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1、青少版新概念英语入门级A 测试卷(期中)班级 _ 姓名:_ 成绩:_ 卷面分:3分Listen Test(26分)一、 Listen and tick。(2x9=18分) a nose( ) a apple( ) a pig ( ) a orange( )a egg( ) an nose( )an apple( ) an pig( ) an orange( )an egg( )a jelly ( ) a hat( ) a insect( ) a kite( ) a girl ( )an jelly( )a hat ( ) an insect( ) an kite( ) an girl ( )二

2、、 Listen and number.(2x4=8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Written Test(64分)三、按正确格式书写26个英文字母大小写。I J L T Yt y i j lW M K N Xm n w x kW M K N X四、 连线。(第1题1x10=10分,第2题1x6=6分)1)2) pig dog panda zebra catmonkey五 、 把错误的用标出来。(2x10=20分)1、 a an monkey 2、a an zebra 3、a an panda 4、a an fish5、a an boy 6、a an umbrella7、a an do

3、g 8、a an mouth9、a an table 10、a an leg六、读一读,涂上正确的颜色。(2x6=12分)(一a red pig a yellow dog a red applea green hat a blue fish a yellow ball 七、看图片,圈出正确的单词。(1x8=8分)1、A.dog B.cat C.insect D.pig2、A. umbrella B. violin C. mouthD.boy3、A. jelly B. kiteC. sunD. table4、A. umbrella B. violin C. mouthD.boy5、A. Yuk!

4、 B. Yummy! C. Oops! D. Hello!6、A. Yuk! B. Yummy! C. Oops! D. Hello!7、 A.Ha!Ha! B. Yuk! C. Thank you! D. Hello!8、 A. Yuk! B. Yummy! C. Oops! D. Hello!十、读一读,正确写“yes”,不一致的写“no”.(1.5x6=9分)1、Look at the girl! 2、 Its a cat. 3、Happy birthday! _ _ _ 4、This is an apple. 5、It is a umbrella. 6、Oh! The sun! _ _

5、 _ 十一、根据所学内容,将正确的选项填入括号中。( 10分 )1、 -Hello! -( )A. Hello B.Hi C.How2、 ( )are you?A. Hello B.Hi C.How old3、 -Good morning. -Good( ).A.morning B.evening C.afternoon4、 This is my brother.( )A. 这是我的爸爸 B.这是我的姐姐 C.这是我的哥哥5、 ( )your name?A.when B.what is C.what6、Whats your name? - .A、He is a dancer. B、Im Robert . C、She is Flora.7、How old are you?- .A、He is a doctor. B、Im nine . C、She is eight.8、Is it a rabbit? - , It is a dog.A、yes, it is B、No, he is C、No, it isnt.9、What is it? - .A、This is a mouse. B、It is a frog . C、Thats a parrot.10、Whats name? - My name is Robert.A、my. B、she . C、your


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