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1、Unit 9Kick a ball、 Teaching aims and demands:1. 使学生学会简单的提问;2. 使学生能听懂指令并准确地做动作;3. 使学生学会字母 Yy 及所给单词的读音 ;4. 使学生能朗读第 7 部分所给的句子。、 Key points:句型: What s this?What colour is it?Is it small?I m kicking the ball. Now you do it.Who can kick the ball into the circle?词汇: different colours, ball, chair, desk, bo

2、x, etc、 Difficulty points:学会简单的提问,听懂指令并准确地做动作。、 Teaching aids:颜色纸、两个皮球、彩色乒乓球(自己用颜色染)、 Teaching procedure:The 1st periodStep 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Sing a song3. Free talkingStep 2 Lead inT: (手拿一个球 ) Now, everybody . Look here .What s this?S: It s a ball.T: Yes. Is it small?S: Yes, it is.T: What

3、 colour is it?S: It s orange.T: Very good. Look, I m drawing a circle on 边the说floor边画.个(圈 )I m kicking the ball into the circle教.(师轻轻将球踢进圈内) Now,who can do it?Step 3 Practices1. Game: Kick the ballT: Now, boys are against girls. Ok, all the boys stand up and stand in aline here. (手势 ) Who wants to b

4、e the first one? Good. Now, all thegirls stand up please. Please stand in a line here手.(势 ) Look, I mdrawing a line here. You kick the ball into the other circle做.(动作 ) D o you understand? Ifthe ball is in the circle, you get a point. Let see who get more points, boys or girls.2. Work in pairsThe 2n

5、d periodStep 1 Preparation1.Listen and do.2. Listen and sing a song Step 2 Learning1. T: (出示球 ) What colour is this ball?S: It s blue.2. Pass the ball and say3. Work in groups4. Have a matchStep 3 Practices1. Say it after the tape.2. Describe the ball3. Work in pairs4. Ask somebody to say it5. Colou

6、r the ballStep 4 Consolidation1. Listen and match2. Sing a song“ Kick the ball”The 3rd periodStep 1 Preparation1. Sing a song2. Listen and do Step 2 Learning1. T: (出示 Yy 字母卡片 ) WhatS:It s the letter Yy.2. Chant it s this?YYYYY Why is he flying a kite?Why this? Why that? I don t know why.YYYYY Why is

7、 he riding a bike?Why this? Why that? I don t know why.教师领读自由读小组读指名读3. Read the words about the letter Yy.4. Copy itCopy the letter Yy 4 times.Copy the words 2 times.The 4th periodStep 1. Preparation1. Sing a song“ Kick the ball”2. Review the new words and the sentences. Step 2. Listen and point1. L

8、ook at the book and say2. Review the words about the colours.3. Listen carefully and point1. Read by themselves2. Draw a big yellow ball and a small red ball Step 4. Sing it1. Listen and sing after the tape2. Sing together3. Ask somebody to sing a song Step 5. HomeworkDraw an animal tail which is different from what we ve learnt.(设计:黄华吴泳声涂开生 黄红 蒋霞 )


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