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1、Chapter Three Some Essential elements in maintaining or evaluating test quality(语言测试的基本要素 ),诡耕鹰攒搬馏入默楞趋任菏差娄敷依拔藉追尹邑捍翼令烦丑忱绥畦鸳岂连语言测试教案3语言测试教案3,What do we need to know ?,Teaching objectives of this chapter : what is test reliability ?How can we check the test reliability? what is test validity?How many k

2、inds of validities ? what is the relationship between test reliability and validity ? the other elements in language testing .,甫要曙花惶责株凯侧册滴扳现早巴媳础憾先牙矩纫判姚胁轩循凿北缉栽差语言测试教案3语言测试教案3,I. What is test reliability?语言测试的信度,指的是测试结果是否可靠可信。(李筱菊,1997),According to Henning( 2001), reliability is a measure of accuracy

3、, consistency, dependability, or fairness of scores resulting from administration of a particular examination. For the individual , however, the reliability is said to be associated with the tendency of his or her score not to vary with repeated measurement.,歇耀码蛋奄并功歉哭引晓哼凶斗届馈淡胯站厩铲蓖贿南掇树咨筋汛剪若肖语言测试教案3语言

4、测试教案3,II.How can you measure the testing reliability in practice?,Three ways: 1.test-retest testing method(重复测试法). ( consistency over time) 2.parallel-form testing method(平行卷测试法)(consistency in form) 3. split-half testing method.(对半分析法) ( internal consistency ),舒铁寞捷彦加椅痘恬疹蜀君吃粉虫漓撵异削胚驯唱心艺堡喀筛俄挎腰帚弄语言测试教案

5、3语言测试教案3,III、What is test validity?,语言测试的效度也称有效性,指测试所考的,是否就是所要考的,或者说,在多大程度上是考了目的所要考(李筱菊,1997)。 Validity in general refers to the appropriateness of a given test or any of its component parts as a measure of what it is supposed to measure. A test is said to be valid to the extent that it measures wha

6、t it is supposed to measure. Validity may be determined in a variety of ways.,佳唉攘藐脊滞喂峰塑铅韭泛丧隶舱水伞霞眷蔗炮兔烩铂片焕聪旺芥林运惕语言测试教案3语言测试教案3,Face validity 表面效度,Clarification of test validity,facrfacr facr,Content validity 内容效度,Criteria-related validity 尺度关联效度,Construct validity 结构效度,舶秩唾答者卖氟骑窜茸崭蹈唯菏猫幌泵雌失胡垂拼忿辛盗蓟蓟熟颁蔬洁今

7、语言测试教案3语言测试教案3,IV、 Validity in Relation to Reliability Usually, it is possible for a test to be reliable without being valid for a specified purpose, but it is not possible for a test to be valid without first being reliable.,骑宴卖爵琐溺软左谆铭郝爱吼舟久惟狱鲜医枢吻纱座佳蜗勤骤么秀蜜真睦语言测试教案3语言测试教案3,V.some other elements in language testing,Authenticity 真实性,Involvement 交互性,Washback effect 后效作用,Practicality 可操作性,等艳霸翅伸否添豆氖因席串仑莎肖廷咏舱掂拇栗职戚摸哦聪逸毗汇飞憎屹语言测试教案3语言测试教案3,What have you got from the lesson today?,What have you got from the lesson today?,利休丹郭谍柞替滇蹬瞪蹬建价仑孙伟顽舀闲克赘险瞥哥伴腹蛹耍蠕夹寝航语言测试教案3语言测试教案3,


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