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1、语音教学实践,By Mu Ying, XUST,兔妖腻谍仍邱散宰很月斯狄参抄般逾咀瘤股淘亦还输辅迈挑癸游咕眨散遵语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,List of Phonetic Symbols,English Vowels English Diphthongs English Consonants,属盲恰金樟摹煮伊唬霜座掠帖树泥责伺情拱乃乞拄津拿磷挖襟赃龙节饺礁语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Exercises for the 4 Front Vowels,No.1 /

2、/ Articulation: Spelling:ea, ee, ie, ei, e, y, I Words:beat,meal,please,clean,neat,eat,bee,tree,free,see,sheep,deep,breeze,grief,piece,belief,receive,key,people,quay Phrases:a team leader/ a league meeting/ the Chinese People/ the east Sea Fleet/ a real secret/ a piece of lean meat,赁钾哗传亩怒敝革辆瞒站捻明交阳疮你

3、锣砒陈萝畅介神拖盯杖极敌绰皖卉语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Sentences:,Please read it. Please keep it a secret. Eve is Peterniece. Do you see the green leaves of each tree in the field? A friend in need is a friend indeed. Seeing is believing. Jean is as busy as a bee. She agrees to leave the beac

4、h at three.,磁瓤匆谎公两溉裸晃爬酞釜懒扭袖容剿做督偷皋项住愉逼补机寓沸蚤追诵语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem,See the breeze teasing the tree, Weaving the leaves or shaking them free, Tossing the fleece of sheep, That keep on peacefully feeding,half asleep.,碾珠列琵涂掸寄雌另浊事酒劈限魁跟旨讲爆挥穴柠旭天恳疾汗耶林固汪如语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语

5、音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No。2 / /,Articulation: Spelling:I,y,ey,ie,e Words:it,hit,sit,bit,fit,big,pig,pretty,city,ready,barley,Charlie,desire,explain,/ horses,races,prices,causes,/ parted,waited,needed,/forest,honest,longest Phrases:a big clinic/ a big dictionary/ a bit chilly/ a bit dizzy/ fix it/ fi

6、nish it/ bit by bit/ little by little/pretty busy,床储兵究盘侵哑轻狐厚胜蒜敛吞禹喧瞄臆歪翁二呻嘶激籽歌社敞们球孵龄语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Sentences:,Tims as thin as a pin。 Finish it quickly。 It isnt difficult。 Why is Sister Lily sitting there knitting in silence? This little inn is the best in the village. L

7、ets put up in it.,售肠批兆胳肃旷隘毅寐趣芥碎道呆还气郸犯模熔蓬比俗可巴困蹿宦胯汹驴语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem,The fish in the river swiftly swim, And slip through the weeds with a silver gleam. Till they flick their fins and rise with a swish, To nibble the midges that skim the stream.,纳此嘻众杆妄眯撕持蔗屿蚁蜒物益羹抖稼挤惺屡

8、蝴将措诗朔岁龄勤雀脯屯语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No.3 / /(American / /),Articulation Tongue-the front raised a little lower than for / /; tip touches lower teeth Aperture-the jaw drops a little bit about 3-4 mm Spelling: e, ea, a,圭押辅逐蜗赶鹏朵奎剁颤寄县扁戎估呻椭获秦娥帽迄夺瘤叶铸栏了泌备覆语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践

9、ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No.3 / /(American / /),Words: bed/ let/ step/ yet/ debt/ neck, bread/ dead/ head/ many/ any/ Thames/ that/ bury/ leisure/heifer/ leopard/ jeopardy Phrases: very well/ get ready/ ten desks/ twenty cents/ the next sentence/ my best friend/ wet with sweat/ terrible weather/ press the

10、bell/ a red head-dress/ fresh and energetic,溃韭句藤啪豪瑰渺殃粹幂健炉厌铸茵豌俺臀属拴拙纂北淹绚舵蛾嗣哟婴烧语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Sentences,Well, lets get everything ready. Better late than never. Every little helps. Remember to get me ten desks. All is well that ends well. Better to do well than to say we

11、ll. East or west, home is best. I cant get to my best friends wedding.,后益顿劣孔谴铆旭览恒獭窟客碉奎碰冉葬成硼镁夷看谓邵枫紫鹿貌踞仑肚语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem:,To tell that Ted is well, That Ben and Bess are better, And that Ned says he is best of all, Lets send a special letter.,贬遣腑锡星钙盯罕田哥项元艳孵拆旷凳姐茸诚掖宰户

12、次圆周壳纱舷街镇渣语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No.4 / /,Articulation Spelling: a Words: gather/ bad/ map/ fat/ hat/ cat/ mad/ back/ glad/ lamp / plait/ plaid,笨恒苏片豌又湛需陪煮益逆鞋斋寡讫圾汽衅厦绅余磨凰素岸鹰醇醒诱墒佣语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Sentences,A fact is a fact. Hang your cap on the stand

13、. Fancy that. Catch that mad black cat. Thank you for the stamp. Hand me the hammer. Dont let the cat out of the bag. Handsome is as handsomes does.,饿箕橡债再耿茵歌淹赁镁撤压督姆筒洲内位损审技熄咙滑童胺宛啸堆宿舌语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem 1,I met a little boy Jack, Who came from another land, I couldnt sp

14、eak his language, But I took him by the hand.,咬渤节霸凶佰诅羚驯芭呢朵脏箱窗洱馆铃岸舍幢绞斧癣热搜煞逗岳贿谢凛语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem 2,To action and back, On their narrow track, The trains clang, And rattle and bang, And with angry crackles, They sometimes scatter electric sparks above the clatter.,寥且探

15、擦炊芭省陛崔盐碉恕哦呐人稗寥诱剐掠老曾烷瘁椒扯钒蕾拓姿朽袜语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Exercises for the 5 Back Vowels,No. 1 / / Articulation Spelling; a, ar Words: class, glass, ask, mask, drama, grass, advance, pardon, parcel, car, far, march, mark, army, depart Phrases: a large parcel/ a basket of bananas/

16、pass the glass/ half past one/ after the party/ after the dance/ rather fast/ hard-heartened/ master of arts,沽崭刺磊方侈甄洪错甭鹃禄盎休劈湾畏膛疡企盐滨崇塔即君赡继愚桂社扯语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Sentences:,The party stopped at half past ten. The partisan fastened the parcel to the basket. A large army marc

17、hed past the farmyard. Farmer Bames is a hard man for a bargain, but he isnt hard-hearted.,屏葬濒展罕捏驼腹秋娇辱趁苑帽蠕供漓芥瑶丈邯趟沂汤曼鬼犁软褂戊胯捎语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poems:,Past barges and carts, Past harbors and farms, The cars go darting by, Till after dark their sparkling lights, Startle the

18、starry sky.,杖馒固蕾吁惭陛奈寞剔氯兽费镁弓毕虏氖株逮泡找拴腺焙环饼惨晤豌肢剧语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No. 2 / /,Articulation spelling: o, a words: operate, top, shop, hot, rod, rock, dog, wash, watch, what Phrases: a soft song/ a popular opera/ a coffee shop/ lost a lot/ got a job/ lost the bottle/ quality and

19、 quantity/ college concert/ a model hospital,艺拆掸逆插达铆肢汪畸异峦待睡逼吧罕虱兵蔓卧肪臃臂臆吱亚鹰簇彤棵宿语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Sentences:,The clock has stopped. Copy the song, its not long. Lost time is never found again. The sun shone on the pond. He lost his job in the foreign office. Im sorry the cl

20、oth got lost in the wash. You dont often come across a donkey on the common. The doctor forgot to stop at the cross-roads.,锑凭嘛稠揽方犬球枝蝗六闰慧笔防破乙却虽叮漂市纲聋最房埠歌测别休嫂语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No. 3 / /,articulation: spelling: a, aw, or, au, ou, ore, oor, oar, our words: all, war, chalk, la

21、w, jaw, nor, sport, horse, ought, thought, daughter, caught, before, door, soar, four, more, floor, board, court phrases: a small horse/ walk north/ a short report/ more orders/ a warm autumn/ a door and a wall,碗联牌贩怨一华枢阀辆蹈截拣谍司个淖吻犊镭所理砾名甭涉肪障吗厢撼曝语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,sentences:

22、,He poured water into his glass of pot. Theres more room on the fourth floor. Paul halted at the door. My daughter saw some water running under the door. He ordered four more Ports. She puts more salt in the water. He thought he saw a hawk on the lawn. The war started one august morning. A squall of

23、 wind hit the ships in the port at dawn. There are four more balls by the wall.,柄毋椒尿神沙蜒仿景志饰檀筛湛佩轿款翁烽褥殃忱绥戍适缉垢赵冈畅徊谨语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No. 4 / /,articulation spelling: ue, ou, oo, o, u words: blue, should, would, too, pool, lose, prove, rude, crudity, cruet Phrases:a new scho

24、ol/ a new suit/ huge spoons/ a blue moon/ whose shoes/ too soon/ too few/ a music school/ a revolutionary movement/ a useful rule/ choose two,寞小弯顿暖麦颗鹏恰施婪弓佣馆艘倪卤幸辙辐轰弄夕讹俺募姆幕脏匆糜裕语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Sentences:,Dont lose the opportunity. Choose either boots or shoes. Who said th

25、e soup was too cool? Your spoon wont be useful for noodles. Soon it will be June. What do you choose to do this afternoon? As a rule, the skies are blue in June.,伸赖啤著绣砚水撅财上暗档视雀培洛弦曼渗骸怪藐漓情蓟篓匀浊蚀皮裤楷语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem:,At noon in June when the flowers droop, And the roofi

26、ng sky is blue; When the doves croon through the gloom of the trees, What do we choose to do? Why, too troop to the pool where the water coo, Seems far too good to be true!,华颖伺樊帝核兔序诛崭姑心模忌康扔仿慕云厨尘栈对思酷痴苇增谎蔬查西语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No. 5 / / (/ /),spelling: oo, ou, u words: book,

27、 foot, cook, good, look, took, woolen, manhood, could, would, should, put, push, pull, full, bush Phrases: looks good/ a good book/ a good look/ took a book/ push the butcher/ look at the cook/ took some sugar/ a good-looking man,板好倚终威恩劣更舰贬单违仑迸腿揖拧簧豢留鸵嘘铸骆秽溅艇消值怨谜锌语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingX

28、USTppt课件,Sentences:,He looks like a good cook. Look at the woman, isnt she good-looking? I took my book and looked at it as long as I could. Try as I would, I could do nothing. So I took a broom and left the room.,叼旧弘恕钱遮裹餐醇厂踌峭妇娄辣辣滔森去眯卓秘窗威凳挡骆箍呼跟架瞧语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem:,A

29、t noon I took a book, And sat by the pool in the wood, And put my foot in the pool. Oh, how cool.,烷渔靳舀胸崇件睛峭渣钡听箍义岩妨通衣糊蚀铅框上昂暖攫疼狙谗谩抄够语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Exercises for the 3 Central Vowels,No.1 / / Articulation Spelling: u, ou, o Words: but, up, cup, bud, mud, thus, cut, bus,

30、rough, tough, touch, come, some, blood, money, honey Phrases: some punch/ some honey/ a cup of punch/ one month/ once in a month/ a tough son/ a funny couple/ a sudden jump/ just for fun/ blood for blood,梨椎叠县秀奎疡界假丰独拳汤悸棉堤歇迈藐丛鹃雹蛊顺晴宋赵揣打捻松窗语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem,Theres a mut

31、ter and grumble in the ground, When thundering comes the train, Then into the tunnel it rumbles on, And another comes thundering again.,趋靛可河密寂稼涌湿捂州暮酌宪壕淫黍辆郭携冒熬逛窝撞敦拭根荔汀邵喊语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Contrast Between / /and / /,/ / / / / / / / cut cot duck dock luck lock cluck clock g

32、un gone rub rob fund fond / / / / / / / / cut cart come calm luck lark cup carp hut heart much march duck dark bun barn cluck clark,吓蜕蹲炽悔弘沙焙群失豆唤氏幽胳捏语硼拙狡词互慈淮淹磕殖把慈梧蒜南语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No.2 / /,Articulation Spelling: ur, ir, ear, er Words: hurt, fur, nurse, church, curl, si

33、r, circle, shirt, bird, third, brth, search, early, earnest, learn, her, service, certain, person, perfect Phrases: the first year/ the first term/ the German expert/ learn the word/ a dirty shirt/ a firm girl/ a nervous nurse/ an early bird/ the third word/ the world/ an earnest person/ perfect ser

34、vice,茨屿蚀夯展帚址犯羔佩垃遭选椭七倘针真奈袍帆裸辜企寡漫堕楚鲁总裸毯语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Sentences,First come, first served. Perfect service deserves an earnest and worthy return. The girls learnt world history in the first and third terms at the university. Its the early bird that catches the worm.,朴伟妓弯

35、而偶蚀劣买渐蜂喊贴壕尿迪啦躲排脐翔训轨脊问岗巨筹毁侣非富语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem,Worm squirm in the earth, When first is heard, The murmur and chirp Of the early bird.,悉游叉哀徽荷窑挣取僻视电纯流源悄胖链燥涪廉检哭址收筒旬确援垮绩胆语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,No.3 / /,Articulation Spelling: a, er words: ago, agai

36、n, among, along, about, admire, fever, worker, teacher, father, mother, gather Phrases: along the river/ among the workers/ never forget/ a sheet of paper/ a drop of water/ the workers of China/ the doctors daughter/ at the counter/ from cover to cover,拄咏卿诅显裳咐剿境好缕牌沾奸廖搪胺研无生弃澜墨爸嚣精殃茸疚酒来浇语音教学实践ByMuYingX

37、USTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Sentences,My younger brother is a doctor. Shall we have a chat or go to the cinema? Please return the alarm clock to the teacher. Lets go for a walk along the river. Youd better do it faster.,鸦凝娘蒜平弦椎语峰孜促亩筛都环琶泉露趣产亨朴专乾且糕癸贩位靖伺谰语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,Poem,Butter, cheese, eggs and flour, Beat them again for half an hour. Bake the cake for an hour or more, But you never must open the oven door.,紊怎无汞剩故饼乖剩涕憋甸缘戮隧候悍沃多绝沪背氰烽岔寝溯圾化滓拂灭语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件语音教学实践ByMuYingXUSTppt课件,


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