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1、教学目标:1、 知识目标:能够听懂会说What are you doing ? They are2、 能力目标:能在情景中运用所学对话。3、 情感目标:教育学生热爱动物,保护动物。教学重点难点:1、 本课时的教学重点是句型:What are they doing? They are 2、 本课时的教学难点是在实际情景中运用所学对话。课前准备:教师准备录音机,录音带,课件,Funny book教学过程:Step1: Warm-up T:Boys and girls, you know the zoo is never boring.Our English class is never borin

2、g, too. There is much fun in our English class , yes ? First, Lets say a chant. OK?课件出示动画, 师生共同说唱。教师根据学生说的情况给与评价:Your sound is wonderful! 设计意图:让学生一边看动画片一边跟说琅琅上口的歌谣,充分调动学生的多种感官,既能调节课堂气氛,又能让学生迅速进入学习状态。Step2: Review the V-ingT: Boys and girls ,There are many animals in the world. Do you like animals?T:

3、 I think animals are very cute. I bring you some animals . Please look!设计意图:利用谈话的形式为学生创设轻松的学习氛围,激起学生对动物的兴趣,与老师产生共鸣,为后面谈论动物做好铺垫。T: Can you say something about the animals?课件出示带有动词ing形式的动物图片。学生看图说句子。设计意图:这一环节既复习了本单元学过的动词的ing形式单词,更重要的是有效训练了学生的思维能力,为后面对话教学及训练做好准备。Step3: PresentationT: I like a kind of a

4、nimals .What animal?教师停顿给学生猜测的空间。T:It has a long nose and a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears. Its very big. What is it?(教师在描述动物特征的时候要慢,在问What is it?时要快,提问也要紧接着进行。)S1: Elephant(学生若马上猜出答案要及时评价)Wow,so clever you are !T: Yes.I like elephant.课件出示动画大象T: Look! What is it doing ?S1: Its walking.课件

5、出示两只大象T: How many elephants do you see?引导学生用: I see two elephants.回答T:What are the elephants doing ? What are they doing ?引导学生回答:They are (Theyre) walking. 板书:What are they doing ? They are (Theyre)教师提问2名学生回答后,学生自己操练,再检查学生问答展示。设计意图:老师设计一个谜语让学生猜老师喜欢的动物,既设计了悬念又增添了课堂的趣味性,然后自然而然的谈论老师喜欢的动物正在干什么,由谈论一只引出谈论

6、两只,从而完成了由单数句型向复数句型的过渡,通过以旧引新的形式教学本课的重点句型。T:Lets look at some other animals.(CAI)Ill give you 10 seconds.You should look carefully and remember quickly: what animals are there ? What is it /are they doing?教师计时。时间到了后画面消失。教师问:T:I see two birds. They are flying. What do you see?教师让举手快的同学回答,如果答对及时表扬。教师与一

7、名学生对话给学生一良好示范,由师生练习扩展到生生练习。再次出示画面,学生自由练习后再展示。设计意图:本环节采用限时记忆的形式展开,充分调动学生进行有意义的积极思维训练。Step 4: practice1、 Lets try T: Please open your books at page 62, look at , listen and tick.学生边听边做。Check the answer. No. 1?What are the monkeys doing?点名让学生回答。同样的方式校对No.2,No.3设计意图:在前面充分训练了说的基础上,再对学生进行听力训练和检测。2Lets tal

8、kT: Wu Yifan and John are the reporters for Animal World , Now they are at the zoo. What do they see? Please Watch the cartoon.指名学生回答问题。T:What are the elephants doing ? What are the monkeys doing ? Read lets talk by yourself and underline the answers on your book.(课件出示问题,让学生边读书边划出关键句子) 对这一问题进行问答操练男生

9、问,女生一起回答。设计意图:通过先让学生带问题观看对话的动画片,使他们对对话的内容有初步的、整体的感知。借助问题引导学生进行学习方法的指导。T:The elephants are drinking water and the monkeys are swinging.What a lovely picture. Imagine and follow the tape carefully.(提醒学生边想象可爱的场面边尽力模仿,读出这个有趣的场面)T播放录音学生跟读。T:Act in pairs.One is Wu Yifan ? One is John.学生进行自由操练后让两组学生进行模仿秀。出

10、示对话的部分内容让学生在练习的基础上进行表演。 设计意图:让学生跟录音读对话,能培养学生正确的语音语调,让学生进行模仿秀练习,能培养他们模仿地道英语的自主意识和习惯。同时采用不同方式的练习形式,开展有梯度的训练Step5:consolidation1. T:Please finish the dialogue according to the pictures.课件出示需补全的对话和替换图片进行练习。2T: Can you make a dialogue ?再出示两幅图画先让学生自己练习,再展示。 Step6: Extension:1. Look, ask and answer课件出示关于人的

11、图片,学生就图画进行问答。2Make a new dialogue:课件出示一些学生在家、在操场、在教室、在公园的活动场景,学生根据场景编新对话。 设计意图:在本节课谈论动物的基础上,引申到人,让学生明白What are they doing ? They are 也可以用于问答人的行为。拓展了学生的知识面。Step7: Sum-upIn this class we have used the drills “What are they doing? They are ” to talk about the animals. Animals are our good friends, we s

12、houd get on well with them and protect them. I think you all did a good job ! 设计意图:教师通过简单小结让学生对本节课所学重点知识有一个整体把握,同时对学生进行爱护动物保护动物的情感教育。Step8: HomeworkTeacher show a funny picture-book and say: Look! I have a picture-book. Is it funny? Do you like it? You can make a book like this after class, then sha

13、re your book with your friends.设计意图:让学生以完成任务的形式制作图画书,然后与朋友分享图画书,既有趣,又能巩固本节课所学知识,同时训练了学生写的能力。 A. Listen to the tape and act out the dialogue.B. Finish your funny book and share the book with your friends.设计意图:A层作业是为学生巩固所学基础知识而设计的,B层作业是为拓展学生知识,提高学生能力而设计的。板书设计: Unit 5 B Lets talk What are they doing ? They are (Theyre)


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