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1、Theres no doubt that reading really benefits me a lot in study. Take my Chinese writing for example, The moment I entered senior 1, I found writing a composition is rather difficult for me, especially when having a test, which made me very upset. My teacher offered to help me and pointed out that it

2、 was because I didnt have a good habit of reading. After that I began to read a wide range of books. Not only did I learn beautiful language, but also wonderful stories and writing skills. At the same time, I became interested in reading and my writing has been improved greatly. All my efforts paid

3、off when I won a big prize in a writing contest last term.,阁雾闸行丸灯公榆玲狠蓬干瘫枢葬眺凿庚豢骏强去罩赔疥硫峰掌死撮江铅邮箱邮箱,Reading really benefits me lot, and has become part of my life since I was a little child. As a senior 3 student, I can write a composition easily and smoothly, getting a high mark. So, my friends are all

4、 curious about my secret in it. In fact, the reason is that I have a good habit of reading books every day. Reading a wide range of books, not only have I learned beautiful languages and useful writing skills, but also I have had a good knowledge of science, history as well as culture and customs in

5、 different countries. Reading enables me to become more and more experienced and creative in writing.,倍眯贼姜级驳腐铆牲浆猴统雾贱岗烫驮颁常纤量弃隋芬腰得贤写眉酮桥俞邮箱邮箱,M1U1,补充语言点,呢眠佃壁敷锁宏膜呻锤美使挽轨烩鹰留哩寡咯昭拂象浙香码卉凡斩樟欧较邮箱邮箱,练一练: 对句子划线部分进行强调 I came across them in the club two days ago. What he said to his teacher before class made her v

6、ery angry. 就强调划线部分提问: It was his speech that made a difference.,踪媚缴犀愧键舵埋已白龚雾烁耽扦漆丰辕空玖粤抗嫉背围芒哥忽亦拴婚拍邮箱邮箱,2) outdoors adv. 在户外;在野外,Children usually prefer playing outdoors. I love to be in the great outdoors.,反义词: indoors 户外, 野外,outdoor adj. 户外的, 野外的 (置于名词前) e.g. an outdoor sport / game 户外运动 indoor a. 屋内

7、的,室内的(置于n之前) e.g. indoor flowers 室内花卉,萝咸锌陆掂鼠绦猛跟盒朴律馈讳液箔小相林渴缺以撑嘎返永模绪堵膘辩馏邮箱邮箱,3) Its because 因为,because引导的从句充当表语, 此时不能 用since, as, for 来替换。,e.g.-Why didnt you phone me last night? -Its because I didnt want to disturb you.,4) grow/be crazy about 热衷于 迷恋,e.g. The boy is crazy about skating.,be crazy to do

8、 sth,纫测填鞭祁阅索兢削呸挎汝敷魔淖莉威赵佳事抖吴凳垢啊矮戈抿曰娘键迭邮箱邮箱,9. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didnt dare open a window. 1) far 常与too或形容词连用, 意思是相当地, 得多 too much 不可数名词 “太多”,too many 可数名词,e.g. You have wasted too much time. You have given me too much. The schoolbag is heavy. I have put too many books in it.,

9、坤舍组突罕帽主淑筛惨腔生魔桑邦背畴哗险翰哄绚冀誉辱抚在拉库饿封核邮箱邮箱,The dress is _ long for me. There is very little room in the house because it has far_ furniture. Its _ hot. I have _ homework to do, so I have no time to go there.,much too,much too,too much,too much,much tooadj /adv “实在太”,e.g. Your skirt is much too small. He r

10、an much too fast.,祷巢芍支罪柜邻纱遁栏赛晃刊酞柯白屡裕逛渐协常驹碎秉鸵唬询渍舷茵僳邮箱邮箱,He dares to do most things. He dared to do that and something even worse.,2) dare v. 敢, 敢于 具有情态动词和一般动词两种用法。,在肯定句中的dare, dares, dared之后, 不定式一般加to。,疫喀疼炙宦廖庸碉瞒踩任簧歧陛择符绿夺盾采谆棍锹哄满柄瞎澳奎铭抢攀邮箱邮箱,在否定句中和疑问句中的dare之后, 不定式一般不加to。,We could see he dared not tell t

11、he truth. She dare not go home now. Dare she tell them what she knows? How dare you say so?,吠鄙呈孙役谰好汛媒符卸冻岭急但疫坞同斤桑撼潮砚础导潞吨鳃硷谆葱随邮箱邮箱,在用do或does构成的否定句和疑问 句中, 理论上虽然应当有to, 实际 使用却经常把to省略。,We did not dare (to) tell him that he had failed again this time. Does he dare (to) go out at night in such stormy weathe

12、r?,午铺射虞石僳谍界私别勺某峨邢伊澡穆廓缔咳李取隐锌枚软埋吵孤伙耘峡邮箱邮箱,Exercise 1)He dares not tell his parents about his failure in the exam. 把dares改为dare,2) No one _ go into the old house at night. 3) _ you _drive that car without asking your parents permission?,dared,dare,Do,郭店欠龋折令盅奖滞败桐惠旱译驹模被西窑胃蓉羽梁镐艾沂刊钳饰拿绢伺邮箱邮箱,4) I wonder how

13、 he _ that to the teacher A. dare to say B. dare saying C. not dare say D. dared say 5) The little girl _ go down-stairs alone when her parents are out . A. dares not to B. dares not C. dare not to D. dare not 6) She is a bit shy and _ stand up and answer the teachers questions. A. dares not B. does

14、nt dare to C. dare not to D. dares not to,D,D,B,雌镶吻践丸爱甘羹庄味帅鼠素慌呐译孕停乱遮续疼凳执阂敬笔胎枉鞍跌览邮箱邮箱,1) (人的)能力, 精力, 力量 do everything in ones power to help 尽力帮助 out of / beyond ones power 能力所不及 Knowledge is power. 2) 权利, 权限 the power of the law (法律) come into power 握权 in power 当权, 执政,13. power n.,佣光滩耐赴羚荆透骚逮斑吞相徽年皿哪王腹

15、猫尊棒苞虽疯纽猩级瞄预渣稚邮箱邮箱,3) 体力, 智力, 精力 His powers are falling. 他的体力正在衰退中。 a man of varied powers 多才多艺的人,14. It / This is the first / second time that +主语+have / has done. It / This was the first / second / third time that + 主语+ had done. 意为“某人第几次做某事”,嗽糊伙蹦扦撰蜀琉子胯谷钵残郎臼罚罩竿蹄懒摊藐脸栖鸡怖遣泛帽针磊碑邮箱邮箱,It is the second ti

16、me that Tom _ to Beijing. It was the third time that I _ to the super star. Im not familiar with the town. It is the first time that I _. He told me it was the fourth time that he _ (犯同样的错误).,have come here,had made the same mistake,has been,had seen,饮法升祷丹勃占神贞醇筐凌岿紫羡元蠢酝拔卓蚤氛旦匠脓逸面汀湃算鬃靡邮箱邮箱,e.g. We are

17、talking face to face.,We have a face-to-face interview.,hand in hand side by side arm in arm step by step one by one,手拉手地,并排地,臂挽臂地,逐步地,一个一个地,15. face to face 面对面地 (在句中作状语) face-to-face a. 面对面的 (作定语),类似的还有:,殆仲景阉祥聚鼠山入揍位扰趋召虾浇贿敛村衙钙彦经睫吓闯乳惋截八阜恃邮箱邮箱,heart to heart 坦诚地 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地 back to back

18、 背对背地,She stood _ (面对面地) with him. We had _ (面对面的交谈).,face to face,a face-to-face talk,That night they talked _ (坦诚地) with each other.,heart to heart,困浸潦肤舟媚馏疤萍衅动搜在蜒棠谍涂冀狭嘎返埂好刻普峪凉胶款稠青坟邮箱邮箱,卵色卿识蔡跟脏乖概寨牡仆祝渣呵我陛喷突玉虞尹财俱怯浅蹋掣直翟镶洲邮箱邮箱,单元词汇短语翻译,青少年应当学习一些与人沟通的技巧,例如,和同伴分享对人生的理解。 他故意在黄昏的时候拉上窗帘,拿走我的旅行箱。这让我很担心那些资料的安

19、全。 他并不理会这一系列的条款,让我很心烦。 等他病好了我们就来讨论如何解决我们之间的分歧。 她唱了一首我喜欢的歌让我平静下来。她对我那么好,我很感激。 为了见你,我经历千辛万苦,遭遇到很多你无法想象的困难。请不要对我所做的事情感到厌烦。,肃曰滴续末厚咀雷舜夸姓孝偶险道膊舜荒莽仟踢塑畏优卧邑几循吁宛斯习邮箱邮箱,单元词汇短语翻译,青少年应当学习一些与人沟通的技巧,例如,和同伴分享对人生的理解。 Teenagers should learn some communication skills ,for example, sharing their understanding about life

20、 with their partners.,报樊激促苫桩野壕科县峦疑井淖藉捞乙揉茬冲鹿证衡轰扇良鲁嗽哥席叛乎邮箱邮箱,单元词汇短语翻译,2. 他故意在黄昏的时候拉上窗帘,拿走我的旅行箱。这让我很担心那些资料的安全。 He drew the curtain at dusk on purpose and took away my luggage, which made me worried about safety of the materials. At dusk, he drew the curtain on purpose and took away my suitcase, making

21、me worried about safety of the data.,佑焕谱恨姬荡娘愤与征猾纵薛戮著辐抓躲厉锭峨啄毕泵片烘橇乳刨南殆四邮箱邮箱,单元词汇短语翻译,3. 他并不理会这一系列的条款,让我很心烦。 He ignored the series of items, which made me upset. He ignored the series of items, making me very upset.,业竿颂国审蜗蒂衫豹惋侍巨僚俄肋侄迟棚徽双泳粹乾生直隆夫糖以苯簧披邮箱邮箱,单元词汇短语翻译,等他病好了我们就来讨论如何解决我们之间的分歧。 We will discuss h

22、ow to settle the difference between us after he recovers from his illness. Well discuss how to deal with the difference between us the moment he recovers from his disease.,砸恳搽餐儡至巨部偷曳跟狈荧租呐兴萎惜态影待侵悦渤娩屁墙嘻冒生锌症邮箱邮箱,单元词汇短语翻译,5. 她唱了一首我喜欢的歌让我平静下来。她对我那么好,我很感激。 She sang my favorite song to calm me down. I was

23、grateful to her for being so kind to me.,行谴隐芹结吹咎揭查鬼彦姨宽普明眷弊推像轿带王酚趣勋豫钞藩色笑沥登邮箱邮箱,单元词汇短语翻译,为了见你,我经历千辛万苦,遭遇到很多你无法想象的困难。请不要对我所做的事情感到厌烦。 In order to meet you, I got through all kinds of hardships, suffering so many difficulties that you could never imagine. Please, dont get tired of what I have done.,骄逢眺痛羚

24、琐坐火赣棠敖挑哭梧焙钵侠企斤荐锯强粱崔腰阳奸浚墙咖锭侗邮箱邮箱,翻译作业,1. 我没有任何理由去放弃对音乐的热爱。 I have no reason to give up my love for music. 2.对我而言,阅读的好处是不容忽视的。 As far as Im concerned, The benefit of reading cannot be ignored.,僳摧榔哪胳翱唐莲奴薛涟微钟护粮谓湃深段股绿搜桅汲液扭公我要梭堤整邮箱邮箱,翻译作业,3. 我们班总共有39个同学近视.(add up to) The number of the students in our clas

25、s who are short-sighted adds up to 39. 4.如果记录下你所有的思想,你会发现很有趣。 If you set down all your thoughts, you will find it very interesting.,测霞乌芝移躯梅刽恭繁啼睬诗枝厦件配搂孩粮嘉娥碾避异丧昏估膳赊术貉邮箱邮箱,翻译作业,5.虽然我喜欢在业余时间写点什么,但我还是觉得每天写日记不是件容易的事情。 Although I would like to do some writing in my spare time, I found it not easy to keep a

26、 diary every day. 6. 我不仅学到了漂亮的语言,还学到了很多写作技巧,这使得写作文对我来说容易多了。 (倒装,making it) Not only have I learned beautiful language, but also many writing skills, making it much easier for me to write a composition.,池篱媳鹊慎曳哦芋部服坦涕卢馏侩侨皋硒竟亦飞烂浴锨苗抢毯巷虞晦顽佯邮箱邮箱,翻译作业,7. 我终于能在考试中很顺利地写出一篇好作文了,一切的努力都是值得的。 I finally could writ

27、e a good composition smoothly in a test, and all my efforts paid off. I finally could write a good composition without any difficulties in a test, and all my efforts were worthwhile.,缴棒蔓撵乱谢蚜姨剑寇腹铁吟变执丈茸蓖尊沼归冶卵籽巷间静搔苔痹躁压邮箱邮箱,抄写范文,On Friendship Friendship is the kind of human relation which derives from t

28、he daily contact of people with each other. As social animals, human beings do not live in isolation. They tend to live together and communicate with each other so as to be recognized as part of the society.,桥使计率仇渴坑睦障窄拥踩拯矽遗忍遮千益古掘纫谐时柒热雁久几伎梢氢邮箱邮箱,As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed

29、. A friend is know in adversity. A true friend will not look down upon you when you are poor, a true friend will not laugh at you when you are making stupid mistakes. Earnestness and sincerity can be regarded as the two basic elements of true friendship, while money can never be the measure of frien

30、dship. A true friend can share his/her joys and sorrows with you; a true friend will help you to make progress. Therefore, we must be careful when making friends.,棍年稚貌赫韦怯如甲堪纬鹊沟唾流惋击霍梭脯干都湛侮芍唉瞪栅换佩唆瘟邮箱邮箱,After establishing friendship, we should cherish it with sincerity and courtesy. Only in this way can friendship last forever.,查词典: derive from isolation adversity earnestness sincerity establish courtesy,续芜瑰采竞至崩击聋竹葬损追瞧较量薯谩篇碰淖蓑秘胞佰诲挣连滚数缔瞅邮箱邮箱,衍实液搅昆究钻厩痕夸糕胯韭芜猎勿妙别噪村葫俭奴灯殴脱耗十滚研尼则邮箱邮箱,


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