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1、2014年TEM 4大作文讲评,By Hillary Sun,常见问题,1.关于标题的问题:如果题目给了题目,就照抄标题,包括标点符号。如果题目没有给题目,而明确要求你提供一个标题,则一定要给标题,否则扣1-2分。 2. 关于transitional words/phrases的用法。 3.小的语言语法错误仍旧较多,包括一些反反复复出现的错误: 代词/名词的单复数在篇章应保持一致(we, as English majors,); 主谓一致;名词单复数;可数与不可数名词;时态;固定搭配;用词的准确性; 单词拼写错误等等。,4.易拼写错的单词: mathematics/maths (Br.E)/m

2、ath(Am.E)(都不需大写) future, spread-spread-spread, contentedly(adv.), content(adj.)/contented(adj.), definitely, true, maximize/minimize, be worth doing sth./be worthy of sth./be worthwhile to do sth.; crucial complain about sth/complain that/ complaint(n.) solve/solution; various/varied/vary(vi.)/varie

3、ty(n.)/a large variety of; all-round/versatile(多才多艺的); absorb, amount, unnecessary/necessity, standard, indispensable/dispensable; rather than+动词原形 basic/basis/basically, resonance, furthermore, impatient,undergraduate/graduate, calculating, conspicuous, exception, blonde/blond, analyse/analyze/anal

4、ysis(n.), above, beneficial to, be concentrated on, focus on, pay attention to+ doing, put/place emphasis on, contribute to+doing, be interested in (doing) sth, smoothly, emphasize(vt.), broad hairU,SHOULD ENGLISH MAJORS STUDY MATHS?,By Sophia Zhong,A vital percentage of English majors may proclaim

5、that they dont need to have maths classes for the reason that math has little use to them. Nevertheless, I insist that maths is a crucial instrument to English majors which should be placed more importance on.,As an English major, I think English and maths play definitely different roles in our stud

6、y. English learning contributes to cultivating our imagination while subjects like maths enable us to better cope with practical problems in our life. Whats more, under the suffocating pressure of job hunting, I dont think only grasping English learning skills is a passport to a decent job. Therefor

7、e, learning subjects like maths in college makes us accessible to various working sectors when we graduate. Last but not least, as college students, we are not supposed to be so short-sighted. Learning maths should never be a compulsory task for the purpose of examination. Instead, it is a good meth

8、od for us to cultivate overall ability.,All in all, theres no doubt that English majors should study maths in order that they can equip themselves with different kinds of knowledge and be better persons. (197 words),SHOULD ENGLISH MAJORS STUDY MATHS?,By 陈晓文,It has been widely argued that whether Eng

9、lish majors should study maths. For those who are against this, they complain that they will forget all the maths lessons after the exams and moreover maths is of little use to language majors. However, in my point of view, maths is of great significance and therefore all English majors should study

10、 it.,First and foremost, studying maths helps us solve the problems in real life. Without maths, our life would be in a mess and out of logic. By taking the mandatory math classes in university, we are able to calculate and measure all kinds of things. In addition to that, maths is such an abstract

11、subject that will make us figure out things from different angles. It is known to us that learning maths more or less develop our ways of thinking. When dealing with a lot of mathematical problems, we are likely to react more quickly and think more logically. Last but not least, if we English majors

12、 learn more about maths, our career path in the near future will be more or less broader than those who do,not. In todays competitive job market, it is necessary and essential for language majors to master one or two other majors, including maths.,In conclusion, maths has a great influence on Englis

13、h majors, which no one can deny. It is short-sighted to kick maths lessons out of English majors classrooms. Therefore, universities are supposed to design proper maths lessons for English majors. (256 words),SHOULD ENGLISH MAJORS STUDY MATHS?,By 陈敏婷,Recently, there is a heated debate about the topi

14、c that whether English majors should study maths. While some people hold negative attitudes, who argue that a language major has little use for maths, many other people are in favor of it, including me.,First and foremost, the process of learning maths cultivates us a rational way of thinking. It te

15、aches us how to quickly distinguish between right and wrong. Besides, our logic thinking will be enhanced during this kind of learning process. In addition, maths, indisputably, plays an indispensable role in our daily life. Without maths and numbers, no one could live in the society conveniently an

16、d contentedly. Owing to maths, we can shop shrewdly, buy insurance effectively and balance our budget. Without doubt, maths is a useful and helpful tool in our life. Last but not least, although studying maths is a tough process, it can foster us to be persistent and determined. Inevitably,we may me

17、et countless challenges and difficulties when we are sailing in the sea of maths. However, it encourages and urges us to keep forward, struggling with storms and tough winds.,In a word, it is really essential to learn maths, of course, no exception to English majors. Perceptibly, it not only does go

18、od to our daily life, but also our thinking patterns as well as our character. (228 words),SHOULD ENGLISH MAJORS STUDY MATHS?,By Cindy,Important as maths is, it is taken as a compulsory course by many majors including English. Nevertheless, maths classes are viewed as unnecessary for the English maj

19、ors. An undergraduate of English even wrote a letter to the universitys president to complain about the compulsory maths classes because of its little use for language learners. I am quite agreeable to his opinion with the following reasons.,First of all, most English majors have talent in language

20、learning instead of maths or science subjects. Learning the mandatory maths can cost much time for them because of the required exam. As a resutl, it will affect their English academic performance. Whats more, as has been mentioned in the letter, maths is less useful in learning a language. Actually

21、, we rarely use maths to do the readings, listening, or writing since there is no direct connection among them. Last but not least, the mandatory maths is usually difficult for students. Those from other majors, for example, internet or science, may fail in the maths exams, not to mention the Englis

22、h majors.,Thus, I strongly support the opinion that we English majors should not learn maths. We may need to know about the history of western maths as its a part of English culture, but never to study it deeply because it would be time-consuming and unworthy. (227 words),NOTE-WRITING,April 10th, 20

23、15 Dear Lily, My former schoolmate, Tom, is coming to meet me this afternoon, but I have to take an exam and have no time to pick him up. Would you please help meet him at the railway station? He is of medium height and wears a read shirt. I will send his photo to you later. Thanks. Your sincerely,

24、Anne (63 words),April 18th, 2015 Dear Lily, Im writing to ask you to do me a favor. As I have to take an exam, I do not have time to meet my former schoolmate at the railway station this afternoon. Would you please help me to meet her? She is a tall girl with long black hair. I would be very thankfu

25、l if you could help me. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Jessie (72 words),April 18th, 2015 Dear Lily, Could you please help me to meet my former schoolmate at the railway station? I am taking an exam and cannot do this myself. He will arrive at the station at 1 oclock, wearing black T-shirt an

26、d brown glasses. If you cannot recognize him, call him at 1881947011. Thank you very much about that. Yours, Cindy (61 words),最后3天我们能够做什么?,1.继续听力听写,尤其是真题的听写,保持听力的状态。 2.复习真题中的语法与词汇;复习语法知识点;复习语法专有词汇。 3.复习平时整理的错题集。 4.复习和整理自己作文中的常见错误,包括单词拼写错误。 5.对于完型、阅读,整理自己在做题时常常出现的问题。同时,针对自己的弱项,可以适当做一点题。 专四,更多的是考我们的实力

27、,同时考试当天当天状态也很重要。所以,在最后三天里,早睡早起,养成良好的作息习惯!,此外,考试当天需8:00到考场(不要超过8:05分)。为什么要早去?早去干什么?早去可以调整心情,可以试音,可以有时间去厕所,可以签名况且,监考老师一般8:00就到了考场。8:20准时发卷和答题纸一(听写)和答题卡二(客观题,共100题)。(作文答题纸三在写作文之前5分钟发)。 1、考试时手机需关闭,带手表或闹钟去考场; 2、带2B铅笔和橡皮(请削好铅笔,为保险起见,建议带2只2B铅笔去。同时,要提前买好,以免断货) 3、带耳机,而且带到教室之前一定要确保质量完好! 4、为了避免影响时间,建议早餐头一天准备好。建议西式早餐。,考试时需注意: 1、听力听写保持专注,这个平时训练时就要注意。事实上,整个考试都需保持高度的专注! 2、不要因为听力或听写的稍微难一点就影响了心情和下面的答题情况。考试远没有结束!不要轻易放弃! 3、客观题答题的整体原则:先易后难。尤其是阅读理解,若Text one太难,就先做后面的3篇,最后再回头做前面的。对于太难的题目,做上记号,先凭第一感觉选,不能不选,否则在填涂答题卡时易出现全盘填错的情况。 Good luck to all of us!,


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