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1、小学毕业英语模拟试题(一)姓名班级分数一、判断下面选项划线部分有哪些读音与其他选项不同。(10%)()1.A. downB. blowC. showD. slow()2.A. blouseB. youC. cloudyD. would()3.A. numberB. glueC. summerD. plus()4.A. thinB. weatherC. thereD. with()5.A. nurseB. letterC. winterD. higher()6.A. coatB. youngC. yellowD. row()7.A. countryB. cityC. cinemaD. cross

2、ing()8.A. moreB. workC. wormD. world()9.A. ChineseB. JapaneseC. pleaseD. Miss()10.A. FebruaryB. presentC. everyD. get二、选择填空。 (20%)1.There is _ apple tree. Under _ tree, there is _ young man.A. a; the; aB. an; the; theC. an; the; aD. the; the; a2.-Whose watch is this?-Is it a black _?A. itB. oneC. th

3、isD. that3.There aren t _ pears _the tree.A. some; onB. any; inC. some; inD. any; on4.-What can you see in the bag?-_. Oh, they are pencil-boxes.A. All rightB. No,I can tC. ThanksD. Let me see5.-Excuse me, do you have any erasers?-_.A. It s my pleasureB. Sorry, I cantC. OK, here you areD. Yes, here

4、you are6.There _ some books and a clock on the desk. The clock _threehands.A. are; isB. is; hasC. are; hasD. have; has7.-_ is your shirt?-It s black and white.A. WhatB. What colourC. WhichD. Where8.It s time _.A. play basketball B. to go to bed C. playing gamesD. for the supper9.Here s a letter _ Ka

5、te. She s ill _ home.A. to; inB. from; forC. for; atD. at; from10.-Is this computer _?-No, it s not _. It s my _.A. yours; my; brotherB. your; mine; brotherC. his; hers; brotherD. yours;s mine; brothers11.She likes _, but she doesn t _ doing housework.A. cooking, likesB. to cook, to likeC. cooking,

6、like12.We often _ games after school.A. playingB. playsC. playD. do13.What would you like?I d like _ _.A. two piece of breadB. two piece of breadsC. two pieces of breadD. two pieces of breads14._ does your first class begin? At 8.00.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. Why15.My hobby is _ pets.A. keepingB. keep

7、C. keepingD. to keep16.It s half past six in the afternoon. It s time_, boys and girls.A. for supperB. for the supperC. for class17._ can you see in the picture? Tom s mother.A. WhoB. WhichC. Whose18.Please _ these babies, Helen.A. lookB. look afterC. look like19.What can you see in the bag?_. Oh, t

8、hey are apples.A. All rightB. ThanksC. Let me see20.It is cold today. You must _ your coat.A. take offB. put onC. pick up三、连词成句并翻译成汉语。(42%)1.ordowhereGuilinyouLiuzhoucomefrom?_2.nottellPleasesomeclassroom.themtointhe_3.tellIcanyouwherethelibraryis._4.taketiredteacherveryEnglishbreakis,letThehera._5.

9、aIgoodGuilintimehavein._6.atpicturemeathe.Letlookhave_7.playIafternoonbasketballtomorrowgoingtoam_四、完形填空。 (28%)1. A: _ festival do you like best?B: Children s d Day.A; Me, _. What _ you _ last Children s day?A: Did you _ some delicious food?B: Of _. _ about you?A: We had a party. Our teachers give u

10、s a puppet show. It _ interesting.B: _ great!A: We are _ to go on a holiday next Children s day. Would you like to _us?B: Good idea!2.A:_ are you going to do this afternoon?B:We re_ _ _ picnic with our _, Mr. Lee.Would you _ to join _?A:Yes,_ love to._ are we going?B:To Feng Yun Ling.A:Great!B:Shall _ meet at the bus _ _1:30?A:Yes.3._ comes before March. The weather _ warm and the trees_ green. _ comes in JulyIt. s usually very _Guilin. The daysare _ and the nights are shorter. We like going _ in rivers and lakes.


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