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1、新东方优能中学初一期中复习必备知识点大家加油噢!新东方优能初中英语教研组 板块一搞定知识点知识点知识点人教版1. be 动词1. (2010北京市)The reading room _ very quiet. I enjoy reading books there.A. am B. is C. are D. be2. (2010湖北省黄冈市)-David has been away for more than 25 days.-I miss him very much. You know, 25 days _short.A. is B. isnt C. are D. arent3. Excus

2、e me. _ your name Sandy?A. Are B. Is C. Whats D. Tell2. 人称代词主格宾格1. Mary, please show _ your picture.(10年湖南襄樊中考试题)A. myB. mine C. ID. me2. Let _ help you.A. I B. me C. my D. mine3. Mary, please show _ your picture.(10年湖南襄樊中考试题)A. myB. mine C. I D. me3. 物主代词1北京五中分校20092010学年度第一学期末综合练习试卷)-Is that your

3、bike, Tom?-Yes, its _ new bike. A. IB. mine C. myD. me2That is a very good bird. Do you know _ name? 实验外国语学校初一上学期期中考试A. hisB. her C. itsD. its 3. (2009河南)-What a nice MP5! Whose is it?-Its _. My father bought it for me.A. me B. him C. his D. mine4.(2009山东淄博)His MP3 is the same as_, but it is more ex

4、pensive.A. himB. mine C. myD. her5. This is _ dictionary and that is _.(人大附初一期中)A. your, hisB. you, him C. your, herD, his my4. 名字文化1. My name is Tony William. My _ is Tony.A. nameB. last name C. first name D. family name2. English teachers name is Ann Ally Green. We can call her _.A. Miss AnnB. Mr.

5、 AnnC. Miss Green.D. Mr. Green3. She is Melissa. Im _.A. Meimei HanB. Han MeimeiC. mei mei HanD. Han meimei4. Thats a girl. Her name is_ A. Wang Xiaohong B. Wang Xiao Hong C. Wang xiaohong D. Wang xiao hong5、 冠词a/an1. (北京56中学20102011学年度第二学期期中考试初一年级)Because of the pollution (污染), our town will become

6、 _ uncomfortable place in a few years.A. a B. anC. the D. /2. (北京市第一七一中学20102011学年度第二学期初一英语期中考试) My uncle is _ his forties. He is _ honest man.A. in, aB. at, aC. in anD. at, an 3. He like playing _soccer because he thinks it is _ interesting sport.(人大附初一期中)A. / anB. the anC. / aD. the /4. Lets look

7、at the bag. Can you see _ “s” on the corner of _ bag? (08年德州中考试题)A. a; a B. an; anC. an; theD. the; an6. 人教版情景题1. -Hello, Jim! -_ A. Hello, Gina! B. Whats your name? C. Thank you. D. Im Bob. 2. -_ -His name is Mike. A. How are you? B. Whats his name? C. How old is he? D. Where is he? 3. -_ your phon

8、e number? -Its 6678954. A. Wheres B. Whats C. Hows D. What 4.-Dad,this is my pen friend, Shirley. -_.(人教版第三单元测试题)A. Thank you B.OK C. Nice to meet you D. Good 5. - _, Amy.- Hello, John.(09年理工附中初一单元测试)A. HelloB. Good morningC. Good eveningD. Good afternoon6.-Dad,this is my pen friend,Shirley. -_.A.Th

9、ank you B.OK C.Nice to meet you D.Good7. -_ . Are you Mr Green? -No, Im not. -_. A. Sorry; Sorry B. Excuse me; Sorry C. Excuse me; Excuse me D. Sorry; Excuse me8. (咸宁2008)Morning, class! Good luck to all of you in the exam! -Morning, teacher. _ .A. The same to youB. You, too. C. Thank you. D. Im sor

10、ry.9. I lost my new magazine. -_. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Thank you. C. What can I do for youD. Excuse me7. 国家、国人1. - Excuse me, where are you from?- Im from _.(08年达州中考试题)A. ChinaB. chinaC. ChineseD. English2. What is your nationality? - I am _.A. ChinaB. JapanC. AmericanD. France来3. - Where ar

11、e they from?- _.(潞河中学初一统练)A. Theyre from ChinaB. Theys from China C. Theym from ChinaD. Theyre come from China 8、 call句型答案:CBB1. Please call me if you have any question.C A. watch B. spell C. ring2. I found a set of keys. Please call Jim _B_ 508-1986A. on B. at C. in D. for3. please call Jack at 466

12、-6935852A. spell B. phone C. meet9、 介绍他人 C3. Mum, _ is my English teacher, Miss Wang.A. This B. That C. This10、thanks for1. Thanks for _ CCTVS Around the World Show.A. join B. joins C. to join D. joining2. (2009年清华附初一上期中)Thanks _ the picture _ your family.A. of, for B. of, in C. for, of D. for, in3.

13、 (2011年海淀区初一上期末)-Gina, thank you for helping me with my English.-_.A. Dont thank me B. You are welcomeC. Sounds good D. Thank you, too11、thisthatthesethose10910学年第一学期首师大附中永定分校初一年级期中考试试题What are these? _ bananas.AIts BTheyre CTherere2. 北京理工大学附属中学七年级第一学期期中考试-Are _ our teachers?- Yes,they are.A. thisB.

14、 thatC. theD. these3. 北京理工大学附属中学七年级第一学期期中考试 -Is that your family photo?- _.A. Yes,they areB. Yes,he isC. Yes,that isD. Yes,it is12、名词的复数 1.Those are my _.A.pencil B.boxbs C.watchs D.pens2. There are three people in my family, my_ an I.A. parent B. parents C. parentes D. father3.This is my friend.(改为

15、复数形式)_ _ _ _.4. Are those _ in the picture?A. apple trees B. apples trees C. apple tree D. apples tree13、ofa photo of1. This is a photo _ my sister.A. to B. from C. of D. on2. (金中南校20092010年度第一学期期中考试)This is a photo _ my father. A. for B. with C. of D. to 2. (桤泉镇中学2011级七年级上第三学月考试题)这是我的全家福。Here is _

16、_ of _ _.14like的用法 1.(2010年北达资源初一上期中)Aunt Li likes _ bananas.A. eat B. eating C. eats D. to eats2. (首师大附中永定分校初一期中)-Do you like_ -Yes, I do. A. watches TV B. watch TV C. watching TV3. (2010年京源初一上期中)Do you like _ basketball in the afternoon?A. to play B. play C. playing D. plays4. (2010年京源初一上期中)Bruce

17、_ French , but he wants _ English.A. isnt like, to play B. isnt like , study C. doesnt like , study D. doesnt like, to study5. (2008年育英中学初一上期末:完成句子)你最喜欢什么?我喜欢听音乐.Whats _ _ ? I like _ _ music.15. Where 询问地点1. (0910学年第一学期首师大附中永定分校初一年级)_ are the flowers? On the deskAWhat BHow CWhere2. (2009-2010学年(上)厦门

18、理工学院附属中学初一英语阶段性测试试卷)_ are you, Bill? I am in my room, Mom. A. WhatB. How C. WhereD. How old 3. (2009年中关村中学初一上期中)- _ is my computer game?-Its in the drawer.A. WhatB. WhereC. HowD. Who4.(2010年朝阳区初一上期末)-_ is the football match? -Is it at the Capital Stadium?A. Where B. Why C. When5.(2009年人大附初一上期中)My ma

19、th books are in the bookcase. (对划线部分提问)16. 方位介词1. (09-10学年第一学期首师大附中永定分校初一年级)There is a blackboard _ the wall.A on Bin Cof2.(2010年北京市第7中学初一上期中)I am so hot. Can I sit _ the window? A. behind B. next to C. in D. on3. (2010年京源初一上期中)The big hotel is _ your right.A. on B. in C. to D. with4.(2010年京源初一上期中)O

20、ur classroom is _next to_(在旁边) the library.The shop is _in front of_(在前面) the market.5.(2010年北京第7中学)The little river is behind_ my house. My house is in front of it.17.实义动词运用do/does进行提问和肯定否定回答(人教)1. - Does he have a tennis racket?- _. (朝阳外国语2009初一单元测试题)A. Yes, he is B. No, he doesnt C. No, he does2.

21、 -_she _a basketball?(北京十九中2010初一期中)-Yes, she does.A Do, have B Does, has C Do, has D Does ,have3. _ Toms father _ a car?(首师大二附中2009初一期中)A. do, have B. does, has C. do, has D. does, have4. -_ your brother often _ trainers?-Yes, she likes doing sports very much.(西城区2011初一上期末)A. Do, wears B. Does, wea

22、rs C. Does, wear18.have/has表拥有(人教)1. Frank _ English dictionary. (人教版U5单元测试题)A. is a B. have an C. has an D. have a2. Lily and Liz _ a cat. They like it very much.A. have B. has C. there is D. there are3. -What do you _?-Tennis rackets. I have four.A. have B. do C. like D. let19.have/has got的用法(人教)1

23、. _Betty got a new friend in her class? (三帆中学2009初一期中)A. Does B. Has C. Do D. Have2. We _ any vegetables in the fridge. Would you please go and buy some? (东城区2011初一上期末)A. have got B. has got C. havent got D. hasnt got3. -_ she got a nice dress?-Yes, she _.(北京第7中学2010初一期中)A. has, does B. Does, does C

24、. Has, has D. Does, has4. She _ books about math. (北师大附中2009-初一期中)A. doesnt got any B. hasnt got any C. doesnt got some D. hasnt got some20.let和lets祈使句(人教)1. Lets _ Jack a birthday card. (朝阳区2011初一上期末)A. give B. to give C. giving2. Lets _ and play basketball on the playground.(中关村中学2009初一上期中)A. go B

25、. to go C. going D. goes3. -Lets_ away from here, its to dangers.A. to go B. going C. went D. go4. Lets _basketball. (金中南校2009初一期中)A. plays B. play C. is play D. are play21.感官动词sound(人教)1. -Lets play soccer, Jill. -That _ boring.A. sound B. is sound C. sounds D. sound is2. -Have you ever heard the s

26、ong “take me to your heart”?-Yes, it_ great. All of us like it very much.A. smells B. sounds C. looks D. tastes3. The cookies _ good. Could you have some more?A. taste B. smell C. feel D. sound22.用adj描述事情(人教)1. -Lets play chess. -No, its _. I want to watch TV.(首师大二附中2010初一期中)A. interesting B. relaxi

27、ng C. boring D. wonderful2. The art festival in our school is really _. We all like it very much. (海淀区2011初一上期末)A. hard B. interesting C. bad D. boring3. I want to play soccer because it is_.(中关村中学2009初一期中)A. interesting B. different C. difficult D. boring外研版1. 外研版、北师大版情景题1. Hello, boys and girls! a

28、re you? Fine, thank you, Miss Zhang.A. What B. How C. Who D. When1. - Nice to meet you, Helen. - _, Li Ming.A. Nice to meet you, tooB. Hello C. How do you do D. Good morning2. - This is Jim, Gina. - _, Jim.A. Good morning B. Nice to meet you C. How are you D. This is3. - Here you are. - _.A. Thank y

29、ou B. Yes, youre right C. OK D. All right4. -How is your Mum? She is _.A. at home B. in bed C. OK D. sorry2. 数字编号1. I am in _.A. class one B. class One C. Class One D. One class2. - What class are you in/?- I am in _A. Grade 9 B. Class 9 C. 9 class D. 9 grade3. The new student is in _, Grade Two.(09

30、年无锡中考试题)A. Class ThirdB. Third Class C. Class ThreeD. Three class3. come /be from1. _ your friend Tony _ from England? 北京市陈经纶中学期中统练初一年级英语A. Do; comeB. Does; come C. Is; comeD. Is; from2. WhereJack Boltfrom? Jamaica. 北京师大附中2009-2010学年度初一年级第一学期英语期中试题A. does, comes B. do, come C. is, come D. does, come

31、3His friends _ Australia. 北京五中分校20092010学年度第一学期第一次月考试卷Acome fromBcomes fromC. is come fromD. is from4. 介词in/with1Im in Class One _ Darning and LinglingAand Bor Cwith Dfrom2Lingling is _ my classAin Bfrom Con Dfor3. - Do you know how to say “海豚” _ English?- Dolphin.(八一中学初一统练)A. inB. onC. withD. at5.

32、let(外研)1. Lets _.A. go home B.to go home C.goes home D.going home2. Mother let me _my homework everyday before I play video games.A. doing B. to do C. do D.doing3. Its time to have breakfast , lets _.A. to go B. going C. go D. goes6. like doing(外研)1. I like _(read) but my parents like_(watch) TV.2.

33、We like _music.A. listen toB. listeningC. listens to D. listening to3. Do you like _ housework A. do B. does C. doing D. did7. 岁数1The girl is nine _ oldAyear Byears Cyears Dyears2_ is he?He is twelve AWhat BWhats CHow old DHow 3. - How old is your baby?- She is _.A. 4 year oldB.4 year C. 1 years old

34、D.1 year old4. Marry is a _ girl.A. 5 year oldB.5 year C. 5-year- old D. 5 years old 8、 spell1. -_? -P-E-N, pen. A. Can you spell pen B. What do you spell pen C. How do you spell pen D. How can you spell pen2. How do you_ it? - B-O-O-K, book.A. spell B. say C. write D. is3. _? -T-O-M. A. Can you spe

35、ll your name B. How do you spell your nameC. How can you spell your name D. What do you spell your name9、 询问工作句型答案:A C A1. _ does your father do?(2008海南中考)-He is a policeman.A. What B. Why D. How 2. - Whats your father? - He is _.(04年东城中考题)A. tall B. in his office C. a teacher D. fine3. - _?- Hes a

36、doctor.(08年武汉市中考试题)A. Whats your fathers job B. Who is your father C. How is your father D. Where is your father10、in hospitalin the hospital等1. (齐齐哈尔一中2010)The old man was ill in _ hospital.A. theB. aC. anD. /2. (陈经纶中学2010)Tom is a student. He is at_ school today.A. the B. / C. a D. an3. (上地实验2009)

37、Its time for sleep, Marry will go to _ bed.(10年湖南襄樊中考试题)A. theB. a C. an D. /11、 can表能力答案:B A1. - Kate, _ you dance the disco? (08福州)- Yes, I can.A. may B. can C. must D. need2. _ you swim?(2009北京)Yes, but Im not a good swimmer.A. can B. may C. need D. must12、play 后的冠词1. (166中学2010)He likes _.A. to

38、play the tennis B. play the tennis C. playing the tennis D. playing tennis2. (景山中学2010) Can he play _ basketball?A. a B. an C. / D. the3. (湖北宜昌一学2010)The girl can play _ piano.A. a B. an C. / D. the13、 名词所有格s1. Today is September 10th. Its _ Day. Lets go and buy some flowers for our teachers.(06年西安中

39、考试题)A. TeachersB. Teachers C. the TeachersD. Teachers2. _ father is a teacher at Beijing International School.(2007年河北中考试题)A. Betty and LucysB. Betty and LucysC. Betty and Lucy3. - This is a photo of _ when they were young. - OK, how happy they both looked!(03年深圳中考试题)A. my father and motherB. my mother and fathersC. my mothers and fathersD. my fathers and my mother1、there be1. There _ a


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