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1、,.一、选择填空题(每题10 分,共 5 题)题目 1不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干 They want to make sure youre paying taxes on the money you make. _ .选择一项:A. Were paying alrightB. At least, our records for money in are very completeC. Thats something you can improve by talking to human resources反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“请求确认”的交际用语。选项

2、A 表达“纳税没问题”,选项B表达“入账记录很完整”,选项C 表达“可与人力资源部门沟通提高”。根据前句“他们想确认你们对于赚的收入要纳税”,答语应为 “确认纳税有无问题” ,所以答案是 A 。正确答案是: Were paying alright题目 2;.,.正确获得 10.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干 How much of a problem meeting the budget? _.选择一项:A. The product should finance itselfB. Well, it seems that we underestimated the costsC. Yo

3、u only need a budget increase for the first order反馈你的回答正确解析:本题考核“表达可能性”的交际用语。选项A 表达“该产品可以自筹资金”,选项 B 表达“看起来是低估了成本”,选项C 表达“只需对首批订单增加预算”。根据提问“应对预算的问题如何?”,确定答语是查找相关问题,所以答案是 B。正确答案是: Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs题目 3不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分;.,.标记题目题干There are more and more _ of software f

4、or accounting, this hasmade the different types of software more accessible in terms of costsand variety.选择一项:A. manufacturersB. manufacturingC. manufactures反馈你的回答不正确译文:有越来越多的会计软件生产商。解析:manufacturer意为“生产商”;manufacturing意为“生产”;manufacture意为“产品”。根据题意,能使不同类型的软件容易获取的是“越来越多的会计软件生产商”,所以答案是A 。正确答案是: manufa

5、cturers题目 4不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分;.,.标记题目题干Current _ are those debts that must be paid within the year.选择一项:A. assetsB. equitiesC. liabilities反馈你的回答不正确译文:流动负债是指当年必须支付的债务。解析: assets 意为“资产”; equities意为“权益”; liabilities意为“负债”。根据题意,“当年必须支付的债务”的应该是“流动负债”,所以答案是C。正确答案是: liabilities题目 5不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00

6、分标记题目题干;.,.The long-term assets are known as _ assets.选择一项:A. fixedB. currentC. net反馈你的回答不正确译文:长期资产又叫做固定资产。解析: fixed assets意为“固定资产”; current assets意为“流动资产”; netassets 意为“净资产”。根据题意,“长期资产”是指“固定资产”,所以答案是 A 。正确答案是: fixed标记题目信息文本二、阅读理解 / 翻译 / 完形填空(题型随机)(共50 分)题目 6部分正确获得 50.00 分中的 10.00 分;.,.标记题目题干完形填空:选择

7、正确答案,补全文章(每题10 分)。Alibaba Seeks to Raise Billions in IPOInvestors in the United States are preparing for the first public sale ofstock in the Chinese company Alibaba. The company sells goods回答A. inlinking buyers and sellers in the huge Chinese online market. Alibaba isexpected to回答A. sellits initial

8、 public offering, called an IPO, in September on the New YorkStock Exchange.The total value of the company, based in Hangzhou, has beenestimated at about $200 billion. Reports from Bloomberg News sayAlibaba is offering investors a 12 percent回答A. share;.,.of the company. That would mean the company c

9、ould raise回答A. as more as$20 billion dollars in the public stock sale.After the IPO, Alibaba could become one of the most回答A. value withtechnology companies in the world. Apple, for example, has a marketvalue of about $600 billion. Google is valued at about $390 billion andMicrosoft is worth about $

10、370 billion.反馈解析:1. 这里考查的是介词 by 的用法。 by 表示方法、手段、方式,意为“凭、借、靠、用,通过”,后接动词的 -ing 形式;所以选择 C。2. 这里考查的是动词 make 固定搭配的用法。 make an initial publicoffering ,意为“首次公开募股”,所以选择B。;.,.3. 里考 的是通 上下文判断句意的能力。 share 意 “股份,股票”;capital意 “ 本”; profit意 “利 ,利益”;从offer 判断,此 share ,所以 A 。4. 里考 的是通 上下文判断近 的能力。as much as和 as many

11、 as都修 名 ,意 “之多”, “多达”,“整整”, “多”;但是 as manyas 后接可数名 , as much as一般后接不可数名 ;尽管句中的dollars 可数名 的复数形式, 但由于 $20 billion dollars仍是一个不可数的概念, 故用 asmuch as ,所以 B。5. 里考 的是通 上下文判断 和 性的能力。 value 是名 ,意 “价 ”;valuate是 ,意 “ 做估价”; valuable是形容 ,意 “有价 的”;从 和 性的角度, C。一、 填空 (每 10 分,共 5 )题目 1不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目 干;.,

12、. I thought that if I could get your support first, it might make getting approval easier. _ .选择一项:A. We will need another four thousand dollars to cover the costB. Well, youve got my support on thisC. You only need a budget increase for the first order反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“请求支持”的交际用语。选项A 表达“还需四千美元才能够本”,

13、选项 B 表达“我支持此事”,选项C 表达“只需对首批订单增加预算”。根据前句“我认为,如果能先得到您的支持,获批会更为容易”,答语应该表达支持,所以答案是B。正确答案是: Well, youve got my support on this题目 2不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干;.,. Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about five thousand dollars over budget. Thats right._.选择一项:A. It will cost about eigh

14、t percent more than initially projectedB. We will need another four thousand dollars to cover the costC. Its going to cost about five thousand more to complete the first order反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核 “表达倍数” 的交际用语。选项 A 表达“比预期成本增加8% ”,选项 B 表达“还需四千美元才能够本”,选项C 表达“首批订单需再增加五千美元费用”。根据前句“已超预算五千美元”,所以答案是C。正确答案是: Its

15、 going to cost about five thousand more to complete thefirst order题目 3正确获得 10.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干Thats something you can improve by talking to human _ .;.,.选择一项:A. coursesB. resourcesC. sources反馈你的回答正确译文:这是你需要与人力资源探讨改进的地方。解析: course 意为“课程”; resource意为“资源”; source 意为“来源”。根据题意,应该“与人力资源探讨”,所以答案是B。正确答案

16、是: resources题目 4正确获得 10.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干For a limited company, this will include the money _ issuing shares,and is known as the share capital.选择一项:A. raise for;.,.B. raised byC. raising at反馈你的回答正确译文:对有限公司而言,这包含发行股票筹集的资金,也叫做股本。解析: raise money意为“筹集资金”;表示“通过某种方式筹集的资金”,则需要用动词的 -ing 形式 money raised b

17、y,所以答案是 B。正确答案是: raised by题目 5不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干Im still working on _ a few problems.选择一项:A. iron inB. to iron atC. ironing out反馈;.,.你的回答不正确译文:我仍在想办法解决一些问题。解析: working on意为“致力于”,后接动词的-ing 形式; iron out相当于figure out,solve ,settle ,意为“解决”,所以答案是C。正确答案是: ironing out标记题目信息文本二、阅读理解 / 翻译 / 完形填空(题型

18、随机)(共50 分)题目 6部分正确获得 50.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干完形填空:选择正确答案,补全文章(每题10 分)。Alibaba Seeks to Raise Billions in IPOInvestors in the United States are preparing for the first public sale ofstock in the Chinese company Alibaba. The company sells goods回答A. in;.,.linking buyers and sellers in the huge Chinese o

19、nline market. Alibaba isexpected to回答A. sellits initial public offering, called an IPO, in September on the New YorkStock Exchange.The total value of the company, based in Hangzhou, has beenestimated at about $200 billion. Reports from Bloomberg News sayAlibaba is offering investors a 12 percent回答B.

20、 capitalof the company. That would mean the company could raise回答B. as much as$20 billion dollars in the public stock sale.After the IPO, Alibaba could become one of the most回答B. valuate;.,.technology companies in the world. Apple, for example, has a marketvalue of about $600 billion. Google is valu

21、ed at about $390 billion andMicrosoft is worth about $370 billion.反 解析:1. 里考 的是介 by 的用法。 by 表示方法、手段、方式,意 “凭、借、靠、用,通 ”,后接 的 -ing 形式;所以 C。2. 里考 的是 make 固定搭配的用法。 make an initial publicoffering ,意 “首次公开募股”,所以 B。3. 里考 的是通 上下文判断句意的能力。 share 意 “股份,股票”;capital意 “ 本”; profit意 “利 ,利益”;从offer 判断,此 share ,所以 A

22、。4. 里考 的是通 上下文判断近 的能力。as much as和 as many as都修 名 ,意 “之多”, “多达”,“整整”, “多”;但是 as manyas 后接可数名 , as much as一般后接不可数名 ;尽管句中的dollars 可数名 的复数形式, 但由于 $20 billion dollars仍是一个不可数的概念, 故用 asmuch as ,所以 B。;.,.5. 里考 的是通 上下文判断 和 性的能力。 value 是名 ,意 “价 ”;valuate是 ,意 “ 做估价”; valuable是形容 ,意 “有价 的”;从 和 性的角度, C。一、 填空 (每

23、10 分,共 5 )题目 1不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目 干 Did you get your financial records into shape for your audit next month? _. Keeping a strict account of all our incoming and outgoing is not an easy task. 一 :A. It seems our records are always a little incompleteB. Its a piece of cakeC. Im still working on

24、ironing out a few problems反 你的回答不正确;.,.解析:本题考核“工作进度”的交际用语。选项A 表达“财务记录一直不太完整”,选项 B 表达“小菜一碟”,选项C 表达“仍在解决几个问题”。根据下句“严格记录出入账不是一件容易的事情”,确定前句应该是“还有个问题有待处理”,所以答案是C。正确答案是: Im still working on ironing out a few problems题目 2正确获得 10.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干 I thought that if I could get your support first, it migh

25、t make getting approval easier. _ .选择一项:A. We will need another four thousand dollars to cover the costB. Well, youve got my support on thisC. You only need a budget increase for the first order反馈你的回答正确;.,.解析:本题考核“请求支持”的交际用语。选项A 表达“还需四千美元才能够本”,选项 B 表达“我支持此事”,选项C 表达“只需对首批订单增加预算”。根据前句“我认为,如果能先得到您的支持,获

26、批会更为容易”,答语应该表达支持,所以答案是B。正确答案是: Well, youve got my support on this题目 3不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干It will _ about eight percent more than initially projected选择一项:A. spendB. payC. cost反馈你的回答不正确译文:这比最初预算多花8% 。解析:spend 通常是人作主语,句型为 sb. spends some money or time on/indoing sth.;pay 一般是人作主语,句型为 sb. pays so

27、me money for sth.;cost;.,.一般是物作主语,句型为sth. costs some money。根据题意和句子的主语,答案是 C。正确答案是: cost题目 4不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干Large organizations will find _ impossible to manage all these data ifmanual accounting were used.选择一项:A. whatB. thatC. it反馈你的回答不正确译文:对大公司而言,如果运用手工记账,处理所有这些数据难乎其难。解析:先行词 it 在句中作形式宾语

28、,真正的宾语是动词不定式to manage allthese data 。后面可接 it 作形式宾语的动词有consider ,think ,make ,believe ,feel ,imagine ,understand, take 等等,所以答案是C。;.,.正确答案是: it题目 5不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干The bottom half shows _ this money came from.选择一项:A. whereB. whatC. why反馈你的回答不正确译文:底部显示的是资金来源。解析:根据宾语从句this money came from的结构,

29、 from 后面需要接地点,所以答案是 A 。正确答案是: where标记题目;.,.信息文本二、阅读理解 / 翻译 / 完形填空(题型随机)(共50 分)题目 6部分正确获得 50.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干完形填空:选择正确答案,补全文章(每题10 分)。Alibaba Seeks to Raise Billions in IPOInvestors in the United States are preparing for the first public sale ofstock in the Chinese company Alibaba. The company se

30、lls goods回答A. inlinking buyers and sellers in the huge Chinese online market. Alibaba isexpected to回答A. sell;.,.its initial public offering, called an IPO, in September on the New YorkStock Exchange.The total value of the company, based in Hangzhou, has beenestimated at about $200 billion. Reports f

31、rom Bloomberg News sayAlibaba is offering investors a 12 percent回答B. capitalof the company. That would mean the company could raise回答B. as much as$20 billion dollars in the public stock sale.After the IPO, Alibaba could become one of the most回答B. valuatetechnology companies in the world. Apple, for

32、example, has a marketvalue of about $600 billion. Google is valued at about $390 billion andMicrosoft is worth about $370 billion.反馈;.,.解析:1. 里考 的是介 by 的用法。 by 表示方法、手段、方式,意 “凭、借、靠、用,通 ”,后接 的 -ing 形式;所以 C。2. 里考 的是 make 固定搭配的用法。 make an initial publicoffering ,意 “首次公开募股”,所以 B。3. 里考 的是通 上下文判断句意的能力。 sha

33、re 意 “股份,股票”;capital意 “ 本”; profit意 “利 ,利益”;从offer 判断,此 share ,所以 A 。4. 里考 的是通 上下文判断近 的能力。as much as和 as many as都修 名 ,意 “之多”, “多达”,“整整”, “多”;但是 as manyas 后接可数名 , as much as一般后接不可数名 ;尽管句中的dollars 可数名 的复数形式, 但由于 $20 billion dollars仍是一个不可数的概念, 故用 asmuch as ,所以 B。5. 里考 的是通 上下文判断 和 性的能力。 value 是名 ,意 “价 ”;valuate是 ,意 “ 做估价”; valuable是形容 ,意 “有价 的”;从 和 性的角度, C。Did you get the financial records _ shape for your audit nextmonth? 一 :A. into;.,.B. inC. from反 你的回答不正确 文:下个月 的 你都理清了 ?解析: get into shape,把条理化,理出 ,所以正确答案 是A 。正确答案是: into;.


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