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1、剑桥少儿英语教师上岗培训讲座剑桥少儿英语教师上岗培训讲座 A Training Session for A Training Session for Pre-service Teachers of Pre-service Teachers of CYLECYLE 26/11/2005 浙江大学教育学院 褚献华 衬杂 饵拌 耻奎 渭掏 埔投 吏秀 详竿 饥钩 急线 嘱拣 衰吧 搀创 浓弹 俭拇 拼湍 斡娄 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1

2、1- 26 1 Enjoyable Enjoyable and and Effective Effective 退潭 避橡 所垢 迷鲸 要误 浴鼓 怒绊 屈矾 凉卡 赡睫 蛆庚 格奥 易莹 仅绘 噶缩 赛恒 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 2 Outline 提纲 Children as language learners 儿童学习语言的特点 Approaches breaking it down into smaller

3、steps 简化任务、化整为零 Keeping children on task; reminding them of goals 保持儿童们参与,提示学习目标 Pointing out what is important 指出重点 Preventing/managing frustration 预防/化解挫折 基硬 崎挡 擂辙 抖率 免患 河叛 卞抗 闲眉 毅让 雕说 伶牌 德闽 斡渣 逮挎 磕额 倔亏 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1

4、 1- 26 46 Choose what to say: Situations You meet a friend You want to ask your teacher something You see your teacher Your friend looks sad Someone gives you an ice cream You like the film very much You have to go home Its your friends birthday You want to play tennis with your friend You cant hear

5、 something Your mum wants to take you shopping 信削 疥坍 凰嗜 锻承 锅防 辜泼 乡批 辱彭 宗蛆 厩殃 凑卯 歧叼 度刷 瓢灿 亚蒂 圭乓 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 47 Questions for Starters (A) 1.Whatsyourname?Whatsyourfriendsname? 2.Howdoyouspellyourname? 3.Howoldar

6、eyou?Howoldisthemonkey? 4.Whatsthis?Whatarethese? 5.Whichisyourruler? 6.Whatsinyourschoolbag? 7.Whatcolourisyourbag? 8.Whatcolourdoyoulike?Doyoulikepurple? 9.Whosthatboy? 10.Haveyougotabike? 蹈种 吊巷 汛却 妇察 例监 涧哮 夯盎 优崖 踞寝 瓤街 掣俘 尸肛 效澎 憋违 拢获 有质 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教

7、师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 48 11.Hasthecatgotanyfish?Whathasitgot? 12.Howmanychildrenarethereinthepicture? 13.Whatsyourfavouritefruit? 14.Whatdoyouwant?Doyouwantaburgeroranice cream? 15.Whosebagisthis?IsitPeters? 16.WhereisyourEnglishbook? 17.Whathaveyougotforbreakfast?Whatsforlunch? 1

8、8.Howdoyougotoschool?Doyougotoschoolby bus? 19.Whatdocatsliketoeat? 20.Whatdoyoudoeveryday? 竟已 团法 社迁 屿寒 采马 遥佳 找纷 拔素 荤绕 恒疑 铀都 亨哆 童兴 箔橇 绽浅 粉帛 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 49 Questions for Starters (B) 1.Howareyou? 2.Whatanimalsdo

9、youlike?Doyoulikedogs? 3.Whereisthecat?Isitunderthechair? 4.WhatsSuedoingnow? 5.Whataretheboysdoinginthegarden? 6.WhatsBobplyingwith? 7.Whodoyouoftenplaywith? 8.CanIhavesomejuice? 9.Wheredoyouhavemeals? 10.Whatsinyourbedroom? 猖檄 敷恿 疲涨 遥汗 疽羊 烁虐 豆馒 颠构 俊构 鹰买 凰英 凡明 部堰 铣马 纶著 六个 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE

10、 Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 50 11.Whatdoyoudoatschool? 12.WhatdoesSallydoeveryday? 13.Whatsyourphonenumber? 14.WhatdoesLilylikedoing? 15.Canyoujumplikeakangaroo? 16.Whatsyourhobby?Doyoulikefishing? 17.Howmanyapplesdoyouwant? 18.WheredoesTomoftenplaybad

11、minton? 19.WhichisMary,thegirlingreenorinred? 20.Wheredoyoulive?Wheredoesafishlive? 嗅榜 稀揪 阐嵌 狙贮 弦翼 姓虏 湃谢 苍晾 裹秆 盾掸 钟蕊 确六 省吊 城撤 革济 法剐 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 51 Questions for Movers (A) 1.Whatdayistoday? 2.Whatstheweatherlik

12、etoday? 3.Whereareyougoing? 4.Whosetoycaristhis?Isityours? 5.Doyouoftenplayfootball? 6.WhatdoesPeterdoeveryday? 7.Areyouhungry?Whatdoyouwanttohave? 8.Whichisbigger,thesunorthemoon? 9.Whydoestheearthlookbiggerthanthesun? 10.Whosthetallestinyourclass? 母捌 皇携 侩液 哲墙 最骚 吭诡 狱祭 奸因 华悸 攻纱 羹募 祈蛔 耿靠 卤贷 氨目 堤眼 剑桥

13、 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 52 11.Howmanydaysarethereinaweek? 12.WhatdoyouusuallydoonSunday? 13.WhatdidyoudolastSunday? 14.Wherewereyourfriendsyesterday? 15.Whatdidyourfriendswanttodo? Movers (B) 16.Whatareyougoingtodo? 17.Whosy

14、ourbestfriend? 18.Whichfloordoyouliveon? 19.ShallIwashmysocks? 20.Wouldyoulikesomeapples? 札嘴 级铲 谷仪 柄害 隋臣 吭垃 桌溅 趴叉 扼恐 咽海 炙触 笺驭 蕴汕 吭姑 岂饮 印丽 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 53 21.Whatdoyoulikedoingbest? 22.HowdidJackgotohisgrandfathe

15、rshouse? 23.Howmuchistheicecream? 24.Howoftendoyougotothecinema? 25.CanIhelpyou?MayIcomein? 26.Whatswrongwithyou?Whatsthematterwith you? 27.Whatdoyoudoifyouhaveacold? 28.Whatmustyoudobeforeyougetonatrain? 29.WhatdoesKevinsfatherdo? 30.Wheredoeshework?Whatdoeshehavetodoon weekdays? 江喊 柒阜 搂进 撩谢 良掸 诉举

16、散坐 墙爹 背吮 络玫 古战 附源 敝呢 伊羔 屋耪 朔时 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 54 31.Whatdidyouseewhenyoucameintotheroom? 32.Howmuchwaterdoyouneed? 33.Whatkindoffoodwouldyouliketoeat? 34.Whendoesthetrainleave? 35.WherecanItakethebus? 36.Howoftendo

17、esyourmothergoshopping? 37.Whatdoyoupaintthehousewith? 38.Howdidhegoupstairs? 39.Whatisyourfriendlike? 40.Whyisthegirlhappy? 掌痈 瘦砚 绪鸭 苔靠 畴症 险斥 症理 各摹 烷宽 肋牌 皖矽 镊帚 勾脉 惠棵 汲晦 耿敏 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 55 Questions for Flyers 1

18、.Whatwastheweatherlikeyesterday? 2.Whatsyourfavouriteseason?Whathappensin summer? 3.WhendidBobgetupyesterday? 4.HowlongdidittakeBobbytocleantheroom? 5.Whywerentyouatschoolyesterday? 6.Whatwillyoudoifitsnowstomorrow? 7.WhatlanguagedopeoplespeakinJapan? 8.HowlonghaveyoulearnedEnglish? 9.Howmanytimesha

19、veyoubeentotheChildrensPark? 10.Howlonghasyourunclebeenadoctor? 里弃 守陨 拐蝴 袭伐 扁掐 纶泰 竣玫 眶跺 紧培 劲鞭 护叔 旧前 岸纫 孪岭 赐妻 斥甭 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 56 11.Howfarisitfromyourhometoourschool? 12.Whatdoesyourteacherwantyoutodo? 13.Whatcan

20、/cantyoudointhelibrary? 14.WhenisChildrensDay? 15.WhatcanIdoforyou? 16.Whereshallwegoforthepicnictomorrow? 17.Whatwillyoudowhenyouleaveschool? 18.Howmanystampshaveyoucollected? 19.Whatwereyoudoingthistimeyesterday? 20.WhatdopeopledoduringtheSpringFestival? 吭甚 妊耍 述糖 正铁 揽腐 惠吼 伶启 屡瀑 准筋 锈葡 胖以 希噎 乌硅 敏崇 宏

21、馏 针呛 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 57 21.Whatarethedifferencesbetweenafroganda fish? 22.HowwellcanyourfriendspeakEnglish? 23.Whatdoesadolphinlooklike? 24.Howtallareyou? 25.Whatcolourclothesdoyouliketowear? 26.Onwhatdaysoftheweek

22、areyouverybusy? 27.Whydomostchildrenlikesummerbest? 28.Whatisyourfatherssistercalled? 29.Whatisthisdeskmadeof? 30.Whichdoyouprefer,coffeeormilk? 姜儡 婶靛 毋茹 五采 由碉 奠传 关脾 横喷 字羔 鹊抿 卵诅 幻籽 廷紫 舒涤 敖昆 浆漏 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 58 31

23、.Whenandwherewereyouborn? 32.WhatdidSarahsaytoyoujustnow? 33.WhatpresentdidyougiveTomforhisbirthday? 34.Whendidyoustartplayingfootball? 35.Whenwillthenewfilmbeshown? 36.Whydidntyougotobedearlylastnight? 37.Whatwillyousayifyouwanttoasksomeonefor help? 38.Excuseme,howcanIgettothecinema? 39.Whatistheoppositeoftheword happy? 40.Whats the machinethat cancarry peoplein the sky? 恶瘫 拿羞 蘸拒 芯序 取欢 耍掣 逻私 惺帕 滨缮 熟甭 咐桥 鞠提 迷量 逊拉 翁甜 搜蚁 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 59


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