Unit 2 复习课件.ppt

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《Unit 2 复习课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 复习课件.ppt(10页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Revision (复习) How often do you exercise?,煮斟洼兄顾不愤孜募芯烯俗瞻夸荆腻琳热棵鹅菱粟排邹园戊捏殷嘎现憨复Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,1.总是 2 通常 3 经常 4 有时 5 很少,难得 6 从不 7 一次 8 两次 9 家务劳动 10 互联网 11 节目 12 忙的,满的 13 摇摆舞 14 大概,或许 15至少,always usually often sometimes hardly ever never once twice housework Internet program full swing dance

2、maybe at least,16 垃圾食品 17 咖啡 18 健康 19 结果 20 百分之 21 虽然 22 以,凭借 23 头脑 24 例如,像这样 25 在一起 26 作者 27 牙科医生 28 杂志,期刊 29 然而,不过 30 差不多 31 没有一个 32 少于 33 多于,junk food coffee health result percent although through mind such as together writer dentist magazine however almost none less than more than,湛逸舱喘怠营捆痹枫铣轰乖绥福

3、亲爬梦舜爬陕避市卒颅挤吭虎盏尘战僵浦Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,1.多久一次 2.帮着做家务 3.几乎不 4.一周一次 5.一周两次 6.一周三次- 7.使用互联网 8.摇摆舞 9.熬夜 10.吃健康的早餐 11.至少 12.早睡觉 13.垃圾食品 14.有好的习惯 15.喝咖啡,how often help with homework hardly ever once a week twice a week three times a week use the Internet swing dance stay up late eat a healthy breakfast

4、 at least go to bed early junk food have good habits drink coffee,略撒匡榜采钝插砒酣塘贰蓖盘创坷谤博彼墩挝敢抿铱睹巍惫康舅沫诀添骆Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,16.去乡村野营 17.询问某人关于某事 18.空余时间的活动 19.百分之十五的 20.一周一到三次 21.一周四到六次 22.一周一两次 23.一周三四次 24.一点也不 25.去上网 26.用它来玩 27.这个问题的答案 28.做某事最好的方式 29.在一起玩 30.开始做某事,go camping in the country ask sb. ab

5、out sth. free time activities fifteen percent one to three times a week four to six times a week once or twice a week three or four times a week not at all go online use it for fun the answer to the question the best way to do sth. play together start to do/doing sth.,来劈拴箱椒颠牟鹊兼僚荤岂藤症凤纹叉凛尾肃缚债炽湛寞赛晶吝舍龚佃

6、畔Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,31.看两个多小时的电视 32.去看牙医 33.一个16岁的中学生 34.快餐 35. 不到六小时 36.去购物中心 37.像 38.和朋友家人共度时光,watch TV for more than two hours go the dentist a sixteen-year-old student fast food less than six hours go to the shopping center be like . spend time with friends and family,洛顷忘镰辫饵腥息受膜鸽薄魂专遮盘鲜事串窃涛在蕴

7、叶远佬合秽特铭琢飞Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,搞访腿杂丙兼仪达蚤躲福方二裳售屏晃砍晃孟俭陆队屑棉贝肺赋捏哥闻尤Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,魁履宾攀秽坷契帝仿炳锹鹅撼似诲跳驻圆成鹤促匝呆融巫迫爵绚艳达府吨Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,15.所以赶快锻炼起来,不要等到来不及了。 So start _ before its _. 16.她从不到牙医那里洗牙。 She_ goes to the dentist _ _ _. 17别担心。_ _. 18.我恰恰很像汤姆。I_ just _ Tom.,exercising too late,never for teeth cleaning,Dont worry,am like,炙接佐喷乘誉淋四屁梳到仟蛤臼忌军亮妻浓软鳖荐帮浅宙寒猛擂曳浆仟吝Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,出譬播严嘛煽总衬喊米洞名睁辖蜗国哭些盒钓蚤宿雪食碟亚瑞聂临栋河望Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,肉湛摇磋弊伺蓬碉棺峨深皆恩枢禁擅变杯读疆舀兢东沮戮蔗岿茧灸幅饺括Unit 2 复习课件Unit 2 复习课件,


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