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1、.课程名称电子商务英语教名称电子商务英语出版社电子工业出版社材信作者王冰息版次2013 年 11 月第 3 版注:如学员使用其他版本教材,请参考相关知识点一、客观部分:(单项选择、多项选择、不定项选择、判断)(一)、选择部分1. In general, the major benefits of B2B are( ABCD ).A. reduce administrative costsB. expedite cycle timeC. lower search costs and time forbuyers D. decrease productivity of employees E. r

2、educe inventory levels 考核知识点 : 企业间的电子商务,参见 P148附 1.1.1(考核知识点解释):总的来说, B2B 的主要优点有:取代了纸质单据,节约管理成本;减低搜索成本,节约买主的时间;提高雇员处理采购和销售的效率;减少失误,提高服务质量;降低库存水平和库存成本;增加生产弹性,实现即时送货;方便大宗定制;增加合作的机会。2.In order to keep competitive in EC, logistics industry has begun to employ the(ABD)structureA. openingB. systematicalC.

3、 conservativeD. technicalE. close考核知识点 : 电子商务中的物流,参见P174附 1.1.2(考核知识点解释):为了保持在电子商务中的竞争力,物流业已经开始使用开放的、系统化的技术结构,为企业营造连贯的物流过程,从而实现整个供应链的无缝多点集成。3.Brokerage models include( ABD)A. marketplace exchangeB. content-targeted advertisingC. buy/sell fulfillmentD. bounty brokerE. information exchange考核知识点 : 网上商务

4、模式,参见P73附 1.1.3(考核知识点解释):中介模式包括:市场交易、买卖活动、需求收集系统、拍卖中介、交易中介、奖励金中介、分销商、搜索代理、网上商场。4.If you need to access information and know where it is on the web, you only need enter the;.entire www address into your browsers(D)A.addressB.computerC.httpD.UniformResource LocatorfieldE.name考核知识点 : 网络,参见 P12附 1.1.4(考

5、核知识点解释):如果你需要访问信息,并且也知道信息在网络中的什么位置,你只需在浏览器的统一资源定位器区( URL )输入完整的万维网地址。5.ERPs best values are improving the way of(AD)A. taking an orderB. adding it tothe shopping chartC. maintain relation with customerD. process the order into an invoice E. making enterprise relation policy 考核知识点 : 企业资源计划,参见 P182附 1

6、.1.5(考核知识点解释):ERP 的价值就是用来改进公司接受订单,处理订单,把订单转化成发票和收入的方式。6.There are two types of encryption(AD)A. secret keyB. double keysC. missing keyD. public keyE. fine key考核知识点 :电子支付系统的安全机制,参见P205附 1.1.6(考核知识点解释):电子支付系统的安全机制包括加密,而加密有两种方法:密钥加密和公钥加密。7. EC can be prosperous because of( ABD )A. wide use of computerB

7、. popularity of credit cardsC. business modelD. securetransaction agreement E. production system考核知识点 :电子商务,参见P56附 1.1.7(考核知识点解释):随着计算机的广泛使用,因特网的日益完备和广泛采用,信用卡的使用,安全交易协议的建立以及政府的支持和促进,电子商务的发展日益繁荣。8. Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of ( A ) that can be protected with

8、 a patentA. intellectual propertyB. passwordC. business modelD. strategyE. system考核知识点 :网上商务模式,参见P72附 1.1.8(考核知识点解释):商务模式成为之中知识产权的形式,收到专利保护,商务模式已经日益进入了专利法的领域。9. All EC sites rest on the same()A. network structureB. communication protocolsC. web standards D. security systemsE.;.consumption value考核知识点

9、 :网上商务模式,参见P62附 1.1.9(考核知识点解释):大多数的电子商务网站建立在同样的网络构架、通信协议、网络标准和安全系统之上。10. The essential security requirements for safe electronic payments are( ABC ).A. authenticationB. encryptionC. integrityD. passwordsE. privacy考核知识点 :电子支付,参见P207附 1.1.10(考核知识点解释):安全的电子支付有4 个基本的要求:认证、加密、完整性、不可否认性。(二)、判断部分1. If busi

10、ness goes well, the revenues from sales exceed the cost of operation and the company realizes a profit. ( )考核知识点 :商务模式,参见P71附 1.2.1(考核知识点解释)企业生产产品或提供服务并将其卖给顾客,如果一切顺利,销售收入超出运营成本,企业就能赢利。2. The main purpose of an intranet is to share company information and computing resources withbusiness partners(. )

11、考核知识点 :认识因特网,参见P4附 1.2.2(考核知识点解释)内联网的主要目的是在员工中分享公司的信息和计算资源。3. In global Internet marketing, marketers can take other countries and their populations for grantedwithout restraint.( )考核知识点 :因特网营销,参见P101附 1.2.3(考核知识点解释)尽管全球性的因特网营销存在着明显的优势,营销商也不能将其他国家和其他国家的人视为理所当然的客户。4. EC means using simple, fast and l

12、ow-cost electronic communications to transact, withoutface-to-face meeting between the two parties of the transaction(. )考核知识点 :电子商务,参见P56附 1.2.4(考核知识点解释)电子商务是指将通过电子媒体来进行商务活动,这意味着使用简单、快捷、低成本的电;.子通信手段来进行交易,交易的双方不必进行面对面的会晤。5. Brokers are market-makers: they bring buyers and sellers together and facili

13、tate transactions.( )考核知识点 :网上商务模式,参见P72附 1.2.5(考核知识点解释)中介是市场的组织者,中介将买卖双方联系在一起并促进交易的进行。6. With a clearpurpose,definitetargetmarket,targetedgoals,a domain name and a clearstructure,you are now ready to begin building the pages for your successful web site.()考核知识点 :销售网站的建立,参见P107附 1.2.6(考核知识点解释)有了明确的宗

14、旨、确定的目标市场和既定的目标,有了一个合适的域名和清晰的组织结构,你现在就可以开始为成功地建立网站而制作网页了。 。7. The Web site can be promoted expensively throughout the world with links on other Web pages and in E-mail newsletters. ( )考核知识点 :因特网市场营销,参见P101附 1.2.7(考核知识点解释)利用其它网站的链接和邮件新闻组就可以以低成本的方式在世界范围内进行网站推广。8. EC creates the customized new business

15、 model and sets a high demands on the logistics service,which expresses as follows: responsiveness, flexibility, visibility and optimization. ()考核知识点:物流参见 P173附 1.2.8(考核知识点解释)电子商务创造了以客户为中心的新模式,并对物流服务提出了较高要求,这些要求表现在响应性、灵活性、可视性和最优化。9. Brokerage models include marketplace exchange, content-targeted adv

16、ertising, bounty brokerand. information exchange agency.( )考核知识点 : 网上商务模式,参见P73附 1.2.9(考核知识点解释):中介模式包括:市场交易、买卖活动、需求收集系统、拍卖中介、交易中介、奖励金中介、分销商、搜索代理、网上商场。10. The essential security requirements for safe electronic payments are authentication, encryption,integrity, and passwords.考核知识点 :电子支付,参见P207附 1.2.1

17、0(考核知识点解释):;.安全的电子支付有4 个基本的要求:认证、加密、完整性、不可否认性。二、主观部分:(一)、填空部分1. To B2B EC, the focus of vendors competition has been turned from theproductstotheservice, actually the competition of supply chain.考核知识点:电子商务时代的物流附 2.1.1:(考核知识点解释)对于企业与企业间的电子商务来说,供货商的注意力已经从商品转向服务,实际上就是关注供应链的竞争力。2. Mobile Commerce involv

18、es new technologies, services and business models.考核知识点:移动商务附 2.1.2:(考核知识点解释)移动商务包括新技术、新业务和商业模式。3. Business-to-Businesselectronic commerce implies that both sellers and buyers arebusinesscorporations ,while business-to-consumer electronic commerce implies that thebuyers areindividual consumers .考核知识

19、点:企业间电子商务附 2.1.3:(考核知识点解释)B2B 电子商务意味着卖方和买方都是商业性公司,而 B2C 电子商务意味着买方是个单个的消费者。4. Mobile commerce is any transaction, involving the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods and services, which is initiated and/or completed by using mobile access to computer-mediated networks with the help of an elect

20、ronic device.考核知识点:移动商务附 2.1.4:(考核知识点解释)移动商务是指为了使用产品和服务,涉及的所有权和其他权利转移的一切交易。移动商务的发起和 /或完成是在电子设备的帮助之下,使用移动的方式接入了以计算机为媒介的网络。5. EC creates the customized new business model and sets a high demands on the logistics service, which expresses as follows: responsiveness, flexibility, visibility and optimizat

21、ion.考核知识点:物流P173附 2.1.5:(考核知识点解释)电子商务创造了以客户为中心的新模式,并对物流服务提出了较高要求,这些要求表现在响;.应性、灵活性、可视性和最优化。6. The key security schemes adopted for electronic payment systems are encryption, digitalsignature, message digest, and use of certificates and certifying authorities.考核知识点:电子支付的安全机制P207附 2.1.6:(考核知识点解释)电子支付系统

22、采用的关键的安全机制有:加密、数字签名、信息摘要以及对证书和认证中心的应用。7. Detailed client information such as mode of consumption, personal preferences and purchasing power, etc. can help business to set their marketing strategies more effectively.考核知识点:电子商务P57附 2.1.7:(考核知识点解释)详尽的客户信息,例如消费方式、个人偏好和购买力等,能够帮助企业更加有效地制定市场战略。8. The web a

23、dvertising model is an extension of the traditional media broadcast model.考核知识点:电子商务模式P74附 2.1.8:(考核知识点解释)网络广告模式是传统媒体广播模式的延伸。9.Marketers withglobal goals are now establishingmirrorsites, and multiple-languageversions of their web sites. Internet translation tools are available that make this easier

24、to do.考核知识点:因特网营销P100附 2.1.9:(考核知识点解释)以全球营销为目标的营销商们现在不断地建立网站的镜像站点和多语种版本,因特网翻译工具的使用使这项工作变得简单了。10. The movement of these goods and services on a timely basis is critical for effective inventory management, accurate production scheduling and the successful delivery of goods.考核知识点:供应链P155附 2.1.10:(考核知识点

25、解释)按照及时的原则进行产品和服务的转移对于有效地仓储管理、精确的生产计划和成功的货物运送来说是至关重要的。(二)、短语翻译1. consumption habits 消费习惯2. incentive marketing 激励式营销;.3. personal profiles个人概况4. security systems安全系统5. content provider 内容提供商6. network standards网络标准7. affiliate model 会员模式 8. surf the Web网上冲浪9. network attacks网络攻击 10. advanced authent

26、ication高级授权11. intellectual property 知识产权12. direct marketing 直接营销13.online tracking 在线追踪14. banner ads旗帜广告15. joint ventures 合资 16. multiple-language versions多语言版本17. mirror sites 镜像站点18. reverse auctions反向拍卖19. security schemes安全机制20. electronic payment method 电子支付方式21. cost saving节约成本22. identity

27、 certification 身份认证23. electronic security tools 电子安全工具24. handheld devices手持设备25. discount coupons 折扣优惠券26. online sales 在线销售27. related service相关业务28. security schemes安全机制29. realistic and sound 现实而合理30. a job responsibility 工作责任(三)、翻译句子1. As you start writing, new ideas will naturally emerge, but

28、 always keep them focused on yourtargeted customer, so you won t go off the track of what your customer wants.考核知识点:销售网站参见 P108附 2.3.1:(考核知识点解释)翻译:在你开始写作的时候,会自然地产生新的想法,但是一定要使这些想法集中在你的目标顾客之上,这样你才不会偏离顾客的需求。2. Regardless of their basic purposes B2C or B2B virtually all EC sites rest on the same network

29、 structure, communication protocols, Web standards and security systems.考核知识点:电子商务的技术支持参见 P62附 2.3.2:(考核知识点解释)翻译:无论人们的基本目标是什么 B2C 还是 B2B 事实上无数的电子商务网站建立在同样的网络架构、通信协议、网络标准和安全系统之上。3. Business-to-Business electronic commerce could also change the relationships among different groups of companies in the

30、supply chain.考核知识点:因特网和企业间的电子商务参见 P167附 2.3.3:(考核知识点解释);.翻译:企业间的电子商务还能够改变供应链中各种公司的相互关系。4. Data about consumers and their consumption habits are valuable, especially when that information is carefully analyzed and used to target marketing campaigns.考核知识点:网上商务模式参见 P75附 2.3.4:(考核知识点解释)翻译:有关消费者及其消费习惯的数据

31、是很有价值的,特别是在对这些信息经过分析之后可以用于目标市场营销活动时。5. Protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of these information resources is a priority and a job responsibility for all employees at all levels of the company.考核知识点:防火墙和安全策略参见 P200附 2.3.5:(考核知识点解释)翻译:对于公司中各个层次的雇员来讲,保护这些信息资源的机密性、完整性和有效性都是需要优先考虑的

32、,是工作责任。6. Despite their limitations, however, these systems may eliminate or significantly reducosts that companies face when using privately owned electronic networks, making it easier for smaller companies to afford EDI.考核知识点:因特网和企业间的电子商务参见 P165附 2.3.6:(考核知识点解释)翻译:虽然这些系统存在一些局限性,但是,它们能够减少或者大大降低公司使用

33、专用电子网络时所面临的成本,这使小公司也用得起 EDI 。7. A firewall is an approach to security; it helps implement a larger security policy that defines the services and access to be permitted.考核知识点:防火墙参见 P199附 2.3.7:(考核知识点解释)翻译:防火墙是一种安全措施,有助于实现更为广泛的安全策略,这些策略对需要授权的服务和访问进行了定义。8. But, for all these changes to happen, key issu

34、es of interoperability, usability, security, and privacy still need to be addressed.考核知识点:移动商务参见 P87附 2.3.8:(考核知识点解释)翻译:但是,为了能够带来这些变化,必须先要解决关于互操作、可用性、安全性和隐私性的一些关键问题。9. Today, several advances in computer network technology are helping companies to extend the;.use of computers to the procurement, pro

35、duction and distribution processes.考核知识点:供应链和电子数据交换参见 P155附 2.3.9:(考核知识点解释)翻译:今天,在计算机网络技术方面的进步正在帮助公司将计算机的应用扩展到采购、生产和分销的各个过程中去。10. Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectual property that can be protected with a patent.考核知识点:商务模式参见 P72附 2.3.10:(考核知识点解释)最近,商务模式

36、作为一种知识产权的形式,能够受到专利保护,因而其重要性也凸现出来。11. The utility or-demand“on” model is based on metering usage, or a“ pay as you go” app考核知识点:商务模式参见 P78附 2.3.11:(考核知识点解释)效用模式或称按需付费模式的基础是对使用的计费,是“按照使用来收费”的方式。12. The Internet truly flattens the worldtbringsafactopportunitiestha to U.S. marketers withinternational co

37、mponents to their businesses or desires to do business globally.考核知识点:商务模式参见 P100附 2.3.12:(考核知识点解释)因特网真的使世界变小了 这个事实给美国的市场营销家们带来了机会,他们可以将他们的业务扩展到国际市场上,这为他们带来了在全球开展业务的希望。(四)、简答1. What is E-commerce?考核知识点 :电子商务的定义附 2.4.1(P56 页相关内容抄录)E-Commerce: E-Commerce is doing business through electronic media. It

38、means using simple, fast and low-cost electronic communications to transact, without face-to-face meeting between the two parties of the transaction.2. What is mobile commerce?考核知识点 :移动商务的定义附 2.4.2(P85 页相关内容抄录);.Mobile commerce is any transaction, involving the transfer of ownership or rights to use

39、 goods and services, which is initiated and/or completed by using mobile access to computer-mediated networks with the help of an electronic device.3. What is EPR?考核知识点 :企业资源计划附 2.4.2(P181 页相关内容抄录)EPR: Enterprise resource planning software is the attempt to integrate all departments and functions ac

40、ross a company into a single computer system that can serve all those different departments particular needs.4. What are the industries affected by M-Commerce?考核知识点 :无线商务附 2.4.4(P88 页相关内容抄录)The industries affected by m-commerce include: financial service, which include mobile banking as well as brok

41、erage services; telecommunications, in which service changes, bill payment and account reviews can all be conducted from the same handheld device. Service/retail, as consumers are given the ability to place and pay for orders on the fly. Information service, which include the delivery of financial n

42、ews, sports figures and traffic updates to a single mobile device.5. What are the major benefits of B2B?考核知识点 :企业间的电子商务附 2.4.2(P148 页相关内容抄录)In general, the major benefits of B2B are that it:eliminates paper and reduces administrative costs; expedites cycle time; lower search costs and time for buyer

43、s; increases productivity of employees dealing with buying and/or selling; reduces errors and improves quality of services; reduces inventory levels and costs; increases production flexibility, permitting just-in-time delivery; facilitates mass customization; increases opportunities for collaboratio

44、n.6. During the Internet marketing, what possibilities can Internet be able to realize?考核知识点 :因特网营销;.附 2.4.2(P101 页相关内容抄录)Here are a few of the possibilities enabled by the internet:First is expanding markets and territories. Marketing no longer has to stop artificially at a countrys borders. secondly, developing global marketing partnerships. Internet marketing makes joint ventures attractive and easy to implement. Thirdly, providing worldwide customer service.


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