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1、新版广州四年级上册课文Module 1 my bedroomUnit1 whats in your room?1. Children, I want you to draw your bedroom.2. In my room, there is a big bed next to the window and a picture on the door. Whats in your room?3. A small desk and a new computer.4. What color is your computer?5. Its pink.短语:purple flowers ,next

2、 to the computera map ,on the wall, between two windowswhite dogs ,behind the doortwo brown cats, under the bedUnit 2 theyre near the window. 1. Lets play a game. Look at my bedroom for one minute .now close your eyes.2. Ok.3. Is there a computer in my bedroom?4. Yes, there is .on the desk.5. Right.

3、6. Are there any balls?7. Yes. They are under the desk.8. Wrong.9. Now open your eyes.10. Oh, no .They are near the window.短语:a clock on the wall. a rabbit in the box. some flowers on the window.a car on the floor/under the sofa. two cats behind the door.Module two My houseUnit 3 Welcome to my house

4、1. Hi, Jiamin.2. Hi, Ben. Welcome to my house. Please come in.3. This is my living room.4. Oh, its nice. I love the big TV. Wheres your bedroom?5. Here it is.6. Wow! Theres a new computer in your room. I love it.短语:a small study a large kitchen a clean toilet a beautiful gardenUnit 4 I live in a big

5、 house1. My flat is in that building.2. Oh, it is very beautiful. I like the garden.3. Yes, I like to play here after school. Do you live in a flat, too?4. No, I live in a big house .it has there bedrooms and a large study. I like to play computer games here.短语:bathroom-take a shower kitchen-have me

6、alsliving room-watch TV bedroom-read books and do my homeworkgarden- grow flowers Module 3 My schoolUnit 5 Let me show you our new school1. Welcome! Let me show you our new school.2. Thank you. Its a very beautiful school. Where is your classroom?3. Its over there, next to the library.4. Is there a

7、swimming pool?5. Yes, its opposite the playground. We sometimes have PE classes there.短语:computer room -next to the music room-have computer lessons there playground-in front of the classroom building -play games thereteachers room-behind the classrooms-teachers work there dining hall-under the libr

8、ary /beside the gym-eat there Unit 6 How many classrooms are there in your school? 1. Ms White, how many classrooms are there in your school?2. Our school has thirty eight classrooms.3. Are they big or small?4. They are big. There are forty desks and forty chairs in one classroom.5. How many English

9、 teachers are there in your school?6. There are thirteen.短语:fifty computers thirty five trees twenty-eight balls forty-two chairsModule 4 my class Unit 7 How many stars does each group have?1. Look at the blackboard. How many stars does each group have?2. Let me see. Group 1 has eight stars. Group 2

10、 has sixty-six stars. Group 3 has seventy-five stars.3. So group 1 is the winner.4. Great! Thats my group.短语: twelve red crayons fifty blue crayons thirty-two long rulers forty-one short rulers thirteen Chinese books fifteen English books forty maths books eighty red flowers Unit 8 I like English be

11、st1. How many subjects do you have?2. We have seven subjects.3. Wow! What is your favorite subject?4. My favorite subject is Chinese. I like to write stories.5. What about you?6. I like English best .I like to read English books.7. And you, Ben?8. My favorite subject iseverything! 1 love to learn.短语

12、:maths-to use numbers art-to draw picturesmusic-to sing songs PE-to play sportsscience-to understand the worldModule 5 clothesUnit 9 Look at this t-shirt1. Look at this T-shirt. Do you like it?2. Its Ok. But I dont like red. I like purple clothes.3. Here is a purple blouse. Do you like it ?4. Very m

13、uch. How much is it?5. Its two hundred and fifty yuan.6. Thats too expensive .I wont take it.短语:black cap brown hat purple jacket black coat orange shirt yellow T-shirt black dress white skirt brown coat grey sweater Unit 10 Can I help you?1. Can I help you ?2. Yes, please. I want to buy some shoes.

14、3. We have these black shoes and those brown ones.4. How much are the black shoes?5. Theyre 150 yuan.6. Ill take them.7. I want a pair of those blue jeans.8. Theyre 200 yuan. Do you want anything else?9. No, thanks.10. and 200 is 350 Yuan, please.11. Here you are.短语:skirt socks trousers shorts dress

15、Module 6 Occupations Unit 11 I want to be a painter 1. What do you want to be when you grow up?2. Im good at English, so I want to be an English teacher.3. When I grow up, I want to be a painter .i love art very much.4. I like to help sick people. I want to be a nurse.5. I want to be a cook. I want

16、to cook nice food for people.短语:builderbuild good houses for peopledoctor-help sick peoplepoliceman-help people reporter-get news for people Unit 12 Whats your fathers job?1. Whats your fathers job?2. He is a factory worker.3. What about your mother?whats her job?4. She is a teacher.5. Do you want to be a teacher like your mother?6. yes, I do . I want to help children learn.短语:his job , writer, tell people stories her job, driver, drive school bus for pupils.the womens job,farmer,grow foods for people.the mans job ,factory worker ,make machines for people.Module 7 lets look back


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