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1、Unit 5 My Family ActivitiesLesson 1 教材分析This unit is about family activities. This lesson is aimed at helping students express what they are doing. 教学目 【知 与能力目 】1. Key vocabulary and phrases: feeding the fish; listening the music, watching TV, walking the dog, watering the flowers, cleaning the room

2、, cooking dinner2. Be skilled in oral expression :What are you doing?I am whats he she doing?He /shes .【 程与方法目 】To help the students improve their oral expression.【情感 度价 目 】来源: 学 .科. 网Motivate students interest in learningE nglish. Make all students learn to be a good helper who can help the family.

3、来源 : 学科网 教学重 点【教学重点】1.Listening: Students can understand what others are doing by listening.2.Speaking: Students can express what they are doing., what others are doing.【教学 点】How to help the students present the dialogue. 来源:学科网 课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Warming-up and revisionEveryday exerc

4、ise.T: Good morning class! Nice to see you againS: Good morning! Nice to see you, too!T ask Ss weather they have do the ho usework at home, and what can they do. And leading in the classStep 1:Presentation1, Introduce myself what am I doing to elicit new words: feeding the fish;listening the music,

5、watching TV, walking the dog, wateri ng the flowers, cleaning the room, cooking dinner2. Look at the pictures and talk in pairs3、Let schant4、 Play a guessing game1. Use cards to practice whats he /she doing?2. Talk about the picture in group 3、Write down a passage4 、ConsolidationStep 3: Add activiti

6、es1)快速反应请几位学生到教室前 ,由教师说动词词组 ,学生模仿动作 ,比比谁的反应最快让学生在小组内进行训练2)表演 几个学生微同 的 作,老 指着他 学生 :Whats he/ she doing?学生 回答 :He shesing.四人小 中 , 学生 A 和 B 向学生 C 和 D 模仿一个 作 ,然后由C 和 D提 A 和 B 在什么 ?3)游 教 在里板上 上正面写有数字,反面写有 : feeding the fish / listening to themusic/ watching 来源:学科网 ZXXK 来源:学 &科& 网 Z&X&X&K等 的卡片, 自愿上台的学生背明大

7、家, 其中的数字 ,教 翻开此卡片的反面示以台下的同学台下学生根据卡片上的内容量出相 的 作,台上的同学必 用英 “She/hes动词 ing”来猜台下同学所的 作 ,如果 了 ,台下同学要 Yes, 若 猜 3 次不中 ,可用“ What are they doing?” 求他的朋友帮忙回答。Step 4: Homework1.Read the words to your parents.2.Repeat the dialogue to your parents.3.Ask and answer withyour friendby using: Who s that man/woman?He s/She s. . 教学反思略。


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