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1、有效的小学英语课堂提问,主要内容,一、为什么要在课堂中提问? 二、什么是有效的课堂提问?提问的类型有哪些? 三、课堂提问的作用是什么? 四、小学英语课堂提问中存在的问题? 五、课堂提问的方法有哪些? 六、课堂提问的策略是什么? 七、如何培养学生的提问能力 ?,我国教育家陶行知先生曾说过,“发明千千万,起点是一问。” 爱因斯坦也说过:“提出一个问题比解决一个问题更为重要。”,一、为什么要在课堂中提问?,Discussion 课堂教学中什么时候你会提问? 你会提什么类型的问题? 请举例说明。,1. 引起学生注意,激发学习兴趣 2. 引导内容理解 3. 回忆学习内容,引导进一步思考 4. 发现问题及

2、时检查 5. 实现互动交流提高口语表达,二、什么是有效的课堂提问?,1. 提出更少的问题。 2. 提出更好的问题。 3. 提问要有一定的深度。 4. 提问要有广度。 5. 有合适的等候时间。 6. 面向适当的学生。,1. 根据问题的形式分类: a.Yes/no问题。 b.选择性问题。 c.Wh-问题。 d.How/why问题。,提问的类型有哪些?,2. 根据提问的目的与要求分类: a.引导性提问 b.强调性提问 c.巩固性提问,3. 根据英语课堂教学的顺序和环节分类: a.新课导入时的提问 b.授课过程中的提问 c.总结性提问,4. 根据答案的伸缩性分类: close/open questio

3、ns 封闭性问题/开放性问题 convergent/divergent questions 聚合性问题/发散性问题 display/referential questions 展示性问题/参考性问题,5. 根据问题的难度分类: low-level/high-level questions 浅层问题和深层问题 浅层问题侧重记忆和信息再现。 深层问题超出记忆和事实性信息的范围,要求学生进行复杂的、抽象的思维,能对材料进行分析、综合、评价,并且具有相对较高的解决问题的能力。,三、课堂提问的作用是什么?,1教师互动式的提问- 有效形成和谐的师生关系。 例如:一位教师在教授动词过去式时是这样引入的。 W

4、e have just had a long holiday, what is it? Yes, it was the National day. I believe that you had a good time. For me, I went to Hong Kong with my friends. And we did a lot of interesting things there. Do you want to guess what I did there? 接下来教师又问到: I enjoyed myself in Hong Kong. How about you? Wher

5、e did you go and what did you do there? Lets share! .,2教师激趣式的提问- 有效激发学生学习的兴趣 。 例如:一位老师在尝试阅读教学时是这样做的。老师将阅读材料的名称定为“ Chicken girl ”。不难看出老师试图从名字上吸引学生的阅读注意力。 一上课,老师就从 ppt 上显示了一个叫做 Tracy 的女孩并提出问题: Today, were going to learn a story about this girl-Tracy. People usually call her Chicken girl. Why do we cal

6、l her “Chicken girl” ?,3教师悬念式的提问- 有效训练学生的思维能力。 例如:老师通过让学生阅读故事的方式整理了人们在生活中接触到的大量的食物方面的词汇,总结出 some people like meat, some others like vegetable, and still some like sweets. We know that food is good. But doctors say that food is not good, what do you think of it?,四、小学英语课堂提问中存在的问题?,I. Before asking - t

7、oo many/dificult/easy/random questions Not well-designed, carefully-planned questions II. While asking - ask the questions not in a right time/way - not in the right speed, too quickly III. After asking - the too short waiting time - the wrong way of taking care of question-answering - the feedback

8、is not timely, positive enough - dont often encourage Ss to ask questions,例 1: T: How are you? S1: Im fine thank you. T: What day is it today? S2: Today is Friday. T: Whats the weather like today? S3: Its fine. T: Do you like English? S4: Yes, I do. I like it very much. 语言、情景不真实。,例 2: T: What day is

9、 it today? S2: Its Wednesday. T: Do you have any hobbies? S2: Yes, I do. I like swimming. T: Whats my hobby? Guess? S3: I think you like dancing. 语言不真实,逻辑混乱。,例 3: When is Easter? What is on the hat? What do people give children? Whats in the big eggs? Where do people celebrate Easter? 问题多而杂,主题不清。,例

10、4: What day is it today? Do you want to see some pictures? Understand? Are you clear? Ok? 缺乏真实交际意义。,例 5: Can you guess where is he from? Do you know what is her name? Can you tell me this passage is about what? How to say in English? Can you make a sentence about “bag”? Are you OK? 语言不规范。,案例分析 小学英语课

11、堂问与答存在的问题 问题的设计要有层次、有梯度,要步步相因,环环相扣,层层相递; 要遵循从易到难、自简至繁、由浅入深、由表及里的原则,一步一个台阶把问题引向深入。,【课堂案例1】 在一次英语展示课上,教师向学生展示了一幅图片,图片上是两个小孩子,一个男孩,一个女孩,在果实累累的苹果树下开心地握手,树上的鸟儿似乎也为他们的友谊喝彩。教师让学生观察片刻后,看图说话,师生的对话大致如下: T: What about this picture? What do you see, Danny? Danny: The picture is big. I can see a bird. T: Yes, yo

12、u are right. Can you see other things? Danny: Oh! This is a girl, that is a boy.,T: Yes. Who can help her to say something about the picture? S1: The girl and the boy are standing under the tree. T: Oh! Look carefully. S2: This picture is beautiful. T: Yes. But anything else? S3: They are saying hel

13、lo to each other. T: OK! T: The girl has long hair, the boy has short hair. Can you see? Ss: Yes。,【课堂案例2】 在观摩优质课教学PEP Book 7 Unit 4 Lets read中,有位教师一边讲解课文一边连续问了以下问题: 1. Is this letter from whom? 2. Where does Alice live? 3. Whats Alice hobby? 4. Who is Alices twin sister? 5. Whats Anns hobby?,6. Who

14、likes sports? 7. Who likes Art? 8. Who is “me” ?/Who is “you”? 9. Where does Liu Yun live in? 10. Does Liu Yun has a sister or brother? 11. Whats Liu Yuns mom? 12. Whats Liu Yuns dad? 13. Whats his hobby? 14. Whats Liu Yuns hobby?,【课堂案例3】 在教学“color”时,我们常会利用一些物品,进行以下的问答: T: What color is the pencil?

15、S: Its yellow.,【课堂案例4】 在一节小学英语课上,教师教了句型Whats your name, please?My name is之后,展开了以下的对话练习。 T: Hi.Im Miss Wu. Whats your name? Ss: My name is T: Ask and answer in pairs. S1:Whats your name, please? S2: My name is,【课堂案例】 有一位教师在教授(牛津英语)6B The seasons时,与学生进行了如下对话: T: Can you tell me something about the wea

16、ther in summer in New York? Can you use your own words to say something? S: The weather in New York is very hot. T: Anything else? S: Eh. T: Is it as hot as in China? S: Yes. T: Good, sit down.,【课堂案例】 有一位教师在教学(PEP小学英语)Module6 Unit2 Its in the north of China 时,让学生听两遍录音后,就向全体学生提出了一系列的问题。具体如下: a) Where

17、 did Ling- ling go? b) When did she go? c) Who did she go with? d) Where is Xingjian? e) What did she ride? f) What mountain did she climb? g) What lake did she visit? h) Did she have a good time?,【课堂案例】 教Module6 Unit2 Its in the north of China.时,老师设计了以下四个问题: A) Where did Lingling go? B) Where is Xi

18、njiang? C) What mountain did she climb? D)What have you learnt from the text?,五、课堂提问的方法有哪些?,1. 导入新课时提问 例如:在教兰金仁教授主编的儿童智能英语Book I Unit 24时,老师用提问导入新课。结合新课内容,设计了以下问题: 教师指着前两课的图片让学生回答: Where is the boy? He is under the tree. Where is the rabbit? It is behind the tree. What do you see under the tree? The

19、re is a flower under the tree.,从学生的回答中逐步引出问句: Is there a flower under the tree? 并帮助学生回答:Yes, there is. 教师指物提问: Is there a robber behind the tree? 学生答:Yes, there is. 这些都为新授内容作了铺垫,并由此很自然地导入到新授内容: Is there a TV in the room?,2. 过渡处提问 例1:在教学Book Unit 1时,在教完本课单词father, mother, elder brother, elder sister,

20、 photo, family后,要过渡到基本句子的教学,老师设计了以下问题: Who is the man in the photo? /What is he? Who is the woman in the photo? /What is she? Who is the big boy in the photo? /What is he? Who is the big girl in the photo? /What is she? Who is the little boy? /What are you? 从这些问题很自然地过渡到基本句子: How many people are ther

21、e in your family?,例 2: 教师在教学NSE Book6 Module5 Unit1时,要求学生会运用单词“heavy、light、broken、pocket、easy”等词描述事物的特征。她通过创设情境利用过渡性问题顺利地完成了教学任务,设计的过渡问题如下: 情境一:(叫两位学生到讲台前提两个事先准备好的重量不一的红、黑色背包)T:I want to go toFuzhou. Please bring the two bags for me .Can you ? (学生1提包时肩膀歪一边)Q1:Oh, is this red bag heavy ?(师用卡片呈现“heavy

22、重的”同时帮助提包)并说:“Yes, its heavy.”, 教授新词汇heavy;用同一方法教授light。,情境二:(师拿起红背包并指着一口袋问) Q2:Whats this ?(Its a pocket.教授pocket。) Q3:Whats in it ?(Its a balloon.师拿出气球。) Q4:Can you blow it ?(师做吹的动作,然后让一名学生试吹。) Q5:Whats wrong ? Is it broken?(引出broken一词教学,同时将气球放在自己的口袋里。) Q6:Oh,wheres my broken balloon? (Ss:Its in y

23、our pocket.),情境三:师平举黑色背包,指着背包底下的轮子问: Q7:Whats this ?( Its a wheel.教授wheel。) Q8:How many wheels can you see ? (Four.) 情境四:师在讲台前拖背包走,一副轻松的样子,并说:Its got four wheels. Itll be easy for me.(师教学easy和句型。),3. 突出重点时提问 例如:Book Unit 5,本课的重点是: She is going to the shop. She is going to buy a card. She is at home

24、now. She is writing on the card. 针对上述重点,教师设计了以下问题: Where is Mary going? Why? What card? Where is Mary? What is Mary doing now?,4. 化解难点时提问 例如:Book I Unit 14在初次教学疑问句“Is this? ”时,学生既要理解问句的意思,掌握它的用法,还要学会用升调来提问。 为了让学生从理解、操练到掌握,可以设计以下问题: 教师指着图片自问自答,引出问句: Is this a plane? Yes, it is. Is that a car? No, it

25、isnt.,教师指物提问: Is this a plane? 学生答:Yes, it is. 让学生感知问句的句子结构和语音、语调。学生跟说问句进行初步操练: Is this a bus/a plane/a car/a train? 教师提供替换词,并用升调说,学生回答: pencilIs this a pencil?,1. 设置开放性问题,发散思维 教师提出的问题应能激发学生的思考与求知欲,促进学生思维的发展,激发学生的探索欲望,并在探索活动中培养创造能力。,六、课堂提问的策略是什么?,例如:在教学season中的spring时,可以这样设计教学问题:课前教师让学生观看有关春天的录象,并且设

26、计以下问题: 1. Whats the weather like in spring? Its 2. What can you wear in spring?I can wear 3. What can you see in spring?I can see 4. What can we eat in spring?I can eat,2. 设置适度性问题,面向全体 教学论有“可接受原则”,小学生心理学有“最近发展区”理论,按照“跳一跳就可摘到”的原则设疑提问是符合教育学、心理学原理的。,例 1: 教学PEP Book7 Unit 4 Lets read时,教师设计的问题可以以选择题的形式出现

27、,降低难度: 1. What is Alices hobby? A. swimming B. diving C. riding a bike D .making kites 2. What is her sister Anns hobby? A. drawing picturesB. diving C. collecting stampsD. making kites,然后以问答题的形式出现,提高难度,启发思维: 1. How many people are there in Liu Yuns family? 2. Whats her mothers hobby? 3. Whats her f

28、athers hobby? 4. Whats Liu Yuns hobby?,例 2: 一位教师在教学PEP小学英语第四册What time is it?第一课时的问题设计是这样的: T: Look at the clock. What time is it?(整点时间) S: Itsoclock.(学困生) T: And now what time is it?(非整点时间) S: Its(一般学生) T: Dont look at the clock. Guess what time is it? Its time for dinner. (拨动到合理时间) S: Its(优生),3. 设

29、置时效性问题,激起学习兴趣 例如:在准备一节教授color的英语课时,教师给每位学生一幅没有色彩的风景画,问道:Is it beautiful?学生马上摇头了。于是教师向学生提出建议:Lets make a colorful picture, OK?学生很兴奋地在画上添上丰富的色彩。 T: What color is your cloud? S1: Its white. S2: Its grey.Its rainy.(边说边将天空涂上灰色) ,T: My sky is grey. What about your sky? S3: Its blue.(边说边将天空涂上蓝色) T: What co

30、lor is your rainbow? S4:Its red ,yellow, pink, green, purple. T: What color are the trees? S5:Theyre green. S6:They are yellow. Now its autumn.,4. 设置探究性问答,鼓动学生质疑 例如:大家公认为平淡无奇的课堂开场白,Free talk,也可以设计得异常活跃: T: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to meet you. Im your new teacher.Im Miss Cen. May I have yo

31、ur names? 学生都踊跃的向新老师介绍自己。 T: Good. I think all of you have best friends in your class. Can you introduce your friends to Miss Cen? 学生也争着要把自己的好友介绍给老师。,T: Wonderful! Now I know a lot about you. Do you want to know something about Miss Cen? You can ask me any questions. 听到这个问题几乎全班都站了起来,学生太想了解他们的新老师了,个个

32、争着抢着提问: How old are you?/What colour do you like?/What food do you like?/Where do you live?/Whats your telephone number?/Whats your hobby?/Whats your favourite food? /Whats your favourite colour?/Where are you from?,提示,确定提问的目的,计划提出的问题。 预测可能遇到的问题。 创造良好的教学气氛。 设计出真实的问题情境,提出有交际意义的问题。 问题语言应简单、清楚、准确,运用学生所

33、熟悉的词汇。 提出与学生知识水平、思维能力相符的问题。,问后提名和全方位注意。 适当延长候答时间。 教师注意倾听,对学生表示尊重。 对学生的回答给予恰当的反应或反馈。 紧随学生的回答继续发问。 延缓评论。 鼓励学生提问,让学生学会质疑。,七、如何培养学生的提问能力 ?,“授之以鱼不如授之以渔”,培养学生的提问能力,使他们主动地思考知识和运用知识并锻炼其表达能力,才是我们英语教育的意义所在。,1.教授句式,帮助学生提问 例如:老师先向同学A示范提问“ Did you watch a flim?”,由同学A向同学B发问,在他熟悉了这个句式及句式中每个单词的含义之后,就可以让他依据自己的想法来提问了

34、,比如“Did you watch a football match?”,“Did you play the violin?”等。,2.创造情境,鼓励学生提问 老师在教学过程中,可以结合书本创造轻松的、生活化的情景,鼓励学生多提出问题。 也可以选择学生熟悉的情境和话题,让学生练习发问,由老师回答。,例如:“My Family”是英语教学上的重点,教师可以这样设计:带来一些自己的家庭照片和自己与学生的合照,学生看到后,争先恐后地问道:“老师,那是谁呀?” 教师微笑着说:“Please ask in English.” 于是,学生小手高举,争着提问:Whos that girl? Whos that man? Whos that boy? Whos that old woman? 还有个别学生问:“Where are you? What are you doing there?”,Thanks for your attention!,


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