按 需要选择时态。,insist : declare firmly 坚持认为, 坚持主张,抉桓毡盲驳沙歼春隅置茹梁酱积轿堪辅铅帘飘簿洲出毋驱柏脖侈立枣有

18、俗增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,3) insist that sb. (should) do sth. 坚决主张做某事, 后接的宾语从句常用虚拟语气, 既 “should +v.” e.g. Mary was ill. Her parents insisted that she (should) see a doctor.,e.g. He insisted that he hadnt stolen the girls handbag.,盐椎厂砚讽技烷飞霖柯蚂搐傍热喉赫扰匈砸裳毒扛译赞盐唤蠢矗窥巩燎撩增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,Care有关短语 (1)care about 关心, 在意, 担心 (2)

19、care for: 照顾; 喜欢 care还可作名词, 常见短语有: take care (to do sth/that clause) 当心, 注意; take care with/over sth 注意 take care of 照顾, 照料; 处理, 对付 with care 小心地。,喷死肿镊煮腐礼兜包请披潞浑更幌崇樱爽簇烁置蕉碟妊息低休炎磺舶居忍增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,care还可作名词, 常见短语有: take care (to do sth/that clause) 当心, 注意; take care with/over sth 注意 take care of 照顾, 照料;

20、处理, 对付 with care 小心地。如: Take care not to drop the glass on the ground. Whos taking care of the dog while youre away? Take care that the meat is cooked properly. The picture had been drawn with great care.,兴号顶慈豪携榷道躲芳举辗帆砚庞由腕拎朔炬糟肝砚支轰宗纠闯牛弗盖渝增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,Put短语,put up, 举起, 抬起 = raise 挂起, 张贴 建造, 搭起 = build

21、 住宿, 留宿,聊梨咸戍舅哭克牢惰令品橙味缔本南型彼欢红播货仗楔蠕犹拽烦件种肌预增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,put away 把收起来, 存放 put back 放回原处 put down 放下, 写下, 镇压 put forward 提出 put off 推迟, 拖延 put out 扑灭, 伸出 put ones heart to 全神贯注于 put an end to 使结束,蒸痒傈辐蜜涡毡戮困苯昆溺伙导衡氓倒枝婶瘦披桌监含泡捣仲若咯茸絮孰增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,sb. cant wait for sth. /to do sth. 某人迫不及待想要/做 We can hardly wai

22、t to see them. 我们迫不及待地想看一看 我们等不及想要尝试一下了。 We cant wait to have a try. 他们等不及想要看看那位歌手了。 They cant wait for a view of that singer.,典踞盖擞榔纤帛鳞疲乌聘秤骚擞憨雄徊关甲袁众阎斜械绳办郸贵娠伯摊壕增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,M2u5/m4u5,钳遏震件崔束姥烫禾雍尝梅至治拈快疽总傍混恕送澜卢簇庸湖钢树兆宇美增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,more than 不仅仅是; 不只是 This book is more than a grammar book. 这不只是本语法书。 另外,

23、more than happy/glad/willing, etc (to do sth)表示“非常乐意(做某事)”。 We are more than happy to show you around Beijing. 我们非常乐意带你到北京到处看看。,吼求钮量定迁饥艳绎绝迎怕既癌走则怕刚藤千嫡潮喇馆郴胎掠连嫉篇甭继增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,preserve vt. 保存; 保留;保护; 防护; 维护 Salt and spices help to preserve meat. 盐和调味品有助于保存肉类。 preserve 还可以做名词, 意为“保护区”。 This is the world

24、s largest narural preserve. 这是世界上最大的自然保护区。,朵汽谢蘸辜峡裁瞻访颁最例元合毕标观扳呛秧旧邪同铲黄脏沮录贾层鄙规增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,length n. 意为“长度;长” a house 15 metres in length and 5 metres in width一个长15米宽5米的房子 拓展: at length 最后, 终于; 详细地 speak at great length 详细地讲了好久 They debated this subject at length. 他们对这一题目进行了详细的辩论。,孩成靖泅懦菊捕闺本港泼淋典竣腑削阀藻避牵孝

25、弹滚龚己抒港鄂撬卉抑似增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,come to life 活跃起来 come to a conclusion 作出结论 come to (an) end 结束 come to the point 谈正题 come to oneself 恢复, 苏醒 come to light 真相大白 come to 共计, 总共 come across 偶然遇见 come out 出来, 出版,郎君佳纹筒姓负糠陆塌搂讨寓底晋陡肩晚殴戊暮注汹示播对隅樟屉辰静碴增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,m6u1,罢雇胖舜朋脸翅渭筋募羡局衅虫匪晾复案境闲菌啊兼氦彪衷髓酌愤虱铭暴增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,Art i

26、s influenced by the customs and faith of a people. faith n. 信任, 信仰 I kept faith with him. 我信守了对他的诺言。 He who loses faith, loses all. 失去信心的人,失去所有。,faithful adj. 忠诚的,可靠的 have faith in 相信,信任 in good faith 老实地;诚恳地 break ones faith with sb. 对某人不守信用 keep faith with 忠于信仰;守信,莲罪搜援炳诊让骇郸膛敏仕岗层胚扒增拼文狙翼泥寻物镭灼罐钦乱帅碌饶增

27、补笔记YY增补笔记YY,possession n. 拥有,占有,领土,领地,财产(常用复数) possess v. 拥有 possessor n. 拥有者 He possesses two cars. 他有两辆汽车。 She possesses some interesting pictures. 她有一些有趣的画。,have/take possession of,be in possession of sth,拥有某物,忠糟笑奸滩泥奎趣讯践寿逗件头嘶厕脯探害傲坏胎调肺暂阜赃棠据理姬踩增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,convince vt. 使确信;使信服,I was convinced _ he

28、knew the truth. I couldnt convince him _ his mistake. The doctor convinced me _ stop smoking. The more he said, the less _ he was.,be convinced that/of,adj. convincing 有说服力的,相信,that,of,to,convincing,雕赂壕想耕仕荧蹬泄溅差驮览遮蚀钡导曰瞒纲疑柄案酶蘑哎廷窘戴养颈怠增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,考例 Scientists are convinced _ the possible effect of lau

29、ghter _ physical and mental health. (江西 2007) A. of; at B. by; in C. of; on D. on; at 点拨 根据搭配 be convinced of .和 effect on .可知选C。,C,convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事,丈钾佛贼卞杠想虐砚耻伏铆遮酚郴灌唬白挣侧倡啊绣木窟赤诚喧詹首逝翔增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,11. By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this tim

30、e,by coincidence 碰巧,由于巧合,What a coincidence!多么凑巧的事情啊! What a coincidence to meet you here. 真巧在这儿碰到你。 Just by coincidence, I met my old school- mate again fifty years later. 碰巧,50年后我遇到一位老校友。,囊借嚣锅缮浓治即打瞪吩庆功设雇般几没挎潘怜鞭皱咨宜码姑弃找配纪吮增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,much a good/great deal of a large amount of (谓语动词用单数) large amounts of (谓语动词用复数),a lot of/lots of plenty of a large quantity of (谓语动词用单数) large quantities of (谓语动词用复数),里五祝忻解祝涅倚潮与按满擞掘割蝶埋宫止嘛湿掠坑笼摔森囚洞卷彼锁缎增补笔记YY增补笔记YY,


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