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1、Unit 6单元过关检测 (100分)(时间:45分钟).单项选择 (15分)( )1. - _ are you going to _ when you grow up ? - I want to be a pianist. A. What, be B. What, doing C. How, be D. How, doing( )2. - How is your sister going to be a writer ? - Shes going to keep on _ stories. A .writing B. write C. writes D. writting( )3. Does

2、 Jim want _ the first one to get to the top of the mountain ? A. to B. to be C. being D .be来源:学&科&网( )4. -_ are you going to study drawing ? - Im going to an art school. A. When B. why C. Where D. What( )5. He is going to write articles and _ them to the newspapers. A. Help B. make C. bring D. send(

3、 )6. -Im going to learn the piano when I retire. - That sounds _ a good idea. A. like B. as C. about D. ( )7. Mr. Fat is very _ . He can buy himself a lot of expensive things . A. poor B. busy C. fat D. rich( )8. -_ ? - Hes a farmer.A. Whats your father doing B. What does your father doC. Where is y

4、our father D. Whats your father going to be( )9.-Do your parents want you to be a doctor ? - Im not sure _ it .A.to B.with C.about D. for( )10.- Are you going to have a picnic _.-I hope so. A. every Sunday B. next Sunday C. last Sunday D. on Sundays( )11. There is going to _ a talent show on Friday.

5、A. is B. be C. have D. has( )12. Jack wants to watch _ because they can help him to learn what is happening in the world. A. game shows B. talent shows C. sports shows D. the news.( )13. The soldiers are always ready _ their best to help people in need. A. to try B. trying C. try D. for try( )14. If

6、 you watch TV , you can know _ in the world. A. what happen B. what is happen C. what is happening D. what was happened( )15. At the _ the year , we can write _ our resolution. A. beginning, down B. beginning of ,down C. begin, of D. begin , aboutII. 完形填空 (10分) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出

7、可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分) When Mr. Hunt woke up in the morning, he felt his bedroom was very bright. He thought he 1to turn off the light again. He sat up and tried to do that. And now he2it was the sunlight. Mrs. Hunt went to see their daughter in the city two days ago. She cooked some food for him3sh

8、e left. But Mr. Hunt hoped to have breakfast in a restaurant near the park. And then he could walk4 the lake. He put on his clothes and went out. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and the5was fresh (清新的) . But people were busy and he could see only some old people and children. He went in the

9、restaurant and sat down at a table, waiting for the6. “Hi, Peter !” someone called him and he saw it was his7Richard. “Hi, Richard. Glad to meet you here.”“Glad to meet you, too,” said Richard. “Im sorry, but I8 my wallet at home. So could you lend fifty dollars to me, please?” “Sure, but I have onl

10、y twenty five dollars in my9.” “It doesnt matter ,” said Richard , “ then youll owe(欠) me twenty-five dollars and Ill owe you10 dollars , too. Thatll be fair (公平的) .”( )1. A. knew B. hoped C. forgot D. liked( )2. A. guessed B. found C. said D. told( )3. A. before B. after C. when D. because( )4. A.

11、in B. on C. under D. around( )5. A. fruit B. cloud C. air D. water( )6. A. money B. glass C. answer D. menu( )7. A. friend B. worker C. driver D. waiter( )8. A. took B. put C. forgot D. left( )9. A. shoes B. pocket C. shirt D. hand( )10. A. fifteen B. twenty C. twenty-five D. thirtyV. 词汇运用(10分)(I)根据

12、句意和汉语提示写出单词。(5分)1. Jack is going to_(练习basketball every.2. We are going to _(改善)our lives.3. Whats the _ (关系) between the man and the woman?4.she is a famous _.(小提琴手)5. After an hour of _(讨论) , they work out the problem at last. (II)用括号中单词的适当形式填空(5分) Im sixteen now and Im studying in a high school.

13、I_ (finish) high school in two years, and then Im going to a college for four years. I _ (study ) language because after college Im going to work as a language teacher. While at college, Im also going to take a computer lesson because Im going to use computer in my work. Also, Im going to play sport

14、s _ (keep) healthy at college.I really enjoy _(travel),so before going to work, Im going to travel. To spend money to travel, Im going to save my money for six months, and Im going to visit Egypt. Im going to see the Pyramids (金字塔) and ride a camel (骆驼) . Of course, Im going to take a lot of_ (photo

15、) on my trip so that I can remember it.VI.按要求完成句子。(6分)1. He wants to become a pilot. (用 be going to 改写) He_ _ _ become a pilot.来源:Zxxk.Com2.He is going to write storieswhen he finishes the school.(对划线部分提问)_ _he _ _ write stories?3. Im going to send Jim something beautiful stamps.(同义句)Im going to _ s

16、ome beautiful stamps_ Jim.4. The question is so difficult that we cant answer it. (改同义句) The question is _difficult for us _ _.VII.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(9分)1.“你长大后打算做什么?” “我想当一名飞行员。-What are you _ _ _ when you _ _? -I want to be _ _.2. 一些女孩打算多锻炼来保持健康。Some girls are going to exercise more _ _ _.3. 萨姆想成为一

17、名赛车手并打算明年买一辆跑车。Sam _ _ _a race car driver and he is going _ _ a fast car next year.4. 我肯定把它们寄给杂志社和报社。I_ _ to_ them to magazines and newspapers.VIII.任务型阅读(5分)阅读下面文章,完成下列题目。Hello, everyone! My name is Wang Fei!This year is over. To welcome the new year, I make my New Years resolutions. Let me tell you

18、 about it. In the new year, I will do sports every day to make my body strong. I will work hard at my subjects, such as English, Chinese and so on. I want to improve these subjects to make my teachers happy. Then my teachers will be proud of me. My hobby is gardening, I will organize a gardening clu

19、b in my school. Thats so great. I am going to help my classmates with their lessons. I will be nice to everyone. I will help my parents do some housework. They are so tired. I have confidence in myself. I want to be a very good student next year. I will celebrate an important festival- Spring Festival. I will get some money. And I will buy some stamps for my hobby. At last, Happy New Year!1. The passage tells us _Wang Fei will do every day in the new year and _she wants to improve his subjects.2. Wang Feis hobby is_.3. What will Wang Fei celebrate ?(回答问题)_.4.请用一句话概括文章大意。(单词数不超过15个)_


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