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1、大学英语Unit3,教师:冯娇娇,Text B: Is a Stress-free Life Possible?,Unit 3-Text B,Is Stress-free Life Possible?,Pra1. Many of us dream of retiring to the beaches of Hawaii and living out our days in a stress-free heaven. But have you ever talked to people who have actually retired? Many of them report that str

2、ess continues to plague them either in the form of poor health, concerns about finance, boredom or annoying neighbors at the assisted living home. Perhaps the key to a stress-free existence is not to remove the cause of the stress, but rather to improve ones response to stress.,Is a Stress-free Life

3、 Possible?,Stress-free,无压力的; Smoke-free 无烟的;禁止吸烟的; Alcohol-free 不含酒精的; Fat-free 无脂肪的;脱脂的;,live out, to continue to live in a particular way or place until you die Examples: He lived out his days alone. 他独自度过余生。 Just let me live out my life in peace and in private. 就让我一个人安安静静地度过后半辈子吧。,plague, v. to c

4、ause pain, suffering, or trouble to sb., especially for a long period of time Examples: Financial problems continued to plague the company 财政问题继续困扰着这家公司 Social problems plague these low-income communities. 社会问题困扰着这些低收入的社区,plague, n. a disease that causes death and spreads quickly to a large number o

5、f people Examples: Europe suffered many plagues in the Middle Ages. 欧洲在中世纪屡屡遭受瘟疫 A great plague was then raging in the city. 那时一场大瘟疫正在该城肆虐,boredom, n. the feeling you have when you are bored, or the quality of being boring Examples: I sit around all day and eat junk food out of boredom. 因为无聊,我一整天坐着吃

6、垃圾食品 She could no longer stand the boredom of having nothing to do. 她再也无法忍受无事可做的无聊状态了,Assisted living home,The assisted living home is designed to provide residents with assistance with basic activities of daily living such as bathing, grooming, dressing, and more. Residents have as much independenc

7、e as they want with the knowledge that personal care and support services are available if they need them. Some states also allow assisted living to offer medication assistance and/or reminders. Assisted living communities differ from nursing homes in that they dont offer complex medical services.,T,H,A,N,K,S,


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