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1、一、判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同写S,不同写 D.(S)1.enjoytoy(D)2.countryshout(S)3.bearpair(D)4.herethere(S)5.neededwanted(D)6.shortworld(D)7.snowtower(S)8.noisejoy二、中英互译1. 在未来 _in_ the _future_ _2.做一个土豆色拉_make_ a _potato_ _salad_3.做更多运动do_more_ _sport_4.和父母去旅游go _travelling _ with _parents_5.乘飞机去go_by_ _plane_6. 回到北京 co

2、me _back_ _to_ Beijing7.拥有一个梦想_have_ a_dream_8.关心他们的牙齿_care _about_ their_teeth_9.环游世界 _travel_ _ _around_ the_world _10.一座有趣的城市_an_interesting _city_ _11.做宇宙飞船到月球fly a _spaceship_to_ the Moon12. 在网上读关于考拉和袋鼠的资料read_about_koalas_ and_kangaroos_ on the_Internet_ _13.Its view is fair _景色很美丽 _14.I told

3、him what I thought._我告诉他我想什么 _三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. _ (Australia) people welcome _ (visit)from all over the world. Australian visitors2. There is going to be an _ football match this evening. The players feel very_ .3. _ (drink) too much cola is bad for your _ (health). We should have a_ (health) diet.Dri

4、nking healthhealthy4. Be _ ! There are many cars in the street. You should take _ of your little sister. You must cross the street _ (care). careful care carefully5. Yang Liping is a _ .She is good at _ . She _ every day. She alsogives _ lessons in a university( 大学 ).(dance)dancerdancing dances danc

5、ing6.The children _ (plan)_ (have) a birthday party for Mike yesterday.plannedto have7.-I don t have any plans for my summer holiday.-What about _ (go) to Lasa with me?going四、单项选择(B ) 1. The children will learn _ the UK next week.A. ofB. aboutC. from(C) 2. We should look out _ cars and bikes before

6、crossing the street.A. /B. ofC. for(C) 3. -What _ Kitty and Alice want to be?- They want to be _.A. does; policemanB. do; policemanC. do; policemen(A ) 4. Its not _ to play on the road. How to cross the road _?A. safe; safelyB. safety; safelyC. safe; safety(A ) 5. Linda wants to find _ about Canada.

7、She read lots of travel books and looked _ some information.A. out; forB. /; forC. out; at(C) 6. -_ Helen visit her friends last weekend?-No, she _.A. Will; won tB. Was; wasn tC. Did; didnt(C) 7. There _ a fashion show this Saturday.A. won tB. is going to haveC. is going to be(C) 8. - Let s _ to the

8、 supermarket. -OK.A. by busB. take busC. take a taxi(B ) 9. -Must I go to bed now, Mum?-No, you _. You _ read some picture books.A. mustn t; canB. needn t; canC. can t; may五、根据答句,选择正确的疑问词,填在横线上。What datewherewhatwhohow longhowwhose when1.nd- _ When_ is Earth Day? - It is on the 22 of April.2.- _ Wha

9、t date _ is it today?- It s theth28of April.3.- _ how long_ did Miss Li stay in Disneyland?- About four hours.4.- _ how _ will you go to Oxford?- I ll go there by plane.5.- _ whose _ toy trains are they?- Helen s.6.- _ who _ wants to join us?- Mike does.7.- _ what _ do you want to be?- I want to be

10、a cook.8.- _ where _ were you last night?- At the airport.六、句型转换1. She will send Helen some photos. (同义句)She will _ send_ some photos _to_ Helen.2. Would you please cook me a big fish? (同义句)Would you please cook a big fish _ for _ _me_?3. Helen and I don t have the same plan for this weekend(同义.句)He

11、len and I _ have_ _different_ _ _plans_ for this weekend.4. She will go to the cinema this evening. (划线部分提问)_What _ will she _ do_ this evening?5. Liu Tao is visiting Fujiyama now. (把 now 替换成 next year) Liu Tao _ will _ visit Fujiyama next year.6. We will plant trees next Earth Day. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

12、_Will _ _ you_ plant trees next Earth Day?_ No_, we _ won t.七、首字母填空There are lots of famous people in the world. We call them celebrities( 名 人 ). For e_xample _, Lang Lang is a p_ianist_. He plays the piano very well. His music m_akes_ people relaxed. Mo Yan is a w_ riter _. He won the Nobel Prize.

13、His novel makes people think hard about life. Yang Liwei is an a_ stronaut_. He f_ lew_to the Moon and s_ ent_ back pictures from the Moon. Xu Beihong is an artist, he wasgood at d_rawing_ _ horses. Some of his pictures are collected in the museums. Thesepeople are all hard- working and make their d

14、_ reams_ come t_ rue_.八、阅读理解A. 阅读短文,判断句子正误。正确的写“ T”,不正确的写 “ F”.During the day we work and play. At night we sleep. Our body rests while we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. While we are sleeping, our body grows most.Children usually need more sleep. We can learn our lessons

15、better after we have had plenty of rest. Boys and girls need ten hours of sleep every night when they are eight or nine years old. Our body needs lots of air when we sleep. If we do not get enough fresh ( 新鲜的 ) air, well feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our heads. Our lungs

16、 ( 肺 ) need to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night, we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air. Boys and girls who want to be strong must get plenty of sleep. ( )1.Our body grows while we are working and playing()2.Boys and girls who want to be strong must ge

17、t a lot of sleep.()3.A 9-year-old child needs eight hours of sleep every night.()4.We mustn t cover our heads while we are in bed.()5. We should open our windows at night. Cool air is as good as warm air.FTFTFB. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。A trip to New YorkI ve just gothome after a two-week holiday in the U

18、SA with my family . It was really great, and I want to remember everything ,so I am putting it all in this diary.Day 1We arrived at New York Airport and took a yellow cab to our hotel. Everything here is so big! People call New York“ The city that never sleeps. ”Another popular name for it is“ The B

19、ig Apple ”. Don t ask me why! The population(人口 ) is 7,323,000. Every year,34 million people visit New York!Day2First we went to the Empire State Building( 帝国大厦 ) ,which is 381 metres high. We went right up to the top and looked out across New York. It was a fantastic( 难以置信的 ) view ! After lunch we

20、went shopping. Clothes and CDs are cheaper than in England, and the shops are BIG,BIG,BIG!Day3It was Saturday .Central Park( 中央公园 )is the place to go at weekends. It was full of peoplewalking, playing, jogging and skating. There s a great zoo in the park with lots of interestinganimals . In the even

21、ing we went to the cinema. The Americans call it a“ movie theatre”()1. The writer stayed in New York for _.A. two weeksB. a weekC. three days()2. People also call New York _.A.“ The Big Apple”B. “ The city that never sleeps”C. Both A and B()3.The underlined word“ cab ” in Paragraph“2 means” .A. trai

22、nb. taxiC. bus()4. The writer visited _ on the second day.A. New York airportB. Central ParkC. Empire State Building()5. Which statement is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?A. You can find a lot of tourists in Central Park.B. Tourists can go to Central Park only at weekendsC. Cinemas are called“ movie theatres” in the USA.CCBCB九、每个人的心底都有属于自己的职业理想,你的是什么呢?要求:1、从以下三个方面谈一下自己的职业理想: What do you want to be in the future? Why do you want to bethat?2. 语句通顺、注意时态、不少于五句话_


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