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1、普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语第五册人教版 Unit2The United KingdomTeaching aims:1. TopicCountries of the United Kingdom; Union Jack; famous sites in London2. Useful words and expressions:Words: unitekingdomconsistdividepuzzledebateclarifyrelationlegalconvenienceattractioncollection constructinfluenceprojectarrangeweddin

2、gfoldsightseeingavailabledelighttowerroyaluniformsplendidstatuecommunismthrillpotunfairsmartsuggestiontense consistenterrorExpressions: consistofdivide intobreakaway (from)leave outtaketheplace ofbreak down3. Functional items:1). Language difficulties in communicationExcuse me. I m afraid I cantfoll

3、ow you.Can you speak more slowly, please?I beg your pardon? Pardon?What did you mean by ?I didn tunderstand I m sorry, but could you repeat that?2). Spaceposition, direction, distance)Wales was linked to England and Wales were joined to /connected England is divided into three zones.The zone nearest

4、is calledThe middle zone is called 4. GrammarThe Past Participle as the Object Complementthe three countries found themselves united peacefully he had them killed while they were asleep.Teaching proceduresPeriod 1ReadingStep 1. Warming upMore information about the UKArea: 244,520 sq. km.Population:

5、59,113,439Language: English, Kymric, Gaelic第 1页共 8页Religion: CatholicismCapital: LondonDenominations of bank-notes: 50 pounds, 20 pounds, 10 pounds, 5 poundsDenominations of coins: 1 pound, 50 penny, 20 penny, 10 penny, 5 penny, 1 pennyTask 1. Before the class, ask the Ss in groups of four to collec

6、t some information about the four kingdoms: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Task 2: Ss in pairs and do the quiz on page 9.Step 2. Pre-readingTask 3: Ss discuss and answer the following questions:1. Can you name the capital cities of the countries of the UK?2. England can be divided in

7、to three main areas. Do you know what they are?3. What do you know about any cities or towns in the UK?Step 3. ReadingTask 4: Ss read the title and guess what the content of the reading passage might be.Task 5: Ss read the text and get the general idea of each paragraph.Para. 1. States the topic to

8、be examined in the reading.Para. 2. Explains the joining of England and Wales.Para. 3. Explains what the term “Great Britain ”means and how it came about.Para. 4. Explains differences in the four countries.Para. 5. Explains how England is divided into three zones.Para. 6. Explains the importance of

9、London as a cultural and political centre in the UK.Task 6. Ss read the text again and finish comprehending 1 and 2 on page 10 and 11Step 4. After- readingTask 7: Ss in groups and discuss:1. What similarity is there between the invasions of the Romans and the Normans?2. What similarity is there betw

10、een the invasions of the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings?3. Why does London only have evidence from three of the four invaders?4. What geographical factors make it difficult to invade England successfully?Period 2.Language learningStep 1. RevisionSs make a summary of the text.Possible summary: The writ

11、er examines how the UK developed as an administrative unit. It shows how England is also divided into three zones. It explains why London became the cultural capital of England.Step 2. Language points1. consist: vi.1). 由 成;由 构成 (与 of 用, 不用于 行式)2). 在于;存在于;以 主(与 in 用,无被 式)The committee consists of sev

12、en members.第 2页共 8页Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.What does happiness consist in?The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its ancient buildings.2. puzzle: n.1). ; ;玩具2). 迷惑;困惑(只用 数) a Chinese puzzlea cross-word puzzleI am in a puzzle about the matter. be in a puzzle about 对 大惑不解 vt. 把 住;

13、使 迷惑The question puzzled me . / I am puzzled with the question.vi. 迷惑;苦思I puzzled over the question for quite a while.3. clarify: vt. 澄清; 明 vi. 澄清;明了;易懂 Could you clarify the question?His mind suddenly clarified.4. work together: work: “起反 ;起作用 ” work well 做得好work in /into渗透;渗入work at sth.从事work out

14、算出work one s will on /upon sb.将某人的意志 加于 人5. attraction: n. 1). 吸引;引力 2). 吸引人的 西;喜 的 西;精彩 目 attraction of gravitationHe cantresist the attraction of the sea on a hot day. A big city offers many and varied attractions.What are the principle attractions this evening?6. invader: n. 入侵者;侵略者invade: vt. 侵入

15、;侵略; ;涌入Doubts invade my mind. Disease invades the body.7. keep oneseyes open: 大双眼8. site: n. 景点;地点9.make a list of给 列清 Step 3.Learning about languageSs do part 1 and 2 of the discovering useful words and expressions.Step 4. GrammarThe Past Participle as the Object Complement1. Teacher gives Ss some

16、 examples from the text.Now when people refer to England you find Walesincluded as well.So to their surprise the three countries found themselvesunited .第 3页共 8页they were going to get Irelandconnected to the other three Ask the Ss to find the structure by themselves:In these sentences the past parti

17、ciple are used as the object complement and are formed with get/ find/ have + object + past participle2. Practice: Ss finish the Ex 2 on page12.3. Practice: find out the past participle which is used as an object complement in each sentence.1). In the morning people woke up and found the world outsi

18、de their houses completely changed after the earthquake.2). Where did you get your book printed?3). Three famous parks in and around London had over 1,400 trees blown over.4). Later on the centre had a large number of trees planted.5). We have our classroom cleaned after school every day.6). While y

19、ou were out, you should keep your doors and windows closed.7). We had better work harder to get the work done on time.8). Speak a little louder to make yourself heard by us all.9). Can you smell the food burnt?10). You should keep her informed of what is going on here.Period 3.Extensive ReadingStep

20、1. Pre-readingThis reading is about a Chinese girl sfirst visit to London. Its aim is to give students the idea of how it would feel to visit London for the first time.Task 1: Ss talk about how much they know about the sightseeing of London.Then teacher will show some pictures of the sightseeing of

21、London.Step 2. ReadingTask 2: Ss read and make a list of Zhang Pingyu stour of London and a comment on each place she visited.Day 1CommentsDay 2 and commentDay 3 and comment1.Tower1. delightGreenwich with: shipsKarl Marx sstatue2.St Pauls cathedral2.splendidandLongitude line clock“strange he lived a

22、ndinteresting(GMT)died in London ”3.Westminster Abbey3.full ofstatues ofBritish Museumpoets and writers“thrilled to see Chinese4.Big Ben4.famousandverypottery ”loudTask 3: Some visitors have come to your hometown or home city for the first time. You should plan a tour with four visits to places arou

23、nd the area. Be able to justify your choices. For example: Is it a historical site? Is it a cultural site?第 4页共 8页Step 3. Reading task (on page 51 and 52)Task 4: Ss read the passage and try to fill in the timeline.October 10 Catesby asked Guy Fawkes to join a plot to blow up the government.27 The tw

24、o bought a house close to the Houses of Parliament28 They stored gunpowder in the cellars for the next three days.293031November 12345 King James had the cellars searched when he heard of the plan. He found Fawkes.6 Parliament was opened and there were celebrations because the plot had failed.Period

25、 4.ListeningStep 1. Warm upAsk the Ss to talk about what they know about English kings.Step 2 Listening (page15)This listening is to give students more information about one of the most famous historical site in London: the Tower of London.Task 1:Ss listen to the tape twice and finish part 1 and 2 o

26、n page 15.1. First listening: Ss listen and tick the English kings they hear about.2. Second listening: Ss listen and answer the questions.Step 3. Listening (page48)The aim of this exercise is to show how history has affected those who can become British citizens. The rules are fixed in this way:1.

27、If your parents were born in the old British Empire and they chose to become British when that country gained independence, you are a British citizen. If your parents chose to become citizens of the new country, then you have to apply for British citizenship.2. If one of your parents is British and

28、they were married at the time, you are a British citizen.3. If you were born in the UK (even though your parents have a different nationality) you are a British citizen.4. If you have no connection with Britain (either through your parents or the country your were born in) but have lived in the UK f

29、or five years, you can apply to become a British citizen.Task 2: Ss look at the chart before listening and after listening, fill in the three groups of British citizens.Group 1Group 2Group 3第 5页共 8页Born in the old British Empire and asked to be a British citizenHaving parents one of whom is Asking t

30、o become British after British or having been born in living in the UK for five yearsthe UKTask 3: Ss listen to the tape again and tick the form on page 48.Step 4. Listening task (on page 52)Task 4: Ss listen to the tape for the first time and finish Ex 1 on page 52.Task 5: Ss listen to the tape aga

31、in and discuss the questions on page 53 with a partner.Task 6: Ss listen to the tape for the third time and fill in the chart.King JamesProblemsReason for problemYour commentAttitude to Catholics1.fear at the number of1.KingJameskeptCatholicschanging his mind.Foreign countries2.allfriendsonthe2.loya

32、lty totheCatholicsContinent were ProtestantcauseDealing with Catholics3.worried Catholicsmight3.believedwhathewaswant tochange thereligiondoing was rightof EnglandPeriod 5.SpeakingStep 1. Speaking (on page 15)Task 1: In pairs choose an interesting building or attraction in your hometown or home vill

33、age.One of you will be the tourist and the other the tour guide.Try to use the following expressions while speaking:Excuse me I mafraid I can tfollow you.Please, can you speak more slowly?I beg your pardon? Pardon?What did you mean by ?I didntunderstand I m sorry but could you repeat that?Step 2Talk

34、ing (page48)Task 2: Ss look at the maps on page 48 and 49. Work in pairs facing each other. One studies map A and the other studies map B. You both need directions to find a different site in London. The place where you are and the site you are looking for is marked on the paper. Take it turns. Tell

35、 your partner where you are and your destination and ask for directions.Step 3. Speaking task (page 53)Task 3: do you think Guy Fawkes or King James were right to behave the way they did? Discuss this problem in fours and make notes of your ideas. Then decide who gets your sympathy and give a reason

36、.第 6页共 8页Take notes like this:Reasons for King JamesactionsReasons for Guy Fawkesactions112233I sympathise with _ because_.Period 6. WritingStep 1. Pre-writing1.Before writing, let the students read the alternative words that can be used instead ofniceand is on page 15.2.Ask the Ss to rewrite the se

37、ntence: the temple was build long ago.Task 1: Ss work in groups of five. Each group has a sheet of paper. The first person write the sentence with one improvement (either a verb or an adjective.) pass it to the next person who keeps the first change and makes a second one. Then the third person does

38、 the same. And so on to the end of the team.3. Let the last student read the complete sentence to the class.Possible changes:The old temple was built long ago.The old temple was built two hundred years ago.The old temple was constructed two hundred years ago.The temple was burnt down early last cent

39、ury.The temple was rebuilt in 1980 s.Step 2. Writing : write a guide bookTask 2: Ss in groups write a guide book about an interesting building or attraction in your hometown.Writing tips:? Ss look at the model on page 16.? Ss make a writing plan.? Ss collect the words they will use.? Ss begin to wri

40、te their guide book.? Read through their guide book and correct the mistakes.? Rewrite it again.Step 3. Writing task (on page 53): write a letterTask 3: Choose one you think is the most serious problem at school or at home. Make a plan totry and solve it peacefully. When you have finished, write a letter to draw attention to it andbegin to solve it.第 7页共 8页Writing tips:Remember to begin your letter politely.Explain the problem clearly and set your ideas to solve it.Finish the letter politely.Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you for any help you can give.Yours sincerely,(your name)第 8页共 8页


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