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1、.2019 高考英语四月模块仿真冲刺精练:3 完型填空(16 页,word版,含解析)1、 One afternoonItouredan artmuseum whilewaitingformy husband tofinisha businessmeeting I was looking forward to a quiet36of the splendid artworkA young37viewing the paintings ahead of me38nonstop betweenthemselves I watched them a moment and decided the la

2、dy was doing all the talking Iadmiredthemans39forputting up withher40streamof words 41bytheir noise, I moved onI met them several times as I moved42the various rooms ofart Each time I heard her continuous flow of words, I moved away43.I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop makinga44wh

3、en the couple approached the45 Before they left, theman46into his pocket and pulled out a white object He47it into along stick and then48his way into the coatroom to get his wifes jacketHesa49man, theclerkatthe countersaid Most of us wouldgive up if we were blinded at such a young age During his rec

4、overy, he made a promisehis life wouldnt change So, as before, he and his wife come in50there isa new art show But what does he get out of the art? I asked He cant see Cantsee!Youre51 He seesa lot More thanyou and I do,theclerk said His wife52each painting so he can see it in his head I learned some

5、thing about patience,53and love that day I sawthe patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without54andthe courage of a husband who would not55blindness to change his life And Isaw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away, their armsintertwined36 A viewB touc

6、hC wanderD stare37 A ladyB coupleC manDclerk38 A yelledB arguedC screamedD chatted39AattemptB independenceC patienceD wisdom.40 A constantB vividCcasualD vague41 A AdoptedB AdaptedC DisturbedD Conducted42 A fromB toC towardsD through43 A anxiouslyB quicklyC urgentlyD sensibly44 A commentB purchaseC

7、decisionD profit45AexitB entranceCfrontD queue46 A pluggedB reachedC heldD bent47AlengthenedB madeCbroughtD broadened48 A ledB foundC tappedD forced49 A generousB roughC smartDbrave50AwhereverB whateverCwheneverD whichever51 A uniqueB sillyC equalD wrong52 A decoratesB drawsC shovesD describes53 A k

8、indnessB prideC courageD enthusiasm54 A sightB supportC expectationD confidence55 A getB allowC hopeD cause2、 Wings of Angel.I used to hate myself because I wasn t the monkey bars and ride on a bicycle, but notdisorder(脊髓病 ) and I knew I would always be much“ normal ” . Everyoneelsecould playon36 .

9、I had a severe spinal cord 37 than others.I hated going to school and I hated38at me. I hated seeing others smilingbroadly and standing39and tall. And most of all, I hated looking inthe40and seeing an ugly and hunchback(驼背 ).My friends found me41because I didnwas going to go on like this for the res

10、t of my life t let other get close to me. I thought I 42 Angela appeared.That afternoon, I was sitting by myself in a corner of the school a spot where no onewould43me. That s when I first heard your voice.“Hi. Can I sit down?”I raised my head and there she was, with an irresistible smile on her rou

11、nd face.“What are you looking at?” you asked.“Ants. ”“What are they doing?”“ No44. ”“I bet they re playing games and make friends. Don t you think so?”That was how our45startedand itdidn t stop.We talkedabout everythingunderthe sun the ants, the clouds, my little niche(处境 ) until it was sunset.Then

12、suddenly, you saw my46. She just stared.My heart47. What I feared most had happened and I knew for sure shewould48me now.She stood up, pointed at my back and said,“ I know why your back is hunched.”I closed my eyes like a criminal waiting to be50. I begged in my heart for herto51, but you just kept

13、on going.“ I know what you ve got in there. Do you?”“No, ” I answered52.She bent and whispered in my ears.“Your back is bunched because you ve got a pair of wings from the angels.”I was53. I looked into your eyes and her54touched my heart. From thatday on, I started to learn to55myself because I hav

14、e the wings of an angel anda kind hearted friend.36 A themB itC moD her37 A sadderB shorterC weakerD slower38 A lookingB smilingC aimingD glaring39 A stillB aloneC straightD together40 A streetB sunC cornerD mirror41 A distantB stubbornC hopelessD unfortunate42 A afterB beforeC sinceD until43 A dist

15、urbB seekC interruptD ignore44 A wonderB ideaC signD action45 A connectionB competitionC conversationD comprehension46 A faceB backC eyesD shoulders47 A sankB beatC brokeD ached48 A care forB relyonC look down uponD put up with.49 A thatB howC whetherD why50 A accusedB arrestedCpunishedD sentenced51

16、 A relaxB leaveC stopD pause52 A shylyB weaklyC proudlyD firmly53 A astonishedB ashamedC annoyedD amused54 A wisdomB generosityC honestyD kindness55 A controlB likeC comfortD enjoy3、 My jobwas tomake classroomobservationsand encourage a trainingprogram thatwouldenablestudentstofeelgood aboutthemselv

17、esand takechargeof theirlives.Donna wasone of the volunteer teachers who participated in this26 .One day,I enteredDonna s classroom,took a seatin theback of the room and27 .All the studentswere working28a task.The studentnexttome was fillingherpage with“ I Can ts. ” “ I can t kick the soccer ball.”

18、“ I can t get Debbie tolike me.” Her page was half full and she showed no29of stopping. I walkeddown therow and found30was writingsentences,describingthingsthey couldn t do.By this time the activity aroused my31 , so I decided to check with the teacherto see what was going on32I noticed she too was

19、busy writing.“ I can t getJohn s mother to come for a parents meeting.” I felt it best not to33 .Afteranother ten minutes, thestudents were34tofold the papersinhalf andbringthem to thefront.They placedtheir“ ICan t ” statementsintoan empty shoebox.Then Donna 35hers. She putthelidon thebox,tuckeditun

20、derherarm and headedout the door. Students followed the teacher. I followed the students. Halfway down thehallway Donna got a shovel from the tool house, and then marched the students to thefarthest corner of the playground. There they began to36. The box of“ I Can ts ” was placed at the37of the hol

21、e and then quickly covered with dirt. Atthis point Donna announced,“ Boys and girls, please join hands and38yourheads. ” They quickly formed a circle around the grave.Donna deliveredthe eulogy ( 悼词 ).“ Friends, we gatheredhere todayto39thememory of ICan t. He is40by his brothersand sisters ICan and

22、IWill . May I Can t rest in41. Amen!”She turned the students42and marched them back into the classroom. Theycelebratedthe43of “ ICan t ” . Donna cut a largetombstone from paper.Shewrote the words“ ICan t ” at the top andthe dateat the bottom, then hungit in theclassroom. On those rare occasions when

23、 a student44and said,“ I Can t, ”Donna45pointed to the paper tombstone. The student then remembered that“ ICan t ” was dead and chose other statement.26.A. jobB. projectC.observationD. course27.A. checkedB. noticedC.watchedD. waited28.A. onB. withC.asD. for29.A. scenesB. sensesC.marksD. signs30.A. n

24、obodyB. somebodyC.everyoneD. anyone31.A. curiosityB. suspectC.sympathyD. worry32.A. andB. orC.butD. so33.A. insertB. interruptC.talkD. request34.A. taughtB. shownC.forcedD. instructed35.A. addedB. wroteC.madeD. folded36.A. cryB.prayC.digD. play.37.A. backB.bottomC.topD. edge38.A. dropB.raiseC.fallD.

25、 lift39.A. keepB.thankC.forgiveD. honor40.A. remembered B. punishedC.removedD. replaced41.A. silenceB.heartC.peaceD. memory42.A. downB.upC.offD. around43.A. birthB.passingC.lossD. starting44.A. awokeB. remindedC.forgotD. apologized45.A. simplyB. hardlyC.seriouslyD. angrily4、 It was a perfect day, ju

26、st the right kind of day to go fishing.My 13-year-old son Jonathan and I had been26this trip for weeks, and now we weresitting on the shore of a beautiful lake.We27and talked, and then, suddenly, I saw small28where my float(浮子) had been.I waited,29itwould pop rightback up again, but the30stayedunder

27、neath the water and my heart started to beat31. After a few more seconds,my fishing rod was suddenly pulled off the stick it was leaning on 32 me and it was being dragged towards the water.I firmly caught hold of the fishing rod and lifted it up. This fish was33!Slowly, my son balanced on two rocks

28、andleaned downto get the giant offthe fishhook.For just one second, he lost his34and reached up with his right hand tosteady35. At that moment, our huge fish got off the fishing line and started toswim36 .I saw tears streaming down Jonathan s face.“ Dad, I m sorry. I ll never beable to 37this up to

29、you.” I reached out and put my hands on his shoulders. I saidthe following38almost without thinking.“ Jon, how did you feel39I wasreeling(往卷轴上绕起 ) thatfish in?Were you excited?” He nodded and said,“ Dad,I ve neverbeen so40in my wholelife!” Ireplied,“ Jon,wasn tthataboutthemost funthingwe ve everdone

30、 together?” Henodded hishead in41.Then I said,“So, why should we let a fish getting away42possibly the best experience weve ever had? Let s be happy about the fun we did have.”My son,43his arms around me and said,“ Dad, I love you so much!”I44him back and said softly into his ear,“ I love you too, J

31、on.”We45did catch that big fish. But I ve known ever since that I didnt letthe most important thing get away that day.26.A. promotingB. settingC. appreciatingD. planning27.A. ranB. fishedC.layD. listened28.A. holesB. objectsC.birdsD. waves29.A. thinkingB. watchingC.pointingD. discovering30.A. poleB.

32、 floatC.stickD. fishhook31.A. regularlyB. quietlyC.curiouslyD. heavily32.A. behindB. on top ofC. in frontofD. against33.A. hugeB. whiteC.aliveD. beautiful34.A. balanceB. temperC.healthD. bucket.35.A. himB.itC.itselfD. himself36.A. upB. beyondC.alongD. away37.A. pickB.makeC.buildD. speed38.A. comment

33、sB. apologiesC.songsD. words39.A. althoughB. whileC.unlessD. since40.A. reliableB. excitedC.forgetfulD. puzzled41.A. agreementB. surpriseC.guiltD. happiness42.A. bringB. ruinC.shakeD. mend43.A. foldingB. gettingC.showingD. throwing44.A. heldB. followedC.huggedD. formed45.A. reallyB. neverC.onceD. me

34、rely5、 As a teacher, my daily routine involves driving to a new school almost every day.One day, I was managing behavior in a difficult 11 _ allmorningand by lunch time,I knew I needed a coffee to 12 _ the afternoon. So I drove to a nearby plaza (购物广场) to get a coffee. Upon 13 _ to the car I realized I had locked my keys andmy 14 _ inside! I had about 15 minutes to get back t


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