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1、浙江省温州市平阳县鳌江镇第三中学七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball Period 3教案 (新版)人教新目标版第三课时教材分析:这节课我们将学习如何向别人提出建议,这个话题很贴近生活,所以学起来气氛比较轻松。学习了Do you have? Does he/she have.?后,同学们都想知道怎么表达 “我有. 你有.他(她)有.”了。 教学目标:1. 掌握生词let, us, lets, play, well, sound, good, welcome our, sport, center, like, we, many, club, ping-

2、pong, more, join, class, interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing, watch TV. (重点词汇:let, us, lets, play, well, sound ,good) 2. 认知句型:Lets That sounds good. 会用它向别人提出建议。3. 会用句型I (We, You, They) have. He(She, Kate, Jane) has. 及否定句自由表达。语言目标:1. Lets watch TV. No, that sounds boring. That sounds great.

3、 2. I (We, You, They) have. He(She, Kate, Jane) has. 3I (We, You, They) dont have. He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have. 语言功能:用祈使句对别人提出建议以及回答, 表达某人有(没有)某物。跨学科学习:绘画、用形容词描述某件事、礼貌待人Teaching steps:Step 1. Greeting, sing an English song togetherStep 2. presentation ( to one student) Do you have a soccer ball?

4、Yes, I do.Lets play soccer ball.That sounds good.( to another student ) Lets play football.I dont have a football.Well, Lets play baseball.That sounds great.Step 3. show the new words: let, us, lets, play, well, sound ,good.要求学生会读单词,并掌握其拼写、含义及用法。Step 4. Do the exercises: 3a.(P 27) Fill in the blanks

5、 with words from the box.Keys: 1. dont 2. Lets 3. have 4. soccer让学生填写后,读熟并同位之间互相练习。3b.(P27) Pair work 让两个学生对话,练习句型。Do another exercise4 (P27) Pair work 阅读“招收广告”后,填写右边的表格。First name, last name 在前面已经讲过,注意和汉语拼音之间的区别,class 要注意大写,sport you like 写上你喜欢的体育项目。文中出现的生词:welcome, our, sport, center, like, we, ma

6、ny, club, ping-pong, more, join, class. 要求学生会读,认知其意义,要求课后记住。 Step5. 你认识这些形容词吗?(Section B)用汉语解释什么样的词是形容词,然后解释interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing的意思。这几个单词比较长,在讲解时,注意渗透音标教学,按音节去记忆其拼写 ,这样就简单多了。Do the exercises: 1a, 1b (P28) 学生画完后,可传阅他们的作品。2a, 2b (P28)听力题目可在听完之后,将材料投放在屏幕上,作为阅读材料练习。2c.(P28) Pair work

7、 口语练习,复习句型Lets . That sounds. 和形容词interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing. Step 6. 练习句型I (We, You, They) have. He(She, Kate, Jane) has. I (We, You, They) dont have. He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have. T: Do you have a baseball? S1: Yes, I do. I have a baseball.T: Does he have a baseball? S2: Yes, he d

8、oes. He has a baseball.T: Does she have a baseball? S2: No, she doesnt. She doesnt have a baseball. She has a basketball.板书:I (We, You, They) have. He(She, Kate, Jane) has. I (We, You, They) dont have. He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have. 同位之间用这几个句型相互交流。特别强调He(She, Kate, Jane) has. 中的has, 和He(She, Kate,

9、 Jane) doesnt have.中doesnt have形式。Step7. look backLet the students sum up what we have learned this class. Then ask what they havent understood.Step 9. Homework 以小组为单位,记述每个人有的物品。将它写在练习本上,下节课互相交流。教学反思:充分体现了学以致用的教学原则。学生已经从死背语法知识,机械模仿句型为主的学习方式过渡到“做中学”的活学活用阶段。学生的学习积极性大大提高,课堂气氛也更加活跃。课堂上把时间还给学生,让每个学生都动起来。学生通过讨论交流和合作方式展示他们丰富的想象力和创造力。


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