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1、Text A Exercises,Reading Aloud,Understanding the Text,Reading Analysis,Vocabulary,Structure,Translation,TA-main,Read the following paragraph until you have learned them by heart.,If you want something, say it. “I want help,” “I want to borrow a hundred dollars,” “I want you to stop hassling me.” If

2、you want to date somebody, tell her. You say, “You are the most fascinating person at this whole party. I would like to take you out. What do you say?” Kids get what they want because they ask for it. It is part of their charm. When we are honest like children, people find us more charming too. Also

3、, if you dont know something, be honest about it. It is so exasperating listening to teachers, colleagues, parents, and other “experts” who pretend to have all the answers. People always respect the person who is able to say, “I dont know.”,Read the following,Reading Aloud,Answer the following quest

4、ions.,Understandling-Answer,1. What does the author think Mary should do? 2. Why should people be honest according to the author? 3. Instead of being honest when they make mistakeswhat do people do? 4. What will happen to you if you are honest with people? 5. What is strange about the authors friend

5、 who came to see him recently? 6. How can we get what we want? 7. How do you show respect both to others and to yourself?,Understanding the Text,Topics for Discussion.,Do you agree that honesty pays off? Are there any situations in which you have to lie? If one of your good friends were to cheat on

6、one examination, would you be honest and report it to the teacher? Why or why not?,Topics-1,Read text-1,Part Topic Paragraph Main Idea,Read Text A again and complete the following table.,Honesty makes .,Honesty,_,things simple,_,1-5,When people have problems, can be the easiest solution.,being hones

7、t,_,Peoples attitude towards honesty,6-7,If you , they will appreciate you more.,are honest with people,_,Say .,what you want,_,8-11,When you want something, youd better and say it .,be honest,_,directly,_,The summary,_,12,pays off.,Reading Analysis,Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Cha

8、nge the forms where necessary.,Vocabulary-Fill in1-1,admire alternative common expert length meanwhile proposal rent social solution,We made a(n) to build a new shopping center, but to our disappointment it was rejected. 2. “The for the house is $250 per month, but I dont have to pay for food,” the

9、young woman told her mother quite happily. 3. The school organized many activities for the visiting students. 4. “Our garden is very small. Its no more than 12 metres in ,” Mr. Smith told his visitor. 5. The government has to say that there are no easy to the problems in this country.,proposal,_,ren

10、t,_,social,_,length,_,solutions,_,Vocabulary,Vocabulary-Fill in1-2,We can take a boat to Florida or, as an , we can fly there. He shouldnt have risked his life just to save a cat but you have to his courage. Here we are, sitting around arguing about politics. the fighting goes on and people are gett

11、ing killed. We are honored to have Professor Hawking with us today. He is one of the worlds leading on physics. They disagreed on many issues, but found some ground in their concern for poor children.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,Meanwhile,_,common,_,admire,_,experts,_,alternative,_,admire alternative common exp

12、ert length meanwhile proposal rent social solution,Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.,Vocabulary-Fill in2-1,give it to sb. straight go to great lengths to do sth. hang around have in common in a nutshell instead of pay off tell it like it is,Shes s

13、o afraid of her uncle that she to avoid him. They two things they are both English and they are both left-handed. , the situation is that sales have fallen and we have to sell the company. At least Roz always so you know what shes thinking.,1.,2.,3.,4.,gives it to you straight,_,In a nutshell,_,goes

14、 to great lengths,_,Vocabulary-Fill in2-2,He had spent several weeks the club (俱乐部) making friends with the rest of the group. He worked very hard during the first two years in college; all that hard work when he came out top of his class. His work is not very good, so when you see him, . Dont be af

15、raid that he may be angry. Why dont you help me with the housework sitting and watching TV all day long?,5.,6.,7.,8.,hanging around,_,paid off,_,instead of,_,tell it like it is,_,give it to sb. straight go to great lengths to do sth. hang around have in common in a nutshell instead of pay off tell i

16、t like it is,Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English.,Structure-complete1-1,Model:,Its not that humanity will love you more if you dont tell lies, but that honesty, with tact, is the easiest solution.,1. Its not that shes really angry,but that shes very t

17、ired,Its not that the house is too expensive,2.,but that it is not big enough,_ .,_.,(而是她很累),(而是它不够大),Its not that they asked too many questions,3.,but that they were extremely rude,_.,(而是他们极其粗鲁),Structure,Structure-complete1-1,but that they worry too much in the process.,4.,Its not that they cannot

18、 do it well,_,(不是他们做不好这个工作),but that I have promised never to tell it to,5.,Its not that I dont trust you,_,anybody else. (不是我不信任你),but that hes too young. (不是他不够聪明),6.,Its not that hes not intelligent,_,Study the following example and then translate each of the following sentences into English.,Str

19、ucture-complete2-1,Model:,如果他说:“我丢了工作,我需要工作,”我本可以帮他。 Had he said, “I lost my job and I need some work,” I could have helped him.,假如他处在你的地位,他可能也会这样做的。,1.,Had he been in your position, hed probably have done the same.,_,如果你当时提醒了我,我可能就不会忘了。,2.,Had you reminded me, I might not have forgotten.,_,Structur

20、e-complete2-1,如果我们赶上了10点钟的火车,我们本来午餐时间就会到了。,4.,Had we caught the 10 oclock train, we would have got there by lunch time.,_,如果他这学期努力的话,他本可以通过考试的。,5.,Had he worked hard this term, he could have passed the examination.,_,如果我们听从了他的建议,可能就避免了这场灾难。,3.,Had we followed his advice, we might have avoided the di

21、saster.,_,TL1,Translate the following sentences into English.,1.这两个毫无共同之处的人成了朋友。这倒不是因为他们从一开始就互相喜欢,而 是因为他们曾在一起工作、互相帮助过。,The two, who have nothing in common, have actually become friends. Its not that they liked each other from the very beginning, but that they have worked together and helped each oth

22、er.,在阅读中碰到生词时,查词典是一种解决办法,还有一个办法是根据上下文(context)猜测单词的意思。,2.,When you meet new words while reading, looking up the words in the dictionaries is one solution. Another alternative is to guess the meaning from context.,_ _ _,_ _ _,Translation,TL2,与其不辞辛苦地在书里翻找,你还不如上网(the Internet)去查。,Instead of going to gr

23、eat lengths to check in books, youd better search on the Internet.,如果他实话实说,就不会有今天这样的尴尬场面了。,4.,Had he told the truth, he wouldnt have been in such an embarrassing situation.,5. 他的老板拒绝给他涨工资,并同时向公司提议解聘他。,His boss refused to raise his pay. Meanwhile he proposed to the company that they fire him.,_ _,_ _

24、,_ _,3.,6. 简而言之,你的努力一定会得到回报的。,In a nutshell, your effort will pay off.,_,GR1,Grammar Review,非真实性条件句(The Subjunctive Mood),虚拟语气是一种动词形式,表示说话人的愿望、假设、怀疑、猜测、建议等。虚拟语气所表示的含义不是客观存在的事实。在非真实性条件句中,假设的条件与事实相反,或实现的可能性很小,或讲话人主观上对此表示怀疑,谓语动词使用虚拟语气。,构 成 说 明,例 句,表示与现在事实相反,if 从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,主句的谓语动词用should, would, could

25、, might 等加动词原形。,1.,表示与过去事实相反,if 从句的谓语动词用过去完成时,主句的谓语动词用should, would, could, might 等加动词完成时。,2.,If I knew her number, I would telephone her. 我要是知道她的电话号码,就会打电话给她了。 I wouldnt buy the book if I were you. 我要是你的话,就不买这本书。,If I had been without you, I should never have got a ticket. 要是没有你,我决不会弄到一张票的。 If I ha

26、d known how difficult the job was, I wouldnt have taken it. 我当时要是知道这项工作有多么困难,我就不会接受它了。,GR2,构 成 说 明,例 句,表示与将来事实相反,if从句的谓语动词用were to V,主句的谓语动词用would等加动词原形。,3.,从句中的情况与过去的事实相反,主句中的情况与现在事实相反时,if 从句的谓语动词用过去完成时, 主句的谓语动词用should, would, could, might 等加动词原形;从句中的情况与现在事实相反,主句中的情况与过去的事实相反时,if从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,主句的谓语动

27、词用should, would, could, might 等加动词完成时。,4.,If she were to try harder, she would pass the examination. 如果她再努力些,她会通过考试的。 If the police were to catch him, hed spend at least seven years in prison. 如果警察捉住他,他至少要蹲7年监狱。,I would have never been able to finish those two miles if I were you. 如果我是你的话,我绝不可能跑完那两英

28、里。 (从句中用过去时,表示事实与现在相反;主句用过去完成时,表示事实与过去相反。) If the doctor had been called earlier, she would still be alive today. 要是当时早一点去请医生的话,她今天仍然会活着。 (从句中用过去完成时,表示事实与过去相反;主句用过去时,表示事实与现在相反。),GR5,Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the verb given.,1. If I (be) you, I would reconsider

29、 their proposal.,were,_,2. Its good that Tom reminded me about the party. I (forget) if he hadnt mentioned it.,would have forgotten,_,3. If youd listened to me, you (not fail) the examination.,wouldnt have failed,_,4. Id have sent you a postcard while I was on holiday if I (have) your address.,had h

30、ad(d had),_,5. If his uncle (be) still alive, he would be a hundred years old today.,were / was,_,GR6,6. They might have found a better hotel if they (drive) a few more kilometers.,had driven,_,7. If you were to come tomorrow, I (have) time to see you.,might / should / would have,_,8. You (be) much

31、better now if you had taken my advice.,would be,_,9. What would you do if you (see) an injured bird?,saw,_,10. If I (speak) to him yesterday, I would know what to do now.,had spoken,_,PW1,Practical Writing,Personal Letters (2),These days, increased access to the telephone and e-mail has resulted in

32、people writing fewer letters, but people still enjoy receiving and reading letters.,Knowledge of appropriate styles of language is an important social skill and one that teachers can help students develop. If you are writing a quick note to a friend, you do not need to worry too much about using the

33、 correct format or to include your address. Given below, however, is the layout for a personal (love) letter.,Informal Style,PW2,1735 Stanton Ave. Richmond, VA 22045 May 15, 2004,My Dear Cheryl, Loving you is so easy. There are so many reasons why I love you The little things you do, the simple gest

34、ures you make, the feelings and thoughts that you share with me. I adore the way you look, the way you move, and your infectious smile. There are so many things to love about you! Do you know I love it when you daydream and you think no one is watching? Do you know I love the way your eyes sparkle w

35、hen you tell a funny story? Do you know that I love the shape of your ears? I could go on and on. Its important to me that you know that I love you and how much I love you. So whatever it is that you are doing, thinking or saying, as you go about your day know that I am there with you, loving you. M

36、uch Love, Nathan,PW3,Friendly letters do not have to be as formal or serious as business letters, since normally they will be written to people you know. It is still a good idea to keep your audience in mind, however dont use slang if you are writing to your professors or bosses, or too many formal

37、expressions if you are writing to a close friend.,For example:,Dear Fudge, Hey, how is it going in Florida? Hope youre having great weather. You wouldnt believe the snowy winter weve had! Yuk! I miss going to the park in the afternoon. So, whats new with you? Are you going to try out for any spring

38、sports? What new games did you get for your birthday? Hope you enjoyed the gift we sent you. Cant wait until we come down to visit you at spring break. Lets go to Universal Studios again. Catch you later, Scooter,PW4,Dear Uncle Adam, Thanks very much for the CD voucher you sent me for my birthday. I

39、 bought the soundtrack from “Titanic” with it, for I really loved the movie. Weve got a week-long study break in June, and Mum said I might get more work done if I came down and stayed with you. She doesnt want all my mates to keep ringing me up and asking me out. Could I come down on Saturday (the

40、8th) and stay for the week? You dont need to pick me up from the bus station. Ill get a taxi. If thats cool with you, give me a buzz this weekend and Ill tell Mum she can relax. See you soon (I hope). Luv, Teri,PW5,Keep the general points in mind when writing your letter dont include boring details

41、or no details at all. In addition to telling your news, encourage the person to reply to you by asking them some questions and showing an interest in what they are doing.,Content of friendly letters This will depend on whom you are writing to and what the purpose of your letter is. If you are writin

42、g to tell someone about the new town your family has moved to or the holiday that you have just returned from, then these events will form the main focus of your letter.,PW6,Put the following parts into proper order.,In the end we found a beautiful apartment with a balcony (阳台) and it was cheap. Unf

43、ortunately, we only had four days of our holiday left. 2. We booked some rooms in a hotel in the village, but when we arrived at the hotel, we were very disappointed. It was very old, rather dirty and we couldnt see the sea. So, we decided to change. 3. Dear Chris, 4. Love, 5. Anyway, I must go and unpack my suitcase! I will write again soon. 6. Thanks for your last letter. I am really sorry I didnt write back earlier, but I have only just got back from holiday. I went with three friends t


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