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1、Unit6 单元检测A卷一、单项选择题(共15题,共15分)1. Can I have_ milk?Sorry, I dont have _ milk here.A. some; anyB. a; anyC. some;someD. any; some2. Liu Tao looks quite fit now because he playsbasketball to keep _.A. healthyB. healthC. goodD. well3. _ does Lucy like to eat?Tomatoes.A.HowB. WhereC. WhatD. Why4.What woul

2、d you like to drink?Some_, please.A.porkB. lemonC. carrotsD. juice5. Eating vegetables is good _ us.A. atB.withC. forD. to6. There is_ salt at home. Please buy some on your way home.All right.A. muchB. manyC. littleD. few7.How about _ a rest?Good idea!A. to haveB.havingC.hasD. have8. Whatdo wehave _

3、 dinner?There _ some milk and bread in the fridge.A. for; areB.in; isC.of; isD. for; is9. In our school, the boys seldomplay badminton _ thegirls often play it.A.andB. soC. butD. because10.Sunshine Shopping Mall is a good place _ friends.A.meetB. to meetC.meetingD. meets11.My eyesight is becoming wo

4、rse.Youneed to exercise _and watch _ TV.A. more;lessB. much; littleC. less;moreD. little; much12.I dontlike this kind of drink becausetheres _ sugar in it.A.too manyB. much tooC.many tooD. too much13. What would you like to order, Madam?Id like _.A.two bottles of orangesB.two bottles of orange juice

5、C.two bottle of orange juiceD. two baskets of orange14.How often do you goto the shopping mall?_A.Twice a week.B.Three to five times.C.In the afternoon.D. More than four hours.15.How about going out and having a pizza?_A. No, thanks.B.Yes, please.C.What?D. That sounds good.二、完形填空(共10题,共10分)1.Ihave a

6、 good friend. His name is Tom. Heis a nice boy, but he eats too (1) and doesnt like sports.Hehas a big (2) everymorning. He has four eggs, (3) of bread, some icecream and (4) big glassof milk. (5) lunchtime,he eats two hamburgers, a lot of chips (6) chicken. He drinks alot of cola or soda too. For d

7、inner, he likes beef and salad. He also (7) eats chicken, hamburgers and eggs. He has ice cream, cola and soda (8) .Too much food is not (9) for health. So Tom is very (10) and it is easy for himto get tired. I think he must change his lifestyle to keep fit.(1)A.many B.much C.some D.any(2)A.breakfas

8、t B.lunch C.dinner D.supper(3)A.much B.many C.lots D.lot(4)A.a B.an C.some D.any(5)A.For B.On C.At D.Of(6)A.for B.and C.of D.but(7)A.often B.never C.seldom D.not(8)A.and B.but C.too D.also(9)A.bad B.good C.important D.hungry(10)A.healthy B.fit C.thin D.fat三、阅读理解(共15题,共15分)1.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、

9、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AHarry PotterPlace: Sunshine CinemaTime: 6:30 p.m.8:30 p.m. on Saturday and SundayPrice: ¥15 (Adults)¥6 (Children)Note: Children under 10 years old cannot come in.(1)The name of the film is _.A. Red Star B. Harry Potter C. Sunshine D. Saturday(2)You canwatch the film at _.A. Gua

10、ngming Cinema B. Dongjin Cinema C. Sunshine Cinema D. Dafang Cinema(3)The film begins _.A. at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday B. at 6:30 p.m.on Monday C. at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday D. at6:30 a.m. on Friday(4)Mr andMrs Read have two sons. They are both12. If they four want to see the film,how much should they pa

11、y?A. Thirty-two yuan. B. Forty-two yuan. C. Thirty-six yuan. D. Forty-six yuan.(5)Kate is nine years old, Jim is eleven and Simon istwelve. Who cant go to see the film?A. Jim. B. Kate. C. Simon. D. Allofthem.2.BDifferent people have different skin (皮肤) colours. Some are black, some are yellow, andso

12、me are white. Once there was a woman in Alaska. Her skin colour was orange.It was like the colour of orange juice.Howdid she become orange? She ate lots of tomatoes, carrots and pumpkins. She atetoo many orange things. That was why she turned orange.Thewoman didnt want to be orange. She went to the

13、doctor. The doctor said, “Stopeating orange things. Eat some green things.” The woman did so, and she wasntorange any more.(1)What is this story about?A. A woman in Alaska with orange skin. B. Eating different vegetables. C. A doctor with greenskin. D. People with different skin colours.(2)The woman

14、 in this story had _.A. orange eyes and hair B. yellow skin C. green skin D. orange skin(3)The woman was orangebecause _.A. she liked eating oranges very much B. she drank toomuch orange juice C. she wanted to be orange D. she had too much orange food(4)Why did the woman go to the doctor?A. Because

15、she didntwant to eat oranges. B. Because she needed some green things. C. Because she was not feeling good. D. Because she didntlike her skin colour.(5)What did the doctor tell her to do?A. To eat more orange things. B. To drink more orange juice. C. Not to buy any orange food. D. To have some green

16、 food.3.CDoyou often eat fruits and vegetables? What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? Well, we know that all fruits have seeds (种子).Think of an apple or an orange. They have seeds inside. How about vegetables? Do they have seeds too? For example, does a potato haveseeds? Of course

17、it doesnt. However, tomatoeshave seeds in them. Are they fruits? In a scientific (科学的) way, they are. However, you wouldnt like to eat them fordessert (甜点). And people like to have apples, strawberries, pears andoranges as dessert. We dont call tomatoes fruit, because they are not sweet,even though,

18、 scientifically, they are fruit.(1)This story is mainly about _.A. the seeds of fruits andvegetables B. the difference between a fruit and a vegetable C. why we call some foodvegetables D. why we call some foodfruits(2)Scientifically, a fruit _.A. is the same as a vegetable B. has seeds C. shouldnt

19、be used for dessert D. is a seed(3)For dessert,people would like to eat _.A. something that looksgood B. something sweet C. something that has seeds D. something healthy(4)Scientifically, examples of fruits are_.A. apples andtomatoes B. tomatoes and potatoes C. cabbages and oranges D. strawberries a

20、nd carrots(5)Why dont peoplethink tomatoes is a kind of fruit?A. Because they dont have seeds. B. Because they have seeds. C. Because they are sweet. D. Because they are not sweet.四、根据句意及汉语提示填空(共5题,共5分)1. Can yougive me some _ (汉堡包) to eat? Im too hungry.2. Everybody knows that rabbits like to eat _

21、 (胡萝卜).3. Dont eat too much _ (肉) or you will get fatter and fatter.4. I dont want to eat any snacksbecause there is too much _ (糖) in them.5. Would you liketo _ (点) your meal now?五、提示词填空(共5题,共5分)1. Daniel plans_ (spend) less time on computer games.2. Doing more exercise will help us keep _(health).

22、3. Can you buy two kilos of _(tomato) for us, Jane?4. Timmy, you are solazy! You need to exercise _ (much).5. My brother often goes to school without _ (have) breakfast.六、句型转换(共5题,共5分)1. We need to buy some tomatoes. (对画线部分提问)_ you need to buy?2. There isa sheep in the garden. (改为复数句)There_ some _ i

23、n the garden.3. Daniellikes eating hamburgers. (改为否定句)Daniel_ _ eating hamburgers.4. Shewatches an hour of TV on Friday evening. (改为同义句)She watchesTV _ _ _ on Friday evening.5. I sometimes have noodles forlunch. (对画线部分提问)_ do you have noodles for lunch?七、补全句子(共5题,共10分)1. 他晚餐吃肉和蔬菜。He_ meat and vegeta

24、bles _ _.2. 这顿饭为我整个下午提供能量。This meal _ _ _ for the _afternoon.3. 一周我吃豌豆不少于三次。Ieat beans _ _ _ _ a week.4. 在冰箱里有四片面包。There are _ _ _ _ inthe fridge.5. 在两餐之间他有时会感到饿。Hesometimes _ _ _ _.八、任务型阅读(共1题,共10分)1.阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)There are different kinds offood in the world. Some people like the Chin

25、ese food. Firstly, theChinese food has a lot of fruits and green vegetables. It is low in sugar and fat. Secondly, theChinese food is very delicious and hasmany dishes. So Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.However, some people enjoy the Westernfood. Nowadays, a lot of people, especial

26、ly the white-collar (白领) workers in companies, are too busy to cooktheir own lunch or enjoy a meal in a Chinese restaurant, and the Western foodmeets their needs because it can save time and tastes quite good. There aredifferent styles of Western food and it is a great pleasure to try them.I like th

27、e Chinese foodbetter than the Western food. Im a Chinese and I am used to (习惯于) Chinese food, which can keep us healthy. Onthe other hand, the Western food is high in fat, sugar and salt. If you eat toomuch Western food and dont take enough exercise, youll get fat easily.Moreover, the Western food i

28、s also too expensive for me to buy.(1)Chinese food(1) _ foodAbout the foodThere are lots of (2) _ and green vegetables in it.There isnt too much (3) _ and fat.It is fast and tastes good.It is very (4) _.There are many different kinds of Chinese food.It has some different(5) _.It is healthy to the bo

29、dy and keep(6) _ white.It is popular with white-collar(7) _ at lunchtime.The writers ideasThe writer (8) _ it very much.He thinks it can keep him healthy.He thinks it has too much fat, sugar and (9) _It can make people get (10) _ easily.It costs too much.九、短文填空(共1题,共10分)1.短文缺词填空,每空一词(1)Thefood that

30、British people eat is different from our Chinese food. They eat a lotof potatoes and almost eat (1) t_ every day. Theyeat bread for (2) b_ and usually for one other meal. They eat their bread (3)w_ butter (黄油), cheese or jam (果酱). Cheese and butter are made from milk. Wedont eat them often in (4) C_

31、. (5) B_ people drink a lot of milk. They are alsothe worlds biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese (6) t_. But they (7) d_mostly strong black tea from India. They dont eat(8) m_rice. (9) F_ their main mealsthey like meat or fish with potatoes and oneor two vegetables. They cook all these together.

32、 After the main meal, they(10) a_ have some desserts. They dont eat dumplings in Britain.十、书面表达(共1题,共15分)1.请根据内容要点,以My lifestyle为题写一篇短文。要点如下:(1) 我是Tom,今年15岁,在阳光中学学习;(2) 我是校篮球队的一名队员,每天要花两小时练习打篮球;(3) 早餐通常在家喝杯牛奶,吃一个鸡蛋和一些面包,这些帮我为一天做好准备;(4) 中午12点,我在学校吃午饭,午饭有米饭、肉和蔬菜,午饭为整个下午提供能量;(5) 我通常和家人一起吃晚饭。我每天吃水果,但是很少吃零食,因为它们对健康不利要求:(1) 语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;(2) 词数80左右,题目已给出。My lifestyle_


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