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1、冀教版三年级上册Lesson 21 Jenny s Family教学目标:知识目标: 1. 学生能够认识和运用单词policeman, bus driver, worker.2. 学生能理解并口头运用:This is _. My fathermother is a_. SheHe is _ (tallshort).能力目标:能运用上述职业名词,正确地介绍自己的家人.情感目标: 1.积极参与课堂活动,敢于开口,能体会到英语学习的乐趣。2.培养学生热爱生活,珍惜亲情的情感。学习策略: 1.在学习中获取识记单词的方法或途径。2.在小组活动中与他人合作,主动运用本课知识交流家庭信息。教学重、难点:po

2、liceman, bus driver, worker 的认读及运用。板书设计:Lesson21: Jenny s FamilyJenny sis a _.policemanHisHer name is_.bus dr iverwor ker教学过程教 学教学预设学生活动设计意图板 块Step 11. GreetingGreet to the teacher.How are you?How do you feel?2. Let sing a song“loveI you, youSing a song “ Ilove歌 曲 导love me ”you, you love me ” 入,营造3.

3、 Review Li Ming s family.轻松愉快What is Li Ming?Answer the questions的氛围。What is Li Ming s fathermother?and review.Match the words and pictures.Match.Meet Jenny s family1. Show ppt3, and ask:激活学生Who is it?已 有 知Draw a family tree for Jenny s family.识,为新2. Introduce Jenny s family.课的学习做铺垫。” Canada” , read

4、 it please.Where do we live?Step 2 What do they do? Listen to the tape. This is Jenny s帮.助学生理清文本Show ppt6, introduce Jenny s sister.中人物间Who is it?的关系。What s her name?What is she?Is she tall or short?Who can read it?Show ppt7, introduce Jenny s brother.Ask the same questions.What is a policeman? Do a

5、ctions toRead Canada followshow us.the teacher.Show ppt8, introduce Jenny s mother:Welive in China.Is there a driver in your family?Listen and think.了解詹妮家的地理位置。做动作来表达职业的特点,形 象 有好习惯。恰当的问题能降低阅 读 难度,帮助学生更好的理解文本s。养成边听认s真听,引导学生小测试,以简单的在听后加听音,并带着问题How can a driver drive a bus? Canyou show us?Match.Show pp

6、t9, introduce Jenny fathers.1.d 2.b 3.c4.aIs your father a worker?Show ppt10 and ask: do you loveyour family?Read Part1 in the student book.Check the understanding. match.Answer the teacherLearn to write the new words.questions:ExerciseThis is Jenny边思考的 s sister.1. match the pictures and words.Her n

7、ame is Lynn.2. Practice :Pair work.She is a student.Talk about Jenny s family.She is short.3. Group work.Talk about your family.Act out.Let s sing.Read this part. Answer the teacher questionsDo actions and readit.Yes.Ilovemyfamily.练习使用新单词谈论有关家庭成员的a.student趣。b.policemanc.workerd.bus driver职业单词替 换 图片,

8、回应Read andwritethe上面的小new wordsontheir测试,同exercise books.时加深对新词的印Match.象。1.doctor2.teacher当堂引导3.student4.worker学生写单5.bus driver词,引导6.policeman学生形成Talk about Jenny s记忆单词family withthe new的有效途words.径。Step 3Introduce their family新旧知识in groups.融合,降Act out .低干扰,为后面的运用做铺垫。Change thewords,Sing“ Ilove you, youlove me ”家庭作Choose one or two to do:业 1. Introduce Jenny s family to your family.2. Introduce your family to your friends.话题。由二人学习到小组合作,由点到面增加了交流学习的机会,也利于引导学生形成有效的学习策略。改 编 歌曲,巩固知识,在愉悦的氛围中结束本课。


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